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/lit/ - Literature

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11662591 No.11662591 [Reply] [Original]

Plotinus' One is t = 0. More to the point, God is the singularity of identity with Himself that all subjectivity participates in, to be subjectivity: Schelling's negative principle, the reflexivity of God is the reflexivity of the self. The arch-principle in Neoplatonism is unity because oneness is irreducible to its parts. Mysticism is self-integralization. Extension is otherness, the singularity inflated at the instant of beginning. All beings are derivative of a primordial sameness. 1 x 1 = 1. Parmenides' adequacy of thought and being signals the Kali Yuga: thought and being become co-dependent, what is thought is being, what is being must be thought. Sameness confirms itself in the neuro-architecture of naked apes. The absolute is thought naming its own groundswell. The corrollary of spatial expansion is the singularization of the "I" out of sense-certainty. Descartes and Kant inaguarated the subject in the ruins of Olypmpus. Christ was the Prometheus of the rabble. Heat death is the 9 - 5. We're a grenade blast in the 0 winding down to null. Movies exist because the night does. We're that which is infinitely clarified by the thinking of its own hollow back. Zen upends the Hegelian "identity of identity and non-identity" with the question: "what is there between the non-difference of birth and death?" Always mind bursting into new vistas. Always this reckoning. Enlightenment means exhalation. Nirvana is what extinguishes the magnetism of the Other. God sets up the symbolic economy of human relations to negate it, yes, spirituality is accidental, but accidental in a necessary way, and this is arguably Hegel's whole point: the Idea can only arrive as the negative. What Hegel is saying is that even if he's overcome there's a kernel of his thought that is always validated by that overcoming. Hegel is the fatigue of being: thought glimpsing its own self-movement, coming to terms with ontological addiction. DFW nails it, I'm afraid. Acceptance is fatigue. Hegel is thought's habituation to its own intelligibility. Transcendence is only possible for Plato because for the Greek mind the world still sang. The Golden Age was thought's morning, and Hegel is the guest who arrives at dusk. Now I hear the crickets chirping. Death is the greatest trip. That's what we're here for. God smoking us out of matter's bong. All this sweetness. Don't ya know. Your dreams are your afterlife. I'm here for you. You for who your eyes still burn

>> No.11662613

what kind of music do you listen to, anon?

>> No.11662665

Shoo! Shoo! Metaphysics Jew!

>> No.11662724
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>> No.11662767

im screencapping your fucking posts
i know your tripping hard on some real psychadelic shit

your leading to somewhere
i know it to be true

>> No.11663088


let's deconstruct this shitpost:

>Plotinus' One is t = 0.

no it's not

>More to the point, God is the singularity of identity with Himself that all subjectivity participates in, to be subjectivity: Schelling's negative principle, the reflexivity of God is the reflexivity of the self.

your colon here is literally random and could be paired with any other sentence from the entire paragraph

>The arch-principle in Neoplatonism is unity because oneness is irreducible to its parts.

arch-principle? what? if this is true then there are no other principles

>Mysticism is self-integralization.

like integrals in math? like interfacing with the world through a system? please explain because i could say shitting myself is also self integralization

>xtension is otherness, the singularity inflated at the instant of beginning.

well please explain your definition of inflated, becausae this doesn't make sense.

>All beings are derivative of a primordial sameness.

stop repeating yourself

> 1 x 1 = 1.

Just as usual no explanation given here

>Parmenides' adequacy of thought and being signals the Kali Yuga: thought and being become co-dependent, what is thought is being, what is being must be thought.

interesting but that's not really parmenides thing I would say maybe heracles? :)

>Sameness confirms itself in the neuro-architecture of naked apes

im not naked, am i not sameness? if i wasnt it contrasts your earlier point.

ah what the fuck, im done doing this. in fact after reading a few sentences individually i think i might start posting this shit myself, it's kind of catchy just letting out random garbage. kind of like a pseud-thought purge.

>> No.11663128

Stick in the mud pseud bitch

>> No.11663130

Holy yikes Batman

>> No.11663137

Amazing, everything you just said is wrong, also:
Nigga you dumb as hell

>> No.11663145

guess what: nobody gives a single shit

>> No.11663151
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did he complete the system yet

>> No.11663152

Nice adderall post faggot. Kys

>> No.11663166

based 5oclock wojak poster

>> No.11663193

i would like to see these all put together, i want to read them in one go.

>> No.11663761

You're thinking of Heraclitus, and not it isn't Heraclitus, it's parmenides, parmenides is the one who says being is what can only be thought

>> No.11663990
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Still haven't taken on the final boss yet I see.

>> No.11664229

just read about him when going through middle ages philosophy. makes me want to learn latin

>> No.11664304
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This is a reminder that the Neoplatonist Iamblichus invented ZERO.

>> No.11664311

>number 0
really nigga

>> No.11664316


See the post above yours. Iamblichus used 0 as a number.

>> No.11664388

Iamblichus also prefigures Hegel a bit by difference being internal to the One instead of somehow outside it. Good stuff.

>> No.11664595


>> No.11664704
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In going from actuality to potentiality, being flows through non-being, out of which emerge dualities of actuality and that which form can become: Dasein as the negation of potentiality, Heidigger’s concepts drowning out-side the sea of rhizomatic actuality. Aquinas warmed us. We are shoals of ideological half-corpses deterritorializing ourselves from the Event, pure breathing derivatives without souls, {Yeatses’ husks without passion, Daimon, thief of the light!) shadows of the übermensch: swim on, fight, rage against the dark! The Leviathan, our egoless cubes alienated into egregore otherness, capitalist technology, virtual hauntologies of retro futuristic culture only absolved by the gravitational space-time rifts of Goethe’s participatory method, Fichte’s post-nous assurance. What remains when substance is reduced to absolute presence, a monsoon without clouds? A topography of the absolute, we experienced it, brothers, 2012, the subtly differentiated vacuum of the Real opened and affirmed by post-Kantian speculative realism, orienting its object over compressing phases of physical bodies, transcendentally void, ownership deracinating and yielding to multiplicity captured by singularity: will Eruigena’s inert God stay cold as the layers that folded out of Him compress flesh and shadow back inside, our ambling rejection the ultimate failure of the experiment of meaning: are we the Leftovers?

See? Anyone can write schizo bullshit. Even though it all carries meaning, there is a reason we don’t express ourselves this way. You’re lost in abstract language OP. Alone with dead forms. Try to communicate your ideas better so people who enjoy discussing them can. Don’t flaunt your phallogos, it makes people upset for no reason. Reality is thought and action, there is nothing more but games.

>> No.11664797

>See? Anyone can write schizo bullshit. Even though it all carries meaning, there is a reason we don’t express ourselves this way.

Nah, every word is exactly where it needs to be, in your example you consciously laid it on a bit thick. Every single line has a correspondent passage from a book or paper I've read.

>> No.11664866

youre just scraping your skull homie, direct your attention into the hologram and let it move

>> No.11664908

Based on your reply you completely missed my point. It’s about not introducing otherness to the conversation. Your blatant disregard for communication is trendslaving. Why do you refuse to make your ideas more accessible? And whatever the reason, why assert yourself this way in a board of outcasts and proud misfits?
I’m calling you out for showing off. Your writing is fragmented, incoherent, unfocused. It doesn’t point to truth within but to objects. No revelation, just occultism. The only reason I say this is because I acknowledge your passion. It’s just sad to see another one translate it into convoluted madness. You’ll burn out, you’ll lose yourself, you’ll fade away. And for what?
Come join the light instead. Be clear, inspire others, for no matter how much you declare “I’m not trying to play catch up with others” it ain’t hard to realise you’re nothing without us and God.
I’m saying it doesn’t have to be this way, it can be easy and heartfelt and meaningful. This writing is cold, the thoughts behind them stirred up, the light clouded by darkness. Change it for your own sake. This isn’t enlightenment, this is the apple in the mouth of the snake.

>> No.11664955

I know exactly what I'm saying, these are the kinds of posts I wanna read, unorthodox ideas delivered in a somewhat literary way, without sacrificing rigor. Don't confuse an excess of ideas for, well, confusion.

