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11682886 No.11682886 [Reply] [Original]

I'm writing a break up letter. I'm having problems with a sentence:

I still mean what said I said that one night in June--i'm still really glad I decided to text you back.

Does this sentence make sense?

>> No.11682895



I still mean what I said that one night in June--I'm still really glad I decided to text you back.

>> No.11682942

maybe say,
>i still stand by what i said
instead of "mean." i think you're being a bit autistic though, and no matter what she'll get the point, probably.

>> No.11682949

Everyone date Libras the image.

OP is a Libra trying to shill his zodiac sign for mad pussy

>> No.11682953

also, you should post the entire letter because i'm curious

>> No.11683025

>tfw virgo

>> No.11683035
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I guess whatever this was is officially over, huh? Well, I have just a couple of things to say, and then I swear i'll leave you alone.
First, I want you to know that I think the last two months have been really pretty wonderful and, as far as I'm concerned, we're cool. I forgive you for hurting my feelings. Hopefully, you can forgive me for being such an asshole the last time we spoke. I'm sorry.
Second, i still mean what I said on that one night in June--i'm still really glad that I decided to text you back.

Much love and good luck,

I'm taping it to a book i'm going to return by leaving it on the stoop of his house (wrapped up so no weather hurts the book).

>> No.11683047
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wait, you're a hole? fuck off

>> No.11683057
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>Writing a letter
>Not saying it to her face

>> No.11683070

Listen, I don't mean this to sound insensitive, but this is a LOT more work than a two-month relationship deserves.

>> No.11683073


Don't men like a woman who writes letters?

>> No.11683081

men like a woman with big tits. i bet you're flat as a board, bitch

>> No.11683090


He ghosted me. I want to have the last word.

Its more for me than him,I think. I like closure and I feel like giving him this letter will help me feel like I'm officially ending things so I can move on. He himself wasn't significant, but the timing of the fling in my life and personal development is significant. The situation more than the person warrants some sort of pomp and circumstance to me.

See, I can be just as pampus as yall.

>> No.11683092
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You've got a lot of stuff to work through, huh? We're all here for you if you need to get something off your chest.

>> No.11683095

Not to break up with them. Fucking amateur

>> No.11683105

Make a copy of the letter and tuck it away in a shoebox. You'll forget about it until you move someday, and then you'll stumble across it and have a completely unexpected emotion, a very Diamonds and Rust moment. It's a worthwhile feeling to have.

>> No.11683114


Already done and filed, boss. This bitch is going in my memoirs.

>> No.11683116

>We're all here for you if you need to get something off your chest.
yeah, you're an expert in getting things ff your chest you flat bitch

>> No.11683124

"I stand by what I said that one night in June-- I'm still glad I decided to text you back.
The days I spent with you have been truly wonderful, and I cherish the good times we shared. That being said, we've grown apart since then. Frankly, your desire to control me has exceeded your body odor in sheer repulsiveness. I don't understand how you could claim to respect me, then hog-tie and fuck my ass an hour later. I didn't consent to a single one of your aggressive advances, and you would stuff my mouth with your panties before I could say "no". Night after night, I was subjugated and demeaned so that you could feel better about your father's advances towards you.
It has been a wild and surreal experience, but I can't see you anymore."

>> No.11683128

Shh, baby, I'm not OP. Who hurt you? Was it Amy? Was it Jess?

What made you the angry person that you are?

>> No.11683139
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>white knighting
>Who hurt you?

>> No.11683143
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>> No.11683148
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>He's not as mad at his mother as I am, must be a ledditor

>> No.11683152

tfw virgo

>> No.11683170

yes, keep trying to analyze me, maybe op will date you if you can crack me open, doc

>> No.11683176
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Every word you say is further exposing you as a plebeian and underage.

>> No.11683188
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Have you considered that letting go of your hurt will make you far more attractive to the women who are rejecting the person that you are now?

>> No.11683189

>not wanting a titcow gf
low t

>> No.11683198

Do you always deflect when people see through your facade?

