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/lit/ - Literature

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11661139 No.11661139 [Reply] [Original]

I'm your average /lit/ denizen - early 20's, large book collection, into the classics... except that I'm not a man, and that makes all the difference in how I'm treated.

When I ask a certain (male) classmate a question about books or show my drafts, I often get a one-word answer and no further discussion. My boyfriend walks up to the same guy and he smiles at him, makes small talk and asks questions about what else he's into. I didn't notice this until my boyfriend pointed it out - I'm not seeking our reasons to be offended. Quite the contrary - I am so used to the sexism that it often doesn't register to me until someone else points it out to me.
Twice, when I have tried to join book groups men have frowned at me and asked me if my boyfriend got me into my hobby and why he isn't here tonight.
When I bring this up in /lit/, my posts are usually ignored, while the men who explain to me why I'm wrong about things that happened to me get many (you)s.

My mother went into a bookstore and asked if they had the complete Harry Potter anthology for a gift. The employee said, very slowly and carefully, as if she were a child, "Uh, we sell LITERATURE here." My boyfriend went to the same store a day later and asked about it and was immediately given what he was looking for, because of course they had Harry Potter. My mother has never been back to a bookstore, though.

>> No.11661147

ima keep it real wit u chief
...my dick hard

>> No.11661151

overwrought b8 please do better next time

>> No.11661160

You are everything wrong with literature

>> No.11661162

I haveve literally had coitus with the girl in the picture posted by the Original Poster of this thread
ask me anything

>> No.11661180

>The employee said, very slowly and carefully, as if she were a child, "Uh, we sell LITERATURE here."
Prenty convincing story except this.

>> No.11661188

Holy shit what a chad
Got pics?

>> No.11661196

what do her feet smell like

>> No.11661198

Is it hurtful to say that it isn't your gender, it's you. You're not attractive, not socially adept, and you're not smart. You can change the former 2.

Post a picture of her face.

>> No.11661208
File: 505 KB, 897x1167, 1532028122757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interesting that the first thing you do is assume my appearance

>> No.11661211
File: 16 KB, 484x509, 1532649560169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much would you pay to have the top book in the stack

i would probably pay $50

>> No.11661218

yes, but I will not share them with the likes of you

like applesauce and melting snow

please refer to my response to the poster responsible for post #11661188

>> No.11661225

I'd go up to about 15k, but anything more than that would require a guaranteed shit-smear stain to be on the cover

>> No.11661235

Not really.
1. I'm a guy and a lonely one
2. We're talking about relations with other people, particularly the opposite sex.
3. If an anonymous guy said the inverse, anyone would assume the same thing in the same order.

Anyway, I'm not wrong am I?
Why do none of the women I know have these complaints? With your mom, maybe she was acting a little too meek. People are fucking rude.

>> No.11661264

Seeing this picture made me depressed.

>> No.11661296


This must be some bizzaro bait. The last paragraph gave it away.

I don't think there is anything unusual about a woman enjoying literature and I'm sure the majority of people would not be suspicious of a woman joining a book club. That's unless you live in some shit tier country like India or Saudi Arabia, in which case you have no place posting on a board for white people.

>> No.11661334

didn't read any of that but she has some pretty good feet desu

>> No.11661350


how can anyone, even females be comfortable around other females

>> No.11661395

Unironically, and fully aware this is bait, wouldn't this experience be roughly the same for a man getting into a traditionally female hobby?
When men and women aren't flirting, they usually get along better with their own kind, right?

>> No.11661399

If a woman around my age expressed real interest in literature and philosophy I would immediately be at least twice as attracted to them (if they were wholly unattractive to me, that multiplication would of course remain at zero). In either case I would happily engage with them intellectually, and in the former case even more enthusiastically. I am sure that this response is just as problematic, but it is a helpful counterpoint in the opposite direction: while I do not at all doubt women's intelligence, intelligence in any particular woman is almost immediately sexualized.

>> No.11661400


>> No.11661403

It's been up more than once before..

>> No.11661413

Because more often than not women simply dont know anything about literature and just get into it because of social status points or a lover
Men when you intrude into their hobbies (often with your unnecessary talk and prejudice) feel like an escape is being taken from them
If you take offense then simply prove you are not what I just mentioned
This is probably just bait, but just in case the 1 percent might be true

>> No.11661441

I am a lot like the classic /lit/ boi - early 20's, large book collection, into literature and I also have a nice fempenis.

