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11675420 No.11675420[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How is that no fap coming anon? Have you trained your will today instead of being a slave?

>> No.11675430

Too busy writing to bother not wanking.

>> No.11675432

literally day 1 today

>> No.11675433

I cummed twice in my sleep last night. My bed looks disgusting

>> No.11675442
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how to doing stop that?

>> No.11675443

me too

>> No.11675449

don't get aroused before sleep. I was thinking how nice it would be to fap

>> No.11675456

Why should I stop?
It's good.

>> No.11675469

So you can meta program your dopamine reward circuitry and put it to better use

>> No.11675475

Master bait

>> No.11675484

Apart from not fapping, how will I do this and what better places could there be?

>> No.11675502

6 days. This is literally the longest I've ever gone in probably since I first started at age 13. I'm 25.

>> No.11675544
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I made it 56 days earlier this year. Most recently, two weeks. Today is day one of a new cycle. The intention - no less than 98 days, or, 14 weeks.

It is amazing how intense a difference can be felt in energetic and mental intensity even after only two paltry weeks. At 56 days the effects were fantastic, but the libidinal surges were a force to contend with. I broke the cycle and immediately felt an intellectual and spiritual descent. No amount of momentary pleasure is worth the loss of the perpetual and increasing high which comes from semen retention and the redirection of your thought energy to worthwhile ends. I intend to relinquish pornography, masturbation, and premarital relations altogether, but the 98 day marker will serve as a pole star to keep me bound to the right direction.

I wish you all well in your efforts. Subdue the beast with all haste. Godspeed.

>> No.11675552

Stop now like your life depended on it. You may not yet realize it, but it does.

>> No.11675561

day 14, have had two nocturnal emissions so far

>> No.11675567

yup im at day 31 longest streak ever im feeling urges damn

>> No.11675579

I promised myself a month, just to prove that I'm not addicted. I've been shocked by the strength of the cravings to be honest. Long term, given that I have a gf, I'm not going to forgo ejaculation altogether, but I may give up masturbation. I probably should.

>> No.11675615

You KNOW you should. Just definitively decide now to do it. You can.

>> No.11675618

Masturbation takes a couple minutes for a couple times a day. It's not much off my time at all, feels great, and makes it easier to focus on other things afterwards.

Why should I stop?

>> No.11675627

You shouldn't repress the urge to fap. Accept you have a libido and channel it healthy means of release. Masturbation is healthy and beneficial if you don't allow porn to poison your mind with anxieties.

>> No.11675630

Because you can. Cant you?

>> No.11675659

Thanks for nothing, subversive.

>> No.11675665

Why? What he said seems to make sense: it'd be good to not let things bottle up inside you. You meanwhile have failed to give a good reason to stop entirely.

You could just as well leave 4chan and all of Internet altogether. Can't you?

>> No.11675670

you know I'm right

>> No.11675685

>It is amazing how intense a difference can be felt in energetic and mental intensity even after only two paltry weeks
Is it really that significant an improvement?
>I intend to relinquish pornography, masturbation, and premarital relations altogether
Are you sure that abstaining from sex itself would be a good thing? Somehow that seems like a very different thing from obstaining from masturbation or porn. It's abstaining from a certain kind of social relationship. Are you sure that would be a good thing?

>> No.11675695

Women only bring trouble to your life anyway.

>> No.11675706
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A thread died for this you incels.

>> No.11675709

Great post. Thanks for the motivation, anon.

>> No.11675713

Are you the anon I was replying to?

>> No.11675801

I made no attempt. If you want to know, do a bit of research - it isn't too difficult and you can approach the matter from many angles. It isn't my obligation to spoon-feed you. Follow the subversive's advice if you want. I don't recommend it. The ordinary have always permitted the body to make their decisions. If you wish to number yourself among them, he's given you a map.

No. You're quite heinously wrong, and you'll have the ruined potential of these young men on your hands if any take you seriously.

>Is it really that significant an improvement?
It is. I am not exaggerating. You will thank yourself and simultaneously berate yourself for not abstaining sooner and entirely.
>Are you sure that abstaining from sex itself would be a good thing? Somehow that seems like a very different thing from abstaining from masturbation or porn. It's abstaining from a certain kind of social relationship. Are you sure that would be a good thing?
Yes. I am. It is a social relationship out of context. The most intimate form of physical intimacy between a man and a woman should logically follow from the most intimate psychological intimacy. If one has established such an intensely close relationship with a person it should obviously be nurtured and preserved, yet, in our society, these ties are created and destroyed (not without ill effect) as frequently as can be imagined. The result is impotent young men, damaged women, high divorce rates, low sexual satisfaction levels in relationships, and many other societal woes. This subject could be, and has been, written about at length, but I'd rather not proceed further. It would necessitate an essay or two.

