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11675068 No.11675068 [Reply] [Original]

I just watched a bunch of documentaries about Israel and the Israel-Palestinian conflict and I have completely done a 180 on my stance on the issue. Are there any good books that go into more depth on the complexities of Israel and Palestine that aren't kike propaganda or the equivalent but on the other end of the spectrum?

Noam Chomsky has a book "On Palestine" - is that a good start?

>> No.11675096

>Books that call Jews out on their bullshit
>Noam Chomsky

>> No.11675102


>> No.11675113

Norman Finkelstein's books on the conflict are excellent.

>> No.11675124
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I found this book oddly captivating.
The trickery involved is on a whole other level.

>> No.11675136


>> No.11675143

Seconding Finkelstein. Jews like him and Chomsky seem to understand the issue most.

>> No.11675151


I gave this book to my dad thinking he would get a kick out of it since he's a lawyer. He never returned the book and never spoke of it again.

>> No.11675153
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interesting post

>> No.11675156
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Anon what were you thinking?

>> No.11675199

Even if the book was true it would be about jews fucking up other jews.

>> No.11675230


The indiscriminate parasitism is part of what makes it such an interesting story.

>> No.11675246
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I've just realised now but isn't it funny how jews are accused of parasitisms when plenty of people gain moneys by throwing slanderous lie at them

>> No.11675251

>plenty of people gain moneys by throwing slanderous lie

No one has a monopoly on parasitism

>> No.11675264
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The Culture of Critique (of course)
Jews and Modern Capitalism by Werner Sombart
You Gentiles by Maurice Samuel

But you don't want to be anti-semitic by criticizing God's chosen people now do you goy?

>> No.11675307

people likes >>11675264 would like to make you believe that.

>> No.11675322

Not true, it documents Jews who had no connection to the holocaust extorting European countries for money using the United States government as their cudgel.

>> No.11675371

It seems like severals part of the book are bullshit and that he doesn't mention other reasons why survivors didn't receive payments.

>> No.11675388

T. Butthurt philosemite

Reminder that Jews as a diaspora people are not perfect and (like anything new else) are still subject to group based criticism even if they were genocided by Germans

>> No.11675422

He backs up everything he says with extensive citations and documentation, there was not anything that he claimed happened in the book which was ever debunked (and trust me they sure as hell tried). Raul Hillberg, the godfather of holocaust studies himself wrote a blurb/intro agreeing with Norman's study of all the fraud that went on and despite all the head honchos of world jewry pleading with him to remove his endorsement he refused to.

>> No.11675589
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I can vouch for all of these. Top-notchest of reads. The last two are articles, more or less from a Catholic perspective, but no less fascinating, especially the last one, titled "The Mystery of the Jewish People."
The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit - E. Michael Jones

The Plot Against The Church - Maurice Pinay

The International Jew - Henry Ford

The Jewish Question in Europe - from La Civilta Cattolica (The Official Periodical of the Vatican), vol. VII, no. XIV. 1890 (Oct, Nov, Dec)

The Mystery of the Jewish People in History - By Rev. Frs. Michael Crowdy & Kenneth Novak
Published in the April 1997 issue of The Angelus magazine

>> No.11675683


>> No.11675718

Jews are fine, Israel is a shit

>> No.11676650

"the exploitation of jewish suffering"
what a talmudic way to say that jews are profiting on the fake narrative of the holocaust

>> No.11677038

definitely not an antisemite and I think israel is awful
how do you, a country formed my marginalized people, literally do ghettos and de-humanization to palestinians. where's the empathy, the historical knowledge

>> No.11677041

either /pol/ needs to go or the mods need to come back

>> No.11677191
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>Jews are fine
Jews are not fine, and this argument is either made in ignorance or done in bad faith, there are no other options because the evidence will only overwhelm the skeptic who dares to look into the matter. So please fuck off with your bullshit. You too >>11677038

in b4: NOT ALL JEWS, an argument made by no one ever.

>> No.11677227

Finklestien had family members die in the camps; he's not a denier. Anti-Isreal != antisemitic != revisionist

>> No.11677239

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