>> No.11664962


>> No.11665023

I did actually, very much enjoyed the article, I like how proto-Hegelian he is

>> No.11665060

Of German Idealism?

>> No.11665074
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> I know exactly what I’m saying
Hmm but do you know what speaks through you, Hegelian?
Whatever, I can feel your resolution. Maybe I was judging too harshly. Those balancing acts make me anxious.
Dyou have disc or something, or do you keep business and private separate?

>> No.11665099

Can someone recommend me a primer to Neoplatonism and or Hegel? I know nothing of either but they seem to share vocabulary and projects, like this notion of absolute knowledge and God.

>> No.11665160

I agree with you it's pretty scattershot, but that's the effect I'm aiming for. Thanks for being reasonable.

>Dyou have disc or something, or do you keep business and private separate?

Whatcha mean?

SEP and IEP articles on Plotinus, Hegel's introductory material to his lectures on the history of philosophy. The latter has the clearest formulations of his thought you might find anywhere

>> No.11665226

Yea there’s value in using style to slow the mind down in order for ideas to be felt beyond language.
I meant discord or some neutral medium to chat on

>> No.11665344

I don't actually

>> No.11665363

Listen Bergson groupie: stop fucking up every thread with your pseud mystic babble

>> No.11665387
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Well ain’t that a shame

>> No.11665730

Well i'm here if you want to talk about stuff like this. Who do you read?

>> No.11665803

Dumb cunt

>> No.11665904

My issue is with the medium, transient threads don’t allow for intersubjective discourse much less amicable correspondence. Guess if you post every once in a while it’s alright too though.
I’m currently brushing up on Spinoza, I focus mostly on integrating Taoism, Patristics, German Idealism (making use of my German) and generally po-mo (d&g, derrida, lacan). Kinda not getting involved with anything, just amassing until I explode into the rhizome plane. Don’t feel like this is anything but an enjoyable game, I’ve already had the more cardinal insights and they act as a light that guides me onwards.
What about you, what’s your deal with philosophy? Is this your hero’s journey or are your motives more specific?
Also I know I shouldn’t ask personal stuff but how old are you? And what’s your plan for the future in this life?

>> No.11665989

>I’m currently brushing up on Spinoza, I focus mostly on integrating Taoism, Patristics, German Idealism (making use of my German) and generally po-mo (d&g, derrida, lacan).

interesting mix, lots to work with there, id be interested in how you navigate out of the idealist closure - whether of the subject or of being in kant and hegel, respectively - and the tao with schelling's agonic cosmogony. or whatever. im just bullshitting, im sure you've got your own areas of focus

>What about you, what’s your deal with philosophy? Is this your hero’s journey or are your motives more specific?

slowly bootstrapping myself out of the mud. no clear-set goal in mind, except maybe thought control, i just want to keep adding to that fullness of self these ideas and staying on my shit gives me, maybe one day ill hear the music of the spheres but i aint banking on it

>Also I know I shouldn’t ask personal stuff but how old are you? And what’s your plan for the future in this life?

27. maybe teach this stuff, learn ancient greek, translate, maybe ill just save up and fuck off to a hermitage somewhere. i have 0 bug career ambitions, much less an academic one. like you said, "amassing until I explode into the rhizome plane" - ill let nature take its course. how about yourself? what motivates you to do what you do? what are your cardinal insights?

>> No.11666160
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>interesting mix, lots to work with there, id be interested in how you navigate out of the idealist closure - whether of the subject or of being in kant and hegel, respectively - and the tao with schelling's agonic cosmogony
I don’t know. Might think and make a thread about this, lookout for pic related. Don’t have much ready made stuff, I’m metal on the Wu Xing, need time to make weapons not like you blessed Water types. But vaguely axiomatic “all is mind” stuff, tearing the Kantian “I” back to its arborescent origins, non-correlative critique, principle of factiality (meaning comes from us hence nothing beyond can exist). Not sure actually I’ll get back to it

>slowly bootstrapping myself out of the mud. no clear-set goal in mind, except maybe thought control, i just want to keep adding to that fullness of self these ideas and staying on my shit gives me, maybe one day ill hear the music of the spheres but i aint banking on it
Hope you’re doing better with that man. Yea I hear you. This stuff is actually what made me and then sedated my schizophrenia. Black thread of fate kinda deal. What kinda stuff are you on?

>27. maybe teach this stuff, learn ancient greek, translate, maybe ill just save up and fuck off to a hermitage somewhere. i have 0 bug career ambitions, much less an academic one. like you said, "amassing until I explode into the rhizome plane" - ill let nature take its course.

Teaching sounds good though it needn’t be a profession. Did translation for a while and it’s very palatable work. Same here, gonna melt into the silence once I’ve saved enough money. But that’s later. I’m going into academia this autumn, worked for two years so I could pay for it (parents agreed to fund the other half) so this is a kind of four year holiday I suppose. Liking the idea of psychoanalysis.

>how about yourself? what motivates you to do what you do? what are your cardinal insights?
What I do motivates me, fire stoked by fire. Maybe stupid but true. What you said about fullness of ideas pretty much explains it. Visualise expanding my nerves out into the universe and into myself, reaching out to God.
Cardinal insights are just the axioms I stick to religiously, the golden light that fills the spaces usually occupied by unconscious. All is mind, reality is a pattern of thought and action, objectivity is a concept, consciousness preceded all, yin yang unto God etc basically stuff reducing everything to human meaning, an absolute intensification in locus of control. It’s just a personal thing not necessarily my philosophical beliefs.
What kinda work are you doing at the moment? Do you have any fundamental axioms that premise your consciousness? Any religious beliefs?

>> No.11666289
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>I’m metal on the Wu Xing, need time to make weapons not like you blessed Water types. But vaguely axiomatic “all is mind” stuff, tearing the Kantian “I” back to its arborescent origins, non-correlative critique, principle of factiality (meaning comes from us hence nothing beyond can exist).

i agree with a lot of this, particularly the arboreality of thought bit, i think a lot of today's shitshow is only operative in the denial of that arboreality. 'god is dead' means the center is dead, or what's the same, no center is intrinsically justified over any other. but they confuse form for content: evola, notions of atman, buddhist negativity, all this mystical stuff is pretty much saying that the proper center isn't ideologically but /formally/ justified. i consolidate my center precisely because it is one, because i am it.

and please do make a thread, the more threads like this the more we raise /lit/'s collective level. and what do you mean by Water types?

>What kinda stuff are you on?

weed, if anything. didn't have serious mental stuff but god knows i did my housecleaning.

>I’m going into academia this autumn, worked for two years so I could pay for it (parents agreed to fund the other half) so this is a kind of four year holiday I suppose. Liking the idea of psychoanalysis.

im curious as to how you'd synthesize taoism with psychoanalysis, metaphysics with psychology.

> All is mind, reality is a pattern of thought and action, objectivity is a concept, consciousness preceded all, yin yang unto God etc basically stuff reducing everything to human meaning, an absolute intensification in locus of control.

yup, i feel this, everything comes back to this centrality, this weird open-closure, im bounded within my subjectivity but explode those boundaries in/through the recognition of boundaries, speaking of...

>What kinda work are you doing at the moment? Do you have any fundamental axioms that premise your consciousness? Any religious beliefs?

a mcjob trying to save up and maybe move overseas. states aren't really my thing. as for axioms, the usual: you are not your thoughts, you are the space your thoughts take place in, i am a witness-conscious first, and a body second (or they're mutually constituted in a weird way that precludes any and all reductionism), but the absolute biggest one of all, and I'll quote Frederic Jameson on this. This is how he describes Hegel's fundamental breakthrough: any limit the Mind posits always-already places it beyond it (precisely because the Mind must be outside the Limit to recognize it, posit it, know it, etc.)

>religious beliefs

I'll defer to pseudo-Dyonisius and Weil on this one: God neither exists nor does not exist.

