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/lit/ - Literature

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11680177 No.11680177 [Reply] [Original]

>Among the 19,000 pieces of correspondence found in Carl Schmitt’s personal library, there were eight letters from Julius Evola over a period of several years. There were none found in the opposite direction.

Heh. Anyway, to continue

>From the letters, it is obvious that Evola was very interested in Schmitt’s book on Donoso Cortés, whom they both regarded quite highly.

Indeed, I consider Carl Schmitt to be the heir proper to Maistre and Donoso Cortés. Evola somewhat less so due to extreme hatred of Christianity, but also because he lacks that incisive realism that Maistre and Schmitt inherited from Machiavelli and Hobbes.


Now in in the second letter, Evola says,
>Are you still in a close friendship with Ernst Jünger? Said openly, his most recent works convince me less. I had to write a rather devastating critique about his book The Gordian Knot, although written in a an extraordinary way (as always) it contains only digressions.

I found this interesting. Has anyone read that work? I've never even heard of it until this

conservative /lit/ discord for anyone who is interested

>> No.11680186

I don't now, sadly. Not too well-read on Evola yet, but heard he hated niggers and kikes which makes me really want to get into him. Where do I start on his most redpilled works? Looking to get into more intellectual traditional views rather than merely infographics

>> No.11680191

He wrote angry letters to anyone he disagreed with. Ûberbeta

>> No.11680206

He was really deep into the whole nigger-hating thing. I mean balls deep. His last will and property was all given to KKK and he does talk about the spiritual reality of the nigger hangings in his various works: the mythology of Hanged Man etc.

But he also realized that the negroid sperm had some potency inherent in it: he was not against the "BBC" so to speak, but spoke highly of white virginal europeans mixing with darker races as sort of "Divine Play" ie. Pure Spirit (White) mingling with purely Animalistic nature (Black in a Minotaurian way of the Greek mythos

>> No.11680219

He liked Schmitt's work and started writing him in the 1950's, but Schmitt was evidently totally uninterested in Evola (unsurprising, Schmitt by then had become more deeply religious, and retained an extremely no-nonsense approach to politics, neither quality would endear Evola to him). Evola normally liked Jünger but this is an exception

>> No.11680234


Are these real posts? I legitimately can no longer tell if this shit's ironic or not

>> No.11680242

That seems an odd fixation for a European at that time, would sorta be like a fixation on hating Chinamen by a Founding Father

>> No.11680256

It's postmodern humour. Appereantly randomly lying about an author is hilarious. No cleverness, no context, just straight up imagining things

>> No.11680267

On 4chan of all places!

>> No.11680294

On a side note, how the hell can I find a physical copy of the works of Cortés in the original Spanish? All of de Maistre's stuff can be found relatively easily in French and English, but Cortés is much more difficult to find published in Spanish. Help, guys.

>> No.11680337

>conservative /lit/
dont turn literature and its figures into your opportunity to be mean girls in a cafeteria talking about how hot you think he is more than him

*Japanesely puts hand over my little school girl mouth giggling*
"did you hear Evan wasnt invited to lizs party, omg... howw devastinggg"

>> No.11680344


>> No.11680366


>> No.11680471

Leftists are welcome too so long as they are quality

>> No.11680479

There have been three Spanish editions of the complete works in the 20th century: 1946, 1966, 1970 (plus one in late 19th century).
The three are from the Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos of La Editorial Catolica.

>> No.11680536

I meant
>Heh. Anyway, to continue
this sass

ouuuu burnnn!!! you go girlll!!!

Like it means anything that Evola wrote a few letters to him and he didnt write any back, like that means anything about anything, like that means Schmitt is better than Evola, or this is evidence for you to like and respect him more

>> No.11680555

Schmitt was super interested in Guenon, it's funny that he apparently wasn't interested in Evola too

>> No.11680592

I like Schmitt much more, although not for that reason. I like him because he's unsentimental and matter-of-fact rather than relying on rhetoric (Maistre manages to have both). I like philosophers like Machiavelli, Hobbes, Hume and Schopenhauer. The Nietzsche approach is nice literature, but I don't consider it serious philosophy.