I major in Mathematics at university, and do very well. I recently went to an REU, and had to fight tooth and nail to get it. The REU had a 50/50 gender split - pretty odd considering how few wamans study maths - it quickly became apparent that only 2 of these wamans (out of 10) actually deserved it. It turns out that because I have a penis, I had to actually be qualified to get a research scholarship.

>> No.11661442

Hey guys, I'm an astronaut! Can't give you any proof, but my anonymous claim is true nonetheless!

>> No.11661459

How did it happen?

>> No.11661460

you'll just have to work that much harder to be recognized because of the imposter ditzes in your midst. Now honestly it's not their fault, it's sexism men's fault. I suggest moving from the south or Indiana or whatever place you're living in now and moving to a better one. In the SF bay area, portland, even LA, NY, whatever, you won't find as much bullshit...

Then again it's a big question whether or not there are even enough lovers of literature in the whole united states to make up one engaging discussion group, irrespective of gender

also >>11661147

>> No.11661470

I really hope she put a tissue on that top book before gracing it with her fart factory.

>> No.11661473

OP i feel your pain, i really do, but at the same time the problems that ciswomen deal with seem very sheltered/whiney to me. I have face so much *plicit discrimination for even being interested in any humanities as a transperson, the problems of a ciswoman seem like cup of tea.

>> No.11661487

is she a butterface?

>> No.11661526

And that girl was Albert Einstein

>> No.11661576

No one with half a brain is surprised. Sexism exists and it's everywhere, duh.

If this thread was supposed to remind people, picking mostly socially inept men as your audience in the wrong board for it, seems like a sub-optimal approach. If the point was venting ... well, still wrong board.

The positive side is that all the bullshit can shape you into a more empathetic person, or a more bitter and whinny one.

I don't know, man, some small stores with autistic owners might do it.

Usually the guy is encouraged by females by laughed at by the male peers. Also lit isn't a male hobby, most readers are wimin.

Hey, at least you aren't black.

>> No.11661603
File: 2.46 MB, 2735x3080, b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be actual woman who wants to be respected
>STILL jezebel posting

>> No.11661611

What makes you think you're entitled to male attention? If I don't want to talk to women that's my right.

>> No.11661620


>> No.11661658

I'm short and brown and get the same treatment, mostly by women. The intersectional web of oppressor and oppressed is pretty depressing to contemplate.

>> No.11661666

And in both cases it's muh patriarchy.

>> No.11661675

Literally no one has said this in the thread.

>> No.11661682

I don't buy the notion that racism and patriarchy are inexorably linked. Seems like women attempting to pass the blame for some of their seedier behaviors onto men.

>> No.11661688

nice try satáán

>> No.11661691

guys this is a copypasta

nice pic though

>> No.11661696

Typical attention whore, "i'm waman and every asshole I come across is obviously misogynistic sexist and especially targeting me uniquely because i'm waman".

Everyone encounters assholes, you're not special now fuck off.

>> No.11661710


>> No.11661714



>> No.11661719
File: 44 KB, 500x338, .....oh....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In the SF bay area, portland, even LA, NY, whatever, you won't find as much bullshit...

>> No.11661727

It's more related to the shortness thing, since it makes you "fail" the stereotypical perception of how a man should be, hence treated worse.

Wouldn't say the link between patriarchy and racism is too strong, although both rely on a certain order/hierarchy. Besides, it's unlikely a coincidence that racists tend to be sexists and vice versa.

>> No.11661730

Please tell the full story as to how you know her, how this happened, and why we should be stupid enough to believe you.
Sex is for redditors, we are all patrician virgins here.

>> No.11661751

I have trouble believing that the height thing relates to patriarchy given that A, it's more of a problem for the women I come into contact with than it is for the men I meet, and B, it's more of an issue in Western societies that are significantly less patriarchal than the culture my parents come from. In societies where women have more freedom they tend to be more choosy about secondary sexual characteristics.

>> No.11661757

>this post
>this picture
as soon as you stop treating yourself like an angel who deserves respect (stuck up bitch) you'll get the respect through natural means.

>> No.11661781


>> No.11661782

Tranny pills don’t make you a woman anon

>> No.11661786

>it's more of a problem for the women I come into contact with
So? Patriarchy brainwashes wimin just as well as men.

