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File: 544 KB, 638x924, rod dreher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11677469 No.11677469 [Reply] [Original]

Just wanted to see if anyone here reads chaste and breadpilled writer Rod Dreher (author of The Benedict Option)'s column in The American Conservative. He's an Orthodox convert from Roman Catholicism who has had great coverage of the homosexual priest and sex abuse crises, and also writes excellent pieces about politics and culture.

Here's a few recent columns:
>The Politics Of Maginot Line Catholicism
>Inside the Seminary Closet
>Trump and the Rule of Law

He's also the author of The Benedict Option. Anyone read it?

>> No.11677488

What is the Benedict Option? Throw all priests into the Tiber?

>> No.11677496

*All gay priests into the Tiber. The qualifier may be redundant.

>> No.11677507

Give up all efforts to influence culture or politics. Preserve what is still left, turn inward. Since then he is widely promoted by communist establishment rags like the NYT.

>> No.11677529

I've read his column for a month or so now and have picked up the basics.

The point is NOT as >>11677507
to "give up" all attempts to influence culture. The point is to recognize that we live in a fundamentally post-Christian world and to react by building strong, insular Christian communities. Once the Church is strong again within, then it will be better be able to influence the outside world, if that is even still possible.

Concrete ways this would be implemented:
1. Live closer to serious, committed Christians so your kids and their kids can interact
2. Attend orthodox (in doctrine) Christian schools or homeschool
3. Regular communal prayer such as vespers
4. Focusing social interaction around Christian communities

>> No.11677532

According to E. Michael Jones he's a stooge for Zionist liberal interests

>> No.11677537

Jones is obviously jealous.

>> No.11677545

>Maginot Line Catholicism
so satan's just gonna go around it then fuck us from the side right?

>> No.11677549

>>Inside the Seminary Closet

These """people""" are unironically possessed by demons:
>Two seminarians had told me each separately that their mutual confessor had alerted them of their sexual desire for each other in the sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) telling them he had been informed of this by an inner voice he attributed to “Our Lady of Medjugorje”

>> No.11677557

Like Benedictines huddling in the hills while the Gothic Wars destroy Italia? Then we come down and rebuild the world?

>> No.11677563

Yes that's the reason for the name. It has been misinterpreted as, "we don't care about the outside world anymore." It's not that we shouldn't care, it's that the old parameters for engagement are gone. Just look at Europe. That is us in 10-20 years.

>> No.11677566
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Dreher is a completely unserious weenie. He's so upset about what's going on in the Catholic Church but never forget that he fucking quit when the going got tough. And the "Benedict Option" is a total joke, a pathetic abdication of responsibility precisely when taking up the cross has never been more needed.

I know Thermidor has a bad rap on this board, but this essay skewers Dreher very nicely:


>> No.11677570

Muh Demons muh Demons. Childish.

>> No.11677571

Yes those seminarians and their enablers are evil to the core.

>> No.11677575

this. demons only tempt you, the choice to sin always comes from the heart unfortunately. blaming demons is just a copout

>> No.11677583

>he professes the non-existence of demons
Demon ownership confirmed.

Of course the demon isn't responsible for their actions, but in a very real sense someone who persists in evil is under the influence of demons. Every act of evil is a triumph for the devil.

>> No.11677585

>“You’re so attractive,” he said. “You’re in great shape and you have beautiful clothes. Come on, you must know that everyone is staring at you all the time. You know full well that every guy here including the priests and even the bishop would f*ck you if they had the chance.”

Why wouldn't you punch his head in? Homosexual Advance Defence, defend your honor you pussy, legal society expected you to kill gays who made advances on you like a husband finding his wife in bed with another man. Everyone has gone soft.

>> No.11677596

Idk, maybe. I listen to a fair bit of Jones's stuff but he has an undeniably conspiratorial and bitter attitude. For some reason he thinks Dreher was not only a cheerleader for the Iraq war but he also is now preparing U.S. Catholics to tolerate an attack on Iran. Can any readers of Dreher tell me if there's any truth to this? According to his Wikipedia he's a "non-interventionist" who opposed Trump's strikes on Syria

>> No.11677598

desu i don't know much about demons, i just hate when people blame demons for their sins

>> No.11677601

Would you beat a man to death for soliciting sex from you and spend the rest of your life in prison, retard? What a waste of two lives.