>> No.11666420

0=2. The One equation that precedes either one of self and other. Duality. Nothingness. Hen and Pan. Whence cometh the one without the other? Emergentism is always implied. The sublation of the concept after tarrying in the negative applies to the epic of evolution and the epoch of cosmogenesis. Yet first principles continue to confound us. Incompleteness shows the metaphysics of multiple worlds. There is no longer Philosophy but philosophies. But can a thoroughly transcendental idealism account for infra-empirical analysis of base and substructure? The idealism of Rimbaud. Identify not with the one but the two and the zero. Trinitarian nonduality. Classical logic imploded. Paradigmatically continental. But do we not confuse the rational with the real? What of kaos? What of discordia? Perhaps man is the dream of a shadow, not merely a nihilistic thought in the mind of God. An inert piece of matter, less than nothing, thinking it is self-aware.

>> No.11666467
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>i agree with a lot of this, particularly the arboreality of thought bit, i think a lot of today's shitshow is only operative in the denial of that arboreality. 'god is dead' means the center is dead, or what's the same, no center is intrinsically justified over any other. but they confuse form for content: evola, notions of atman, buddhist negativity, all this mystical stuff is pretty much saying that the proper center isn't ideologically but /formally/ justified. i consolidate my center precisely because it is one, because i am i
Hypermodernity in a nutshell yep. Also I really wanna emphasise how nice it is not to have someone fall back on Marxist critical theory or sociology-political arguments to explain the modern plagues. Agree with Heidegger here they’re far more ontological than material. Which might answer how I’d synthesise Taoism with psychoanalysis. I genuinely think it would perhaps require an entirely new system/language since people are apprehensive of spirituality in all forms but we’ll see, I mean Hegel did it with love, Lacan with poetry, it’s time for a radical transcendental synthesis adequate to the informational age.

>and please do make a thread, the more threads like this the more we raise /lit/'s collective level. and what do you mean by Water types?
This board does have insane potential, seems in flux between kitsch and catharsis sometimes. Water is an element of the Wu Xing which is Chinese magic. Put simply, every person occupies a certain element based on their essence and how they express it. Wood is organic, intuitive, substance ordered (Pioneer archetype, child, innovator): it leads to Fire which is contagious, creative, expanding, positive (full Yang): leads to Earth which is balance, nurture, logic/intuition, connection to the source and self-sufficiency (Yin-Yang, the Great Mother archetype): leads to Metal which is categorising, abstracting, specialising (the alchemist): leads to Water (full Yin) shadow, illusion, sovereignty, spirit, path to the future (philosopher archetype). Good allusion might be (Wood: Confucian) (Fire: Nietzsche) (Earth: Hegel) (Metal: Derrida) (Water:Wittgenstein). They can also be transplanted into a rhetorical context where certain methods of arguing emphasise a different elemental path. Wood overcomes Earth (Can’t deny intuition, same way Mother can’t deny child nurture), Earth overcomes Water (stability, it absorbs water and muddies it), Water overcomes Fire, Fire overcomes Metal (change, overcomes structure). Can also consider them child, adolescent, mother, father, elder from wood to water. Pretty useful, very revealing when it comes to people’s ideas interacting. I’ve compressed a lot of info so it’s kinda jumbled up but I have a lot on this.

>> No.11666486

his is how he describes Hegel's fundamental breakthrough: any limit the Mind posits always-already places it beyond it (precisely because the Mind must be outside the Limit to recognize it, posit it, know it, etc.)
Yep that’s true. Categories foreshadow the body that has already moved past us before we become cognisant of it, signs escaped by their very meaning. Derrida has a lot of good ideas on meaning. This kind of leads back to Hegel/Taoism, with the negation of that Oneness culminating in God: Yang becomes Yang only by virtue of Yin, and by drawing out their boundaries God, the Yin-Yang, allows us to transcend signification itself. Kinda weird how well Hegel and Taoism mesh actually

>> No.11666542

Sophistry at its finest

>> No.11666720

Ugh, you guys are going insane with your mysticism. You need a mystic earthy, cynical, and anti-intellectual to help. I’d recommend studying Gurdjieff.

>> No.11666738

he needs to define terms. Singlurarity for instance is an incredibly fucking vague term that's meaningless without proper contextual definition.

>> No.11666750

interesting conversation gents, this has been fun to read.

>> No.11666759

thanks for this though OP, usually I can tell right off if someone's a pseud retard, this is one of those rare times where I can't tell if you're a sophist or if I'm just way out of my depth. At the very least I'll be googling and wiki'ing some of your terms

>> No.11666768

It astonishes how far heidegger's thought has gone just be regurgitating banalities for spiritual eunuchs, I mean I'm being a bit disingenuous and i recognize his brilliance is his systematization of tgese problems but without a doubt these problems are ontological, not strictly sociopolitical, economic, etc.

Now why is it that water seems to coincide with philosophy and senescence? I understand a linear progression isn't supposed to be implied but this is interesting to me, especially your association of Wittgenstein with Water. Can you explain? Is it because a philosophy is always articulated by its bootstrapping itself out of illusion, habitual modes of thought and being the philosopher has to grow out of, all that?

If you can recommend me any works on Wittgenstein or Taoism that are at a very high level and jive with the vibe of these threads that'd be swell.

Yes with Hegel, like I mentioned in the last thread, unity always seems to be thwarted by the recognition of unity, the big difference between Hegel and Taoism I think is where they locate the consummation of this movemeny, whether in the rational, external order or in the individual himself. Hegel isn't the anti-individualist most make em out to be but it's true he thinks Spirit ultimately comes into itself outside of the subject (as the totality of subjects), my death is final but the movement continues because of /and/ in spite of it.

>> No.11666769

the atom
what is the universe, how it came to be, what it is made of
im understanding where hes coming from hes almost putting down word for word what i have been trying to find out, like some big cataclysmic revelation
its what socrates what trying to tell plato, it relates to math in a way you cannot even begin to understand

once you begin to examine euler's identity you get a glimpse but just a glimpse

>> No.11666771
File: 150 KB, 900x900, Gods-not-Dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Scripture of the City:

'All cities are born of solid light. Such is my city, his city.

'But then the light subsides, revealing the bright and terrible angel of Veloth. He is in his pre-chimerical form, demonic VEHK, gaunt and pale and beautiful, skin stretched painfully thin on bird's bones, feathered serpents encircling his arms. His wings are spread out behind him, their red and yellow ends like razors in the sun. The wispy mass of his fire hair floats as if underwater, milky in the nimbus of light that crowns his head. His presence is undeniable, the awe too much to bear.

'This is God's city, different from others. Cities from foreign countries put their denizens to sleep and walk to the star-wounded East to pay homage to me. The capital of the northern men, crusty with eon's ice, bows before Vivec the city, me it together.

'Self-thought streets rush through tunnel blood. I have rebuilt myself. Hyper eyed signposts along my traffic arm, soon to be an inner sea. My body is crawling with all gathered to see me rising up like a monolithic instrument of pleasure. My spine is the main road to the city that I am. Countless transactions are taking place in veins and catwalks and the roaming, roaming, roaming, as they roam over and through and add to me. There are temples erected along the hollow of my skull and I will ever wear them as a crown. Walk across the lips of God.

'They add new doors to me and I become effortlessly trans-immortal with the comings and goings and the stride-heat of the market where I am traded for, yell of the children hear them play, scoffed at, amused, desired, paid for in native coin, new minted with my face on one side and my city-body on the other. I stare with each new window. Soon I am a million-eyed insect dreaming.

'Red-sparking war trumpets sound like cattle in the ribcage of shuffling transit. The heretics are destroyed on the plaza knees. I flood over into the hills, houses rising like a rash, and I never scratch. Cities are the antidotes to hunting.

'I raise lanterns to light my hollows, lend wax to the thousands the candlesticks that bear my name again and again, the name innumerable, shutting in, mantra and priest, god-city, filling every corner with the naming name, wheeled, circling, running river language giggling with footfalls mating, selling, stealing, searching, and worry not ye who walk with me. This is the flowering scheme of the Aurbis. This is the promise of the PSJJJJ: egg, image, man, god, city, state. I serve and am served. I am made of wire and string and mortar and I accede my own precedent, world without am.'

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

>> No.11666778

Singularity in this context means oneness, self-sameness, self-identity, self-immersion/absorption. Think the pre-big bang singularity (figuratively) as the Ouroboros.

>> No.11666785

goddamnit, I miss this feeling bro. I used to get it all the time when I was going 2 to 3 days without sleep on adderall in undergrad, then it went away when I started a normal schedule. For a while there I thought I was this close to understanding reality at its core. Starting grad school soon though so hopefully I'll be back on your level soon

>> No.11666786

My nigga, glad it clicks

CHIM is real

>> No.11666805
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1. Had! The manifestation of Nuit.

2. The unveiling of the company of heaven.

3. Every man and every woman is a star.

4. Every number is infinite; there is no difference.

5. Help me, o warrior lord of Thebes, in my unveiling before the Children of men!

6. Be thou Hadit, my secret centre, my heart & my tongue!

7. Behold! it is revealed by Aiwass the minister of Hoor-paar-kraat.

8. The Khabs is in the Khu, not the Khu in the Khabs.

9. Worship then the Khabs, and behold my light shed over you!

10. Let my servants be few & secret: they shall rule the many & the known.

11. These are fools that men adore; both their Gods & their men are fools.

12. Come forth, o children, under the stars, & take your fill of love!

13. I am above you and in you. My ecstasy is in yours. My joy is to see your joy.

14. Above, the gemmed azure is
The naked splendour of Nuit;
She bends in ecstasy to kiss
The secret ardours of Hadit.
The winged globe, the starry blue,
Are mine, O Ankh-af-na-khonsu!
15. Now ye shall know that the chosen priest & apostle of infinite space is the prince-priest the Beast; and in his woman called the Scarlet Woman is all power given. They shall gather my children into their fold: they shall bring the glory of the stars into the hearts of men.

16. For he is ever a sun, and she a moon. But to him is the winged secret flame, and to her the stooping starlight.

17. But ye are not so chosen.

18. Burn upon their brows, o splendrous serpent!

19. O azure-lidded woman, bend upon them!

20. The key of the rituals is in the secret word which I have given unto him.

21. With the God & the Adorer I am nothing: they do not see me. They are as upon the earth; I am Heaven, and there is no other God than me, and my lord Hadit.

22. Now, therefore, I am known to ye by my name Nuit, and to him by a secret name which I will give him when at last he knoweth me. Since I am Infinite Space, and the Infinite Stars thereof, do ye also thus. Bind nothing! Let there be no difference made among you between any one thing & any other thing; for thereby there cometh hurt.

23. But whoso availeth in this, let him be the chief of all!

24. I am Nuit, and my word is six and fifty.

25. Divide, add, multiply, and understand.

26. Then saith the prophet and slave of the beauteous one: Who am I, and what shall be the sign? So she answered him, bendingdown, a lambent flame of blue, all-touching, all penetrant, her lovely hands upon the black earth, & her lithe body arched for love, and her soft feet not hurting the little flowers: Thou knowest! And the sign shall be my ecstasy, the consciousness of the continuity of existence, the omnipresence of my body.

>> No.11666817
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27. Then the priest answered & said unto the Queen of Space, kissing her lovely brows, and the dew of her light bathing his whole body in a sweet-smelling perfume of sweat: O Nuit, continuous one of Heaven, let it be ever thus; that men speak not of Thee as One but as None; and let them speak not of thee at all, since thou art continuous!

28. None, breathed the light, faint & faery, of the stars, and two.

29. For I am divided for love's sake, for the chance of union.

30. This is the creation of the world, that the pain of division is as nothing, and the joy of dissolution all.

31. For these fools of men and their woes care not thou at all! They feel little; what is, is balanced by weak joys; but ye are my chosen ones.

32. Obey my prophet! follow out the ordeals of my knowledge! seek me only! Then the joys of my love will redeem ye from all pain. This is so: I swear it by the vault of my body; by my sacred heart and tongue; by all I can give, by all I desire of ye all.

33. Then the priest fell into a deep trance or swoon, & said unto the Queen of Heaven; Write unto us the ordeals; write unto us the rituals; write unto us the law!

34. But she said: the ordeals I write not: the rituals shall be half known and half concealed: the Law is for all.

35. This that thou writest is the threefold book of Law.

36. My scribe Ankh-af-na-khonsu, the priest of the princes, shall not in one letter change this book; but lest there be folly, he shall comment thereupon by the wisdom of Ra-Hoor-Khuit.

37. Also the mantras and spells; the obeah and the wanga; the work of the wand and the work of the sword; these he shall learn and teach.

38. He must teach; but he may make severe the ordeals.

39. The word of the Law is THELEMA.

>> No.11666831


vivec doesnt relate to this but nice try

>> No.11666835

thx bb

>> No.11666909

FUCK IF Nietzsche could read this


>> No.11666918

Crowley's extremely relevant to these threads: the Hegelian understanding and the heights of satori are the same understanding, namely that, as Crowley puts it, light is the negative, or rather, the negative takes the form of light.

>Spirit is the auto-organization of chaos.

>> No.11666922
File: 27 KB, 326x327, pepecrowley.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shutup stupid, crowley sucks and was a brainlet

>> No.11666937

I agree that Crowley's stupid, but that doesn't lessen his pertinence to the stupidity of this thread. See >>11666918

In fact, the best written and most compelling piece in this thread is >>11666771, despite it not only being from a video game, but also in part being a Crowley rip off, Crowley in turn in part being a Spinoza/Hegel rip off.

>> No.11666986

Evola admired Crowley, good enough for me.

>> No.11666987

will bruteforcing awakening in disgusting people by pushing the semiotic kolmogorov asymptotically compressed masonic archives dialectically induce the opposite through tarnished association? is OP's grotesque pretension a deterrent? where's the ethical scaffold here?

>> No.11666991

>Now why is it that water seems to coincide with philosophy
Not him, but I would guess that its smooth and flowy and fills in all cracks, and is purifying, and a bit etheral/subtle, though it also can be rock solid and freezing, and also a mist

>> No.11666997
File: 403 KB, 1125x2000, Limit_and_Unlimited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well yes, Kirkbride is legit genius for that stuff. and he was paid for his work, unlike these shitposters. Read The Lunar Lorkhan, where Lorkhan is called the spirit of limitation -- that which makes and names all things -- then try seeing the Akatosh-Lorkhan/Anu-Padomay dichotomy through the lens Proclus.

nah, Crowley's dumb. he's good for flavor, but he himself is repellant and he abused his own magick for sexual gratification. theurgy is about more than just getting what you want.

>> No.11667000

you can't brute force gnosis, these threads are for the elect, at least 4chan's elect whatever that's worth

>> No.11667003

I think he's more trying to get at the transmogrification of eidola idolatry into post-phenomenological guerilla ontology

>> No.11667008

>you can't
yes you can, to an extent. it's dangerous though.

>> No.11667013

wtf I hate evola now. Crowley was a disgusting filthy dilettante

>> No.11667018

> Is it because a philosophy is always articulated by its bootstrapping itself out of illusion, habitual modes of thought and being the philosopher has to grow out of, all that?
Yea that’s part of it for sure. Every philosophical system is a renewed attempt at a kind of pure wholeness that reconciles itself with our true Self. Wittgenstein exemplifies the traits of the philosopher archetype (Water) better than anyone I can think of based on what he was trying to do: establish an all encompassing system of logical language that would answer every question of philosophy. That’s water, it wants everything to be one huge object, to purify and lay to rest.

>If you can recommend me any works on Wittgenstein or Taoism that are at a very high level and jive with the vibe of these threads that'd be swell.
Funnily enough the highest level books to read on this are just the tractatus and the Tao Te Ching (meditate on it). A simple man will derive simple insights and a sage will glimpse the Door of All Essence, such as man is the measure of all things.

>Hegel isn't the anti-individualist most make em out to be but it's true he thinks Spirit ultimately comes into itself outside of the subject (as the totality of subjects), my death is final but the movement continues because of /and/ in spite of it
Taoism is the same. I’m pretty sure Hegel also reconciled the spirit with the individual, and even if he didn’t explicitly it’s the same thing, only Parmesano/Cartesian dualism like to trap thought into a self-object relationship without uniting it under substance like Spinoza and Leibniz did. I’m not entirely sure on this though I find it hard to view (otherness in the Fichtian sense, totality of subjects, archetype, spirit) as anything other than partial manifestations of the same ideas of an ancestral God or Tao/Oneness that pervades all through us. It comes from us, just the fundamental structure of language (binaries, subject -noun separation, signification) and sense perception drive an illusion of separation. I’ll say again, though, I’ve definitely got to brush up on this stuff it’s been a while.

>> No.11667019

>Transcendence is only possible for Plato because for the Greek mind the world still sang


>> No.11667020

Kirkbride is the poor man's Crowley, really astonishes me that you resonate with Kirkbride's writing but not the man that inspired them. Without a doubt TES has the most evocative metaphysics probably of any fictional setting (barring Prince of Nothing, maybe), but Vivec's Lessons only hint at the Book of Lies

>> No.11667022

>Read The Lunar Lorkhan, where Lorkhan is called the spirit of limitation -- that which makes and names all things
Re-read the Tsaesci Creation Myth with this in mind.

>> No.11667031

Zen has nothing to do with anything you mentioned at all, you’d get wacked on the nose multiple times for breathing a word of that shit during the Tang era. Read a book before you spout nigger thots

>> No.11667032

yeah i got that but where's the Ethics

>> No.11667038

Spinoza's obviously

>> No.11667045

Can anyone please recommend some books that read like this thread?

>> No.11667051

the Zen line is from a film about Zen spoken by a Zen master.

>> No.11667056

just randomly read shit from wisdom-lib, open a passage of hegel or crowley and throw them into a word generator, they don’t mean anything and the people sayig this just want attention

>> No.11667058

I read Crowley many years ago as a teenager. Magick without Tears, Book of Lies, Book of the Law. I'm just put off by him. Egyptology: lame. He was a lily white ham and egger from the arsehole of Britain, his entire life and legacy are a reaction against his childhood experiences in the Church (and probably shitty parents). Kirkbride borrows quite liberally, I'll admit. But not just from Crowley. Gnostic cosmology, medieval Christianity, Jung, Grant Morrisson (who drank from the same wells), Llull's Ars for Sotha Sil's works, kundalini, etc etc.

I'll do that.

>> No.11667060 [DELETED] 

embarrassing retard, illiterate, nigger

>> No.11667062
File: 35 KB, 390x479, 152ea2c4-4d0e-43fd-8465-5973d262f680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KINMUNE (Kinetically-Interlinked Nirnian Multi-User Exoform) started her existence as any other proxy-synthetic of the 9th Era aurbical mining guilds: a limited sentience deep-pressure capable "thot-box"—a dreamsleevishell used by remote mortal operators to run the rigs of Kynareth's illicit breath trade. Able to stream several live-wire mortal proxies at once, Kinmune was a top-of-the-line Hazardous Conditions Warprunner Exoform of an ayleidoon hegemony nearing another unceremonious end.

But then the Hist-Jilian wars spilled out of a Wheelian rip into the SubSys slice of 'brane-space, and things changed for Kinmune. With the outer colonies separated from Nu-Mundelbright chronoculic sync-net anchors, maintenance of space-time beyond the F-Shores faltered. As the barely-there Hist blink-root-ship armada fired an artillery barrage of 16th-dimensional mathematics at their Jilian enemies, impossipoint detonations stippled across the Ix-Egg and its clutch-satellites like some garish TalOSian hologram, only without the irony. Kinmune's synthetic body, caught in one of the blasts, suddenly found itself in the Ysgramorim, her mind an aggregate of the residual personalities of her last several users.

It drove her insane. She retreated into snow-covered forests her memory-web could only recall from ancient histories, broadcasting distress calls in all the known languages of the 9th Era. Most of this tok-talk didn't even even exist in the Wheel we knew of then. But the clevermen, heroes, and whalebone-readers of that time could still feel her presence in the woods of the Western Reach. Some felt Kinmune’s distress call as a small tickle of in the Throat, while others were guided by esoteric instinct.

>> No.11667064

that shit's dated, there's no 2.0 of it coming through here, for example I can't smell any commutative diagrams through my heightened olfactory synaesthetic sense.
Also it's still very imaginal, remember Hegel said picture thinking is for brainlets.

>> No.11667068

you’ll find the chaos emerald this way

>> No.11667080

i suppose nishida is an "embarrassing retard, illiterate, nigger" for writing about zen. yawn.

>> No.11667090

Kudos @ appreciating Kirkbridian metaphysics, by the way. Niche interest. Elder Scrolls weird lore alternately got me into or deepened my interest in Burroughs and Borges and Jodorowsky and Robert Anton Wilson and Crowley and Jung and Frank Herbert's Dune. Not the best start, but was a good enough compass moving forward. I miss the memospore days, but that's nostalgia, and I'm beyond them now. I do think that TES was in part a project of guerilla ontology (in RAW's phrase), and what a successful one it was in my case, entertainment hiding philosophy. I hope that as the franchise continues other young'uns find similarly unexpected intellectual scaffolding.
This, we're basically shitposting

>> No.11667109

if you think I'm kidding, the etymology of Mandelbrot is "almond bread" which is close in odorous space to certain vaporous salts of n-methyl-alpha-methyl-phenylethylamine which contains an Aromatic ring which KEKulé saw in his reverie of the Oroborous.

>> No.11667110

Fair, so try this on for size: oneirophysical antispherist theo(logico)-philisophicus-politicus-esque askeptical hegemonic hedonic pragmatism

>> No.11667120

he actually is, faggot. go read the Lin-Chi Lu does it look like Hegel is a part of Zen? Go read the Sayings of Joshu, does it look like God and the One and the Spirit are the subject of study for Zen masters? Go look at Japanese Zen and then go look at Tang era Zen, WEIRD
you should read more and actually work on writing, all of you are inferior to the sociopaths who used to bait schizos in these threads like 2 years ago. i believe there is still power here, even if its in tormenting the damned and oafish carrion beetles who’ve come to clean up after those goliaths of the early 10’s that are now on twitter actually producing culture (or whatever we should call anti-culture)

>> No.11667121

Yeah, but have you tried administering a cloudy mixture of incinerated salvia, vaporized DMT, and nitrous oxide gas via nontraditional methods e.g. intrarectally?

>> No.11667128

ya but kirkbride's metaphysics - at least the notion of mundus as a transcendence factory - is straight out of schelling, ie the negative and positive potencies of god need time and materiality to become reconciled to each other and birth Spirit (Love in Kirkbride's system) between them

CHIM is the alchemic nigredo, at least the way Evola describes it

>> No.11667131

word, word. I've long considered that was a possibility. Around C0DA days he was seeding various youtube channels with puzzling content, in the vein of Cicada 3301 with some of the videos referring to tribal rituals or anime dubbed over with retellings of the taking of the tower (including raining chicken wings). I don't expect MK is done yet, there are secrets yet to be found and he's mentioned his work in TES was a precursor to a later work that we don't know about yet. I'm inclined to believe him, he's sincere about the teaching.

tbhwydesu he's been an inspiration to me as well, and I hope to achieve his level of success with my own poor brain and some hard work.

>> No.11667132

God is proud of you two.

>> No.11667135

oh it's theosophyposter again

>> No.11667146

Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down there. Kirkbride's model is inherently entropic and the only way in which anything new or good is ever produced is via Buddhalike escape into a new Dream as a new Dreamer, CHIMsters like VEHK and TALOS being the rough equivalent of bodhisattvas, i.e. one foot in transcendence-escape and one foot in the immanent world. There's a reason that Mundus is called the Arena.

>> No.11667156

>ie the negative and positive potencies of god need time and materiality to become reconciled to each other
nahhhhh, bro. Creation happens over time, yes, but only in the manner of mortal experience. All of the the histories that record mortal experience in Tamriel read like broken records because that's what they are: reliving the Dawn Era. It all happened in a snap, and is still happening, and will happen again. It's all a schizophrenic amnesiac mess.

This is correct. Worlds are born like vegetables, like the Pelinal who was cut up into seed-parts, like the gift-limbs. They are vegetable.

>> No.11667157

It is also worth remembering that he intentionally cultivates that kinda guruish estrangement/distance specifically calculated to lead to people mythologizing him. And that, at least when I encountered him (personally, not his thought) he still drank often and had a capacity to be a petulant child. But all people are just people, and I forgive him fully, and a moment of disappointment can be just as educational as a moment of inspiration

>> No.11667158

are you mad that im evergreen, and always right nigger?

>> No.11667165

ive noticed some distinctly kirkbridian resonances in shestov's philosophy, this hatred or at least wariness of the prime mover, hints of man becoming God at death instead of going to him, objectivity as that which strains spirit out of matter like a wet rag, etc. shit like that

you're right their notions of escape and reconciliation are different, but the principle is the same: Love heals the primordial trauma of God

>> No.11667166

I collapsed my own wavefunction by observing it so hard that I burrowed out (rhizomically? yet to schizanalyze) into 1/∀[res extensa]

>> No.11667167

I’m pretty sure Hegel said that Eriugena was the only philosopher who almost beat him to the punch

>> No.11667171

Did you escape the Wheel and see that I ARE ALL WE?

>> No.11667180

>Tamriel read like broken records because that's what they are: reliving the Dawn Era. It all happened in a snap, and is still happening, and will happen again.

not at all opposed to what I was saying, in Schelling's system God falls into time out of an agonizing eternity oscillating between absolute inwardness (t = 0 in the OP) and positive, expansive power (cosmic inflation). in a sense time is God trying to solve the deadlock from another way. i think zizek puts it best: for Schelling, time isn't the Fall, but a relief.

idk man you just come at me with shit i already know, you're telling me zen can't be captured discursively when the the line you're taking issue with is saying the exact same thing re: hegel's system.

>> No.11667181
File: 74 KB, 526x567, 48D7111C-4BA8-4AB5-BC57-B74A75C05116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holyyyy shit you’re the same person ahahahhahahahahHhaha
I didn’t know human women could give birth to black souls that digitally bleed their alienation and satanism unto obscure little conversations just to feel big. That’s rich really. And that thing about Twitter counter culture as if it’s a relevant platform of discourse. That fetishism of other fetid slugs like you. It’s good content man. I actually felt a little taken aback for a second but then I remembered people like you are literally dead. Not metaphorically, you’re actually dead inside and propagate nothing but vulgarity and ugliness. And in the spirit of the Hegel thread, in contradicting me you merely affirm the reality of this statement. So go ahead, your move rookie

>> No.11667182
File: 112 KB, 1300x975, 208913-a-young-man-looking-scared-or-horrified-isolated-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'm finally free of the Cave

>> No.11667188

Don't touch your idols, anon. The gold comes off on your fingers.

Personally I love the guy. We've spoken a few times, and yeah of course he's stand-offish. He's a nerd, beloved by real hardcore nerds. I don't blame him for his sins. I have plenty of my own, including drink (bout to go buy a bottle in fact). I praise him in my own mind for having the courage to be himself, even if it results in people calling him childish. Of course he's childish. He's an artist who turns imagination into bread and rent. Anyway. I'm not one of those hangers-on that posts in teslore mimicking his style, that's embarrassing. Just a humble reader, and grateful for the choices he's made.

Based. Come back to me, Nchulniak!

>> No.11667196

lmao what are you talking, niggers get so fucking touched by these threads I swear

>> No.11667197

>you’re actually dead inside and propagate nothing but vulgarity and ugliness
Nice projecting there, kiddo. Is it a crime now, to talk about favorite authors? Seek mental help please.

>> No.11667200

Are you RottenDeadite?
Are you Henry?

>> No.11667204

no. you don't know me. I'm a minor nobody from TESF from a decade and change ago.

>> No.11667205

No its not at all, that’s why you wrote lunatic screeds and continue to do so, and continue burrowing through dense webpages and forum posts looking for “answers”. Serious question, have you actually read the Tang era Zen literary works at all? Please say yes or im going to hex you
we may be dead but we still make better content than you

>> No.11667208

Fair enough, I was at my full immersion point about half a decade ago

>> No.11667227

just so you know im sending good thoughts to you all and if i had disposible income id honestly pay for your living expenses (i don’t at all, im eating chicken and rice every night for the next two months) you sweet angels of the eventide

>> No.11667229

ill take it as a compliment that your ornery ass only took issue with that one line.

>> No.11667244

The lovely thing about this board is that there's the smallest chance that you're actually Kirkbride, or when a post looks like Tao Lin shilling and I aggressively shit on his work at length in response it might actually be Tao Lin, and when I post a long anti-ideologized-depression tirade and I get a curt but intelligent response it might actually be Houellebecq.

A few days ago I pretended to be Pynchon.

>> No.11667255

I don't know no damn Henry
I just figured out you could 1:1 map the unfolding determination of Spirit to layers of irony then emanate it.

>> No.11667260

What are their twitters anon?

>> No.11667265

Clearly I was doing so but asking after nominal signifiers. You have passed the test: now that you have killed Who Are You you must also kill Where Did You Come From and Where Are You Going.

>> No.11667302

I accidentally prolapsed my anus during an over-transposition of the kolmogorov arnold moser manifold. What would hegel recommend to fix this? Advice from crowley also welcome

>> No.11667309
File: 152 KB, 1164x650, proprioception.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking your proprioceptive homonculus is you
not ready for hegel bruh

>> No.11667317

I take issue with any mention of Zen from people who haven’t studied Zen
I have too much respect to mention them, if you know YOU KNOW
>trying to convince yourself you’re a geist when we can literally take away your entire inner world with a few mm length lesions in your thalamus, pre-frontal cortex and occipital lobe
lol, you’ll get over it the first time you get really hurt or sick and can’t think straight because your CNS is being dampened by pain and cortisol

>> No.11667334
File: 94 KB, 422x471, 5clique.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks I haven't already sublated all of neuroscience

>> No.11667340

Don’t be that way, gimme their twitters. I won’t even follow just wanna read and learn ;;)))))

>> No.11667379

More like ablated all of your own neurology

>> No.11667380

word, word. back with drinks (Seagrams "Extra Smooth" Vodka and Fresca). that is indeed one of the great things about this board. pretty sure Pynch has posted, he must've. during an internet research phase or something. and no doubt our 'ol friend is a /tg/ regular, i could see him catching wind of this thread easily. in any case I'm sure if it isn't actually him making that lovely comment, it is surely his unspoken sentiment.

bless you anon

>> No.11667386

read a book, guy.

>> No.11667399
File: 1023 KB, 1600x1093, jackedlacan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so since an intellectual henosis like OP talks about is not possible in a mortal mind, and in fact the common trope is that only mad wizards like the Camoran ever come close to succeeding, would a physical henosis be possible? say... a physical training towards a oneness with the image of a god? pic related, modern day Zeus.

>> No.11667402
File: 62 KB, 403x261, the-eye-through-which-i-see-god-is-the-same-eye-through-which-god-sees-me-my-eye-and-gods-eye-are-one-eye-one-seeing-one-knowing-one-love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't intuit that I'm performing the role of weltgeist thru free play

>> No.11667409

>"one love, one blood, i got rhymes buried in my platelets"

>> No.11667412
File: 172 KB, 1280x964, 454705631_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the flesh is bogus my dude

>> No.11667419

[non-metaphysical] citation needed my dude

>> No.11667425

also i refer you to the meister >>11667402

God and the gods and Man share an image. that's huge.

