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/lit/ - Literature

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11677334 No.11677334 [Reply] [Original]

Are you living the literary life?

>> No.11677340

Just qualified for disability, nearly finished novel, shut in, scattered poetry, so, yeah, I guess so.

>> No.11677348

>dire poverty punctuated with short bouts of splendorous wealth
>series of jobs in a wide variety of fields, never last more than a few months anywhere, long bouts of unemployment
>move around frequently, never settle anywhere
>no friends, no family, don't go outside
>crippling health problems and borderline suicidal
>chronic depression and anxiety
>extremely reckless, prone to throwing myself 100% into eccentric situations
>series of flings and unconventional relationships, chain of ex-lovers, sexually promiscuous and experienced in a wide variety of fetish play
>only thing I enjoy in life is literature
Yeah, I'd say so.

>> No.11677356

How much would my life change if I were to join the merchant marines is something I ask myself every day.

>> No.11677400

>never had a job
>no friends
>aimless english major
>jerk off to anime everyday and sperg over space autists in mech suits
>shitpost on here while still being able to read a book or two per week
>overall uninteresting and boring life. live mostly to explore ideas, see how my world view changes, and feel things.
id say so. only thing is is that i don't write since i dont care to communicate what i feel into writing or some other art.

>> No.11677411

>virgin NEETdom spent reading translations of Dante Alighieri and watching YouTube videos of edgy russian soundcloud rappers before frustrated suicide by 24?
I'd say I am

>> No.11677423

>dire poverty punctuated with short bouts of splendorous wealth
>series of jobs in a wide variety of fields, never last more than a few months anywhere, long bouts of unemployment
>move around frequently, never settle anywhere
>no friends, no family, don't go outside
>crippling health problem
>series of flings and unconventional relationships, chain of ex-lovers, sexually promiscuous
Mah nigga.

>borderline suicidal
>chronic depression and anxiety
>extremely reckless, prone to throwing myself 100% into eccentric situations
>only thing I enjoy in life is literature
Not my nigga. How comes you don't at least appreciate the glory of music?

>> No.11677424

I hate niggers, yes.

>> No.11677429

nailed it
same my man
feels.... good?
no, not at all. not even a little bit

>> No.11677443

No, and there's no point in pretending.

>> No.11677455

White man in the yellow mans world. Opium and streetfood and shitty bars where the slope fucks water the booze down with vinegar (if you're lucky and its not shoe polish). Been a while since I've written anything been busy but I have a small portfolio.

>> No.11677471

What does that even mean
why is it important

>> No.11677472

Read: health problems and depression/anxiety. It's not uncommon for me to spend weeks in crippling pain.
feels bad man. At least it's interesting, I guess.

>> No.11677486

I am currently literally Stephen Dedalus

>> No.11678083

It means conforming to an image these people are looking to cultivate for themselves, mostly for aesthetics. Treading paths others have.

>> No.11678162

>deal with lots of mental illness
>Repressing tranny
>Read exclusively sci-fi and post modern philosophy
>Registered UFOologist
>No real friends
>Despise current culture yet drink from it to feed creative output

Im living the 21st century literary life

>> No.11678323

>used to have a perfect writing schedule down to a tee
>had to move in with friends due to financial issues
>have a long weekend this weekend
>looking forward all week to getting my old routine going
>going to write for fucking hours this weekend!
>get a nasty fucking cold on the first day of long weekend
>day 2 in, still in bed, tried writing for a bit, fucking delirious shit


>> No.11678330

I'm living half of it

>> No.11678366

Unless you've lived in an barrel you aren't living the literary life

>> No.11678380

>moderately busy working a job I am content with and pretty decent at
>living alone and reasonably happy with that
>mostly directionless
>decent social skills but nobody I can really claim to be close to
>spend most of my spare time reading

Probably not, no

>> No.11678663

Sorry anon but anime and mech stuff time wasting are the opposite of /lit/ lifestyle. At least masturbate to ancient greek art

>> No.11678745


>> No.11678863

>work at a school
>enjoy it and am pretty decent at it
>live with my significant other
>do not study for my career like i should be
>have doubts about life every day and am unsure about where i should be
>enjoy literature every day but not enough, never enough
>what am i doing?
yeah maybe?