>> No.11675805

Thank you. You're the reason I posted it.

>> No.11675824

>It isn't my obligation to spoon-feed you.
You could at least give me a link on where to get started. I'd imagine it would've taken less effort on your part, and tell me far more of what's going on, than the five-sentence rant you gave me.

>> No.11675835


finna cum.

>> No.11675841

>The most intimate form of physical intimacy between a man and a woman should logically follow from the most intimate psychological intimacy. If one has established such an intensely close relationship with a person it should obviously be nurtured and preserved, yet, in our society, these ties are created and destroyed (not without ill effect) as frequently as can be imagined
I agree with that, but that doesn't seem enough to me to justify abstaining from all premarital sex, only what is called "casual" sex. Is there really a necessary harm involved in having sex with a person you love in a long-term but non-marital relationship?

>> No.11675851
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It's basically just managing your thought life, benefits of which should extend to far more than mere lust but should encompass every negative thought. By getting at the root of the problem, you basically nip it in the bud. I would suggest doing something positive though at first when avoiding these intrusive thoughts, like saying a prayer, doing the Rosary, or repeating a motivating bit of literature.

It's important to understand how addiction may work, so there will need to be a period of roughing it out:

If you have persisting problems, then you may need to go through a 12-step program, because your continual failure suggests you're doing it as self-medication and that itself suggests a deeper emotional and spiritual problem than will be apparent even to you.

>> No.11675884

>this entire thread

You're all babbling about unscientific nonsense. "Dopamine circuits" are not fucking magic, we barely even know what dopamine is, much less how it works. If you feel better when not wanking then great, do what works for you, but trying to support your lifestyle of choice with all this idiocy is exactly that, idiotic.

>> No.11675898

But there's more to this thread than just >muh dopamine circuits.

>> No.11675915

You know exactly how your brain works, you just choose to ignore it

>> No.11675966

> unscientific

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA guys this loser believes in science still OMG WHAT A FAGGOT

>> No.11676051

This shit is embarassing
"Porn causes problems and staying in your room masturbating all day is unhealthy" makes sense but you faggots are incapable of making healthier choices without convincing yourself it is literally getting you high on knowledge and bringing you to enlightenment
You are socially isolated and are so desperate to convince yourselves it's because you're really a special modern monastic instead of a loser that you buy into some of the most retarded 1800s american protestant whackjob pseudoscience you could possibly find

>> No.11676057

There is decisively less harm in having sex with one woman with whom you share genuine mutual trust and affection. The trouble comes if that relationship ends and the next begins. With each successive partner, the woman becomes more polluted for future mates (a harsh word, I know, and not chosen for the sake of misogynistic insult, but of accuracy) and the male more diluted. In both cases, the frequency with which mates are exchanged is important. My word choice is essentially non-metaphorical. This is from a purely physical and psychological point of view, however. It is my belief there is also a spiritual perspective which is even more vital. It can be rationally discerned in a way you might not expect, and which would be impossible for me to currently explain, as I've only recently encountered it myself and the inquiry took five hours and three people, but the best place to find the information outright is the Bible.

>> No.11676065

I don't participate in no fap, but I don't do it often. Think it's been over 3 months since last time. Did it like twice over this year, only once last year.

>> No.11676078

With that amount of projection you could work at a movie theater

>> No.11676086

If not masturbating for a few weeks drastically changes every single aspect of your life, it's pretty safe to say your life was in the shitter already

>> No.11676110

One advantage I've noticed is that it trains you to control your urges - to refocus your mind in positive thoughts when needed. A happy compromise would be abstinence except for occasional sex with a long-term partner.

>> No.11676120

How would you know you were in a shitter if you never got out of it? Perhaps you should look around for your own shitter shelter instead of discrediting others outing of their own

>> No.11676131

Almost every religion on the planet encourages continence as a spiritual aid and you call it 'protestant whackjob psuedoscience'. It's not fucking science and nobody is trying to make it that.

>> No.11676146

It is easy for me to write, and though you aren't polite, I'll give you something anyway.