>> No.11683212
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>see through your facade?
you're blinded by your will to white knight. i have no facade, you're seeing what you want to see because you're a cuck by your nature. i just wanted op to get self conscious about her tits so maybe she would post them. its called shitposting you faggot

>> No.11683216

Everyone has different preferences.

Besides it’s the personality that really matters

>> No.11683239
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>Jokes on you I was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.11684605

OTOH OP does pair Air (Libra) with Fire, which is classically sensible. Pairing Earth with Fire (Cap/Sag) is just plain wrong, however.

>> No.11684612

Virgo pairs well with Pisces/Scorpio.

>> No.11684643


Haha women are so fucking stupid, damn.

>> No.11684647

welcome to dumpsville, baby
population: you

>> No.11684655


I think this fully reconciles the subtleties of gender and their inherit need for closure after receiving love.

>> No.11684666

>Believes in astrology
>Doesn't believe in Jesus Christ

Wow. Are the struggles of everyday life difficult being a drooling invalid retard?

>> No.11685171

Ah. Those final digits. Get thee behind me, anon. I did my undergrad history thesis on what would today be considered 'junk science' which is why I know a bit about it, alchemy, amulets, etc. That's as far as my interest extends.
Judge not. I just returned from the the 9 o'clock..

>> No.11685277

Aries are getting cucked by Leos

>> No.11685437

OP here. I am a virgo and the guy was a Capricorn. Huge dick and a lot of money but wildly inconsiderate.

>> No.11685505

>I'm writing a break up letter.

WHY. Just fucking move on with your life. Pro-tip: everyone who does this is perceived as a Beta (males) or an unhinged weirdos (females). Have some dignity and don't fucking do this.

>> No.11685517

They aren’t mutually exclusive, Satan.

For a Muslim, we believe everything, the stars, the moon, the sun, they are all signs from God

>> No.11685520

Forget him. He didnt respect you enough to be decent so don't give him that power over you. Cut the cord.

>> No.11685645


I slept on it and i think you're right. Still want to give the book back, but the letter is probably a little much. I'm going to date it and keep it for personal reference.

>> No.11685675

I’m a Virgo :(

>> No.11685930

The workhorse of the Zodiac- prone to mid-life crises, hot with Pisces. --Get through that mlc ca. age 38 and youll be a.o.k.

>> No.11685942

Too much alike, anon. Earth/Earth can be comfy but get yourself a water sign.

>> No.11685952

The reverse, usually. Leo tends to think too much (when not telling lies, pathologically); not so Aries, who keeps on the go.

>> No.11686183

Image creator confirmed for Libra with a shit vacuum

>> No.11686202

If I was a guy I would thank god I dodged this fucking bullet but by all means act like a character in a movie made for teenagers.

>> No.11686209


Yeah,and it was after I went to his house to yell at him for twenty minutes because he didn't text me enough. I'm fucking nuts, man. That's kind of why I want to apologize. I at least want to be on good terms with him. The last two months were really nice, before I lost my shit

This is why virgos are forever alone.

>> No.11686235

>yell at him for twenty minutes because he didn't text me enough.

I say this completely sincerly, listen to me,
this isn't just "fucking nuts" like, wow, remember that time I did that thing, "nuts". No, this is textbook borderline personality disorder shit, you have a disease, no, not the kind of "meme disease" where you can laugh about it on some website and forget about it the next day,
a "disease", not unlike "AIDS".
If you think a person not using their phone for the purpose of contacting you (more than once even) is something you think is owed to you, I'm not going to suggest you remove yourself from the gene-pool but please, listen to me, for your own sake.
Stop living through other people.
Sit in a room, silent for at least a month with no one to talk to you and go through the drudgery of what it truly means to own your responsibilities. I guarantee if you don't do this now, you'll end up hurting yourself like a slow burn by ignoring all the issues you have by deliberately distracting yourself ad infinitum. If you wanna become a "cool wine aunt", I don't care, just don't you fucking dare tell anyone no one didn't warn you, this shit is text-book "oversocialization" meets borderline personality.

>> No.11686275


Bah, he had it coming. He blew me off for something, didn't apologize, and then didnt contact me for a week, and then kind of lied about it.

