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11661717 No.11661717[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

somebody write a book about the whole azealia banks/elon musk/grimes situation

>> No.11661737

Shoo shoo, little Zoomer

>> No.11661748

somebody write a book about my penis going into OP's mother's anus and mouth

>> No.11661764

literally who, the space guy, and literally fucking who?

>> No.11661838

It would be an interesting one.

Banks is openly bipolar, and often exhibits schizophrenic traits. She would make for a fascinating, flawed character. She is aware of systemic oppression and, even with her significant wealth and success, still has to constantly face it -- the dust-up with Russell Crowe is a great example. Her individualism and refusal to accept her caste elicits the worst of people's racial animosity, and when it erupts in violence, the public often doesn't believe her because of her unhinged nature and complexes. If the actual circumstances that set the plot into motion remain unclear (did he take acid and lie to shareholders? was there a weird psychosocial sex thing going on between the three of them?), it would make for great debate about whether or not the reader is meant to believe her claims, or if it matters.

Musk, meanwhile, is a walking tragedy. The son of a south african mining baron, he learned hard lessons from his absent father: how to exploit, how to win, how to make money. His true passion is simply engineering, but his visions of grandeur -- both for himself and for our species -- are constantly hamstrung by the pesky realities of running a business. The workers want to unionize, the shareholders can't see the long-term picture, and some of it is simply more difficult than he anticipated; maybe if there were carbon-copies of himself, then he could do ALL of it. Elon calling the Thai cave hero a pedo would be a great scene -- classical music, a little wine, and ambien... finally free to say what he thinks! -- but him listening to Grimes' music for the first time would be transcendent. He falls in love, he thinks.

Out of all of them, Grimes is the most complex character. She taught herself music engineering to produce her first album, because she knew if she involved a man IN ANY WAY, he would take the credit for the genius instead of her. She is sympathetic to Banks, and understands the global struggle for freedom. In Musk, she sees someone whose vision seems to transcend these petty ideological disputes, and finally there a mind as quick as hers -- well, not as quick in the same ways, but quick enough to be interesting. She ignores the anti-union efforts, abandons the once-foundational anti-imperialist views she espoused, and embraces empty neoliberal dogma, all while falling further and further into a misguided half-love she ultimately knows is false.

I'd be down.

>> No.11661945

Well I think it would be a good book, assholes

>> No.11661983


>> No.11662018

The intrigue runs deep, I'm telling you

>> No.11662037

Write it.

>> No.11662064
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Side thought: Elon needs to be the figurehead for a Syd Mead-esque optimistic future. He almost was, but his optics are fucking abysmal. He needs to read up on Walt Disney, his plans for Epcot City, and look into Hauntology and lost futures.

Musk has the attitude, capability, potential, and aesthetics to be a beacon of optimistic futurism that society can steer toward, he just needs to fix his PR. That role at the moment is monopolized by I Fucking Love Science and shills flogging Star Wars merch. There's no cultural leadership.

Sort your shit out, Elon. And become what you promised.

>> No.11662136

Well, that's the thing. Futurism doesn't put food in peoples' bellies, and workers want more than promises.

If he quietly cedes most of his business responsibilities to a kore proficient and more bloodless COO (someone who won't get in twitter fights with the hoi polloi, someone who won't feel a compulsive need to prove their intentions are ideologically pure even when their actions are foul) and becomes a mascot/engineer, then his reputation will be salvaged. If not, he'll end up in prison or fired.

>> No.11662140

grimes is fucking nasty, musk so beta

>> No.11662226

Aesop's Fables
>A prince had some monkeys trained to dance. Being naturally great mimics of men's actions, they showed themselves most apt pupils. When arrayed in their rich clothes and masks, they danced as well as any of the courtiers. The spectacle was often repeated with great applause, till on one occasion a courtier, bent on mischief, took from his pocket a handful of nuts, and threw them upon the stage.

>The monkeys, at the sight of the nuts, forgot their dancing and became as indeed they were?monkeys instead of actors. Pulling off their masks and tearing their robes, they fought with one another for the nuts. The dancing spectacle thus came to an end, amidst the laughter and ridicule of the audience.

>> No.11662231

Grimes is a hired prostitute you dumb pseud. She's hired on an $Xk a month allowance basis.

>> No.11662278
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Sign of a diseased mind that Elon hired Grimes, some rat from the gutter, to be his in-house main whore. He should have hired Emily Ratajkowski to be his top thot and paraded her around in skinny space costumes at the SpaceX launches.

When you're a billionaire which yacht girl you use tells a lot about you as a person and the trajectory you're on. Musk is falling into the muck.

>> No.11662295

What? Give me a quick run down.

>> No.11662310

Musk should stick to one field and focus on achieving the revolutionary breakthroughs needed to make that one particular field economially viable. Not try to do all that in multiple fields times 3-5+ for the ego-rush (and investor-hype and gov-grant-hype.)

Highering a higher quality of mistress to service him is at the core of this. Some street-rat singer doesn't cut it. Grimes needs to be flicked for a yachting professional who does her job well.

>> No.11662317

She spent most of her life without money and would likely find a way to be sufficient if suddenly denied her current riches.This is unusually embarrassing buttboy fanfiction.
See: >>11661838

>> No.11662329

He's been spurned by attractive whores already. He's testing out the other side of the female coin, but will grow tired soon.