>The Bible (of course) is the best place to start. I prefer NASB, or ESV. The entirety of it is relevant, but you can begin with Proverbs. Proverbs 5 is particularly relevant, but you'll likely gain more by reading one Proverb a day every day of the month and ruminating on it (this will take no more than 10 minutes most likely - an easy sacrifice considering the potential reward of a more fulfilling life). In months with 30 days, read two the last day. Take notes and repeat this process. You WILL grow in wisdom from this (I highly recommend taking the time to humbly pray to God for wisdom each day before reading. He says in the book of James He will give wisdom to all who ask WITHOUT FINDING FAULT. The only condition is the conscious rejection of doubt. Even if you do not believe in God, perhaps ESPECIALLY if you do not believe in God, you should do this. Since there is no belief He is there there should be no problem in the rational assumption that if He, the God of James, did exist, He would in fact honor the word James spoke, supposing James was correct. Since the only way to know if James was correct is to take him at his word and give it go, you may as well. God is good, and so you will see if you ask.)

Don't suppose what you'll find is isolated to religious or Christian thinking. Although I am a Christian now, I was not always. Pythagoras had similar views, as did Taoists and many branches of esotericism. Even some secular men of the 20th century thought this - Napoleon Hill is one well known example. It is a facet of both 21st century China and Japan (which you may find surprising considering the pornographic material Japan produces). The proliferation of promiscuity is nothing more than misguided humanism at best, and, at worst, a method of control. It does two of the most important things simultaneously: (1) keep the population weak, and (2) keep them happy (also distracted). The real issue, for those theoretically implementing this method, are problems stemming from the over-sexualization of a populace. Control is an inexact, though increasingly exact, science. To my limited knowledge on the history of this subject these methods have been implemented in the West since approximately the end of WWII, growing roughly out of experimentation in group dynamics and psychology post WWI. You can take any of this information as a starting point, though it is vague, or you can take the direct route - try abstaining from sex, pornography, masturbation, and sexual thinking for a period of no less than two weeks. Make sure you concentrate your mental or physical faculties on something productive when you feel most intensely tempted and make the comparison yourself. If you find the experience unfulfilling, don't repeat it. It takes little adjustment to try the method - only willpower and commitment.

>> No.11676155

Don't find yourself in the place of a scoffer. It is an undesirable position to be in.

>> No.11676163

This thread isn't as bad as some others but many of the ones on /lit/ veer off into a bunch of shit about absorbing semen back into your body and that anyone who hasn't reabsorbed their semen can never be remotely intelligent. You also have half a dozen posters in this thread alone trying to talk like mystical asian wise men from a hollywood movie.

>> No.11676170

with this

>> No.11676174
File: 656 KB, 1920x1280, 5a5e2d52028a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn...really made me think. Thanks Osho, brb deleting my pornos and joining a monastery.

>> No.11676183

Its all metaphorical, its not about semen retention, its about practicing the ability to delay gratification, to practice willpower

>> No.11676195

Its not metaphorical, its about semen retantion, its about practicing ability to shoot the cum in your mouth, to keep the cycle going

>> No.11676204

Its not metaphorical, its about semen retantion, its about practicing ability to fuck your own ass, to grow more flexible

>> No.11676213

There are hundreds of ways to train that. I run five miles a day and read every day, both of which require focus and resistance of distractions. I see "not jacking off" as something along the lines of those people who wear a fitbit and applaud themselves for walking 100 more steps than the previous day. Don't jack off if it makes you feel better, but don't take it so seriously like it's completely changed your life.
You clearly didn't read the threads I was talking about where the wisdom of old repressed dudes that literally thought you could absorb nutrients from your semen to expand your brain was seen as an esoteric truth hidden by The Establishment for its unimaginable power.

>> No.11676216

>being so soaked in dopamine you resort to trolling no fap threads
Do you realize you are an addict?

>> No.11676225

That isn't what I'm suggesting. I'm suggesting something more moderate which your satire doesn't capture. Just don't be so quick to assume others are wrong. To cease critical thinking so easily robs you not only of the chance to deepen your own understanding, but prevents the acquisition of any wisdom which was not apprehended as such at face value. Aristotle would have likely called it, "a mark of the defect of those young in years or in character." Also, your porn collection is not of anyone's concern but your own. This thread never struck me as a proselyte campaign, but a motivational get-together to which you came to simultaneously scoff and beg for enlightenment, as the presentation of an argument is the implicit request for it's refutation.