>> No.11686285
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This is true. Enjoy being a laughing stock among this guys friends OP.

>Read another line dude
>Haha okay..okay
>"I still mean what said I said that one night in June--i'm still really glad I decided to text you back."
>BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA what a dumb bitch
>Hahah I know I know, but at least she gave up the ass
>Haha anal slut..you still fucking her sister?
>You fucking know it dude. I can barely keep her off my dick!

This is your inevitable fate OP.

>> No.11686335

What the fuck is this /soc/ tier thread

>> No.11686342


I have to say that,after reflecting, I realize what a horrible, cringy idea it is. But it's really killing me that there isnt anything I can say to him at this point that doesn't make me look clingy and insane. This is the first "fling" I've ever had and I feel some type if way about how it ended. I don't want to get back together with him, but I at least want to be on okay terms.

>> No.11686355

get btfo redditard

>> No.11686393
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>I don't want to get back together with him, but I at least want to be on okay terms.
Let's be honest. You just want casual sex in he future to still be on the table. While I think that makes you a degenerate whore, as a man myself, I can tell you that this was always the outcome this guy longed for in the first place.

This is what you do.
>Don't call/text/speak to him for two weeks (at all)
>Text him and say you wan to hangout (no long explanation texts)
>Get fucked hard
>Be grateful and don't try to make it emotional because it is not. For you OR him.
>Rinse, repeat. (Stop when he or you gets a steady bf/gf don't be a home wrecking whore)

>> No.11686412

I know you are heartbroken, but it’s for the best to leave these things be. Obsessing over these feelings will not help in overcoming them.

>> No.11686429


>Let's be honest. You just want casual sex in he future to still be on the table.


>While I think that makes you a degenerate whore

Don't care

>as a man myself, I can tell you that this was always the outcome this guy longed for in the first place.

But why would he bring up things like introducing me to his family (which he did) and actively introducong me to his friends with no prompting from me? It seemed like he wanted it to be more serious while I went into this expecting casual sex (I even told him right before we hooked up for the first time that I liked being single). I got all fucked up because I was willing to be more serious with him (like he seemed like he wanted), and then he started jerking me around--blowing me off and not texting me for days on end and shit. Why?

>> No.11686452


Because he already used you for what he needed you for. You have served your purpose. That's what guys do with loose women. If only he had known he could've had the milk without introducing the cow to his friends and family, he never would've made the effort in the first place.

You're such a basic bitch it hurts. I don't even know why you're on /lit/.

>> No.11686459

this guys fuchs
introducing the girl to the family is really boring

>> No.11686463

>He ghosted me. I want to have the last word.

read hegel brainlet

>> No.11686469

Observe how lonely 4channers, unable to tell women how they feel about them in real life, use the anonymity of the internet to vent their sexual and romantic frustrations.

>> No.11686484


Yea, sure thing sweetie. You can mumble that to yourself the next time I'm balls deep in your ass, holding your face down in the pillows.

>> No.11686502

he sent your nude pics to all his friends btw

>> No.11686533

This your bday, anon?
Capricorn man, former Virgo gf reporting.
Liked being single? Like it again.
Want answers? They won't be forthcoming.
Your best bet is to disappear from his life completely because clearly he expects frequent appearances. Do that and he'll probably call (you) within the month. When he does, question his intentions. Go from there.
(Your vanity's been hobbled. If youre going to get anywhere with this guy youre going to have to hobble his, somehow).

>> No.11686538

he also described all your sexual encounters multiple times to all of his friends, in a degrading/disrespectful way, and then they gave him high fives

not trying to make you feel bad sherrie, just mentioning this in case you don't know what men are actually like. you are a modern woman so i'm sure you're just like "hey wow i can have sex with whoever i want and i am a queen yasss so who even cares", but don't kid yourself.

anyway, let us know whether matt responds to the cutesy note

>> No.11686589


I realllyyyyyy hope this is actually OP and the guy.