>In societies where women have more freedom they tend to be more choosy about secondary sexual characteristics.
That's given for everyone. If you're a poorfag without shoes and someone gives you a pair that fits somewhat and keeps your feet warm, you're going to be happy to take it. If you have an entire shoe store to choose from, you'll begin to sort out stuff for the most ridiculous criteria.

>> No.11661796

>The employee said, very slowly and carefully, as if she were a child, "Uh, we sell LITERATURE here."
And than everyone clapped. That employees name? Albert Einstein.

>> No.11661811
File: 67 KB, 720x687, 1529439383172(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what to tell you, maybe dress up like an art hoe or wear a bun or some shit. Look more professional

>> No.11661819

I think the culpability is being misplaced here, and it's in order to justify some pretty shitty behavior when it comes from women in particular. The notion that your culture brainwashes you into doing something isn't really seen as a good rejoinder to someone calling out a form of discrimination.
>If you have an entire shoe store to choose from, you'll begin to sort out stuff for the most ridiculous criteria.
The analogy breaks down when you understand that women in my parent's country don't have fewer options for mates. Western entitlement is the problem, not a larger selection pool.

>> No.11661837

Ironically this.

>> No.11661843
File: 214 KB, 560x339, 787A6A7C-984E-459E-9F76-4389685505C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex is patrician, but not hetro sex

>> No.11661898

>The analogy breaks down when you understand that women in my parent's country don't have fewer options for mates.
Now that one is curious. How comes they are less picky or do they simply go by different criteria? Being more choosy just seems so natural when you actually have more to choose from.

I am from Eastern Europe (though living in the West now) but when it comes to dating I haven't noticed any notable differences, if anything the women here seem a lot less focused on money (though probably given too, since you need someone with money to fuck off from there).

>> No.11661902

This bitch has a sexy heel. Imagine that

>> No.11661922

If I were to guess my assumption would be that in societies with a smaller gender gap regarding control of wealth, women select less for provider traits than they do for physical attractiveness. Physically standards for men in the US have gone up significantly in my lifetime. Now most young men lift weight, but when I was a kid that was seen as a specialized hobby.

>> No.11661988

>tfw ywn have this

>> No.11662009

you can buy a stack of crappy books for $20 at any thrift store

>> No.11662069

>my assumption would be that in societies with a smaller gender gap regarding control of wealth, women select less for provider traits than they do for physical attractiveness
Well, hard to disagree with the first part, makes sense, but the second one seems bit too simple. Physical attractiveness obviously is a huge deal but having Adonis with the personality of a paper bag isn't the recipe for a functional relationshit in the long term, it's something people tend to learn pretty fast.

>Physically standards for men in the US have gone up significantly in my lifetime
Well, can't comment on the dating there outside of a short stay in Cali but at least based on media, there doesn't seem to be a huge change. 70-80s where the body-builder hype days, then with 90s and every-man aesthetic to the somewhat toned look now. And especially in the last half a decade, twinks got a lot more popular. There seems a bit more variety overall, though short dudes still get the ... ... short end of the stick.

Wouldn't say the standards got really higher, but perhaps the attention to mens bodies. The whole beauty industry took a stronger look at men and motherfuckers shave their arms now and use lotions to take care of their skin and whatever else. When it comes to the whole gym hype, well physical labour got less common, so people trying to stay in shape with lifting (which doubles as social activity) can be related to that too.

>> No.11662943


>> No.11663163

this is a great response to any woman complaints

>> No.11664421
File: 522 KB, 800x403, male body standards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wouldn't say the standards got really higher, but perhaps the attention to mens bodies.
Nah, the 'ideal' look for men has changed dramatically in 15 years, from something that was generally attainable to something that requires constant training and even dehydration. I hate using superhero cape shit for anything, but it's instructive here. The image on the left was Hugh Jackman in the first X-Men movie in 2000. The image on the right is him in the most recent Wolverine movie. Men have it rough today - the current-day image is less attainable than most of the beauty standards women have been faced with throughout history.

>> No.11664536

take your fucking disgusting smelly cunt off of those books jesus christ

>> No.11664543

0/10, tits or GTFO.

>> No.11664572

>in the most recent Wolverine movie
That'd be an old men who loses his powers and wipes the butt of his buddy.

Cape-shit movies are probably a decent representation of ideals and while there are fit dudes fairy well represented, many fan favourites like Loki, Dr Strange or the Antman-guy have average as fuck bodies.

