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/lit/ - Literature

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11673814 No.11673814[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are Jordan Peterson’s views on /lit/?

>> No.11673817

He'd probably think we're unintelligent douchebags.

And he wouldn't be wrong.

>> No.11673947

Probably that we're wild degenerates not worthy of salvation.

>> No.11673948

opinionated dumb pseud, he'd fit right in

>> No.11673956

Did this thread need to continue? Were the over 200 replies not enough to satisfy you OP?

>> No.11673957

>/lit/ before
>Marxists, strict classicists, Joyce, Tao Lin, and DFW memers
>/lit/ after
>Christposters, DFW and Pinecone memers, Sam Harris is dumb, Start with the Greeks
>/lit/ now
>self-help, youtubers, best-selling genre fiction, Where do I start with x? Joyce actually sucks, lol
What went wrong?

>> No.11673968
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>> No.11673973

it used to be ok but was too slow

>> No.11673989

minus the marxists, old /lit/ was alright

>> No.11674008

Sounds like all iterations are equally shit.

>> No.11674020

>old /lit/ was good
Is there a bigger signifier of newfagness?

>> No.11674028

What Jordan are Peterson's /lit/ on views ?

>> No.11674037

clean youre board janny

>> No.11674050

At least there's less "post your favorite cover of this book!111!!!" threads then there used to be.

>> No.11674052

i account for roughly 50% of the threads generated daily
kind of a microcosm of capitalism when u think about it

>> No.11674082


>average amount of words on OP's is ~20 on page 1 (go check it out for yourself)
>Peterson thread #328 of the week

The board is finally reaching that critical mass of shit needed for me to leave indefinitely. Peterson is especially illuminating, as he is responding to internet culture, not any writings. The fact that he can inspire endless "discussion" here is the final proof that no one here reads, just fucks around on the internet.

Whenever someone points out how utterly terrible this place is, someone deluding himself will argue that the anonymity fosters "brilliant and insightful discussion I could not have found anywhere else". This is perhaps the most preposterous lie I have ever heard. I do not believe that there is any insight in this place. There are perhaps 1-2 posts per month that just reach the quality of what you would consider a mediocre post elsewhere.

>> No.11674096
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B-but my chart....

>> No.11674140


Yeah, god forbid that people with well-read opposing opinions actually invaded this autistic-repetitive hugbox. One would actually have to come up with arguments, and might even come to see things in a different light, or alternatively, convince someone else that their views were erroneous.


It's kind of tragically interesting that whenever people are asked about what great, intelligent posters there are here on /lit/, everyone always links that one guy from 2012 or thereabouts who people think was Pynchon. Those were good posts. Those 5-6 posts back in 2012. That were most definitely not written by Pynchon, but more probably by a bored graduate student. That is the greatest that /lit/ has mounted to in the last 6 years.

Through just a few hours of effort, I've found places much better than this to discuss both literature and philosophy. I'm never telling /lit what they are (protip: it''s not plebbit), as I do not want these places to be invaded by hordes of slobbering mouthbreathers addicted to the polemical part of youtube, who read 4-6 books a year, consider effortposts to be try-hard and have never been capable of writing more than 250+ coherent words due to their internet- and porn-induced ADD.

>> No.11674221

The problem is that pop-politics has taken over this board and everything is discussed through that lens. It's boring, lacks rigour and amounts to meme-speak.

>> No.11674380

My opinion hasn't changed since yesterday when you posted this same thread .

>> No.11674396

Stop making threads on here, Jordan. You're a fag.

>> No.11674415


>> No.11674489
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Questions for Never-Petersons.

1. Define postmodernism in your own words.

2. Explain why Cultural Marxism isn't real.

3. Quote a single instance of Peterson saying something you personally disagree with, and why you disagree with it.

I'll wait.

>by the way you're all called never-petersons now.

>> No.11674516
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Mr peterson pls have my bbs

>> No.11674526

I predict this will be the most competent post, at the top of the hierarchy of never-peterson ideology, in this whole thread.

>> No.11674654


>> No.11674941

Climate change denier

>> No.11675090
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>> No.11675191
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>> No.11675200

>anything wrong with starting with the Greeks


>> No.11675202

Dominance hierarchies are axiomatic of any system whereby individuals compete in service of the attainment of a singular goal.

A famous expression of this is the pareto distribution.


>> No.11675211
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Haha touchy

>> No.11675218


>> No.11675220

There is no relationship between "dominance hierarchies are axiomatic" and "pareto distribution" yet you make it out to be related

>> No.11675233

>brainlet cultist tripfaggot enters the thread

>> No.11675296

Peterson is equivalent to Rick and Morty

>> No.11675308

If you don't like it head over to reddit, fag.

>> No.11675335

to be fair, you do need a high IQ to understand Rick and Morty

>> No.11675468

I behave as if jordan peterson is my dad. This does not mean I believe in him.

>> No.11675487

>slow boards are bad
end thy life

>> No.11675631


Climate change 2018: