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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 3.43 MB, 4032x3024, 20180822_051033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11663717 No.11663717 [Reply] [Original]

Didn't a bookshelf thread in the catalog so I figured I'd start one

and yeah ik my shelf is really badly organized

>> No.11663719

fuck i didn't even notice it was sideways until posting, sorry

>> No.11663720

Can't you just post it in the stack thread like everyone else?

That said I applaud you rotating the image and uploading in quality that makes the titles actually readable.

>> No.11663725

Sorry I didn't even notice the stack thread, I just ctrl + f and looked for "shelf" or "bookshelf" threads

>> No.11663747
File: 1.93 MB, 3608x2029, P_20180822_192440_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just one picture because I'm tired.

>> No.11663751

Harry Potter y el misterio del príncipe sounds pretty rad

>> No.11663755


Listen. Just buy hardcovers. They cost a few dollars more, but they'll actually survive being read a few times without disintegrating, and people will be able to look at your shelf without getting the impression that you're on welfare.

>> No.11663767

I have paperbacks that are 70 years old

>> No.11663771

Which is even more embarrassing, because it shows that you never read them.

>> No.11663776

Old, beat-up paperbacks can be so comfy and aesthetic.

>> No.11663854

>Buying hardcovers just to impress other people

lmao no I'm still gonna buy paperbacks because they're affordable, accessible, and better for reading in different places, I'm not gonna buy hardcovers just to make people think I'm not poor or anything

>> No.11663878

Sewn paperbacks are fine, but otherwise I agree with the hardcovers thing.

>> No.11663947

I used to have a paperback library years ago. I had a collection of novels and trade paperback comic books that filled a few shelves. I actually used to prefer paperbacks to hardcovers myself. They're cheaper, and lighter, and more convenient, as you say. Paperbacks might seem like the smarter choice now, but they'll fall apart on you eventually, and time moves so fast they won't last as long as you think. Their corners will dogear, and their spines will crack, and their edges will be worn down. There's nothing sadder than flipping through your books one day, and thinking back to when they were new, with perfect shiny covers and white leafs, and when you bought them you were young, too. No, this one was given to you as a birthday present when you turned twenty, and you realize for the millionth time the entire world has gone to shit since Megan died, so you box up all your books and sell them for $5 to the local used book store (haggled up from $3) so you can move out of the country with less shipping weight. I guess hardcovers would have been heavier, but they would have held up longer, and that's the most important thing. As you get older, you learn to appreciate things that last.

>> No.11663957

But I am on welfare. :(
And yeah, it's hard to get certain hardcovers if you're not willing to pay like 50€ more if they are out of print. I thought about just buying the PDF and getting them bound myself.

>> No.11664115
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I have a paperback copy of The Plague from the year it came out

>> No.11664161

This post makes me want to burn every single hardcover in my collection

>> No.11664180

can't you just buy some leather and bound them yourself? just do some diy shit man

>> No.11664537
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>> No.11664551
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>> No.11664564
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Old paperbacks have character that a pseud like you could never understand

>> No.11664584

poorfag coping

>> No.11664607

>that tiny War and Peace

>> No.11664610
File: 181 KB, 460x558, 1513412117480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>potter and other childrens books
>normie DVDs on your shelf
>trash cluttered on your shelf
>infinite meme
even more YA and childrens books
>compulsive readings books
>the only bible is the school issued ecumenical edition
Grauenhaft pleblejisch und weibisch.
You have to be 18 or older to post here /10

>> No.11664715
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>> No.11664716
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>> No.11664724


Yeah I'll just bend my fucking neck to the side and suffer through the aching pain just so I can view your shitty normie reading list.

Get fucked, this neck bends for no one.

>> No.11665712

I really hope you're a woman, no self respecting man should have these things on his shelf

>> No.11665731

What is the philosophy of human rights like? I've recently exposed myself to very convincing anti-human rights arguments and basically I now see that the average human is worth less than most animals. Change my mind if you can. Also nice Uzumaki book!

>> No.11665812

Just accept that human rights are a literal meme and not eternal, as they can easily be taken away, they are not even an actual right, but more a privilige by the goverment currently in power to appease the plebus.

This doesn't mean that there shouldn't be similar rights in a vicilized society, it just means to never take them fr granted or try to install them in foreign lands.

>> No.11665955

> Letting arbitrary values dictate your finite life
Stay cucked my man

>> No.11665995
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Another picture. Sadly my father read my Dan Brown books, otherwise they would be in perfect condition. They aren't very important tho.

>> No.11666369
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bit of my philosophy shelf

>> No.11666537
File: 234 KB, 1999x1125, image1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recent stack:

anais nin - eros unbound
rd laing - knots
beckett - How it is
annunzio - l inncente
hem - men without women

lindberg - muscheln in meiner hand
jans prins - tochten
woolf - to the lighthouse
nabakov - pale fire/harelquins

>> No.11666586

>taking back sunday

>> No.11667511

I can kinda thank Orchid for getting me interested in like half the books on my bookshelf lmao

>> No.11667525

Is Anais Nin worth reading? I know little to nothing about her but I've heard various references to her in different media and kinda wanted to look into her work

>> No.11667651

i've got Delta of Venus
and got Eros Unbound from the library but turned out thats just a selection of her other work

which is kind of a good thing bc some of Delta of Venus is a bit fucked (child rape or whatever) (it was commissioned work by a private collector)
made the mistake of giving it to an intimate friend as a """sexy gift""". so if you get it for anyone -- get a selection.

in terms of literary worth: it's quite good. very little actual sex. all of it quite thematic and artsy. some of the stuff might give you a stiffy but its not smut

>> No.11667658

when i say "very little sex" thats not true. i mean maybe 25%

>> No.11667896

If you don't read WW at every possible opportunity then you're a poseur.

>> No.11668096

You realize the point of bookshelf threads is to impress people.

>> No.11668188

>Sadly my father read my Dan Brown books, otherwise they would be in perfect condition
Do you seriously buy books to look nice and post on /lit/? I thought that was just a meme

>> No.11668210
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>> No.11668215
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>> No.11668218

Really? I actually use them as a comfy way to browse through peoples libraries and take inspiration what to buy next if the anon in quesstion has good taste. Maybe stop beeing a pseud?

>> No.11668223

thats some nice gravity youve got there

>> No.11668233
File: 580 KB, 2050x1536, 57304E46-A4B3-494C-A9FE-BB22CCC0FF39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How bout now

>> No.11668237


>> No.11668238

Goddamn I hate phoneposting

>> No.11668243

how tf is Anna Karenina bigger than War and Peace?

>> No.11668244

Is that abridged decline of the West worth it?

>> No.11668250

Yes, very much so. The only abridged part is the chapter on mathematics and how it differs through cultures. Everything else is original.

>> No.11668253

Some books dont exist in hardcover

>> No.11668255

Take in how this literal retard is trying to turn his neck to see the books upright rather than just read the titles that are literally horizontal in the pictures.
>the absolutely state of brain/lit/

>> No.11668260

Faggots who own the Harry Potter books and Dan Brown, back to ledd*t

>> No.11668268

Pretty shit besides the Tolkiens and Narnia.

>> No.11668277

I'm not sure actually, they were just the only two copies available at my local bookstore, I don't think either one is abridged or changed in any way though

>> No.11668283

You sir have the only respectable book shelf in this thread so far (I havent seen the ones below your post).

>> No.11668319
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>inb4 not literature

>> No.11668327

incidentally op that shelf is b a s e d. except for nietzsche, who should be burned.

>> No.11668335

No, actually this is my first time on /lit/, I don't really browse this board. I like to take good care of my things since I'm a kids.

>> No.11668349
File: 588 KB, 1211x1600, John%20William%20Waterhouse-カイ-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the best ones in here.

>> No.11668353

Nietzche is one of the most based things there are. He should burn all the Malcolm X shit.

