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/lit/ - Literature

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11683546 No.11683546[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>This board has a multitude of people who are educated and teach across the nation
>Jordan Peterson, unironically, makes it to the front of this board everyday
>Nazi apologists and "lovers" come here consistently
>Rarely is minority or female-written literature (outside of Rand) ever talked about
>When that literature is talked about, the phrases "nigger" and "women can't write" are posted every time, no exception

I'm sorry for future literature graduates. Apparently, it's easier to empathize with literal Nazis than with blacks or women.

You're all, also, memes

>> No.11683576

shit bait mate. women can't write for shit and everyone knows it

>> No.11683591


>> No.11683593

>, it's easier to empathize with literal Nazis than with blacks or women
the average IQ of the nazi elite, which are the people we can read about, is astronomically higher than that of blacks, and much higher than that of women of any race

they also contributed to one the central events of history, making them extremely interesting, whereas blacks have only ever been the passive actor in a historical exchange, and women's role in history is confused by imperfect understandings of female agency, but they generally are not the primary agents

so it is not about empathy, im sure all the people here consume pop culture created by blacks and women, but they haven't contributed much to the areas that literature is related to, so they have a small impact on the general board culture, which, being mostly uncensored, tends towards the things that interest people who are drawn to uncensored communities, inn general the most evocative or provocative items in a recognized canon, or things which simply affect out of the blue by their inherent merit

>> No.11683616

>No sources for IQ claims
>No sources to back up the idea that "blacks contributed nothing."

I have some which may disprove you, however:

Blacks fought in WWII, and were some of the prime movers in the war

Black literature has had a significant impact on the development of American literature:

Women tend to be better writers:

Sub-Saharan African civilizations listed here:

Intelligence is, partially, malleable:

Go back to /pol/

>> No.11683617

This board's population includes a fair number of midwits, and they love Peterson. Peterson is their patron saint.

>> No.11683620
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"Apparently, it's easier to empathize with people who look like you and share your genetic interests."

Well, yeah...

>> No.11683622

Literature is about empathy, and you can't even muster the capacity to give a shit about anyone who doesn't happen to have you skin-color. You're a fuck.

>> No.11683625

You're a meme

>> No.11683635
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Lol, another retarded believer in Hitler's pseudoscience. What a fag

>> No.11683641

Honey, just stop. You paid for a degree, wow. It shows.

>some of the prime movers in the war
Completely ridiculous.

>development of American literature
Just as wrong.

>Women tend to be better writers
Wrong. Eliot, Dickinson, Stein, Woolf. That's the whole list.

>Sub-Saharan African civilizations
Speaks for itself. Did you read the page?

>Intelligence is, partially, malleable

If you're going to post, do the right thing and close the window instead.

>> No.11683646

>Women tend to be better writers
I can't even begin to understand how you'd measure that for a study. There is also the fact, of course, that men are more likely to be extremely stupid or extremely smart.
The most important thing is to read things that interest you, and the vast majority of books have been written by men. Not reading as many books written by women is practically unavoidable.

>> No.11683657

any empathy aside from empathy to faces you recognize irl is fake, gay, and twisted by ideology. Obviously there should be general rules of behaviour, and directly harming someone should elicit remorse but pretending that your some sort of Jesus who feels more than the average guy for everyone across the world is fake as hell.

>> No.11683659

>Literature is about empathy
*SNAP* desu

>> No.11683661

You have no sources. I win this debate. And the article mentioned multiple Sub-Saharan civilizations. WTF? Did you read it?

>> No.11683664

I brought sources. You didn't. I win. And, you proved my point.

>> No.11683665

Why is Jordan not a banned topic on here? There not /lit/ about his shit.

>> No.11683667

To an extent I agree with you that empathy is an important aspect of one's experience with literature (some literature, at least), but sweeping statements about what literature is "about" are hardly worth anybody's time.

>> No.11683676

Afraid to look into it yourself? Or too lazy? You're programmed to dismiss, so what does it matter?

This isn't a debate, you're just yapping because you feel feelings about things of which you have proven you have no understanding.

Typical female.

>> No.11683679

I agree. I was being disingenuous for the sake of argumentation. I still would like you to concur; however, that it is suspect that more Nazi-related material gets recommended and posted than any literature from a "historically oppressed" group.