>> No.11678874

You’d end up with lots of adventure stories, fall in love with a wealthy single mother on some port, and subsequently get killed by a gang of adolescents.

>> No.11678877
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>read books
>sometimes feel bad man
>sometimes do drugs


>> No.11678881

But I'd be golden wouldn't I?

>> No.11678897
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> overworked in my office job
> listen to youtube lectures
> come home and write
> don't read nearly as much as i should
> post on an anonymous literature board as my only form of interaction with the literary community at large
> listen primarily to obscure electronica
> gf has read more classics than me
> slight drug problem

>> No.11678925

you should write for yourself

>> No.11678936

That's my backup plan. Get a comfy job on a ship and work on my art/writing in downtime. Pay is great, and if you are sick of ship life after some experience you can get a normal job in some port

>> No.11678977

About to get some anti-anxiety pills so yeah

>> No.11678983

>series of jobs in a wide variety of fields, never last more than a few months anywhere, long bouts of unemployment
I've had a few jobs in a few different fields of work
I think I have a problem, I literally cannot imagine working in one place for more than 2 years or so, it gives me a huge feeling of dread. I pretty much hate working in general and don't think I'll ever have a job I enjoy or can even tolerate
I sorta enjoy just doing a bunch of different things

>> No.11679024

like what?

>> No.11679078

>qualified for disability
which disability?

>> No.11679082

>writing is about communication

>> No.11679085

Being in East Asia as a whitey was massively alienating for me

>> No.11679108

>mid 20s
>financially set for life with trustfund+inevitable inheritance of apartment in Manhattan
>single but by choice (dumped gf of 2 years last month because she wanted to get married, been anal fucking tinder sluts since)
>pretty highly praised on various online literary forums for short stories and poetry

I'd say so, anon.

>> No.11679120

How will it be as an arab

>> No.11679129

>gf has read more classics than me

>> No.11679146

>published and praised poet at a young age
>completely apathetic
>tell me I should promote my work to the public
>tell them to fuck off and work on even more difficult and groundbreaking poetry
>people can't understand that someone doesn't want to be famous
>they don't understand that the only reason I sent my poems out is to find other contemporary poets to work on our poetry
>they call me stuck-up
>I call them plebs

>> No.11679271

Retail, welding, fashion industry, construction, office job

>> No.11679284

still massively alienating, but probably a bit less since you're already familiar with some of the whims and tantrums of the lesser races

>> No.11679379

Ha your women sure do love our lesser dicks too? I'm am Arab born and raised in America and jesus christ are white women easy. Real respect to you guys for the past shit, but modern whitbois are pathetic

>> No.11679386

I'm joining the royal navy next month, so it's a similar situation for me.

>> No.11679408

lol ok

>> No.11679481

Work part-time and just read for most of my free time

Really need to get some other hobbies

>> No.11679763

>sperging out over some banter
you've assimilated great into the american culture

>> No.11679764

Mostly the same for me. I'm scheming a very radical job change at the moment. Man, I get fucking bored staying in one place, both in terms of a career field and physical location. I've been in this city 2 years and I'm already going stir-crazy. If you work the same job, you can supposedly "work your way up", though I don't know about that because I know people who have worked in the same company 10 years and still do the same thing and are in the same paygrade. It kills the soul to stay doing the same thing every day the rest of your life. So fuck it. My expenses are already dirt low so I don't need to work myself to death to make 80k or some shit. Rather have a job change now and then so my brain doesn't turn to mush, I think it's more important than money.

>> No.11679920

It's better in terms of money to change job every couple of years anyway

>> No.11680080

To change to a new company, not to change to a new field. You change to a new field, you lose all the experience you've gained thus far. Don't repeat things you don't understand.