>> No.11680630
File: 20 KB, 400x274, evola-1_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is obviously fake because Evola would probably have abhorred the KKK if he even knew what they were. He wasn't a big fan of America in any sense

>> No.11680650

This entire thread is garbage. But Evola is based (I haven't read him)

>> No.11680718
File: 131 KB, 1024x1001, JüngerPourLeMerit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't read it yet but in general I think Ernst Jünger is one of the greats. People don't really talk about him in Germany but he's so good that the intelligentsia can't totally ignore him. The famous Jewish literary critic Marcel Reich-Ranicki apparently elevated the somewhat mediocre Heinrich Böll into the pantheon of contemporary greats to marginalize Jünger and the power of his writing, to which Ranicki was politically and philosophically opposed.

Don't know how well Jünger translates but 'On the Marble Cliffs' blew me away and that shit was published in 1939.

>> No.11681563

It's ironic.

>> No.11681625


>> No.11681970

Where should I start with Schmitt? Who else should I read?

>> No.11682707


>> No.11682991
File: 406 KB, 2048x1536, 3497C789-F4CE-4AE4-AF2E-FBA0B4B12B98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took an eternity to dig this up but yes, Jünger and Schmitt continued to be friends.

>> No.11683006

The Concept of the Political

Donoso Cortés
John Calhoun

>> No.11683012

Schmitt got Jünger to convert to Catholicism

>> No.11683020

>t. butthurt nigger

>> No.11683037

Thanks. Same goes for these four, any particular work of each that you would recommend as the first to read?

>> No.11683068
File: 876 KB, 1600x1437, 1531756683563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Generative Principles of Political Constitutions

On Divorce

Essays on Catholicism, Liberalism and Socialism

A Disquisition on Government

>> No.11683483

Thanks. I love your work. You should definitely make some more threads now.

>> No.11683525

Also, he never visited America, and he thought Native Americans and African tribal shamans were spiritually superior to the modern American.

>> No.11683534
File: 396 KB, 1999x1702, 1489102661705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can you read French?
It was translated into that language.
It's out of print, but you should be able to find it on the used market. The book is about East and West. Like everything else he wrote, it is well worth reading.

Le Nœud Gordien

>> No.11683669
File: 25 KB, 332x499, 51tMt44+L3L._SX330_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11683685

>When there’s a Marxist on your conservative book list

>> No.11683710

Two, in fact. Eugene Genovese as well. Paul Piccone is another Marxist who is very popular witg paleoconservatives

>> No.11683781

Ok so there is Genovese. Who is the other one on the book list?

>> No.11683864


>> No.11683870

I love Lasch. Shame some of the anti-liberalism threads on here got deleted.

>> No.11683877

Excuse me?

>> No.11683894

Gotta keep history ended :^)

>> No.11683904

does Lasch really count as a marxist? its like calling Norman Podhoretz and Irving Kristol trotskyites

>> No.11683912

Why do you people like Evila? He's a hack

>> No.11683925


Say what you will, but he's consistently thought provoking.

>> No.11683941

He was an egalitarian at the least

>> No.11684068

He's interesting but he attracts the worst sort of comments from people who I don't think read him very much. I regularly see /pol/ types and leftists confuse him for some retarded blood and soil Nazi.

I'm just getting into him myself so I don't have much to say other than he has a deep understanding of mythical symbols that he uses to craft a sort of historical narrative which points to an underlying tradition which he then expounds on. He seems to very well read on classic texts and has a lot to say about them. I haven't got into any of his heavy political stuff yet but I'm looking forward to it.

>> No.11684360

Thanks for keeping us safe Fukuyama ;)

>> No.11684367

Just weak bait by mentally challenged redditors

>> No.11685267

>It's postmodern humour

I hate what Jordan Peterson has done to you people