>> No.11683682

your sources aren't even sources though, just links to wikipedia. Is this 3rd grade? If you were in academia you'd be kicked out immediately, and if I was your PI, be called a nigger

>> No.11683684

Just bring sources to the table to back up your generalizations. That's all I'm asking for. Your IQ is sub 110, aparently.

>> No.11683687

>huffington post


>> No.11683688

You have nothing to back you.

>> No.11683691

>were some of the prime movers in the war
I'm not gonna dig up sources because I still can't even tell if you're being sarcastic here

>> No.11683696

there's usually a dostoevsky/nabokov thread on the front page 24/7 and russians are historically oppressed :^)

>> No.11683698

Why is there more celebration of Russian literature (mostly written by white guys) than black-Americans or women? There is actually more English literature from those groups than Russians, obviously.

>> No.11683701

People on this board would be destroyed in debate with intellectual heavyweights like Jordan Peterson or Joe Rogan. I'd fucking love to see their mumbling asses trying to take them on one on one.

>> No.11683706

because the collective consciousness of black authors has less appeal to this demographic than the collective consciousness of Russian authors. Why does this concern you? Either you deny that different cultures have different world views, or you suggest that people don't have the right to their own preferences.

>> No.11683708

OP, by creating this thread, you have unknowingly made yet another contribution to /lit/'s infinite downward spiral. There is no literature in this thread, just the same bickering we have every day.

>> No.11683712

>intellectual heavyweights
>Joe Rogan

You're on a literature-based board, and the best "intellectual heavyweights" you can come up with are those guys? Are you retarded?

>> No.11683713

Wow Ethan great moves keep it up I'm proud of you

>> No.11683714

Men have historically written more books and most of the people on here are from the "West," so it's pretty easy to why people read what they do. I'm going to hazard a guess that most of the cocks you've sucked in your life have belonged to men, too, in all likelihood.

>> No.11683717

I relate more to black-Americans (like most Americans) than to Russian writers from the early 20th/late 19th century. This board doesn't like going for people who may be closer than they think.

>> No.11683720

that's because you're a nigger, in my professional opinion.

>> No.11683722

Lol. You can't, even, empathize with a fucking black person. What is wrong with you?

>> No.11683724

>dumb roastie spergs out when facing the reality that her token groups are completly irrelevant
Like clockwerk

>> No.11683729

I'm a white male. I relate more to Black-Americans who have been writing to this day than to Russian men from the late 1800s. Why not look into some less-jerked off writers and discover the grand history of African and African-American literature?

>> No.11683733

Ad hominem.

>> No.11683736

what's wrong with you? You're not empathizing with blacks through writing, you're empathizing with black house slaves indocrinated into western culture. I empathize with authentic black people (real niggas so to speak) in the street when I run into them. You could never do the same since you're pansy ass doesn't stray more than a block from the nearest starbucks. Writing isn't a natural medium for black people and only your white saviour presumptions assume that it has to be. They communicate through a superior sense of emotional "flow" in face to face interactions, it's their natural way of being and I respect it even if I realize that it isn't the way of my own people.

>> No.11683738

There a literature professors here (maybe LARPers) who rant about how minorities lower the standard of education and like Nazis more than, actual, literature. You people are insane.

>> No.11683741

that's all you deserve t b q h

>> No.11683742

Good for you, plenty of people find things in the Russians that speaks to them as well. Nevermind the fact that some of the most fascinating literature in history comes from places whose cultures are now completely alien to us (the Upanishads or anything like that). If anything black American writers are commonplace and close to home enough that you don't stand to be too challenged or surprised by their literature, in comparison.

>> No.11683743

Stop falling for obvious bait, retard. Brainlets like you are why we're subject to 10 Peterson threads a day. Non of them are sincere, just shit bait that people fall for every time

>> No.11683744

Source on these "predispositions?" Oh wait, you don't have one other than your own extremely relative experience.

>> No.11683748

because I would rather discover the grand history of Russian literature. It simply interests me far more. Does that annoy you?

>> No.11683755

My own experience is all I need. Only nihilist objectivists like yourself devalue your own knowledge of reality

>> No.11683757

Grand garbage. Uga uga uga, genius.

>> No.11683761

Why does black literature or women-based literature not fascinate more people here, though? I would, rather, hear from the oppressed within a group than the middle-class intelligentsia.