>> No.11687142

Virgo-that explains a lot

>> No.11687634

is there any actual science behind horoscopes? i cant think of a plausible mechanism for when you're born in year having that big an effect, and it would vary in different climates right?

i ask because a number of people, i want to say like 10 people, have asked me if i was Scorpio, which i am, and nobody has ever guessed a different sign

>> No.11687722

Happy to hear that anon. Hope you find a man that treats you right.

>> No.11687737

What a fucking shitty thread.

>> No.11687744

>mfw I'm virgo.

>> No.11687808
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Why are women such irredeemable garbage /lit/?

>> No.11687813

I'm not gonna read this whole thread based off the fact you're a horoscope nutjob and are considering a "breakup letter"
completely pathetic, just tell her (or him because there is a high probability you're gay) that you don't want to be with them.

>> No.11687823

Get laid you fucking virgin.

>> No.11687842

theyre only garbage if you have meme tier expectations for them

>> No.11687850


I have, frequently and with supposedly highly educated and attractive women in their prime, and I've come to the logical conclusion that women are less than human garbage people.

>> No.11687856

>breakup letter
just talk to them irl what the hell

>> No.11687876

>less than human
they are not men, they are a different thing. once again your expectations are not aligned correctly with what women are, or you would not be angry at them for simply being what they are

>> No.11687880
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>don't be a materialistic whore
I've never met a single woman in my entire life that abides by this simple principle.

>> No.11687888

Why should there be a science, that is a reductive armature by which to draw simplistic conclusions? The answer is that there CANNOT be one, astronomy and psychology evolved out of astrology after all.
Ultimately what astrology is is a system of metaphors- business and money metaphors for Capricorn, metaphors of jurisprudence- justice and injustice- for Libra, tidal metaphors of up and down, of rise and fall, for Cancer, metaphors of horozontal movement, of back and forth, of speed and slowness, for Aries-- and these are your Cardinal signs.
Look closely next time reading newspaper horoscopes, not at the WHAT of the forecast, but of the HOW of the appeal being made (i.e. at the figures of speech- they are consistent). In fact it could be argued that the 'what' of astrology IS the 'how' with one eye on the heavens (a different set of laws), another on whomsoever's (or whatsoever's) natal chart for ultimate reference. These are the limitations of what is no science, but an art. 'Limitations' is meant in the same way that words limit poetry, pigments and surface limit painting, instruments, voice and now random noises (and whatever electronica) limit 'music'..
Of 'music' and those who argue for its being the 'purest' of arts: it is actually the least pure. No other art has been gaudied up with the fakery music has over the last 75 years.

>> No.11687891

so adjust your conception of women's nature accordingly, you dont get angry at a tiger for trying to eat you

I think you are a being a bit dramatic about their propensity for materialism and whoring about though. Lots of women dont care all that much about physical objects and wealth, as seen by the fact they will date de facto losers, eg. unemployed alcoholics, given that the guy has some other charm to him.

>> No.11687895
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>they are not men, they are a different thing
I see what you're trying to say, but here's the thing. Being a "good" person isn't divided along gender lines. Women just aren't "good" people. They're empty wicked venomous voids of humanity.

>> No.11687898

So what is the Scorpio metaphor thing?

and i am open to avenues of thought outside science, provided they are grounded in something i can understand, I just wanted to know if there was any science providing evidence, you never know.

>> No.11687902

/lit/ is kill

>> No.11687903

also tell me more about your ideas of limited art and the decline of music, i am intrigued

When i painted(the reason i was painting is a long story) i found that immense amounts of creativity came out of me when i had a limited selection of colours with which to try to express what i wanted.

>> No.11687919

That’s just not true at all

>> No.11687922
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>so adjust your conception of women's nature accordingly
If I treated women how they deserved to be treated, I'd start slaughtering them and hanging their meat in my walk-in freezer. I don't hate tigers for being tigers, but I do shoot them for the animals they are.

>> No.11687929

you want them to be like men, the word 'people' is ambiguous, but calling women not human is blatantly wrong. The sexes are the same species but still very different, i get that it's a weird idea, and it puzzles biologists to this day how and why evolution started having sexes, but if you don't have memey ideas about the plastic equality of all humans than this stuff shouldnt disturb you.

