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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 349 KB, 1200x1190, St._John's_College.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11662355 No.11662355 [Reply] [Original]

>what you're studying
>what you're reading

>> No.11662356

Data mining thread

>> No.11662363

fell into poverty, no college
>>what you're studying
>>what you're reading
Ovid's Metamorphoses

>> No.11662373

Tell me about it.

>> No.11662375

I’ve met a lot of johnnies and they all seem like braindead nihilists. Can you tell me one thing you’ve learned besides “duhhhh religion is, like, a lie man...”

>> No.11662377

fuck you

>> No.11662380

Where have you met these people?
I've had nothing but great experiences.

>> No.11662388

Can someone tell me if St. John's is worth the investment?
Where did you even end up?
Is it fun?

>> No.11662400

arent these threads just so everyone can wank each other?

>> No.11662408

Join or die.

>> No.11662410

See you tomorrow fag.
It's utterly worthless if you can't plan out your life 3 months in advance and want to LARP as an /fa/ gothninja for 4 years. But if you take it seriously and leverage the alumni networks with a good career in mind you can get pretty far.

It's what you make of it pretty much.

>> No.11662418

>samuel beckett's comme c'est

>> No.11662421

Looking forward to it.

>> No.11662434
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alright I'll help your datemining
Michigan State
Infinite Jest

>> No.11662446

what's your plan, then?

>> No.11662447

do they wear oxfords at oxford?

>> No.11662459

>Ovid's Metamorphoses
are you enjoying it?

>> No.11662462

Finance. There's a few alumni that have funds over on wall street and take Johnnies on. Otherwise, there's a few agencies I've been looking at in D.C. that I'm pretty competitive for.

>> No.11662464
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>Rutgers new Brunswick
>Math with an English minor
>Paridise Lost
Where are my other rutgers-fags at?

>> No.11662468

i enjoy whatever i can have

>> No.11662481

>Goes to MSU
How does it feel having Engler milk you for $22,000 every year while you sit on your ass in Brody with all the Gen-Ed knuckle draggers?

>> No.11662483

>Not Chiri

>> No.11662484

>finance or lobbying
kill yourself please, or better yet just change your entire outlook on life

>> No.11662497

but yeah sometimes

>> No.11662512
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Cal State LA

History of Modern Europe (French Revolution to present)

Just finished v. as the last of my summer fun readings

Doing capstone and work experience this semester so probably not going to be doing much side reading till December.

>> No.11662514
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No idea since I'm a freshman and I'm only taking 1 gen ed class because of AP and dual-enrollment credit.
Also Chiri is good too

>> No.11662515

i went to siuc once, i was in a bunch of shit classes because i came into it late in the year. it was such a bad idea.
anyway i wasn't going for anything in particular, but my psych 101 class was really easy and i raised my hand all the time like an autist, sometimes i was just hungry to answer in some more creative ways and was a notable autist. a black guy raised his hand a lot too, but i was more often correct than he was and chose my times to answer far more often. it was a battle of the psychology nerds.
so i go to the teacher, he seemed like a nice guy and he mentioned recalling me, for raising my hand clearly too often. he asked me if i believed reality was subjective or objective. i had to ask for clarification but i chose objectivity after understanding the concepts, and he just nodded and it got awkward and i never went back to the class because i was too embarassed and i just went ahead and checked out of college entirely, went back to my town area after they kicked me out of the dorms, i was never officially allowed to be there for the time i had spent there, since i was an atrocious felon. i had been just getting by on bureaucracy.

i ended up doing heroin after my shit got stolen from my car by my best friend.
a dealer. he's still my buddy, actually.

>> No.11662521

Nah I’m good senpai. Enjoy being a barista while explaining you were too good for a job that pays more than 15 an hour.

>> No.11662523
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>Oklahoma State
>Aviation, but discerning Catholic seminary
>To Save A Thousand Souls, also A Key to the Doctrine of the Eucharist.
The Eucharist book is incredibly complex, but once I buckle down and start taking notes I think it'll be fun.

