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/lit/ - Literature

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11681405 No.11681405 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /lit/, I have come into some money to spend so I'm getting more books.
So far I have ordered:
Dangerous Liaison: The Inside Story Of The U.S.-Israeli Covert Relationship by Andrew & Leslie Cockburn
In Search of Enemies: A CIA Story by John Stockwell
Any other recommendations?

>> No.11681420

we against liberals. we against women. we against blacks

>> No.11681423
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>> No.11681430

>le secret agencies
>le dirty wars
>le geopolitics
you must be fun at parties

>> No.11681445

Who is the author?
>Its other people's fault I'm not a winner
>Although not the rich and powerful of course, they're the wealth creators

>> No.11681456

Is there a problem?

>> No.11681463

>Global Networks
Where did you get that? It sells for hundreds of dollars when its available - don't tell me you spent that much you madman

>> No.11681860

The Ego and His Own

>> No.11681894

>paying for nonfiction

>> No.11681951

>learning about the world

>> No.11681959

dont buy meme books like that
read the canon and the canon only
memorize the canon
become the canon

>> No.11681982

what is the canon?
how are the memes?

>> No.11683264

seriously, wtf is a meme book?

>> No.11683283
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>> No.11683362

>you must be fun at parties
HAHA oh wow. this extremely typical reddit response right here. you must be highly original

>> No.11683409
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>> No.11683421

>d-don’t know things or you won’t get to have the sex

>> No.11683432
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>> No.11683498
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>> No.11683521

Remember to get sewn hardcovers of the books you really want instead of paperback that are going to deteriorate much more faster over time.

>> No.11683550

a few days ago someone here recommended a cool book about the Rothschilds and how their dinasty became rich or something like that. Does anyone remember the exact name?

>> No.11684755

nancy mclean "democracy in chains"
its scary how much koch brother indoctrine burgers with lolberg ideology

>> No.11684758

have an updoot, my fellow redditor!

>> No.11684766

You need to get an entirely new book collection because yours all suck. Sorry anon.

>> No.11684834

take your bullshit back to /pol/ thanks