>> No.11677606

Umm who was the supernatural voice sweetie? Who was the "Our Lady of Medjugorje” playing gay matchmaker? Mary or a demon?

>> No.11677615

I understand his explanation but in reality it
constitutes a retreat from the public debate which is why it is promoted by the enemies of Christendom. Meanwhile hundreds of millions of new Christians are created and atheists are becoming an even tinier minority. I don't even know what that guy is talking about in the first place. With current immigration trends we're going to restart the inquisition in a few decades.

>> No.11677616

He was lying to cover the fact he broke the seal of confession, obviously.

>> No.11677622

honestly i'm no fan of gays, but i think people should be more merciful considering how rampant and normalized degeneracy has become. in older times, said gay dude would at least know that what he was doing was wrong, but today with so much homo-acceptance, especially from protestant "christians," i think they should get cut some slack.

>> No.11677628

The difference is the Goths had high racial capital and the innate abilities to form a civilisation when guided by our molding. Lombardy is one of mankinds greatest achievements on almost all fronts.

The new invaders of Europe and the West do not have the same racial capital. The Kongo was converted to Catholicism over 500 years ago and nothing really changed. Aztecs not much better. Catholicism isn't a magic wand that changes the essence of nations, it is a form of order that allows the nations best expression in the grounding of God and his mystical body.

>> No.11677643

Seems like most of the priests are demon possessed gay rapists and blackmailers:

>Sexual secrecy is the currency in the church and learning how to use it is almost treated like an art form in seminaries. This culture has been woven into the fabric of Roman Catholic clergy culture for centuries. The church’s strict and absolute regulations around sex and sexuality which themselves are created and promulgated by the very men who breach them provide a perfect cover for those whose own sense of sexuality is without boundaries, regulation, or integration. Sexual secrecy and blackmail is the clergy’s bitcoin by which position, power, and control are bartered in the shadows, costing children and adults alike their faith, their safety and well being — and in some cases, their lives.

>> No.11677651

Because you don't. It's self-defence to prevent rape. Long history of case law. At worst it's manslaughter.

>> No.11677660

Keep in mind there is still a solid 50-60% of priests who keep to their vows. But they are struggling within a corrupt system. Also, there are good dioceses and bad dioceses. Newark is an example of a bad diocese (https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/new-allegations-surface-regarding-archbishop-mccarrick-and-newark-priests-50523)) . My own small diocese in the south has had hardly any sexual scandals

>> No.11677662

>tfw there's going to be a mass purge of gays and pedos from the Church now that all of this is coming to light

I am legitimately excited.

>> No.11677667

I hope so. I hope good priests and bishops start coming forward in droves and naming names in public.

>> No.11677668

not till francis croaks tho

>> No.11677669

The fucking LAITY is going to make sure it happens. You think all those LARPing Trads are just going to sit around and do nothing now that all this is coming out?

>> No.11677672

This gay person points out that it's in the nature of gay sexuality to pray on youths: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/dreher/gay-men-different-sex/

>> No.11677675

they just end up begoming ordodox

>> No.11677677

If you are comered one-on-one in a room with a homosexual making a predatory advance upon you, show some self respect and express your rage at the idea of this creatura wanting to violate you.

>> No.11677684

As a layperson what should I do? I don't suspect any of the priests I know. Should I go to my priest and ask him to speak out about anything he saw at seminary?

>> No.11677687

My local Jesuit parish preist is a gay Buddhist.

>> No.11677689

Somebody on Twitter pointed out that the Church seems to go through a huge crisis about every 500 years. In 1500 it was the Reformation, around 1000 it was the huge immorality that caused the Dominicans and Franciscans to be formed, and in 500 it was the collapse of the Western Empire.

>> No.11677693

What do you mean “because you don’t”? You wouldn’t? Or you would?

