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11685189 No.11685189 [Reply] [Original]

Is it even possible to make it in academia without drugs?
My attention span is garbage and I'm under chronic sleepyness all day so I got on modafinil. I take a minimum of 200mg a day everyday. But it doesn't really help that much with concentration so I got strattera, which by itself is great for focusing and working memory but it also makes me crash after a few hours, but thats what the modafinil fixed so it was a great combo, until I run out of strattera. I also drink lots of coffee and smoke a lot of cigarettes, both of them help with staying awake and being able to focus.
Without all this crap I'm just useless, my brain is just a mush. I can barely retain enough info to connect the ideas in one single page, while when I'm on these substances I can go page after page, easily detecting the main ideas and connecting them at the same time. I also have insomnia and I take zopiclone for that, which gives me visual hallucinations sometimes and a little hang over the next morning, but I kill it with coffee and all the other stuff.
And I need all of this just to be at least a mediocre student.
Without them I'm more of a vegetable than an human.
Are any of you guys one of those people who only use weed to relax and even claim it helps them to focus when reading. I envy them so much.

>> No.11685210

>Is it even possible to make it in academia without drugs?
>My attention span is garbage and I'm under chronic sleepyness all day
Well just from reading this, any person with half a brain could obviously see you need to stop taking drugs

>> No.11685222

It was like that before I started taking drugs, thats why I started taking them. I will try to stop now that I'm in vacations but I just hate the feeling of being a vegetable. If I don't at least take coffee in the morning I'm dead.

>> No.11685241
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Meme illustration related

>> No.11685251

Do you have a good sleeping routine, the habit of eating appropriate foods and exercising? If no: fix that first. If yes, go see a doctor to check for deficiencies or illness.

>> No.11685282

This. Good diet, exercise, and sleep are the solution to most of life's problems.
I think you need a break though too OP. A week or so of sleeping in and doing nothing but some kind of physical activity like running or hiking can probably bring you back to a decent level. You sound very unhealthy.

>> No.11685286

P.S. eat some vegetables

>> No.11685293

Also avoid masturbation

>> No.11685311

>family dies in a car crash
>just eat some veggies and don't fap bro

>> No.11685320

Except the problem is clearly internal. Stop redirecting

>> No.11685337

Yeah I know. Finals just ended so I have a week to slow it down and at least get a haircut.
I'm just so curiuos about the mind of people who are just naturally sharp. Nietzsche was unhealthy in almost every way and he only stopped being sharp when he literally just went nuts, even thought he was borderline delusional for years before.
>inb4 analytic spergs
All of that used to be pretty much in check but as the semester passed everything went to shit.
Except for "bipolar disorder" (whatever it is that that means) I don't any other illness.

Can some healthy, functional e/lit/ists post their daily rutines and habits? No one ever teached me how to be that kind of person, or maybe I just didnt listen.

>> No.11685340

>get cancer
>just get a good rest and hike a bit

>> No.11685348

based relativist poster

>> No.11685380


>> No.11685395

imagine needing performance enhancing drugs just to READ lmao holy fuck

>> No.11685418

welcome to the 21st century, you can't ignore the effect smartphones, the internet and all the new shit that came along with it had on our brains.

>> No.11685432

well clearly I can, but I get your point that brainlets can’t

>> No.11685433

Probably more than a few of your favorite authors used some kind of stimulant for writing and reading

>> No.11685471

Getting good rest, exercise, and eating habits most definitely have reduced the chances of getting cancer.
Also by making this your example as a way of trying to make a good lifestyle seem silly, you acknowledge that the two scenarios are funamentally different

>> No.11685599

Is not like the pills make your literally more intelligent.
Regardless of if the engine of your car is top-tier or just normal, you need fuel to them to function. The pills are the fuel. Thats it.
Of course that would not be necessary living a good lifestyle in a proper evironment.

>> No.11686085

That's right, this board is anti-fap. Give your willy a rest and he'll thank you.

>> No.11686106

My no-fap method is jacking off to so much porn that at some point it just doesnt do anything to me. It doesnt work very well. In finals week I was just reading like a madman and taking masturbation breaks all the time. Didnt do anything else. It sucked and I could notice how masturbation slowed me down but I needed some sort of pleasure source. Even a hug by some nice girl would have worked better but I don't have anyone.

>> No.11686115

Stop justifying your subhumanity. You'd have no issue with healthy habits.