>> No.11662333

Musk's days are limited. If there are three elements to the human condition a la Plato's tripartite delineation - appetite, systematisation, and spirit - then Musk is governed only by the former two.

Someone else has to emerge to lead the conquest of the sea of stars. A person who, like all great leaders, can tap into a collective unconscious and express the desires of a million souls screaming out from salvation from territorial exhaustion. A spirit of conquest, usurpation, rage, and iron will.

>> No.11662343

Mental patients are more annoying than interesting in real life.
Maybe the train wreck aspects of all three of their lives might be interesting to sadists.

>> No.11662344

>Musk commits SEC fraud by announcing false market sensitive news on twitter (a supposed Telsa buyout at way above market trading price being "confirmed")
>Musk now in crises talks at home on how to recover
>Musk's hired in-house prostitute is a singer called Grimes
>Grimes invites a crazy nigger singer friend called Azalia Banks over to the house for X reasons
>In the midst of Musk's crises roundtable crazy nigger singer is staying over on a couch in the corner
>Crazy nigger camps out for a few days evesdropping
>Leaves and leaks the inside of the Musk crises talks and chat screenshots to Black twitter

And here we are. Based Russell Crowe once physically removed Azalia Banks from a house party for being a crazy nigger. Instead Elon's hooker Grimes gave her an inside view for half a week at his lowest (so far) point.

>> No.11662347
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>alexa, who will lead humanity to the stars?

>> No.11662352

Quickrundown here>>11662344 is meant for (you)>>11662295

>> No.11662358

I smoke weed all day


I don't give a FUK!!!!

>> No.11662374

Proves the inherent evil of women when even the best men have to cycle them. No particular women is good, and only some particular women are useful for a limited temperal period before you have to discard and rotate the thots.

The French decadents were right. Better to just hire and cycle through hookers. Yep, that's the true life.

>> No.11662391


>> No.11662401
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Like all top whores she's done well for herself. Azalia Banks was some hippy living in a van on the NSW North Coast before she flew out to America to be pimped out by Blacks, now look at her.

The Secret History of Prokopios tells the story of how Empress Theodora rose from street hooker to be Roman Empress regent. Prostitution is one of the most rewarding and socially uplifting professions women can participate in.

>> No.11662409

*Meant Iggy Azalia

>> No.11662440

i like musk, if only because he pisses off leftists by being alive, apparently

>> No.11662449
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>> No.11662452 [DELETED] 
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Leave my angsty Italian manwhores out of your celebrity crush gossip, you ignorant sons of women!

>> No.11662458
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I know of banks island? Is that related to azalea banks somehow? otherwise im drawing a blank

>> No.11662466

>Futurism doesn't put food in peoples' bellies

t. Luddite

It does when it becomes reality.

>> No.11662470

I didn't know he was dating Grimes, what the fuck. I guess I'm just that far out of the loop.

>> No.11662493

Yeah he's in the midst of a personal breakdown. The Tesla board are backrounding the NYT about how erratic Musk is and how they want him out. Hiring Grimes as a live-in is a symptom of that decline.

>> No.11662499
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This particular -ism involves angsty Italian homosexuals, techno music, and actually believing in cooties. Go find some other term for "happy science celebrity gossip." Remember: Futurism = CARBURETORS and PENISES* (*and fucking other men with your penises). have a nice day you fucking homosexual.

>> No.11662508

Fembots will solve the problem.

>> No.11662524

Also the fake buyout price he announced as confirmed on twitter was a weed joke: $420. Has lost his mind.

>> No.11662535

Dude what if we turned a carburetor into a vagina?

>> No.11662549

incredibly fucking gay. I was on a very spiritual path today of trying to be nice to everyone but this is too much

>> No.11662615
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No, sorry. It's an exclusive thing. we like to talk about gay sex and motorcycle maintenance. Sex with girls, your current social paradigm, that's not what we're about. >>11662535 we don't talk about vaginas

If you're poor, you can try something gravity-assisted, downhill maybe. I hate to make it seem like a rich boy's club. This is cheap. Isn't it dorky? it's very comfy. You get to be right in front of your instructor's penis. It's aerodynamic. We don't talk about girls.

>> No.11662643

fuck off

>> No.11662647

>her significant wealth and success
She has neither of these.

>> No.11662660

This thread makes me despair for humanity desu

>> No.11662840

Azelia Banks needs to be put down.

>> No.11662970
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>> No.11662977

so does musk

>> No.11662989
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Hiring Emily is the only hope man has to make it to Mars. Leaf junkie out, gypsy fat tits in.

>> No.11663074

Why the fuck?

>> No.11663226

You've confused your azaelae

>> No.11663255

no thank you

>> No.11663284


>> No.11663346

I thought /lit/ posters would ignore this shit.. I'm upset at you lads honestly

>> No.11663425

We have different definitions of "significant."

>> No.11663773

That's why you don't invite blacks to your party.

>> No.11663943

>constantly hamstrung by the pesky realities of running a business
He's helped run 2 businesses to multi billion dollar exits and is currently running 2 multi billion dollar companies, one of which is public the other being literally a rocket ship company.
He's revolutionized 2 entrenched industries & his competitors are still playing catchup

>> No.11664598

> They'll leak company secrets and get weird about the threesome