>> No.11683766

>Apparently, it's easier to empathize with literal Nazis than with blacks or women.

>> No.11683768


>> No.11683777

peterson unironically


plus whats with this beckys comma situation

>> No.11683783

Which one of the two groups sounds like they'd be more intelligent? Is it any surprise that some pleb wouldn't have been able to write the Critique of Pure Reason?

>> No.11683784

I find it more interesting to read literature from perspectives (normally American) that differ substantially from my own. Immigrant experiences, Jewish-American, black-American, and female-centered literature. The traditional "canon" is boring. why not diversify and go for literature that is less on the beaten path?

>> No.11683787

But, you guys like Nazis more than African literature. Why and how would you guys empathize with these people more than those groups?

>> No.11683788

I feel bad for having responded to this obvious bait in the first place. You won you goddamn trickster

>> No.11683796

You're boring if the only thing you read is "muh Western canon."

>> No.11683801

I like to think of it as giving OP a chance to practice his shitposting skills (I still feel bad though, sorry /lit/)

>> No.11683802

If you were a literature grad, maybe you would find a niche that hasn't, already, been filled by hundreds of others, but that might be too hard.

>> No.11683811

these commas

>> No.11683815

How is this shitposting. These complaints are legitimate. Why are there Nazi and Peterson threads,here, on this board every. single. day. It never changes, and there are, apparently, some actually literature students here, so why don't they take tear this shit down?

>> No.11683816

The category of literature you speak of IS canon. The Canon with a capital C is now beaten path.

>> No.11683817

I would say it more boring to read the same tired story about how being a black person in life sucks. I do not need to read novels aboat black people to know they got raw deal.

>> No.11683819

If you're gonna go for the "but everybody reads that, you should be more unique!!" angle you shouldn't be pushing for things that everybody reads these days but have some actually unusual recommendations

>> No.11683822

Those commas were correct in placement.

>> No.11683824

Why tear it down? What is the problem?

>> No.11683826
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>> No.11683827

Why not, though? They have, and the oppression narrative is something that we can all relate to and empathize with at some points in our lives.

>> No.11683833

There are Peterson threads here everyday because retards keep responding to them.

>> No.11683834


>> No.11683836

Everybody knows Peterson is a nonentity (don't pretend otherwise)

>> No.11683837

It's better than the no sources he gave.

>> No.11683840

There is always the slight chance that some normie neolib undergrad stumbled across this site by some circumstance. I guess it's worth the risk. I wonder what he'd think if I said I distrust hebrews

>> No.11683841

Sources arent arguments, stupid.

>> No.11683847

They're better than no sources. He had none, and he could barely spell. I won.

>> No.11683854
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If you think the nazis weren’t uncovering something sinister about Jews then you’re borderline retarded.

>> No.11683860

Name one opinion you have that is not shared by the rest of 4chan. Name one.

>> No.11683863


>> No.11683866

4chan isn’t some big homogenous mass dumbass.

>> No.11683868

They're definitely a pernicious bunch. Hitler shouldn't have, however, went Full-Hitler, so-to-speak.

>> No.11683876

I actually think black people are cool. They're niggers for sure but I truly admire their conversational flow and self confidence.

>> No.11683878

Name one, come on. They're routinely conservative, hate Jewish people and blacks, they're sexist and the have no empathy for anyone who doesn't fall in line with :"traditional masculinity." They are, often also, virgins.

>> No.11683881

It's called: idea clustering.

>> No.11683890
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>Joe Rogan
>intellectual heavyweight

>> No.11683891

>routinely conservative
bullshit. I'm essentially a communist economically. I just also happen to distrust non-whites.

>> No.11683897
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>> No.11683898
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>> No.11683899

>poll on the huffo article says nothing about the genders of the 3000 people polled
>"ahhh yes, let's just ask 2500 women and 500 men what they think!"

there's nothing about the methodology at all. way too brainlet for me.

>> No.11683901

>They are, often also, virgins.

That would be unlikely

>> No.11683906

non-whites are the lumpen.

>> No.11683907

Dude fuck off. LARPing as a stupid female doesn't help anyone.