>dude niggers are superior lol also I'm a Muslim

>> No.11668359

I have three of his books, I still have to read two of them.

>> No.11668389

ayyy, based! I've got a beer mug like those, love it. How's For My Legionaries? It looks like an interesting read.

>> No.11668402

>Burn all the Malcom X shit

It's literally just his autobiography

>> No.11668403

Legionaries is an awesome read. I would recommend it to anyone with nationalist tendencies.

>> No.11668418

I do this too. I also have to admit I get a special kick whenever I post on /lit/ and someone replies to me in a positive manner.

>> No.11668549

>the book of genesis by r crumb
fuckin JEALOUS

that's a nice shelf anon. also, did master and commander suddenly become popular and nobody told me?

>> No.11668636

I guess the movie made is pretty popular. Considering that movies can't be as good as their books, I had to read it.

>> No.11668646

Btw are you by any chance a fellow Kraut? I wanted to get rid of the Crumb genesis.

>> No.11668702

nah, i'm a burger. just familiar with crumb from back in the day. pretty sure he draws the chick tracts. not especially a fan, but he's part of americana.

>> No.11668714
File: 385 KB, 1500x1125, Julius-Schnorr-von-Carolsfeld+Die-Bibel-in-Bildern-Mit-kurzen-Bibeltexten-nach-der-der-revedierten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it was a gift and too vulgar for my taste. desu it's pretty degenerate Novus Ordo art. Pic related is what I'm usually going for.

>> No.11668928

yeh, crumb is definitely low brow. wouldn't actually keep him on the shelf if i had him. your pic related is much more my speed as well.

>> No.11669006
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Well, it's not like I got friends or family (visiting).

>> No.11669215

the real question is how did cage the elephant fluke in making a great album like melophobia when the rest of their discography is shit?

>> No.11669606
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besides this, theres a stack of cheap reclams and textbooks

>> No.11669816

How's Marriage and Civilization?

>> No.11669866
File: 1.09 MB, 3262x1536, 33EF86DF-8D38-4AF6-8FA7-DED054F0D5C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11669934
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A rather interesting read and great introduction to subject as it doesn't require any prior knowledge. The way I see it, the author has a tendency to give the catholic church more credit than it's due, though that's a minor flaw. Nevertheless, I'd recommend it.

>> No.11670046

Thanks, I'm actually a Catholic so I'm obviously going to agree that we're the greatest :^).

>> No.11671477


>> No.11671586
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It's not something that I would want to display out in the common living areas. The Zelda manga collection takes up the most real estate, but a closer examination reveals some unusual items.

>> No.11671850
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>sorting books alphabetically by author's names
>Sarrazin (two books actually)

>> No.11673118
File: 7 KB, 625x582, pepespikespiegel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no more books?

>> No.11673502
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>> No.11674723

I'll post mine when I get home later

>> No.11675775

why are you have books in polish?

>> No.11675808

His whole shelf is try-hard pseud-child.

>> No.11676563

lol how big is the type/margins in that copy of The Forever War? It looks almost as thick as Ulysses.

>> No.11676680
File: 1.77 MB, 2069x2363, shelves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11676844

How did you like Die Blechtrommel anon?

>> No.11677101
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Typical size. Bad pic related. Outer margins are maybe 1". The pages are just thick, thicker than Penguin feels like.

>> No.11677118

based, anon! I like your shelves especially, they look home made. Your dad has good taste.

>> No.11677152

No alcanzo a leer los títulos de la primera imagen. Se ve que te gusta un chingo la fantasía. De ese género sólo he leído Harry Potter y Narnia. Muy buena forma de pasar el rato.