>> No.11676228

We're all sinners being rubbed vigorously in the hands of an angry god, anon.
If you're lashing out at people for not taking you seriously on a bhutanese kite racing forum you probably need to rethink your position.

>> No.11676230
File: 200 KB, 445x714, overman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

protip: you can transmute sexual and orgasm energy to potentiate brain and body.
protip2: is real I have done it
protip3: no I'm not going spoon feeding anyone anymore
protip4: tfw master of fap and nofap

>> No.11676258

Sensei, did you really just quote what you think Aristotle "would have likely called" jerking off? Do you genuinely not understand why anyone would call this ridiculous? Because this is absolutely ridiculous. /lit/ is about books, not a support group about not touching your penis at night.
I hope I fell for bait, but with this internet neo-desert-father monk shit I really can't tell.

>> No.11676264

>don't take it so seriously like it's completely changed your life.

I don't. And I largely agree - I'm not one the chasteposters here. But, in my experience, exercising regularly, reading, writing, abstaining from masturbation, and so on, all work to reinforce each other. It may be a placebo, but my life seems better when I'm not jacking it to porn every day. Which doesn't seem all that crazy, even if the benefits aren't what some are making them out to be.

>> No.11676282

Just understand that it's a psychological effect of learning to control a very powerful urge and sticking to a plan. Dedication makes dedication easier. Don't fall for retarded cultists making up Aristotle's hypothetical opinions on traps and don't jerk yourself off about not jerking yourself off.

>> No.11676293

>trying to talk like mystical asian wise men from a hollywood movie
On the mark. What is it about nofap that turns people into humourless and self important LARPers?

>> No.11676294

Day 74 of no fap.

As I exited my vehicle to walk into work I caught scent of a female in heat 73.35 meters upwind. Because of the fog I couldn’t see her yet but judging by the scent she was mid twenties, and healthy. My ultra attunated hearing was able to pick up her gait, which put her at about 5’6”. My mind, free of the constraints of porn and indecent imagery, was able to calculate her weight based on the ripple in the testosterone continuum produced by her footsteps as she walked away from me.

Being that I was 10 minutes early for work, I made chase and followed her through the fog still without visual contact. I was like a pilot navigating the white abyss by instrument alone. I was trailing her about 130m behind when I sensed her phone vibrate in her purse through the pavement. Holding my ear to the ground I was able to faintly pick up on the conversation she was having with beta BF. Based on the annoyed tone in her voice I knew now was the time to strike.

I readied my legs and concentrated all of my Testo-chakras into my Vastus Medialus muscles as I assumed a sprinters starting stance. I exploded forward in a cataclysm of sex hormone fueled rage. Exactly 2.54 nanoseconds later I began to phase through time and space as I meshed with the testosterone continuum. As I phased through the helpless female target I nutted directly into both of her Fallopian tubes, destroying her previously unbroken hymen and causing her to orgasm INSTANTLY. As I began to slow down 33.6 light years later, I realized that while she would have wanted to thank me for giving her the gift of my superior seed that she was already dead and gone having raised my CHAD progeny to repopulate the earth.

As I float into the the celestial abyss of the greater Crab Nebula I am not filled with regret for having left my world, but rather happiness for having left it a better place. You're welcome.

>> No.11676312

Not jerking off, my disciple, but your attitude - a scoffer's attitude, in all it's ludicrous arrogance. Of course it can only be in "likely" terms, as Aristotle is dead and, therefore, cannot speak for himself. Before calling what I've said ridiculous, you should make sure you've understood what I've said. I would, indeed, become your teacher, as you're certainly at a level which I could teach you to grow beyond - though you're not a quick study.

>> No.11676317

As funny as this is, it is logically inconsistent with itself.

>> No.11676322

>anyone who hasn't reabsorbed their semen can never be remotely intelligent

This is unequivocally true, fagboy. Abstinence = a more concentrated sex (life) essence.

>> No.11676336
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>people are so addicted to masturbation they feel personally attacked by a no fap thread

>> No.11676340

lol so true so funny and sad

>> No.11676400


>began to phase through time and space as I meshed with the testosterone continuum.

Fucking 10/10.

>> No.11676407

Really the principle is just that it's unhealthy and addictive in the same sense fast food and watching TV is. It just sucks time away and makes you feel lethargic and shitty.

>> No.11676432

Does this mean swallowing other guys' cum and getting anally creampied will turn me into a genius?