>> No.11680402

everything is basically communication

>> No.11680432

Desultorily. Shakespeare, Goethe, Emerson, Whitman, Stevens, Crane, Bishop, continue to stir my thoughts and inform my imagination, but I've had such a rough time of it in the last 2 years that I've gone on a long sabbatical from art to brush up on tech. Research of that kind always makes me bored and cranky, but long-term I prefer to be without the risk and anxiety that incompetence in tech gives. It's part of my recovery to the quiet life of introspection that suits me, and which I've generally maintained and enjoyed for 30 years. Is it a literary life? In quality I'd say, if not quantity, for I can no longer bear mediocrity in books, am infuriated by references to or quotations from bad books, palpably repelled by lame comedy, and count myself among

The last of the evening land, first in liberty

because whenever I gain the leisure to choose, what company I need and want somehow always finds me without the slightest felt effort on my part, with the result that I feel serene and elevated regularly, alone or with those I admit into conversation. Mysterious the makings of a charmed way with words remains, those who have it, however the course of its formation slants it, only too obviously succeed at happiness all out of proportion to common expectations, ordinary as they seem to the tone-deaf and the vision-blind.

>> No.11681381
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You mean am I suffering? Do I understand that I am a degenerate and that's all I will ever be? Yeah... I guess I am...

>> No.11681394
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I'm living the gonzo journalist lifestyle, I guess.

>> No.11681466

Not me but my cousin has bee hives and has started to pick up his reading at my behest

>> No.11681584

larpers are so easy to spot

>> No.11681590

I am completely honest, I just don't want to be doxxed

>> No.11681621

>not marrying her
No virtue in your life, friend

>> No.11681628

>read about 10 pages a week
>directionless in life
>currently eating mac n cheese
hell yeah my dude

>> No.11681641

what does that mean?

>> No.11681811

Music is degenerate.

>> No.11681831
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>friendless virgin
>shitpost all day long
>read 0-50 pages per day
>almost never write
>drink often and smoke weed whenever i can
i guess i am

>> No.11682890

Don't join them, strike out on your own and become a smuggler.

When the judge sends you down, tell him you have no regrets and you did it all for the literary lifestyle.

Then you can write your magnum opus in prison.

>> No.11683182

>drift endlessly traveling from town to town looking for seriously tough bladers with my my trusty Pegasus bey
>teach kids how to let it rip and have honest and clean fun in beyblade battles

>> No.11683365

> Parisian girlfriend, so frequent trips to France
> Doing my master’s degree become a librarian, will soon study at a prestigious french university
> Most of my friends are over-educated far-right types
> Son of asocial university professor
> Used to practice fencing, stopped recently
> I do fine-art photography (read: decent but not great artsy pics) and filmmaking to occupy my time
> I did a psychoanalysis for some time and I keep running into Lacanians

in some ways, yes, in others, no.

>> No.11684305

you're life sounds very gay and i'm extremely jealous

>> No.11684323

hardcore autism

>> No.11684328

I'm addicted to cocaine, wrote 2 novels and fucked a black guy in the ass for the first time yesterday. I'm getting there.

>> No.11684469

tell us more,
im curious

>> No.11684486

>come to thread
>read greentexts of everyone's life situation

well, it's obvious as to why this place is the way it is

>> No.11684511

I just took a big beershit

Beat that

>> No.11684519


>> No.11684531

What would you like to know?

>> No.11684543

well, to be honest, I lead a very uninteresting and excitement free life..
pretty much everything, so lemme be specifish
1. how dya get addicted to kokaín ? what "caused" it.. (plannin to get rid of it?)
2. you gay, nigga? I suppose it wasnt on a dare, what was it like..
3. what are the novels about, genre and under 5 words desc. will do.

>> No.11684616

>use way too much drugs, all kinds
>Only women i ever had sex with were prostitutes
>Have 2 friends that i see maybe 4 times a year
>Manage to read at least one book a week
I'm hoping it gets better at some point lads.

>> No.11684631 [DELETED] 

Sounds fucking gay. Literary life style, more like eunuchs lmao.