>> No.11686132

I take risperidone at 9 pm and try to go to sleep. If I cant, I take ativan as an extra helper. I wake up and try to read 1 hour and 30 minutes and then take a break for like 20-30 minutes. I shitpost or I go on a 1 hour walk outside. I come back and read for another 1 hour 30 minutes. Thus, I get 3 hours of reading in each day, exclusively philosophical reading. I have a russian diet. I have bipolar 1 disorder so I think the hypomania helps with energy and focus. I'm going to talk to my doctor about taking CBD for even more focus and relaxation. I tried CBD for the first time 1 week ago with some friends and noticed that it really helped with focus and relaxing. Felt like I could read a book for hours on end.

>> No.11686143

I tried a bunch of anti-psychotics but they all made me feel like shit and I was too paranoid about them having insane longterm side effects and shrinking my brain to keep taking. Probably a retarded move.
I'm only on lamotrigine right now (400mg), for the bipolar thing. I really want to send everything to hell and stop taking that crap but I know it would only be worse.

>> No.11686179

I think 2mg of risperidone is a good balance for me atm. I have some creativity left over without having the psychosis distract me while I'm reading. Your brain also needs time to relax. I think 3 hours of reading is a good balance. My doctor might put me on more risperidone so I don't if that will affect me or not. I had the same problem with abtipsychotics for awhile. They made me sleepy, dull, and emotionless adnd caused my thoughts to decelerate. Concepts became harder to dossect and reading became boring and a chore. I always forced myself to read and felt like I'm wasting time if I'm not reading so I never had problems with reading. I had bouts of reading too much and then not reading enough after the crash. Again, I think 3 hours is the best for me. If I read more than that I start retaining less and read slower. You have to give up all those drugs and just start to focus on reading without them. Hypomania should help you with the energy and focus.

>> No.11687033

Hypomania helps, but only when compared to a vegetative state. Makes it hard to focus and I usually get delusional, beliving I'm understanding more than I actually am.

>> No.11687044

I feel bad for you faggots that are enslaved to big pharma. I really do. You're like a caricature of a human, and it's sad you've been reduced to a vessel for the propagation of billion-dollar poison industry.

>> No.11687076

Woah so woke

>> No.11687107

Anybody would seem woke next to a tranquilized zombie

>> No.11687120

Concentration pills are the complete opposite of sedatives you dip

>> No.11687774


>not constantly being wired anyway

It's a fucking curse and i waste so much time

>> No.11688022

Stop bitching then, or enjoy the ocassional slackness

>> No.11688272

>addicted to multiple stimulants, some of them quite costly
>probably don't eat right
>probably don't sleep enough
>probably don't get any exercise
>wtf bros why is my brain all fucked up
I... I don't know. What a mystery.

>> No.11688293

I can't help but notice your post is not a denial... why not?

>> No.11688309

OP, drugpill me on modafinil. I'm sleepy all day and can't wake up without a cup of kofe.
I do zopiclone recreationally but that's not relevant to my lack of energy.

>> No.11688390

>I take tranquilizers for fun but trust me bro it hasn't affected my energy levels

>> No.11688404
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i dont know man ive been taking adderall since i was 6 and it and coffee have lost their omph, so i bought a juul and it seems tobe working. The amphetamine works if i take my prescribed dose but it is insufferable, and makes me an insufferable person. also im not an academic apart from my hobbies

>> No.11688507

>bad things happen sometimes
>may as well roll over and die lol

>> No.11688616
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protip: use weed, it's literally a shortcut to rewire and shape your brain ridiculously fast.

more important protip: force your mind while high, don't do mindless shit like watching movies or browsing the internet while high. You can try to read but I suggets to close you eyes and feel your body first. This is to shape your focus tho.

>> No.11688628

OP here
>I do zopiclone recreationally but that's not relevant to my lack of energy.
You are a fucking retard. Zopiclone does affect your levels of energy. I'm trying to get off that crap because of that. I have been taking it for months and I noticed the difference after a few times of doing it.
About modafinil, it doesnt really do that much aside from preventing me to just colapse because of too much sleepyness. It doesnt have a kick like coffee has.
Zopiclone is not a "tranquilizer"

>> No.11688933


>> No.11688947

N-no talkie anon. There's still a drop left in my cuppy.

>> No.11689020

>Zopiclone is not a "tranquilizer"
As zopiclone is sedating, it is marketed as a sleeping pill. It works by causing a depression or tranquilization of the central nervous system.