>> No.11676463

Masturbation isn't addiction though. Your body is wired so you need to blast a load every so often. If you have no access to sex, what else you are going to do? That's why you get wet dreams when you don't fap. It's like saying you're addicted to water.

Now porn can actually give you ED, but that's a different topic.

>> No.11676475

No it only counts if you reabsorb it into your blood. I suggest making a few cuts into your rectal wall and hitting up the nearest gay club.

>> No.11676483

>your body is wired to need to blast a load every so often

this is just not true though. only horny teenagers have wet dreams.

>> No.11676489

>this is why i am not an addict
t. addict

>> No.11676494

>Masturbation isn't addiction though.
Anything can become an addiction if it is being used as a form of self-medication.

>> No.11676497

You know, you don't have to think about sex stuff all the time (obtaining, abstaining, etc.). You CAN, I dunno, just think about other things and not worry about it?

I'm just saying, and not to be too offensive, but worrying about this kind of thing is exactly what I'd expect from basement dwelling dweebs with no girlfriend or life.

>> No.11676504

I don't think any one of us is using masturbation as self-medication. We just do it because it feels good.

>> No.11676516

>I don't think any one of us is using heroine as self-medication. We just do it because it feels good.

>> No.11676520

>counting days
not gonna make it

>> No.11676538

Masturbation is common in mammals like chimps. It's a natural action. In fact no fap can actually do damage to your dick.The people here who've done no-fap for more than 30 days know how good it feels to relapse after that, and how difficult it is to get a boner once the high is gone. You're literally destroying your dick. Don't be surprised if you can't get an erection past a certain point.

Also the whole "your testosterone gets higher" thing is bullshit. You'll actually start dropping test levels after a week or two, and drop them fast, because you act like a infertile idiot, and your body responds to that. Nofap getting easier after awhile doesn't mean you get better at it, it means your labido is going down the sink.

>> No.11676539

Like, the fact that you have on opinion on one end to the point where you argue for your side... it's is kinda weird.
It's 4chan, I get it. But niggas, come on.

Have you considered that, maybe, the effort placed on focusing on masturbation (or its abstinence) is actually worse than whatever you're trying to prevent?

>> No.11676562

Humans aren't merely chimps. They have emotional lives, hence a potential weakness towards addiction. Take gluttons who gorge themselves on food when they're feeling down after a bad day.

>> No.11676571

Gluttony is bad, but we all have to eat.

>> No.11676587

But we don't have to jerk ourselves off. Unless we're addicts.

>> No.11676592

As >>11676538 just said, we kind of do.

>> No.11676600

I can stop any time I like.

>> No.11676601

How is something you develop naturally, has health benefits, and relives stress, an addiction?

Stop with this self-help placebo bullshit. No-fap won't make you more attractive and smarter, it will just make you really horny for most of the day, and after awhile give you a ED. Because really that's what it is, nobody starts no-fap because they think it's some deadly addiction that will kill them, it's all stupid make belief you read somewhere that will improve your life.

And of course if you have no restrain on something, it's bad. Sure, watching too much porn will have mental consequences, but fapping is not always watching porn.

>> No.11676605

Dick is still fine. Can confirm.

>> No.11676616

>it will just make you really horny for most of the day, and after awhile give you a ED
Again, both are completely false.

>> No.11676626

Then explain to me the magical powers you suddenly got from not masturbating.

>> No.11676630

lol I'm on antidebress bills and I need to train my will to fap, not the other way around. My arm aches before I can cum.

>> No.11676790
File: 112 KB, 633x758, That+hurt+to+read+_b7c10bb62b57e8487741027fdfb6363f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just jerked off four times in the last 2 and a half hours
not looking to good. every day i binge and want to kill myself
what do i do

>> No.11676791
File: 55 KB, 850x400, 1534004805338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm almost at a month now. That based nofap anon really pushed me forward with that nofap thread a few weeks ago or so. If you're reading this, thanks for everything!

In the meantime I have massively tempered my desires, to the point of losing a significant amount of lust and such. The clarity of mind and increased energy is rather noticeable. I hope I'm on the path to freedom from here on. Urges are random and sporadic but I have learned to ignore them.

Quitting wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, although I never had *that* much of a problem. The most important tip I have picked up is to avoid all forms of arousal as much as possible. Disabling thumbnails helps. Even going as far as turning your head when scantily clad women come across you in public. Just know all of you can do it if you put your mind to it.