Anyways, here's the way of my life.
>be born in a poor Eastern European country to working class parents
>shits crazy, every male in household is alcoholic
>dad abused mum, some bad memories
>anyways, divorce few years later
>brother is angry drunk, so most of early life spent in an environment where quarrels are common and stuff is broken
>really hate loud noises because reminds me of fights
>attempted suicide at 12
>also dropped out of school at 5
>actually hated school, wasn't very liked and was teased for being poor, but didn't care too much
>in first grade had to do one of the first "tests" in math
>teacher asks class who was the best
>fellow classmates name everyone BUT not me
>that take like 15 mins to do, just completely silent
>teacher names me
>first time I felt like I'm unusual
>also barely attended due to sickly health
>still was top, and had could read around 500 wpm in 1st grade, actually went up to the limit of how fast I could physically read out loud, real reading speed way higher
>not a big deal, but I think I was gifted
>had this writing assignment in 3rd grade
>forgot to sign it, teacher thought it was so good so she read it aloud, again, had to identify myself
>anyways, was hospitalized in a mental hospital kind of thing when 14 or 13 iirc
>really antisocial and anxious, also really suicidal
>lie to everyone there that I am well and actually come up with some bill suit theory that it's my lack of father figure why I am so irresponsible and blah blah blah
>my resolve to get out pays off and I am out after just a month
>force myself into the social circles of people that disliked me because wanted to go out and just not be an antisocial sperm
>do really well and become very popular
>actually did great in school and was attending every day, which was unusual because I've been dodging school almost professionally
>read Sufferings of Young Werther while having oneitus
>shoot myself in foot by idealizing that girl
>fuck up bad, I think I loved the idea of being Werther more than her
>most emotionally intense period in my life tho
>begin not to attend again and lose touch with my friends
>barely get through the grade due to missing tests and drop out the next year
>read The Red and the Black by pure chance when 16 in summer between those events, am completely transformed by that sublime book
>still my favourite
Lemme write another one.

>> No.11684672
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>> No.11684675

sure man, go ahead, I'll read it.

>> No.11684681
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>> No.11684682

have you read gorky?

>> No.11684699

Sorry lads, fuck...

>> No.11684702

>mental health troubles
>physically ill often
>work as a crime reporter
>have my own little apartment that I can barely afford with a collection of 250 books (philosophy, poetry, literary fiction, anthropology, classics)
>want to move back to Europe (like Berlin or Vienna)
>can't because I'm in debt
>no car
>have a chubby asian fuckbuddy that wants to be my gf but I can't really stand her
>want the blonde qt from work
>but I don't really seem to feel love anymore after previous heartbreak bullshit over the years
>barely any friends
>friends I do have I rarely see and are all sort of successful blokey types that have settled down
>should be focusing on writing the fiction I've already started
>these days I only seem to focus on my philosophical treatise

>> No.11684725

When I was young I fell in love with the idea of the tortured artist. Unfortunately life was good. Family was loving and supportive, friends were there for me if I needed, even classmates were approachable and respectful. Instead of giving up on the idea of living this artist's life, I fucked myself. I fucked myself badly.
>Started to drink heavily
>Smoked a lot
>Did drugs
>Fucked around random sluts and prostitutes
>Isolated myself on purpose from people I was fully aware wanted nothing but my happiness
>Turn into a brick wall that refuses to let anyone ever see me being slightly emotional
>Spent most of my days writing
>Any time someone tried to approach me I refuse
>Purposely come across as an asshole and say that the writing was more important then they were
Now I'm alone, nearly broke, no friends, working a job I hate, my writing has stalled and drink heavily while wondering if this is what I wanted.

>> No.11684748

>my philosophical treatise
Ehl oh Ehl.

>> No.11684751

>studying classics
>translating Latin poetry over the summer to keep up with my studies
>started an Instagram poetry account where I translate ancient poets into instapoetry style.
>hate the fact I am debasing something I love the shoe horn it into the most relevant for of poetry

idk you decide

>> No.11685938
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Based and redpilled.

>> No.11686014

Best chance ITT.

>> No.11686820

How is it with the prostitutes?

>> No.11686998


>> No.11687079

I'll second >>11684305, your life sounds terribly effete but I wouldn't mind some of it.

>> No.11687123

It's allright (it helps being somewhat attractive), but i can't really recommend it because i feel even more lonely the days after visiting them.