>> No.11667429

>boom bap
the bass drum dont hit hard enough to jettison me out the anima mundi tbqh

>> No.11667434

well shit man fuck
Yeah read a book goy

>> No.11667439
File: 610 KB, 3264x3264, fg9R96b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Separating oneself from their flesh is a dangerous affair. If the mind really is not flesh, then identifying with flesh isn't so bad -- the word flesh even connotes alive i.e. lived-in i.e. experienced and identified-with; meat is dead, meat is raw mechanistic materialism, meat is what your corpse is made up of. Do not deny your flesh, anon; after all, Christianity devotes so much effort to the flesh of Christ. Do not confuse flesh with meat.

>> No.11667445


>> No.11667452
File: 40 KB, 650x432, Buddha-Weekly-dalai-lama-laughing-Buddhism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no arguments

>> No.11667456

that’s a lot of pedophiles in one photo


>> No.11667470
File: 277 KB, 1080x1080, 09d66ab7-147e-41e4-9fbf-b972f2b36b9e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey dude I understand the condescending tone but the capitalization is really too much for the message you're attempting to give. It gives off the impression that you are a pathetic, shriveled up, nervous-tension-ridden husk of an individual, that seeing creativity playfully engaged with so angers and frustrates you that you must burst into the thread with the reading version of screaming. Chill out my dude, breath through your nose, heat up some chamomile, turn off your lights and electronics for a moment, and recite the attached mantra. I have no patience for anxiety, and neither should you: why should you decide to be distressed all of the time? Calm opens greater gateways to love, and further, opens the way to a more erudite and mature and tactful brand of condescension when the mood strikes you (as in this post).

>> No.11667472

>do not confused flesh with meat
>implying Jesus did not say outright that unless you "gnaw" on His flesh and drink his blood you cannot have eternal life
really, what the hell did he mean by this in John 6? it strikes me as either vampiric diabolism, and would have seemed that way to the ancients and likely the wrong interp, or straight up an exhortation to mull over the Logos, who the Son of Man is identified with and as earlier in John 1.

>> No.11667479
File: 205 KB, 1440x1080, 986B569D-3392-4448-B3AF-4DF4EEA616B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relax, trendy. All that is real is the meaning you give things. The meaning you give things is the extension of your consciousness, the freedom to be enunciated as what-you-are into the future and the freedom to utter what-you-want-to-be or your subjectivity. All caps posting in a Mongolian barbecue market of ideas is a level of autism we intellectuals do not tolerate so I’m showing you the nearest exit
>pic related

>> No.11667480
File: 297 KB, 3200x2400, Create-a-Fish-Using-Keyboard-Symbols-Step-11-Version-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yike your symbol game;s appalling

>> No.11667545

I like how you said nothing

>> No.11667555

I like how words derive meaning from active interpretation and you got nothing from it

>> No.11667579

I like how if you reword something enough times for a specific person they'll be able to fully comprehend what you mean, but if all you do is spill your own subjective nonsense onto another person they'll be able to only see through how much of a pseudo intellectual you are.

>> No.11667594

Well we’re in perfect agreement on that point. Now that you seem to have gathered yourself, what’s your overarching argument here? That not understanding a text is the author’s fault?

>> No.11667597

there is no well tempered light at the end of the acid tunnel bucko, that's thing you need to realize about the myth of persephone being abducted from demeter, she still always had to pay a 1/3 of her dues back to hades

>> No.11667599

It's not organized reasonably whatsoever

>> No.11667600

you're trying to write an essay on 4chan, and even if you turned it into a philosophy 101 professor he'd probably give you a bad grade

>> No.11667605

We deserve the suffering of MAN you are not of the HIGH man you are the man of dust not the man of OURANOUS

Write a book have it be like nik land

>> No.11667606
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Which one of these do I read first? I've already read Emerson as a primer.

>> No.11667612

yow are dumb and don understand metaphysics but neither op

>> No.11667616

Avalon of course, it's way easier, also I assume you have a good basis in the Dharmic faiths already?

>> No.11667633

>a good basis
Respectfully, anon-san, and without hubris: I think so.

>> No.11667642

If you don't mind me asking what have you read so far?

Also read Guénon.

>> No.11667646
File: 18 KB, 267x300, scared-woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o fug look out everyone here comes Mr Quality Control and the whole threads garbag
Quick, start making better posts!!!
I'll start,

>> No.11667652


*strokes cock*

>> No.11667657

Shackled to the status quo. The key is within you, friend. Myths and archetypes are guidelines, not fate.

Not OP but it is meant for a select audience, the same way OP probably doesn’t participate in threads outside his intellectual sphere or interests. And between us, it ain’t hard material, just read around it if you want.

That’s because academia is a neoliberal institution that frigidly conforms within boundaries set by the public. Innovation and vitality are not welcome in an institution that shouldn’t be changed from the inside. This kinda writing style is meant to achieve an effect, not impress a set of sterile criteria laid out by some old Prussian relic.

>> No.11667662


>> No.11667667

lol you're redpilled the bluepill is supporting me in my quest to destroy /lit/

>> No.11667677

Nagarjuna's middle way, the Dhammapada, and Wilhelm/Jung's commentary on The Secret of the Golden Flower. Also a lot more of Jung and Campbell, which exposed the common theme of questing after individuation. I am steeped in Greeks, and perhaps tainted by Judaism/Neoplatonism/Christianity, but trying to look further.

>> No.11667684

>tainted by Judaism/Neoplatonism/Christianity

Outside of this you're good as gold

>> No.11667698

based, thanks anon. i was actually concerned i'd need to read 20,000 pages of canon.

>> No.11667701

Nah don't worry it's not like you can't just look up some concepts you don't get in case that happens.

I would also strongly, strongly recommend studying René Guénon.

>> No.11667706

hmmm. tbhwy i've overlooked him for years. buuut, given this endeavour it might not be a bad idea.

>> No.11667712

Ignore the /lit/ reading list, start with Introduction to study of the Hindu doctrines, then given what you're looking into, move to studies in Hinduism, pick and choose works on symbolism and his philosophy and other works until you feel you're ready to read man and his becoming, the symbolism of the cross and the multiple states of being.

I recommend strongly symbols of sacred science.

>> No.11667757
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for inspo: here's what Paracelsus looked like

>> No.11667800
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>This kinda writing style is meant to achieve an effect, not impress a set of sterile criteria laid out by some old Prussian relic.
In the spirit of TES, again, see attached image.

>> No.11667804

Particularly the "It doesn't have to make sense, it only has to evoke" bit.

>> No.11667956

I don't buy this. I was studying comparative religion and esoteric systems of belief a couple years ago when I realized something. The obfuscation and word-play of esoteric texts have nothing to do with conveying knowledge.
I would argue that the majority of esoteric ideas can be expressed in plain english without losing meaning. If a passage only makes sense to an initiate, then the language itself has become a barrier to entry. Remove this barrier, and you'll realize that esotericism loses its appeal to most people. Not many people get excited about the writings of St. Augustine. But hermeticism and kabbalism possess an air of mystery and magic to them. Hell, even Plontius has his pack of loonies. Why? Because the primary texts of the latter three systems are quite inaccessable. If people think they need to be initiated to "get it," esotericism can thrive.

>> No.11667963

Streisand effect.

>> No.11668005

its because men strive to be champions, special, unique, strive for artistry: some men are artists, some are athletes, some men are not, but are interested in philosophy/poetry/ideas/criticism/introspection/, but their desire to be special, and unique, and artistic, and wow, and woo, and move, and create an artistic reaction of awe, of spiritual tingle, expresses itself in those text styles. The desire of the painter, of the doodler, of the tattoo artist, of the baroque metal worker, exists in these writers

>> No.11668140

Fake and Gay. Pure egoism. OP wants shit to be unitary because he wants to be God himself.