>> No.11676795
File: 300 KB, 838x793, 1534004997064.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up nofap stuff on the lit archives. There's a based nofap anon with amazing posts. Read especially the Physiological Value of Continence.

>> No.11676796
File: 429 KB, 2033x1602, 1534027785069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Passing on nofap anon's stuff because he helped me so much. Least I could do is pass it forward.

>> No.11676797

God, you're such freaks.

>> No.11676798
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>> No.11676800

lol dude not jerking it is just fuckin' unthinkable for you, huh

>> No.11676809

>"scientific" research from the 1900s
It's nice that this "helped" you, but it's really just a fucking embarrassment to everyone else.

>> No.11676813
File: 101 KB, 751x370, 1534031200193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As were most of the men who achieved anything of note. There's nothing wrong with indulging oneself incessantly if you aspire to mediocrity. Nofap allows one to focus all of their energies on ambitious tasks.

>> No.11676816

>its old therefore it must be wrong!

>> No.11676827

What kind of argument is this? Newton's work is hundreds of years old and yet much of our scientific knowledge relies upon it. This is just to name one, there are numerous others.

There is nothing in modern science either that concretely proves masturbation is actually healthy.

>> No.11676839
File: 316 KB, 708x569, 1527507155964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice how irrationally angry men become when you criticize their masturbation habits.

Really makes me think...

>> No.11676840

I think you misunderstood. I'm calling you freaks because you're actually buying into this absolute nonsense.

>As were most of the men who achieved anything of note.
And most of the colossal losers as well, hopeless weirdos who amount to nothing because their weak minds fall prey to the most absurd, pseudo self-help gobbledygook.

Just get your shit together like a normal person. An achiever like you can handle fapping *and* succeeding, I'm sure of it.

>> No.11676842

Last time I masturbated before today was 20 days ago due to having had a loose circumcision to fix a medical problem. Haven't felt the urge at all, did it today mainly to see how it feels after the wounds have healed. Felt great, relieved some stress, no fap didn't do anything for me at all

>> No.11676843

nofap applies to women too, anon.

>> No.11676847

Well I don't care about women since it doesn't really come up. It's quite funny nonetheless.

>> No.11676869

>What kind of argument is this?
The kind of argument that's based on the fact that the overwhelming majority of *medical* research done before and around that time consisted of absolute hogwash and flimsy conjecture. Barely anything from that period has actually stood the test of time, especially not religion/moral-laden fringe babble like the stuff you're posting.

>There is nothing in modern science either that concretely proves masturbation is actually healthy.
Which isn't my position. I'm telling you that the sentiments presented in those snippets you've posted are absolutely embarrassing to read in the context of health advice. "Masturbation can lead to imbecility or insanity", how can you even read this without cringing or at the very least seeking out further confirmation?

>> No.11676872

>absurd, pseudo self-help gobbledygook.
It's not though. The loss of vital nutrients through ejaculation is no joke.

Besides the science, I think anyone can realize that masturbation is a drain upon one's energies. The sublation of sexual energy into productive energy will put you far ahead of most other people. It can't be described to most people because at most they've gone maybe a few weeks without masturbating.

This is without acknowledging the terrible harm that pornography bestows on your brain.

>normal person.
That's besides the point though, no one here is trying to be merely "normal" whatever that means.

>> No.11676933

>It's not though. The loss of vital nutrients through ejaculation is no joke.
I'm not laughing. I'm not calling it a joke, I'm calling it a superstition.

You wanna hear my honest, less assholish opinion on this? Moving away from any kind of scientific discussion, I think much of the appeal of nofap lies within the simple fact that it's an exercise of self-control, something that's compelling because it's a challenge, one that can be taken up by oneself without any direct competition. In this sense, I can definitely see how this could lead to boosted self-esteem, but I won't buy into the notion that one's abilities, be they mental or physical, will automatically improve as a direct result of it. I will go so far as to agree that kicking an actual porn *addiction* (or masturbation addiction) will have demonstrable benefits, but the mere abstaining from self-pleasure... I would have to see better research than centuries-old musings that can hardly even be called scientific.

So, yeah, I don't want to be as much of a dick about this as it may seem. If you think this is helping you in some way, fine, more power to you. I just got really gobsmacked by those snippets you posted. I hadn't realized that *that's* what the nofap community was basing their beliefs on. I was just a bit shocked, honestly.

The "normal person" comment was just a jab, by the way. Ignore it.