>> No.11677695

It would be more productive to go to your local bishop.

>> No.11677700

You deserve to be conquered. Today the homosexual rightfully has the whip hand over the heterosexual. The natural order has been restored.

>> No.11677703

Will anything happen to Wuerl (Cardinal Archbishop of D.C.)?

>McCarrick's replacement in Washington, Donald Cardinal Wuerl, also paints himself as a champion of sexual abuse victims—yet while bishop of Pittsburgh in the 1990s he allowed an offender to transfer quietly to another diocese. He also apparently paid off a retired abusive priest who claimed to know of illegal sexual behavior by other Pittsburgh priests. In response to these allegations in the Pennsylvania Grand Jury report, Wuerl issued a statement saying that the report only confirmed how during his tenure in Pittsburgh he had “acted with diligence, with concern for the victims and to prevent future acts of abuse.”


It's a shame because I saw Wuerl speek at an event here in Memphis and liked him.

>> No.11677711

Perhaps after the West collapses and modernity fails it will return to its former glory

>> No.11677712

DC needs to be glassed. that whole place is just a huge den of pedos

>> No.11677715

Corner him and grip him hard with your left hand. Get your face close into to his face and stare menacingly into his eyes. Point an accusationary finger from your right hand into his face that alternates into a clenched fist. Furrow your brows and in ascending agressive tones ask: "Are you a faggot? Do you like fucking men? Are you gay? Answer me! Don't lie to me! Did you hire that little Asian twink to play piano during Mass to be your catamite? Answer NOW!"

>> No.11677723

Because you don't go to jail. Self-defence to rape is an absolute defence. Homosexual Advance Defence is a partial defence that dimishes the charges and the sentence.

>> No.11677728

Not that it’s terribly long ago, but the hypocritical shameless catty secrecy and culture of the priesthood doesn’t seem altogether new. The episode featuring the Franciscans in the Marquis de Sade’s ‘Misfortunes of Virtue’ is quite stunning in its parallels to the behaviour of sexually abusive priests today.

>> No.11677730
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We can only hope.

To be fair, though, while the Church has its crises and moments of great sin, it always seems to manage to get its shit together in time to save the rest of the West from ruin. The Arian Crisis got cleaned up just in time for the Church to face the disintegration of the Roman Empire with a united front. They fixed themselves after the Reformation just in time to form the Holy League and fight the Ottoman invasion of Europe.

Hopefully it will happen again.

>> No.11677734

Sure race is relevant but you can't compare these cultures. Where would Africa be situated within the development of the west? It was pre-biblical. Also they're not really converted yet. In many cases they still treat God like a fetish, one of many. +you do have to remember that Africa is improving rapidly. That seems like something people on here don't realize.

>> No.11677735

Not in the current year anon. Where do you live?

>> No.11677744

Reading this now. I like this part.

>Here's how to get started with the antipolitical politics of the Benedict Option. Secede culturally from the mainstream. Turn off the television. Put the smartphones away. Read books. Play games. Make music. Feast with your neighbors. It is not enough to avoid what is bad; you must also embrace what is good. Start a church, or a group within your church. Open a classical Christian school, or join and strengthen one that exists. Plant a garden, and participate in a local farmer's market. Teach kids how to play music, and start a band. Join the volunteer fire department.

>I do not disagree with these things, but I cannot see much that is radical about them, or in many cases especially Christian. It is also plain that Dreher does not understand his enemy. Neoliberalism is the crack cocaine of economics, orchestrated by a woke corporate oligarchy that makes even the act of buying a cup of coffee an opportunity to get inside your head. From lumpenproles to oligarchs, everyone is an addict; some get their fix from selling NINJA mortgages, and others get it from cheap fast food, opioids and endless porn. Either way, neoliberalism can dull people’s wits and sap their spirits through relentlessly buying them off, irrespective of how squalid their lives become. That includes Christians even of a committed type. It can certainly do this more effectively than the ‘real existing socialism’ that Benda encountered. As such, breaking from neoliberalism would take far more than a weekly visit to a farmer’s market or reading medieval Italian poetry. You’d actually have to break corporate power. Because neoliberalism represents an immense system of weaponised lust and avarice, the escapee would also have to direct his whole life away from it. That means full scale economic metanoia, and those who undertake it do not do it by halves. The Amish don’t pop into Starbucks, they don’t go to college and they don’t try to climb the corporate ladder. This is not an argument against challenging neoliberalism. It is an argument for abandoning sentimental illusions about what it would take.