>> No.11683908
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>> No.11683922
File: 838 KB, 1077x1077, 2D916F18-51DB-4D17-9B55-4DE63A6B6FF4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are posting on the most communist/socialist board on this site. Most writers that get praised on this board are Jews. /fa/ is full of non-sexist white knights from r*ddit. Most /b/ fags are from r*ddit and are non virgins too. Please go back to whatever ideological hole you crawled out from. You are a plague to this board and this website. Also, to use your own tactics, why don’t you think it’s funny that ~3% of the population hold over 30% of the top positions in the country?

>> No.11683928

I don't understand why you felt the need to waste your time refuting the person making outlandish claims about the "Nazi elite," and I'm even more lost as to why you're relishing this perceived victory as much as you are.

Do you really think that at the most simple level arguments are won or lost based on sheer number of resources, including resources known to be widely biased?

>> No.11683940

How is Wikipedia biased?

>> No.11683980
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>How is Wikipedia biased?

>> No.11683983

Primarily through the lack of peer review between persons of differing political and philosophical schools of thought, as there is no peer review. But, Wikipedia specifically is more known for being inaccurate as opposed to biased.
I was hoping we could have an interesting discussion about your thoughts on winning or losing an argument in the abstract -as opposed to a literal example from the argument you just had- as that is something I haven't spent much time thinking about, and am now interested. What are the determining factors in deciding the winner of an argument? Why do you hold number of sources so highly in this decision?

>> No.11683994
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how do we stop the w*man scourge

>> No.11684013

Why make this thread instead of making one about a woman or minority writer you enjoy in an attempt to spread love for that writer?
Speaking about this topic in the abstract only gets people riled up; perhaps if you saw those writers as being more than just women or minorities they would hold up in individual discussion.

>> No.11684030

Ahh yes. The classic "the ones pointing out racism are the real racists." What a non-flawed argument.

Boards deserve criticism in order to spice-up and develop conversation less circlejerk begins to erode the platform.

>> No.11684034
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>> No.11684046

I didn't say you were racist and I still don't belive you are.
I don't disagree with boards deserving criticism, I just feel as if this thread was created to start an argument with your political rivals. There is no way you started this thread with hopes that after its creation even one person who previously didn't read women and minority writers would spring up and start reading them.

>> No.11684047

racism is just true
i know i sucks but do you really want to live life just being deluded

>> No.11684049

Be the change you want to see

>> No.11684053

It's not even that bad though, once I stopped trying to pretend that other races were the same I was able to appreciate them more for who they are

>> No.11684071

>Ahh yes. The classic "the ones pointing out racism are the real racists." What a non-flawed argument.

this reads like you heard someone say "What a flawed non-argument," one time and you said to yourself "Woah... that's a really cool zinger to say. I'm gonna use that one day!"

so you used it along with another buzzphrase you learned in your Huffpo articles even though it makes no sense how you derived it from what he said you fucking schizo.

take your meds

>> No.11684079


Hey son, check this out.

>> No.11684088

>thinking we like rand

>> No.11684089

>intellectual heavyweights like Jordan Peterson or Joe Rogan

>> No.11684099

you should list that source on nazi elite iq, or else that argument is invalid

>> No.11684104

i'm not sure you mean that, unless you actually don't feel empathy for strangers/animals

>> No.11684110

Empathy is a shallow buzzword used to shame people into feeling in accordance to the political beliefs of those with power.

>> No.11684114

M80, for the last year or so this board has been steadily crawled by poltards that flood up our shit with the same tired traditionalist/fascist bait day in/out. Have you been out of the loop? You can’t fucking mention a jewish author in here anymore without major fucking sperg out.

>> No.11684118

boohoo it's not 95% commie anymore get over it

>> No.11684119
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Just wait until summer ends, OP

>> No.11684127

The ratio of women to men in tolerable-to-transcendent literature is 1/99 if we're being generous, this isn't even in question. The last time I thought I was reading a good book by a woman it turned out the author was a man name Carroll

>> No.11684128

Catch-22 is spammed daily, Heller was a Juden. Besides most /pol/tards stay in the Jordan Peterson threads. I’ve never seen one of their kind in a Hegel or Jung thread

>> No.11684146
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>Literature is about empathy
>not reading in order to embiggen your capacity for hatred of ugliness and evil

>> No.11684160

I don't know where you were in 2006, 2007, or the 10 other years leading up to 2018, but it definitely wasn't on the internet.
4chan is counterculture you ignorant intersectionalist. Please refrain from killing actual /literature/ threads in the future by sharing these abhorrent rants.