I quite honestly was immensely surprised when i became aware of all the women hating on the internet.

I assumed that as men we all knew women are like that, but we play along to be polite. Like of course they are not the same as us. It would never have even occurred to me growing up to expect a woman to act like a man, every single experience i had ever had with them pointed in the opposite direction.

How do you just ignore an entire lifetime of evidence?

>> No.11687937

that would not be very rational. You could do what the Muslims do and make women glorified slaves

Personally i find that idea sort of distasteful but well everybody has their own preferences

>> No.11687969
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A society that is no longer allowed to subjugate and control their women is doomed to ruin. Women are not as "human" as men because being "human" is a social construct several hundred thousand years in the making. Those that adhere to this construct are human, those that do not are just bipedal apes.

>> No.11687978

>A society that is no longer allowed to subjugate and control their women is doomed to ruin
this is probably true, but i cant find myself caring very much

all societies die eventually, if this is it for us, well then this is it. I already thought that way before linking the women thing to that thought process beacuse of reading Spengler and people like him

you make the best of what you have, you play the roles you can play. and well thats it

>> No.11687991

Also human is not a social construct, it is a biological reality. People is a social construct

>> No.11687994

I can maybe believe you’ve had sex, but I am certain you’ve never loved, and I cannot trust the moral assessments of someone who has never loved.

>> No.11688034
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Sorry tits, "love" was destroyed and remade in the image of capitalism at the end of the 19th century.

>> No.11688052

I concur with this gentleman

>> No.11688067
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>> No.11688619
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>> No.11688620

shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.11688635

personality only matters insofar as she has to be interesting and not a whore or a bitch, beyond that no. my personality and my friends’ personality is all that matters

>> No.11688647

dont use still twice, just go with "i meant"

>> No.11688765
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Im not much into astrology, but im a Gemini
OPs image says Geminis should date Libras and no one should date Geminis

This is an abstract kind of feel

>> No.11689888

Desire/repugnance; near/far. Though not one myself, surely (you) know that Scorpio's perhaps the most envied/feared sign in the Z.
If youre identified as being one its because youre willful, insistent (without alot of words), a little dark, more than a little driven- obsessed even, but in a very artful, almost gentle way- kind of scary.
Like all Water signs (Feeling signs- the Air signs are Thinking signs) youre 'spiritual' but neither so abstracted as Pisces, nor so subjectively so as Cancer. If Pisces is the Ocean depths, Cancer the Ocean surface (now rough, now calm) then Scorpio's like a river ever tending howsoever dry or swollen toward its intended destination, i.e. *sees itself as* such, whatever the day's 'purpose' always equaling 'the Ocean'.
Organized almost by nature (Virgo NEEDS to be organized, or Virgo is lost) Scorpio gets things done. THE sex sign of sex signs (all the feeling water signs are sex signs) Scorpio's 'weakness' is nevertheless jealousy and a need for vengeance if felt slighted. Whereas Pisces is perhaps the most forgiving sign (Jesus was a Pisces in despite of Christmas, 'the Fish', born March 1 traditionally) Scorpio is the least forgiving, i.e. can rankle for years when unaware of this predisposition.
What all this 'means' is that readings of YOUR forecasts will be couched in terms of desire/repugnance, nearness/remoteness, love/hate WHICH IS FAR MORE ATTRACTIVE SOUNDING than for instance Capricorn's success/failure, rich/poor, something/nothing scalar metaphors.

>> No.11689912

What poetry and painting have been through history both pretty much still are, if attenuated. Music is now something entirely other. To quote Mick Jagger 'it's the singer, not the song' and has been now for years and years.
Pop music has weirdly become more a kind of rhythmic criticism than 'poetry'-- Poet Laureate Bob Dylan's Blonde on Blonde being perhaps one of the most purely misogynistic albums of all time, for instance, where literally every song concerns some dolt female (Leopard-skin Pillbox Hat!)- which is funny, I guess.

>> No.11689922

>virgo : nobody

>> No.11689942

>Bob Dylan sings about 14 or so specifically doltish women
>Bob Dylan is a misogynist and therefore hates all women

If you honestly think like this, pull the plug.

