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11675733 No.11675733 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever read a book that was so good you consistently re-read it every year?

>> No.11675735

The Hobbit.

>> No.11675756

Some books yeah, I re-read some short stories every year like The Bridgeroom, The Wall, Evie M.. some of these I read almost once a week, never mind a year.

>> No.11675762
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>> No.11675832

les enfants terribles because its the best book about being a NEET i've ever read

>> No.11675836

ulysses. Always read it between the last and first months of the year. Done that 3 years now.
This year I read finnegans and intend to reread it every year too

>> No.11675845

The meditations of Marcus Aurelius, Siddartha, Rilke’s letters to a young poet. Sometimes I’ll just read passages, sometimes the whole book, but these are a constant presence

>> No.11675912

Any favorite bits from the Wake?

>> No.11675975

These are all pretty solid, desu

>> No.11676007

My diary desu.

>> No.11676017

Was about to post this. Why is BM so good? It make other books look like shit made by retarded childrens

>> No.11676043

i've only read it once and without any notes/secondary material, so it is hard to say, I don't even feel I can say I've read it without reading at least once more. That said, it is very hard to think of specific parts I enjoyed but reading it in no moment it felt like a chore to read it. What I can say is that I found innumerable very funny parts, very beautiful parts, some of which I admit I didn't entirely grasp what even made it beautiful

>> No.11676076

Riddles in the Dark. My fav chapter

>> No.11676374

The Aubrey-Maturin books by Patrick O'Brian. Not every year as there are 20 of them.

>> No.11676409

Best American Poetry, Years 2014-2016

>> No.11676471

Keeping a diary is a little bit gay.

Now, keeping a written chronology of your murderous thoughts and terrifying existential introspective nightmares? Very gay.

>> No.11676476

Gravity’s Rainbow

>> No.11676499

>Spends all year rereading the same book.

>> No.11676537


>> No.11676548

>writing is gay because it recommends the writer to a personal account and as we all know, having a personality is very homosexual

>> No.11677220

I'm gonna start doing that with the different translations of the Iliad. Rouse sucked, Lattimore was great, I'll try Chapman next.

>> No.11677296

gilbert white's a natural history of selborne
i don't re-read the whole thing, it's an epistolary, so i just pull it off the shelf now and again and read a couple of the letters. it's one of my favourite books ever.
also i have an (abridged, admittedly) edition of samuel pepys' diary desu, so i often take it down and read the entries for whatever day it is

>> No.11679040


>> No.11679046

>rereading books
But there are so many good ones I haven't read yet and I'm going to die one day

>> No.11679056

I assume this was a joke, though I'm not entirely sure. Either way I laughed.

>> No.11679066

If you read 40 books a year for 50 years that works out to be a lot of books

>> No.11679084

>reading books

>> No.11679092

World War Z

>> No.11679099

>reading Finnegans Wake in a year

>> No.11679118

No it doesn't

>> No.11679121

That's not much of a dent in the total number of good books though. Completism is a curse

>> No.11679131

How many good books are there?

>> No.11679192
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I'm a simple man, really.

>> No.11679194

Definitely over 9000

>> No.11679202


>> No.11679521

>I found innumerable very funny parts, very beautiful parts
if only we knew what these were

>> No.11679554

As a child, yes, all the time. But since the age of 14 or so I don't think I've re-read a book once

>> No.11679555
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>> No.11679682

What's it about, your trips have me curious. Fate should not be trifled with.