>> No.11677749

Pius XIII when?

>> No.11677753

reminder: God isn't real, Godel's incompleteness theorem has been dealt with by mathematicians already and isn't interesting for the reasons you brainlets think it is, miracles have never ever materialized since cameras came about, the incomplete description of reality from science is infinitely more useful than any feel good tale from the middle-east ever has been, this pedophile behavior of the Christian priesthood is not only not uncommon and found in most hieratic orders but is likely a historical aspect of Catholic Church Hierarchy, think about the dynamics involved with priests, there are pedophile Ortho and Prot priests, plenty of them, your religion is from Jews, you worship a Jew, the mother of your Jew God who you also worship like a god is a Jewess, the prophets were all Jews, almost all of the disciples were Jews, most of the early Apostles were Jews, the Vatican's banker since the early 20th has been Jacob Rothschild, there is absolutely no reason to believe Christianity will survive beyond being a fringe cult for low iq's into the next half century, nogs and latins are going to flee the faith the moment ZOG culture hits them hard, muslim women are gigantic whores, if you try to impose strict sexual norms on moderns it will backfire spectacularly, there is nothing but the detritus of a gay weakling's promise left in your empty tiny skulls, your church is for nogs and spics, you have a pathetic, arrogant faggot drama on premium cable as your sole consolation, all of your best acolytes are closeted homosexuals or raging sexual deviants trying desperately not to screw themselves into the grave, Church skews female, Priests skew effeminate as do all religiously inclined males. You can never ever recover, and every injury dealt by your own hand against your faith will be remembered and scorned by the public. go try to talk about God to 16 year olds anywhere in the northern hemisphere that isn't a dago half-caste nation.

Have a blessed day :)

>> No.11677776

>you have a pathetic, arrogant faggot drama on premium cable as your sole consolation

>> No.11677778

the first part sounds like its straight out of a /sig/ thread. i haven't read the book though, so i won't pass judgement either way

>> No.11677791

I forgot to put quotes around it. The first paragraph is from Dreher's book, though you seem to have figured that out.

>> No.11677799
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Whatever your spiritual or political background, I think we can all agree on one thing: Rod Dreher has phenomenally stupid hair. Absolutely retarded

>> No.11677824

Peter Damian wrote about widespread homosexual and pederest priest circles in his Liber Gomorrhianus in 1051. It's not a new thing.

>> No.11677831

You can always defend yourself against rape. You can always throw a few punches to escape your rapist.

>> No.11677836
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I have not read his books, but I read his op-eds all the time, he's great. I myself am Orthodox, baptized a couple of years ago

conservative /lit/ discord if you're interested. Leftists welcome too if you want to contribute to quality

>> No.11677843

You seem deluded. Being propositioned is not being raped. Are you satirising rape hysteria?

>> No.11677853

t. predatory gay rapist

>> No.11677854

From >>11677566

>The same centuries that saw the spread of Benedictine monasticism also witnessed intense missionary work, the conversion of princes and the unyielding defence of Christendom. The end of one imperium, the Roman West, was an age of great upheaval and uncertainty, but it provoked an immensely varied and energetic response that fashioned something entirely new from the ruins: the Christian Middle Ages. As a far less impressive order crumbles today, nothing less is needed.

How are we to enact his vision? A reactionary Christian political party?

>> No.11677858
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Come to think of it, every time the Catholic Church has a crisis, it's usually followed within a century or so by a bigger crisis that engulfs the entire West. It's like the Church is a leading indicator, a canary in a coal mine. When things are getting ready to pop off in the West as a whole, they pop off in the Church first.