>> No.11677159
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>> No.11677168

some of them are homemade - the top right one is made from an old kitchen worktop

>> No.11677173
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>> No.11677177

wait i mean top left
jesus christ i shouldn't post on the internet when i'm in such a state that i cannot discern left from right

>> No.11678296

yeh, i can tell... the shelves are thick af. got a similar project in mind but just not sure how I'm gonna fasten it all together. currently thinking of using hinge pins, but maybe that's not enough.

my man

>> No.11678310

That Brothers Karamazov looks neat

>> No.11678572
File: 1.22 MB, 1649x2560, Gustave_Dore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

random question not worth making a thread about: Does anybody here know if the Barnes and Noble leatherbound bible is sewn?

>> No.11678577

OP is that the liner to Sunbather on your wall?

>> No.11678999

I was raised in Poland and try to keep what little I can up, as it's a whole new language family and can open doors in the future.

>> No.11679057

Yeah most of the things on my wall are record liner notes or similar stuff

>> No.11679258
File: 903 KB, 2592x1728, IMAG0770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. We were so poor that the Polish Winnie Pooh, Chatka Puchatka, was the only book I had till 12. Still, good times.

>> No.11679353

>Considering that movies can't be as good as their books

Children of Men wants a word mate

>> No.11679380

Cool! I found a first edition of Exile and the Kingdom for free in a charity bookshop once

>> No.11679401

>nigger represents eve and the last hope the world has
Yeah, one of the last movies I watched before cutting (((Talmud Vision))) out from my live.

>> No.11680207

>Finite Jest

>> No.11680362

It's the ebonics translated edition

>> No.11680943
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>> No.11681019
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What's the oldest book you own? Mine is a prayer book I found in Madrid. ~35 euros

>> No.11681020

Should have bought the hardcover then, dumbass

>> No.11681036

Chaste and breadpilled

>> No.11681263

Good shit. I'm jealous of the Loeb collection. I will get that Summa eventually but I don't have the time and it isn't cheap.

>> No.11681284
File: 2.36 MB, 4032x2875, 07A9A401-7069-408E-94BA-7EA3D8C233F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate them, maybe hate them

>> No.11681285

how is that copy of mason and dixon so thing? every copy i see is super fuckin wide

>> No.11681312

yeah you can probably throw out those sci fi books except for hitchikers
>titus groan
nice. you read those yet?
i love the new cover for infinite jest but i cant fuckings tand deckled edges. it drives me insane.
hope you enjoyed it though

>> No.11681434

>hope you enjoyed it though
I haven’t read any of the pictures books

>> No.11681436

Yeah I loved Titus Groan, I need to get the sequels sometime soon; I heard it gets kinda magick-y? And for all the shit some people talk on Mythology, it's a great intro and overview in my experience, must've read it three times since high school and I refer to it a ton reading other stuff.

>> No.11681646

If it's a Barnes and Noble edition, you just answered your own question. It's bonded leather and glued trash.

>> No.11681660

>Yeah I loved Titus Groan, I need to get the sequels sometime soon; I heard it gets kinda magick-y?
the second one is quite good but the third one can safely be avoided

>> No.11681670

fuck you i'm gonna keep them and read them one day
and i have read hitchhikers previously desu

>> No.11681752

How many Germans are in this thread?

>> No.11681826
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>> No.11681949


Mindestens drei.

>> No.11682086

an American wehraboo

>> No.11682108
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>> No.11682129
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>> No.11682143
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>> No.11682155
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>> No.11682171

How much did all these books cost???

>> No.11682176

Around 35 CDN each. All second hand

>> No.11682182
File: 2.17 MB, 4032x3024, AC6A2B5B-F687-4EA5-97CD-411373F2872B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11682187

Aesthetic. Don't even wanna know how much all the Folio/leather bound stuff cost.

More importantly, what do you think of the Gormenghast books?

>> No.11682190

Based af anon. Best bookshelves in this thread by far.

>> No.11682198

based folio anon

>> No.11682217

Thanks anons. I agree with the poster above, the first two books are fantastic, but the third is a bit of a let down. Doesn’t help that Peake died before it was complete.

>> No.11682361

Really good books, congrats.

>> No.11682388

I'm like 90% sure most of them are reichaboos