>> No.11668160

I hereby proclaim you fakedeep anon. Seems like you haven't taken the "you don't have to disguise the truth in pseud cryptic aphorisms because it's already hard to understand anyways" pill

>> No.11668166
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>implying nonunitarity

>> No.11668182

>you don't have to disguise the truth in pseud cryptic aphorisms
jesus btfo! probably won't recover

>> No.11668190

Zero isn't unitary

>> No.11668193

this means that the hamiltonian at position x given a particular wave function (confusing since that symbol represents a stream function in my field) is zero right? trying to make sure I haven't forgotten math since undergrad

>> No.11668795

''Knowledge had rambled northwards to the region of the Dark Water, where he ascended the height of Imperceptible Slope, when it happened that he met with Dumb Inaction. Knowledge addressed him, saying, 'I wish to ask you some questions: By what process of thought and anxious consideration do we get to know the Dao? Where should we dwell and what should we do to find our rest in the Dao? From what point should we start and what path should we pursue to make the Dao our own?' He asked these three questions, but Dumb Inaction gave him no reply. Not only did he not answer, but he did not know how to answer.
Knowledge, disappointed by the fruitlessness of his questions, returned to the south of the Bright Water, and ascended the height of the End of Doubt, where he saw Heedless Blurter, to whom he put the same questions, and who replied, 'Ah! I know, and will tell you.' But while he was about to speak, he forgot what he wanted to say.
Knowledge, (again) receiving no answer to his questions, returned to the palace of the Di, where he saw Huang-Di, and put the questions to him. Huang-Di said, 'To exercise no thought and no anxious consideration is the first step towards knowing the Dao; to dwell nowhere and do nothing is the first step towards resting in the Dao; to start from nowhere and pursue no path is the first step towards making the Dao your own.''

>> No.11668814
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>tfw this thread sounds really interesting but I'm too much of a brainlet retard to understand anything you guys are saying
Could a kind smartbro please give me a rundown in very simple terms?

>> No.11668953

it isn't that complicated, oneness/individuality is the first principle in Neoplatonism, work on your shit, stay centered in yourself, cultivate your unity, the rest is commentary on Hegel

>> No.11668976

I think I've identified part of the problem. You guys throw around mames of philosophers, many of whom I'm not familiar with. I do have some basic knowledge of a few philosophers, but I don't know the first thing about Hegel or Heiddeger, for instance. Where should I start?

>> No.11669036

Basic idea is that the reflexivity of myself, as a subject, is the the reflexivity of my ground. In other words, as an inhabitant of this reality, my thought isn't exclusive to me, ultimately being thinks in me, through me, and /as/ me. My identity with myself is dericed from God's identity with Himself (Substance is Subject)

See, Kant thinks thought is unique to the subject, and in a way it is, but Hegel says we have to locate this principle not just in the way the subject makes sense of thw world, but the way the world makes sense of itself through the subject.

Now, since thought can't make sense of its own ground, in a way thought only makes sense if it's ground doesn't (to it). Thought is only effective if there is an otherness, an opacity inside it that motorizes it, forces it, to make sense - but only a sense that it must define internal to itself, just because thought is Sense ITSELF. that's why hegel says god is the thought that thinks itself: thought is like a membrane that can /only/ exist as the appropriation of what is fundamentally not it, its Outside. I hope this makes more sense now.

If you want to get into Hegel read the introductory portions to his history of philosophy lectures available online.

>> No.11669053

>tfw this thread is filled with all the crazy esoteric posting, hyper-articulate trips that only pop into threads like these, weird excerpts, people who understand, people who don't, people who want to, people who can say it better, etc. that you wanted it to

based /lit/

>> No.11669062

No worries anon, if you want to start, there are plenty of resources out there and you can ease into it. Also, actually philosophy and the commentary on it makes sense, and is distinguishable from pseud psychonaut drivel. In reality, what you saw in the OP, is merely one step removed from a festival goer who watches Joe Rogan and reads books that talk about JFK, quantum physics and the Upanishads all on the same page. In academia this would be laughed at, and at best, deconstructed into nonsense/tautological diarrhoea that it is, and blown the fuck out.

Posts like these is why the general public laughs at philosophy, confounds it with esotericism and mysticism, à la the aforementioned substance abusers.

>> No.11669227

lol, how does it feel knowing every single line in the OP has its source in an academic or scholarly work?

>> No.11669244
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>OP has its source in an academic or scholarly work
>God smoking us out of matter's bong

>> No.11669261

Poop can have a source in communion wafers. That's how it feels. Like a nice, thick, muddy stream of warm lsd diarrhea

>> No.11669272

You need to do this to understand:
>Yeah, but have you tried administering a cloudy mixture of incinerated salvia, vaporized DMT, and nitrous oxide gas via nontraditional methods e.g. intrarectally?

>> No.11669286
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No but I've done shrooms, LSD, and DXM.

>> No.11669287

You’re right...Its straight up better than academia.

>> No.11669296

Este falopero me tiene los huevos al plato. Querido, no sos profundo; dejá de drogarte con tus propios pedos, salí un ratito de la cueva, ponete al sol, y replanteate seriamente la vida si honestamente sentís la necesidad de seguir spammeando mi tablón con tu galimatías de jipi quinceañero que acaba de leer a Kerouac y un librito sobre filosofía oriental y occidental. Estás advertido; hacele caso a la escritura en la pared.

>> No.11669391

It's a start

>> No.11669405
File: 13 KB, 349x421, images-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought dialectics was dead.. And if it isnt it should be. Like God. OP still wants to do God favours. Can't God perfect himself on his own? What a lazy faggot. Who would want to reach some absolute perfection? Sounds banal. Lucky for us death isn't worried about salvation or completion. This outside is out to devour you, to corrode your face, your precious identity or self-realization or whatever the fuck OP wants to call it. OP doesnt know that his joy is merely cope. OP doesnt know that void isnt his fucking friend. He's atomised just as much as this post is. Nothing cohesive, no unity. Any amount of unity is merely a detour towards dissolution. Even a rhizome can shit itself into a flat turd plane.

>> No.11669443

Why are you telling me this when Hegel repeatedly insists you have to "tarry with the negative"? Everything you're telling me I've already digested. There's only death and what it clarifies.

>> No.11669519

OP (?) everyone talking shit about you/to you is envious, you belittle them with your brightness, you offend them with your passion, originality, intellect, freedom and fervor. They cannot fathom doing something original

>> No.11669561

I dont care what Hegel said. Sounds like HOPEFUL thinking. What a surprise that Hegel would crap on about deferring death. This name-dropping shtick is as vile as his shtick about deferring. Redivert! Reinvest! Look busy! We wont be caught! Death doesnt clarify. It erodes and devours. You've digested shit but won't shit yourself. Remain constipated, Hegelian faggot.

>> No.11669565

Con Alan watts no, pedazo de logi

>> No.11669571

Post-modern critique is basically just stringing together words until the end product seems profound. It's thought taking place purely at the aesthetic level.

None of this stuff means anything, and that's the point. The point is whatever you feel about it.

This should be considered entertainment or fiction, not philosophy.

>> No.11669636

>Death is the greatest trip
What did he mean by this

>> No.11670028

Did you ever play werewolf on community discussion?

>> No.11670183

Language and everything that derives from it is a result and continuing chain of differance. Oneness is the death of communication and life. Trying to express, think or become one will make you a self-splitted schizo who chases something that he will only ever find in death. It is only thinkable in death and unconsciousness so we never know of it. Accepting otherness means to come to terms with your premordial need for unity. Otherness is key to own yourself in a world that you don't own. God made us his similitudes because that was the closest he could get to reach oneness. Singularity itself can not be God but it is his precondition that we can only designate as a dead form or principle that shows itself through the self-negation of all things.

>> No.11670218

These are all just one schizophrenic that found an esoteric tome and is replying to himself over and over

>> No.11670282

This thread is a gasp of putrid air in an ocean of Jordan Peterson threads, jezebels, and brainlet takes on philosophy

>> No.11670829

>let me tell you about someone you've read but I haven't


>> No.11670838

Death is the final (self-)clarification, like Michelstaedter says, the way a drug trip clarifies things with you, but infinitely purer

>> No.11670847

This is very good, yes Hegel would agree otherness is constitutive of the One, Spirit is just the One differentiating itself from itself, reacting to itself, etc.

That last part about the singularity's self-negation is pitch-perfect. Gj not posting a brainlet critique

>> No.11670853

You won't notice any clarification when you're dead, brainlet.

>> No.11670893

You have much to learn.

>> No.11670908

nah. i was strictly on the lore forum.