>> No.11677859


>> No.11677865

Africa is your fetish. Blacks are the idols you worship. Stop being deluding and assess Africans for what they actually are separate from your idolatry.

>> No.11677876
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I dislike him very much but he sometimes says something interesting. He's the quintessential cuckservative, and is certainly in tacit agreement with the Judeo-Masonic globohomo gayplex. I do not trust him whatsoever, and he doesn't strike me as a sincere person.

Do remember to say hi on Judgment Day.

>> No.11677886

>Christianity is effeminate
>Western men are effeminate
>Christianity will fail in this environment
Even by your own world crafting your scenario fails.

>> No.11677905

Analyse it racially. Who was doing all those things? You have a synthesis of Nordic Warriors and Phonecian/Med-type Preist class. The Nordic Warriors held back the Turks/Huns, the Arabs, and Magyars, shored up Greek Rome, and created there own states in the Western Empire. The Priestly class educated them and spiritually uplifted them.

But you need the substrate. You need a dynamic Nordic/Aryan civilisation that is self-confident, believes in its own future, and is on the up, for Christianity to be possible. Fix the nation first, then Christianity becomes possible.

>> No.11677938

Nothing magic stopped the French Revolution. The Pope was kidnapped and killed. The Restoration that followed was half-hearted and flawed, and we've been slowly dying ever since. The only movement to avert the decline came from outside the Church, aside from some peripheral hybrid groups like Rexism and the Croats. Doesn't look good.

>> No.11677942

imagine having an iq this low that this is your sophistry you try to weave to escape the fact that your entire church hierarchy is filled with pedophiles, whoremongers, liars, avaricious fraudsters, con artist political apparatchiks, worm tongued pedophiles, money laundering swine and agents of Jewish Capital.

As a direct answer for you my sweet retard of the eventide, you're basically not understanding temporality here: Christfaggotry was so effeminate it gave birth to AIDS world, AIDS world does not need christianity just as the caterpillar no longer needs its chryssalis when it becomes a beautiful syphilitic half-schizo butterfly. Christianity is a down-going motion, which is why N described it as a futile form of early nihilism, so once its hit its nadir the real beast emerges which is the bedlam of our beloved Babylon.

The West was once the most masculine civilization on Earth, when the Romans and Greeks predominated and their Germanic-Celtic cousins. It is now the easiest place to get away with rape outside of Afreaka, why? Because western men, mostly Christians, bought into humanism, the belief in equality of souls. Which is the most outrageous slander against the natural order that's ever been levied, nothing, not the belief in afterlife, not the belief in magical thauma, not the petty supplications to an all-seeing Eye to right the wrongs in the web of fate is as insulting to organic life as the idea we are all equal in the eyes of god and only our submission or assent to Sin and God determines our real worth.

Enjoy your slow slide into hatefulness and ridiculous ad hoc reasoning to try to explain the world as it sinks further into Cthon. I will enjoy my long life and lucid mind in your stead

>> No.11677993
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>> No.11678130
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>> No.11678141

v sad i've reduced you to jpg's in just two replies
also v v sad, and i have no idea why you keep posting these weird images at me

>> No.11678155
File: 65 KB, 182x276, 1508503601489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a jpg that might work better

>> No.11678166

v poor understanding of the history of conversions, and i'm not a pagan LARPfag or religious at all.

>> No.11678191
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>the most outrageous slander against the natural order
hmm, if you don't subscribe to "right is might," then what could you have possibly meant by this???

>> No.11678263


>> No.11678299


>> No.11678799

Where should I start with Schmitt?

>> No.11678813

Holy shit I think I like him more now.

>> No.11678931
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>miracles have never ever materialized since cameras came about

You know absolutely nothing, atheist trash.

>> No.11679072

>Just look at Europe.
You know nothing about Europe.

>> No.11679081
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>Just look at Europe

>> No.11679083

Doesn't France have as many RadTrad Catholics as America, to the point where the secular liberal elite in France are getting concerned about them?