>> No.11689979

No. I love Bob Dylan. But there are many scales, and clearly, he can be scaled down that way. If I have a point, it's this-- what writers and most other artists cannot 'get away with' in their media, pop musicians are (by contrast) given as if a free pass, and by whom?

>> No.11690000

>what writers and most other artists cannot 'get away with' in their media, pop musicians are (by contrast) given as if a free pass, and by whom?

First of all Bob Dylan isn't "getting away with anything", this is a naive point of view.
"Getting away" with something implied you have reaped something irretrievable, (ie. stolen from a charity benefit).
You see him fit to be scaled down that way because you inclinate yourself to believing he is evoking his stories in a way which you feel he is "taking" something from these women.
If I am witness to seeing a women clumsily steal a watch from her lover, am I the misogynist for seeing it and judging it as bad?
Pop musicians aren't "getting away" with talking in ebonics and rappers talking about bitches because they're not taking away anything from their audience, they are merely observing the state in which women now are subservient themselves towards this rap culture. A pop singer cannot in the same respect "get away" with Nazism as it is nowhere to be seen in mainstream culture.

>> No.11690028

lmao just like clockwork

>> No.11690047

I like this. A friend had a talk to me about astrology too a few months back and I got interested... since this is a literature board, any 'essential' readings?

>> No.11690081

well basically everything you said in this post is true for me

i literally wrote an email to myself last night identifying how i view everything in terms of universal love or extreme violence, which violence is what i do when i decide not to be 'remote' but to as you say not forgive the things

but i dont undrestand how the month you are born in could possibly impact you that way, like in a causal way, i dont get how it could work evolutionarily. Are you saying it is some transcendent thing that works above all that? What is the metaphysical belief system that accompanies this stuff?

this 'near-far' idea is not quite one id had. I had never understood myself in those terms, but i do kind of see the metaphor in it. i had a concept of localized and extended which is maybe similar, and very important to me

also man idk if youd really like being this way. The good is really good, but the bad is something else

>> No.11690099

women don't actually dislike mysoginistic men, see how they treat violent rappers singing about murder and rape. They dont care. See how women think about Chris Brown even after what happened in a very prominent fashion with him

The misogyny thing means something to them, i am really not sure what, but it isn't actually a real thing to them the way we think it is.

Feminists will sing along to Jay Z saying
'You know I thug em, fuck em, love em, leave em
Cause I don't fuckin' need em
Take em out the hood, keep em lookin' good
But I don't fuckin' feed em

with zero inhibition, but then get mad at a more timid guy for the slightest of infractions on the feminist mantra

>> No.11690389

Yeah, it's a 'tool,' used arbitrarily.
But I think youre probably right, my idea of its fair use does not even remotely approximate with how it's used most commonly, etc.

>> No.11690405

gravitational waves

>> No.11690414

nice quads dude

>> No.11690458

It's more of a social or 'artistic' thing- youre born and the people who know (you) AS a Scorpio think 'ooo, sexy Scorpio baby, mysterious and dark' and treat you in a way perhaps most of them wouldn't be able to articulate even if given the opportunity. This influences (you)- (you) LIKE being a Scorpio and the tenor of their thoughts makes hearing your horoscopes (couched in language amenable to this disposition) SEEM the most natural thing in the world, which it really does 'become.'
Consider pop music or rap as opposed to jazz or classical music. [We] grow up in a literal flood of this stuff and it influences almost everything from self-presentation to the way [we] think about women. But there are of course counter-actives like literature, or religion, or like other less generally known or pan-cultural forms of music which may or may not influence one too, given 'what' amount of exposure and the liking or the loathing of it.
The astrological 'influence' is far subtler, more 'out there,' but 'there,' still, most definitely.

>> No.11690524

I'd read Huysmann's La Bas, which is as fun a novel as youll ever read. Then I'd read something hard, honest and dry-- Jim Tester's History of Western Astrology, which will double as supplying (you) with the sources (you) may or may not want to pursue afterward. After that for the sake of comparison I'd read a general history of cosmology- maybe Edward Harrison's Masks of the Universe.