>> No.11662550

I confronted him once, about stealing my shit, he was honest, it was several years later. He said of all his friends, I was the only one to confront him over stealing their shit. He said he had felt he owed me for all the time since, and honestly, he has more than paid me back in free weed. I forgave him when I realized he did it so long ago.
I had gotten the heroin from a guy who would later go on to catch a statutory rape case.
I stayed at his place once, he had some sort of pills, and they turned up missing. He accused us of it, even though it was clearly his sister who had done it, as we (I say we, as there was another friend who was co-opting the stay over at the house, and who I noted as innocent, as he had stayed up with me and played games on the xbox all night)
anyway, that night we did heroin, we had the Dominoes sandwiches for the first time, they had just come out with them. It was an incredible feeling, being on heroin and eating such a decadent foodstuff.

>> No.11662555

I can't tell you what to enjoy learning about, but I'd advise you to take advantage of all the grant money that MSU gets for research.

>> No.11662560

Do marching band. It's fun!

>> No.11662565

I'm a geophysical scientist m8.

>> No.11662570

>literally who university
>Computer Information Systems (kill me)
>nothing at the moment

>> No.11662574

CIS sounds hard. Any Comp Sci sounds hard.

>> No.11662579

Is there any chance for STEM aspirates to go on to huge research unis from St. John's??

>> No.11662589

the next time i did heroin was somewhere betwixt chicago and st louis with a gangster who had stolen the capsules of dirt quality heroin from a cousin of my alpha friend gangster nigga, named Lil Larry. He was pretty interesting, I got laid around him so often for some reason, everywhere I went alongside him, allowing him to drive my buick century, i got some pussy.
Anyway, a friend of Lil Larry steals some heroin and some ecstasy rolls from his cousin, and he doesn't really do anything about it, but i tell him because I was just honest.
that same night, the gangster friend and another gangster friend, that was mutual, (a tall, demented and stupid negro male, he was obviously in and out of prison a few times, and was going to die soon most likely) asked me, nay compelled me to act out a scene in which I were to rob someone. I belted out angrily give me all your money, I could yell back then and the guy was surprised, and almost got offended by the outburst, as though he was crestfallen i didn't wilt at the mere concept of holding someone up at gunpoint. Lil Larry softly said "and they'd give it to him, too"
I saw that heroin stealing gangster rob a guy at gunpoint, homeless guy of his clothes in a backpack, with a ghetto shotgun that clearly was terrifying to behold, and was kept underneath some back porch of some abandoned house along some street.

>> No.11662598

i remember one time i was in rockford in a traphouse with a bunch of gangsters, and this white lady came into the place, she was clearly a junkie and maybe even had a disease. someone asked her why she had come, and i believe she kind of chuckled out a single word "dick", she looked around, as everyone, (about 6 gangsters and myself) sat on their couches in silence. the woman looked around, then realized that she was being refused this request, and hung her head in shame before leaving.

>> No.11662603

The Evolution of Desire

>> No.11662604

was this at the chapo traphouse?

>> No.11662606


You go to the ale n wich by any chance?

>> No.11662610


>> No.11662611

chapo? like, el chapo? no, these were black gangsters.

>> No.11662616

sorry, college just reminds me of heroin, and gangsters. it was such an odd time in my life, youth, my friend, it is the gateway into trouble. now i can't even get into that kind of trouble anymore. i don't even know where to get heroin. everyone seems so squeaky clean.

>> No.11662623

It's all goo).d. I hope everything works out for you (although don't do more heroin, it'll kill you.)

>> No.11662629
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>English research
gonna pass on that, I wouldn't get in anyways

>> No.11662664

i did heroin one last time since then, actually, it was the last time i did it, some guy had some raw from chicago, and i gave him a ride so he gave me a line. it was the single most terrifying experience i have ever had, it really takes you out of it, heroin, but it's not like you lose consciousness or anything. you genuinely feel numb and shelled long enough that any meaning to your past or your psyche could dissolve entirely, and you could satisfy, you could content yourself with staring through the gloss.
it's not something for people with well assembled lives, is what i'm saying here, it's something for people who seem to enjoy not being a member of this planet. i mean, i thought hallucinogens were heavy, let me tell you, lsd, or dmt, shrooms, those are all drugs you have to really be BORED with life for. you get so dull with everything, and they give you new vividness, breathe life into what was once mundane, giving you the eyes of a child, which is something that a person who enjoyed life substantially for a good period of time, and would still like to, provided more options are available for sensations.
heroin is for the hedgehogs of this world, i tell you.

>> No.11662667

I am not a rutgers fag but I am a fellow Math and Milton fag

>> No.11662678

oh now i get it, i saw the other thread, hah. you're really clever, you know.

>> No.11662679


>> No.11662686

school is a fucking waste of time join the infantry

>> No.11662687


>> No.11662688

>Simon Fraser University (SFU)
>Philosophy and English
>Blood Meridian

>> No.11662692


>> No.11662712

>Washington State University
>Comp Sci and Math
>Complete Works of Aristotle (almost done starting with the Greeks)
>John Muir- Wilderness Essays

>> No.11662739

>Film Studies and English
>One Hundred Years of Solitude

>> No.11662753

Are you liking Wilderness Essays? I'm going camping with the family next week and am looking for something that fits the vibe

>> No.11662760

Saint Louis University
>English and Film Studies
>my friend Manny's book, Thousands of Lies

>> No.11662765

Absolutely. I’m actually re-reading it, it’s a very comfy book. It should fit the atmosphere perfectly.

>> No.11662793


>> No.11662869
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>A Place of Greater Safety

>> No.11662889

Notre Dame
Computer Science
The Critique of Pure Reason

>> No.11662926

>David Copperfield

>> No.11662939

Physics and Statistics
Kazuo Ishiguro - just finished When We Were Orphans

>> No.11662968

Is this a Gaucho Marks writer?

>> No.11663153

elliot rodger my man

>> No.11663162
File: 34 KB, 350x178, oswego.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SUNY Oswego
>Comp Sci
>The House on The Borderland

>> No.11663171

>Stevens Institute of Technology
>Computer Engineering
>I'm reading through the complete works of William Shakespeare, I'm currently on Antony and Cleopatra

>> No.11663188

>a cuny school
>spinoza: a practical philosophy by deleuze and the baron in the trees by calvino

>> No.11663201
File: 812 KB, 2000x1333, GauchoSlideshow0009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not personally but a friend of the staff

>> No.11663205

Are you my housemate

>> No.11663271

>Queensland Uni of Tech
>Comp Sci
>Ogniem i Mieczem

>> No.11663307

Anon... you didn't fall for the /lit/-endorsed pantheism meme, right?

>> No.11663315
File: 284 KB, 1200x1200, Colby_College_Seal.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Printmaking, History
Fear/Loathing on the Campaign Trail, The Atlas (Vollmann)

>> No.11663317

It's really not if you're slightly autistic

>> No.11663322

>government exploits the poor/uneducated to fight rich men's wars

>> No.11663328

zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance

>> No.11663410

hi classmate

>> No.11663458
File: 203 KB, 500x500, client-UT-seal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic rel.
>Env. Science
>Zama as well as the tao te ching


>> No.11663474

heroin guy here, i was thinking about suicide by cop, i think that’s such a beautiful way to go, especially if the cop doesn’t want to do it.

>> No.11663504

You think its that easy to get killed by police huh

I bet you're not even BLACK

ur ass would be on the ground faster than you could pull out whatever cardboard gun you carved out while nodding off to royal trux or whatever you degenerates listen to

>> No.11663505

i’m a mulatto and i have a sword so it wouldn’t be difficult

>> No.11663525

Washu baby
>Finance and Film
>The Master and Margarita

>> No.11663553
File: 1.96 MB, 1676x1884, Olmec_baby-face_figurine _Snite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

School of Life
Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry

>> No.11663577
File: 556 KB, 1068x1093, Screenshot_20180316-120538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>english with a focus on creative writing
>just read Taipei desu, 3/5 worth a read

>> No.11664489

Yeah, but you’ll have to do summer work at other schools to get your credits in specific areas. A lot of people do it, SJC is super accommodating and usually covers the cost.

>> No.11664515

>passing up an opportunity to take potshots at colored people

>> No.11664703


>> No.11664751

incoming bankslave who thinks he's too good for spreadsheets

>> No.11664767

At NYU too
Philosophy with a math minor.
I've heard some pretty bad things about the english department, what are your thoughts?
Currently reading IJ, trying to wrap it up before school starts again

>> No.11665064
File: 364 KB, 1200x1200, skool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Studying physics and CS, minoring in logic
trying to write all the while, but I am becoming an AUTOMATON

>> No.11665077

How you enjoying Edinburgh & Mantel?
I liked the book but was very glad of my strong grounding revolutionary history going in.
Also Bedlam Theatre sure has gone to shit, eh?

>> No.11665080

University of Glasgow
English Lit
A Tale Of Two Cities.

>> No.11665082

also, reading Dirty Dust right now, hoping it's the better translation of Cre Na Cille

>> No.11665114

Get clean faggot, read a bunch, write a bunch, hit the gym.

Suicide is for retards.

>> No.11665933

What are you looking forward to out of college, then?

>> No.11666133
File: 263 KB, 1024x1024, 1024px-Georgia_Tech_seal.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fourth year physics at pic related, with that combo are you going to grad school or working when you graduate? Right now as people start talking about grad school apps I lean more and more towards "join the French Foreign Legion and bleed to death in Algeria" but don't know how alumni networks track that.
Also I'm reading Germinal

>> No.11666411

sup friend
what bad things have you heard about? im only going to be a sophomore this year and haven't interacted with the program that much, but all of the staff has been helpful, all of my professors have been really great, and ive met a few cool people too. there's some awful ones, but they mostly mind their own business.

>> No.11666440

what year?

>> No.11666442

Getting published in a scholarly journal, even one in the humanities, is always a good idea.

>> No.11666451


>> No.11666460


We all know each other anyway guys. Everyone at harvard browses lit

>> No.11666517

How are the logic courses you've taken? Thinking of going for a minor myself.

>> No.11667991

no its not

>> No.11668194
File: 2.56 MB, 384x216, 14236724537.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boston University
>DFW's "Everything and More"

>> No.11668280

Hopefully I dont discourage you about the major or anything. The stuff I've heard is largely anecdotal and probably not serious. Mostly people I've talked with have complained about the curriculum. Women in the major have complained to me that its not diverse enough (probably not an issue for someone who uses this site) and in a sort of parallel vein that the books they read are relatively non interesting in an exactly-the-sort-of-classics-you-would-expect-to-read-in-an-undergad-lit-program way. I've also heard complaints that the actual thrust of the program is not focused enough on deeper than surface level questions about literature. Mainly that you'll spend most of your time doing the same sort of thematic and symbolic breakdowns you did in highschool and very little of it considering questions like how exactly an author has constructed the piece or why the writing does or does not do what it's meant to.

The only stuff I've heard about the creative writing program is from my cs-major roommate who took a class because he had some extra credits to throw around, but he seemed to enjoy it a lot.

>> No.11668287

>Washington and Lee University
>Moby Dick
This place sucks!

>> No.11668366

>HST and Vollmann
My fucking guy

>> No.11668370

how's BU anon? I graduated last year

>> No.11668376

I'm there too. I bet I know who you are. You seemed like the 4chan type.

>> No.11668384


>> No.11668392
File: 11 KB, 252x208, stony-brook-university-logo-vertical.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stony Brook University
>Philosophy major with Writing minor
>the Iliad

>> No.11668419

You finish that sexual harassment thing yet?

>> No.11668433

Idk if you actually know me but the phrase "you seemed like the 4chan type" made me rethink my whole life to be honest

>> No.11668437

meet me at the red hen tomorrow at high noon. come alone.

>> No.11668441

Not from SB but also on the Island. Sup, bro.

>> No.11668451

Ain't even in Lex senpai

>> No.11668466

You could be my little Twink puss boi, what's your address?

>> No.11668476

>what you're studying
Computer Engineering w/ minor in Philosophy
>what you're reading
Wittgenstein Blue and Brown Books

>> No.11668601

>Mathematics w/ minor in Economics
>what your're reading
The Master and Margarita

>> No.11668631


>gombooter science
>the black swan
currently sleeping with a cutie from SFU

>> No.11668793

> The dragons of eden

>> No.11669122

Hubbard with all the other freshman

>> No.11669142

Ayyy I graduated from BU last year with a degree in econ (and english lmao--that department has like one good professor). Now I'm a wageslave working at a bank.

>> No.11669593

same, wanna suck each other off

>> No.11669598

>University of New South Wales
>Letters of Seneca

>> No.11669640

>University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava
>Mass Media Communication
>Just finished 1984 yesterday, currently starting with Charles Bukowski - The Most Beautiful Woman in Town

>> No.11670048

>English lit/Phil
>Howards's End

>> No.11670082

fellow Spartan? Sup fuccboi
I graduated last year, lmk if you need any hottakes

>> No.11670090

confirmed Spartan

>> No.11670117
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>> No.11670166
File: 29 KB, 300x300, Carletoncollegeseal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>English and Public Policy
>In the Heart of the Heart of the Country

>> No.11670170

also stop weeb posting, I don't want that shit associated with MUH UNIVERSITITY

>> No.11670178

you asian?

>The Sound and the Fury

>> No.11670199

ugh, okay.

>some patti smith book

>> No.11670200

Good post, I would read it if it was in book form.

>> No.11670259

>English and Public Policy
You mean... like the influence of English on public policy?

>> No.11670340

>wildlife and conservation

>> No.11670443
File: 27 KB, 377x449, IMG_20180810_092617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your University culture means nothing to me

>> No.11670593

it's msu you weeb

>> No.11670677

Nah like major and minor. So far I’m sucking all the right dicks to be a prof and go to a good Phd program but have a much better chance of doing law.

>> No.11670941
File: 331 KB, 1240x1447, IMG_0153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>business marketing
>Worldly Philosophers

>> No.11670977

incoming freshman at BU here

>> No.11671148

It's not an education for a career; for that you'd either have to already have your subsequent plans set up by at least early senior year or make a concerted effort to network. As a real education, it's one of the best schools out there, but not if you've a more particular sense of how you want your schooling to prepare for a career. The Johnnies who claim the education helped them are full of shit.

>> No.11671151

What year are you?

>> No.11671294

moving london from ireland to start film production undergrad in like three weeks
reading Notes From Underground rn

>> No.11671485

>business marketing
I genuinely can't imagine sitting through a single class in that major without an urge to shoot myself in the head

>> No.11671496

are you reading Heidegger with one of the faculty there or just on your own? They have some top tier Heideggerians

>> No.11671502

how do you like the philosophy department there?

>> No.11671529

>Missouri S&T
>Civil Engineering
>Kafka on the Shore
just a midwestern midwit

>> No.11671753
File: 51 KB, 567x567, rug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished up on the myth of male power
Not exactly high shelf stuff, but I can't decide on what to read next. What Dostoevsky is best for an intro into his work?

>> No.11671763

Im starting on monday, want to meet up this weekend or something???

>> No.11671793
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A beaner.

>> No.11671854

> Leiden University
> Psychology
> Van Gogh : The Life by Steven Naifeh and Gregory White Smith

>> No.11672019

>Spoon River Anthology

>> No.11672023

The faculty is really great. Taking a class with a world renowned Hegel expert this semester.

>> No.11672029

Sure. What's your major/minor?

>> No.11672032

^^^^Post above was meat for reply

>> No.11672493

>University of Adelaide
>Bachelor of Arts (English and Philosophy)
>Shapin articles and Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.11672523
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Edinburgh's a really nice town - wonderful architecture, and you can walk anywhere. I've never actually been inside Bedlam, but I pass it all the time - Improv doesn't really appeal to me desu.

I'm enjoying Mantel, but I do think Wolf Hall was quite a bit better. The 3 main characters (Camille, Danton, Robespierre) all seem to have the same sort of wry, glib personality. I don't think Mantel talks enough about their ideological developments - so their actions during the course of the revolution seem very abrupt, like Danton just suddenly goes from this fairly apolitical lawyer to a hot-blooded militia commander. There's also alot of quite trite dialogue - near the beginning of the book Camille said something like 'there's going to be a revolution and you'll have to choose a side'.

>> No.11672542

does your name start with r

>> No.11672568

aye rutgers heterosexual here. im in newark right now but ill be at the new brunswck campus next semester. studying graphic design but honestly might switch to filmmaking. im torn between marketing, english, or philosophy for my minor.

>> No.11672661

Math major, no minor. Dickscord: glom2thereturnofglom#2529

>> No.11672712

>Environmental Science (with a focus of study in resource management, GIS, and programming so I can actually get an engaging and skilled job) and philosophy (for fun/enrichment)
>Queer by Burroughs

>> No.11672730
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>> No.11672787

What major?

>> No.11672814
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>Cardiff University
>Philosophy and Ancient History
>The Ego and His Own

>> No.11672856
File: 6 KB, 229x220, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Construction Science Management


>> No.11672908

On Erasmus at Cambridge from some second-rate uni which I will not name

Classics and English

Herodotus, a biography of Spenser and a history of Cambridge

>> No.11672909

>Kennesaw State University
>English and Psychology
>The Idiot

I mean it's fine I suppose. I've got a good GPA. I could have gone to a better school, but this was so close to home and Atlanta. I figure that I'm close enough to do whatever I want after school (probably writing for television or theater, or maybe film school).