>> No.11679097

>You think all those LARPing Trads are just going to sit around and do nothing now that all this is coming out?
Yes. The thing about the "traditionalists" is that they are extremely gullible and submissive. They'll just claim it's a plot against the Church and all the talk about abuse is false slander. There's nothing the traditionalists love more than being slaves.

>> No.11679103

When we convince /lit/ and /pol/ to become discern the priesthood and take back the church from the homosexuals.

>> No.11679110

He's wrong. The Catholic Church has been rotten to the core for centuries. The Franciscans didn't fix jack shit: they made everything much, much worse. That order is the chief culprit for the emasculation of western Christianity. Francis of Assisi was the original male feminist (and a closeted homosexual).

>> No.11679114

>literally no brow ridge
No wonder he is so submissive. Those are the facial features of a woman. Plato was right about everything once again: the archons must be chosen from among the warriors of the city. These effeminate priests should be burned alive.

>> No.11679123

Yes, where France has a 5th of the US's population. Americans project the sorry state of their country onto Europe. It's a sort of doomsday fetish at this point. Americans just can't accept that it's them, their empire, that's dying. So they create this psychological bubble where actually THE WHOLE WORLD id dying. Pure delusion.

>> No.11679324

*buries head in sand*
America is a deranged, deracinated, consumerist engine of modernity and liberalism, a bloated historical aberration that never had any identity or history to cling to. For it to experience demographic and cultural "decline" is a feature, not a bug--of course the decay is more advanced in the United States, America IS the malignant tumor of the West.

France is an ancient European nation and former imperial power with several millennia of history and a culture that is widely considered one of the crowning achievements of Western civilisation. Dysgenic demographic trends and cultural degeneration is so much more pernicious there because France is supposed to represent the best that Europe has to offer. The decay isn't as advanced as the USA, but it is advanced, and likely incurable. A sudden burst of interest in traditionalist Catholicism after decades of secular and liberal rot is a sign that the effects of consumerist mass migration nihilism are becoming difficult to bear.

>> No.11679348


The idea of systematic rape conspiracy at the very top is maintained by the top itself in order to distract the bottom from realizing that systematic rape is so common at all levels that it's practically the default. Particularly regarding children, as integral to the abuse culminating in infanticide, which dispels the illusion any process, unfolding, progress, change, etc.

>> No.11679384
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>communist establishment rags like the NYT

>> No.11679389
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France is not much older than the United States actually.

>A sudden burst of interest in traditionalist Catholicism
It is not sudden. It has always been there.

>The decay isn't as advanced as the USA, but it is advanced, and likely incurable.
This is not so. The French are aware of the problems, from the farmer to the elite on Ulm street. And that, "decades" (in relative-state terms, not temporal ones) before the Americans decided to consider that maybe, just maybe, something isn't working. Discussions that are in the US confined to the fringe are had in France in the mainstream, all whilst the problems in France are a lot less acute than in the USA.

>*buries head in sand*

>> No.11679546

hon hon hon

>> No.11680151

>implying there's a difference between liberals and leftists
Why is it that only Americans seem to have the brainpower to understand this? After the repeated economic and social failures of socialism, the left was subsumed into liberalism DECADES ago. The STD-ridden 68ers of yesteryear today have tenured positions in the Ivy league and run the CIA. The only "real" leftists in the modern world are the 110 IQ Chapo fanboys who are too stupid to figure what their forefathers did before them, and now function as the oblivious cultural storm troopers for the liberal world order.

The NYT is socialist in the sense that it is run by former and would-be socialists who continue the socialist tradition of civilizational brainrot.

>> No.11680199

I’m the original poster who said, “look at Europe.” Europe is a far more post Christian society than America. Deal with it. In America we have a decent chance of ilegalizing abortion within the next 5 years, what does Europe have?

>> No.11680446

>muh abortion
Typical degenerate, culture-less, simplistic, Bible thumper talking point.

>> No.11680494

Abortion is a natural consequence of fornication.
Homosexual marriage is a natural consequence of public acceptance of sodomy.

Whether the former of both scenarios are legal or illegal is immaterial compared to the downright acceptance of sins that lead to them.
It's like saying you turned off your stove while your house is on fire around you so it's OK.