>> No.11690640

Yeah, quads dude. But I don't really disagree with anything youre saying anyway except maybe thinking me naive. Just because THAT scale of values is not my own, or even one I use on a regular basis, doesn't mean I'm not aware of that scale's use by others, or can't employ it arbitrarily to attempt (and perhaps fail) to make some point.
That 'music' has been reduced to the singular form of the 'song' and that lyrics are overwhelmingly critical these days (from Bob Dylan to Taylor Swift- indeed, it's what they have in common) cannot, I feel, be denied. That 'music' is something other than it has been historically, beefed up electronically, far less emphasis on whether or not a 'musician' can even sing or play his or her instrument(s) well, and greater emphasis on what can only be described as a generalized egotism cannot, I feel, be denied either GENERALLY SPEAKING. This makes 'music' today far less 'pure' than say poetry. Ultimately this is just an opinion, but I feel a strong one.
Don't for a minute conclude that I dislike contemporary music as a result- in fact I love it.

>> No.11690706

contemporary poetry is almost entirely identity politics, i dont even consider it art

>> No.11690835


>> No.11691301

Why virgos should date nobody?

>> No.11691353

What? Kill yourself
This is what happens when we allow women into literature

>> No.11691358

Dear lord, the absolute state of women

>> No.11691367

What the fuck? Sherrie? is this you? answer your phone

>> No.11691400

Those impostors then, whom they style Mathematicians, I consulted without scruple; because they seemed to use no sacrifice, nor to pray to any spirit for their divinations: which art, however, Christian and true piety consistently rejects and condemns. For, it is a good thing to confess unto Thee, and to say, Have mercy upon me, heal my soul, for I have sinned against Thee; and not to abuse Thy mercy for a licence to sin, but to remember the Lord's words, Behold, thou art made whole, sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee. All which wholesome advice they labour to destroy, saying, "The cause of thy sin is inevitably determined in heaven"; and "This did Venus, or Saturn, or Mars": that man, forsooth, flesh and blood, and proud corruption, might be blameless; while the Creator and Ordainer of heaven and the stars is to bear the blame. And who is He but our God? the very sweetness and well-spring of righteousness, who renderest to every man according to his works: and a broken and contrite heart wilt Thou not despise.

There was in those days a wise man, very skilful in physic, and renowned therein, who had with his own proconsular hand put the Agonistic garland upon my distempered head, but not as a physician: for this disease Thou only curest, who resistest the proud, and givest grace to the humble. But didst Thou fail me even by that old man, or forbear to heal my soul? For having become more acquainted with him, and hanging assiduously and fixedly on his speech (for though in simple terms, it was vivid, lively, and earnest), when he had gathered by my discourse that I was given to the books of nativity-casters, he kindly and fatherly advised me to cast them away, and not fruitlessly bestow a care and diligence, necessary for useful things, upon these vanities; saying, that he had in his earliest years studied that art, so as to make it the profession whereby he should live, and that, understanding Hippocrates, he could soon have understood such a study as this; and yet he had given it over, and taken to physic, for no other reason but that he found it utterly false; and he, a grave man, would not get his living by deluding people. "But thou," saith he, "hast rhetoric to maintain thyself by, so that thou followest this of free choice, not of necessity: the more then oughtest thou to give me credit herein, who laboured to acquire it so perfectly as to get my living by it alone." Of whom when I had demanded, how then could many true things be foretold by it, he answered me (as he could) "that the force of chance, diffused throughout the whole order of things, brought this about. For if when a man by haphazard opens the pages of some poet, who sang and thought of something wholly different, a verse oftentimes fell out, wondrously agreeable to the present business: it were not to be wondered at, if out of the soul of man, unconscious what takes place in it, by some higher instinct an answer should be given, by hap, not by art

>> No.11691766

you’re retarded and overly emotional if you spend time on this shit. Trust me, you’ll only do it once. If you ever break again, you’ll simplify the process of breaking up.
Stop blaming the other and yourself if it’s really a simple break up. It’s retarded.