>> No.11672913

>DeVry University
>Corpus Hermetiucm

>> No.11672925

oh that's why /lit/'s gone to shit and is full of over-socialized pseuds

>> No.11672965

not sure yet but I’m thinking about english, wbu

>> No.11672971

OT q - Which societies do you all frequent? Or is that a waste of time?

>> No.11672981

>Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)
>Mechanical Engineering

Been stuck in the book ever since classes began again and it's not even a long one. Doesn't help at all that I hate what I'm studying, I can't take it anymore.

>> No.11672983

I'm a STEmlet in Engineering.

>> No.11673955

>Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

>> No.11673996

Quão idiotas são engenheiros? Eu estou fazendo vestibular pra mecânica na USP, mas eu temo que eles todos sejam do tipo “hahah viva a vida, sexo e bebida meu amigo”. Alguém lê alguma coisa além do obrigatório para passar?

>> No.11674089

>disability check
>the endurance of failure over a life span

>> No.11674193

São bem essa descrição que você falou, muitos playboys e nerdoes que não leem praticamente nada fora do curso. O que não significa que sejam piores que galera de outros cursos. Pessoal de humanas é ainda mais patético, por se gabar de ter muito o que ler, como se ler fosse difícil pra caralho.
Mas claro, tem gente maneira em engenharia como tem em qualquer lugar. O foda é que o curso é muito puxado, principalmente pelo fato de você ter que aprender tudo sozinho. As aulas são um lixo e os professores nem se importam em ensinar direito, mas a cobrança é extremamente alta mesmo assim.
Eng UFRJ é um curso extremamente concorrido, com as maiores notas de corte abaixo de medicina, e mesmo assim rolam reprovações de 80% em matérias unificadas do ciclo básico. Coisa de tipo quase 1000 pessoas reprovando cálculo 1. Então é complicado também esperar que muitas pessoas do curso se dediquem a ler mais que o curso exija.

>> No.11674850

>Connecticut College
>Dune Messiah

>> No.11675260

>english lit

>> No.11675534
File: 258 KB, 973x536, u+of+m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

University of Minnesota
Chemical Engineering
White Noise

>> No.11675609

Undergrad at St Andrews
Masters at Cambridge
DPhil at Oxford

Reading history of art

>> No.11675625

Why is finance bad?

>> No.11675635


>> No.11677281
File: 41 KB, 645x729, dumb wojack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Supply Chain Management
> Ride the Tiger by Julius Evola

>> No.11677331

>not Coast Guard Academy

>> No.11677342

>Reallocating capital and keeping the market efficient is honorable
The percentage of GDP from financial services has grown tremendiously since the 60's. In parallel, "distributive activities" are becoming more dominant in contrast to "creative activities" (producing cars, toys) - particular in the financial industry. Basically increasing inequality.

>> No.11677363

Just graduated from Chemical Engineering (ITESM). Last thing I read was Xenophon's Anabasis. Currently reading Rituak Texts for the Afterlife, it's an anthropological study on ancient Greece Dionysian rites and mysteries.
After that, haven't decided if I'll continue reading some Aristophanes or some of the ancient poets (Sappho, Pindar, etc.).

>> No.11677528

anyone here from fairfield u?

>> No.11677573

C we're gonna fuck u up in soccer

>> No.11677581

University of Delaware
It's pretty. It's quaint.

>> No.11677595

>tfw never got into the nescac rivalries
Am I missing out?

>> No.11677617

Autonomous university of guadalajara
Beyond good and evil

>> No.11677635

Based and redpilled

>> No.11677806

>Tufts University
>The Elephant Vanishes

>> No.11677846

That's not what quaint means.

>> No.11678218
File: 13 KB, 236x277, bu2553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah you can click through it pretty quickly without even paying much attention
>that part where the guy asks the girl for consent every time he does something even remotely sexual

oh god no please no

>> No.11678655

It was pretty bad. What year are you?

>> No.11678672

>Digital Media
>Introduction to Sociology by Adorno, Digital Anthropology by Heather Horst, Moby Dick and The Emperor’s New Virtual Clothes

>> No.11678806

Holy shit same. My skin in white though