>> No.11680498

But muh abortion is murder!

>> No.11680525

Hello Satan.

>The Three Non-Negotiable Principles of the Moral Law
according to Pope Benedict XVI1
1. Life. The protection and dignity of every human life from conception to natural death. The framework within and against which every other issue must be measured.

t. Benedict

God weeps every time someone minimized the gravity of child murder.

>> No.11680546

Rod Dreher is a disgusting faggot, he's shops around for his religious beliefs like he does for his craft beer. He is still upset about his dead sister because he's a narcissist and she didn't approve of his faggotry. If you read him, please dismiss him flippantly and leave offensive comments on his twitter. Or better yet, ignore him.

>> No.11680577

Spare me. Abortion is nothing but a surrogate issue for you.

>> No.11680757
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The Concept of the Political

>> No.11680989


>> No.11681401

I love how he never misses an opportunity to hawk his stupid book, too.

>> No.11681419


>> No.11681662
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>> No.11682715

who all are in this image?

>> No.11682805

Why is Dreher fretting about defending the Constitution and rule of law when the Judiciary has a near-century-long tradition of declaring laws by way of saying that the Constitution means the opposite of what it actually says? Constitutionalism should be rightly abandoned as a farce as of Wickard v. Filburn.

>> No.11682861

Isn't EMJ on Tehran's payroll? That's fine, but you can't exactly consider him an unbiased source. fwiw I think it's very unlikely that the US will attack Iran.

>> No.11682881

I think the mainstream left should be correctly understood as vehemently anti-anti-Communist.

>> No.11683015

Leading up to and out the outbreak of the iraq war Dreher wrote some columns to the effect that the catholic church's opposition to the iraq war did not matter because of the pedo scandal and as such their moral authority was compromised, or something to that effect. Jones pointed out that Dreher was both wrong and writing for the national review at the time which is/was a cia front whose raison d'etre is to destroy the anti war old right.

>> No.11683030

Does the Church's authority really matter unless the Pope speaks ex cathedra? Furthermore, the US and Catholicism are fundamentally incompatible and the US is foundationally anti-Catholic, so the Pope's words hold approximately zero weight on this topic. The Iraq war was of course dumb.

>> No.11683086

Dreher was catholic at the time and identified himself as a catholic writer. The church's authority matters to catholics on moral issues (in this case just war doctrine), contradiction is acceptable but not without serious reservation. Ex cathedra doesn't have anything to do with it since this had nothing to do with elucidating doctrine. This is all ancillary to the original post which was to explain e michael jones' "problem" with dreher.

>> No.11683273

Honestly, as someone who knows someone who was in the same Orthodox congregation as Dreher for a spell, the guy is a pretty lousy person, much less Christian in real life. Arrogant as all hell, treats cradle Orthodox with patronizing attitudes, lies about his family, and probably, what's the most disturbing and disgusting to me, convinced a young priest with a family to start a new mission in the deep South where he didn't have enough parishioners to support himself and then dumped the mission when the priest had a son with developmental disabilities that cut into his ecclesiastical duties. All this shit is on google, BTW.

>> No.11683531

Yeah, he seems like a complete phony to me.

Also, on Twitter Orthodox posters somewhat frequently ask Catholic posters to take Dreher back. They dislike him as much as the Catholics do.

>> No.11683558

If it's any consolation, he'll probably dump Orthodoxy soon enough. He's too good for the base humans that make up any branch of Christianity from the way he carries himself. Motes, logs, eyes, that whole deal.

>> No.11683719

Yes, I'm a huge fan.

>> No.11683758

Dreher is an opportunistic cunt who does whatever his (((neo-con))) masters tell him to. E. Michael Jones called him out years ago. The current crisis is a psy-op, of the 300 accused priests, only 2 were indicted, and the grand jury report is full of known false accusations.


>> No.11683780

>Isn't EMJ on Tehran's payroll?

He just gives interviews on PressTV because they ask him to. He's do interviews with anybody, though.

>> No.11684157

I wonder what he meant by this.