>> No.11684167

You lads are clinically retarded

>> No.11684168

>make a thread about literature that has some political content
>gets deleted immediately

>literal shit thread/bait with no honest relation to literature
>200 replies and up for hours

mods are a joke

>> No.11684173

True, but so are you for still being here

>> No.11684176

OP this is 4chan's literature board. In the words of moot, FOUR CHAN. Brace for faggotry.

>> No.11684180

>literature that has some political content
Lol what literature?

>> No.11684187


>> No.11684191

The state of moderation on all boards is absolutely abysmal right now. Outside of /pol/ all mods heavily police /pol/-scented threads even when they are tangentially related to the board, while ignoring shitposts. I'd tend to think that people who would be willing to moderate this sight tend toward being nitpicking queers but sometimes the failure of mods is apparent enough that I'm suspicious of willful subversion of the major discussion boards

>> No.11684193

Culture of Critique

>> No.11684196

Not the guy you were quoting, but are you fucking retarded? How is a Huffingtonpost article or any Wiki-link good enough as a source?

>> No.11684211

>Apparently, it's easier to empathize with literal Nazis than with blacks or women.
Well, there you have it. It is indeed easier.

>> No.11684216
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Not very surprised desu, it is a book /pol/fags used to bait and evangelicalize

>> No.11684224
File: 114 KB, 960x960, totally grassroots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jordan "You Couldn't Be More of a Status Quo Neocon if You Tried" Peterson
>literally takes money and bucks to every Straussian Jew he runs ascross
>Never misses out on a chance to shit on European Identitarians

If there was ever an argument for the word "Nazi" losing any and all remaining shreds of actual meaning, it's this.

>> No.11684236

In contemporary political discourse, fascism is just the other which violence can justifiably be used against.

>> No.11684271

can the mods please change Jordan Peterson to Joseph Campbell ? of all his crypto brainlet shit, the fact he is a total rip off is the most annoying

>> No.11684300

>George Eliot


>> No.11684315
File: 164 KB, 950x1224, 0LyDoZk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There aren't any original thinkers today. If an upstart free thinker pokes his head up out of the internet deluge he is immediately hammered back down, invariably, by the self-effacing, meaning-phobic death cult of modernity and popular opinion. Not to mention actual cognitive devolution and general internet addlepation amid which the modern mind is absolutely incapable of scaling the heights of intellectual pursuit of previous generations. We have long since left the age of free thought and have only to stand flealike on the gargantuan shoulders of the great minds of the past

>> No.11684330

meme meme meme MEEEEMEEEEE XDDDDD Memey, I love memes XDDD

>> No.11684334
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>> No.11684344

>>Nazi apologists
Anon, would you care to provide evidence of this so called National Socialist party in America ? Can you show me evidence there is a legitimate political party that is a re-incarnation of the 1930-40s Nazist party of Germany
If not you should probably shut up and eat nigger cum faggot

>> No.11684352


Literally Rockwell's American Nazi Party. They're not "legitimate" by any metric, including other Neo-Nazis, but they do exist do you might want to rethink your strawman next time.

When people like OP say "Nazi" they don't mean actual Neo-Nazis, it's just any white person that doesn't immediately start shucking and jiving about "wokeness" or whatever

>> No.11684361
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>> No.11684374
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>> No.11684449


>muh natzee's r ignorant and uneducated
>muh nonwhites and women can write
>muh jordan peterson is somehow not worthy of being discussed


>> No.11684532


>> No.11684537

its shit thats why, no nigger or women wrote something even remotely as grand as dosto or tolstoy

>> No.11684567
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>implying that all of these factors make women better writers.
>using one study about regular people by Grammarly is proof that women are better writers

Try again, sweetie

>> No.11684594
File: 23 KB, 485x303, Descartes on Trolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 troll. Unbelievably well-written.

>> No.11684604


>> No.11684611

>huffington p-

>> No.11684619


>> No.11684622

I don't like niggers, arabs, angloniggers, roasties. But I'm not a Nazi.

>> No.11684633

It's almost like anyone who wants can post here