>> No.11664592

I don't know any women who are into that body-builder look

>> No.11664663

except that shit is targeted at men, as a fantasy of how they wish they looked. women's opinions are not really relevant here. this is absolutely not how you would pose, light or otherwise present a dude if your goal was to sell him as a sex object for women. yeah, the standards are becoming absurd but it's men doing it to themselves.

>> No.11664664

loki and strange are 6'2 and literally have an aristocratic background irl. Went to oxford dragon school.

Never heard of a bitch getting wet over ant man

>> No.11664700

>Never heard of a bitch getting wet over ant man
You don't belong here, anon.

>> No.11664736

Bruv, we're talking about appearance. Also Loki is usually portrayed as a manlet compared to other guys in the movies.

The whole gig about Crisp Rat is that he is an average dude too.

>> No.11664869
File: 91 KB, 750x867, 1521133734801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>average /lit/ denizen
>early 20's

I want zoomers to leave.

>> No.11664915
File: 33 KB, 800x500, 1534830510328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah the bookstore part completely did you in. Low quality bait.

>> No.11664961

>except that I'm not a man
but a boy

>> No.11664999

in my country it's only women who read
you rarely see any men on book premiers or some /lit/ event
but that didn't help me get laid
this and the fact that reading philosophical works didn't actually have a big impact on my real life, makes me read less and less...

>> No.11665006

stop staining those books with your filthy asshole you pleb

>> No.11665024

>tfw your face will never be that book

>> No.11665028
File: 100 KB, 550x620, 1370223112299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SF bay area, portland, even LA, NY, whatever, you won't find as much bullshit...

>> No.11665036

>like applesauce and melting snow
This post made me realize that partially melted snow looks somewhat like applesauce, and that makes for a pretty good image and descriptor.

>> No.11665053
File: 23 KB, 479x317, 1482510748902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Write "woman" in your post.
>Thread gets minimum 300+ responses of socially retarded virgins spewing entitled and delusional opinions regarding a facet of life they admit they have zero practicable experience.

>> No.11665072
File: 135 KB, 375x375, 1514772340726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be tripfag
>gargle cum
>choke on cock
>act superior like my breath doesn't smell and no can smell my stinky, smelly, salty-coins-and-milk cum breath
>and srs bsns to boot
Yep, checks out

>> No.11665083

>be anon
>gargle farts
>choke on ass
>act superior like my breath doesn't smell and no can smell my farty, smelly, salty-fart-and-ass shit breath
>and rtard bsns to boot
Yep, checks out

>> No.11665091
File: 81 KB, 645x729, wojakbottomless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didn't notice this until my boyfriend pointed it out

>> No.11665767

A women's role is in her home, making a family. She is disadvantaged in almost all categories versus a man, except in her early 20s to be used as a manipulation device, apart from her reproductive function.

>> No.11665844
File: 407 KB, 541x554, 1 Car Girl SFW censored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP's photo is shit books literally being shat.

>> No.11666169


>> No.11666186

this photo is using a good body to compensate for a man's face

>> No.11666187

What's this Jezebel's name?

>> No.11666393

Manface McPlasticchest

>> No.11666571

Tits with timestamp or GTFO 4chan!

>> No.11667026

More women read than men. Stop trying to talk to incels.

>> No.11667211 [DELETED] 

>"Uh, we sell LITERATURE here."

Okay. Good thread. Guaranteed replies etc

But what the fuck man? You know this sort of behavior is just hurtful, right? When you sit down to read, it's for the sake of it. When a woman does she's just skimming for later social use. This discussion just makes it uncomfortable. Good thread.

>> No.11667218

>"Uh, we sell LITERATURE here."

Okay. Good thread. Guaranteed replies etc

But what the fuck man? You know this sort of behavior is just hurtful, right? When you sit down to read, it's for the sake of it. When a woman does she's just skimming for later social use. This discussion just makes itself uncomfortable. Good thread.

>> No.11667223
File: 103 KB, 1219x250, tits or gtfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im a girl btw

>> No.11667231

this was before video embedding and streaming became extremely popular, when the rule applied i mean. grills mog dudes easily now on all platforms

>> No.11667249

Streaming really show how fucking retarded todays society is.

Dudes spending tens of thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours on girls streaming, what the fuck went so wrong.

>> No.11667250

way too fuckin long didn't even think about reading
good post

>> No.11667254

Men are retarded.

>> No.11667257

Anime and waifuism.

>> No.11667272

Arguably women are even more retarded.

Anime is truly cancer, I agree.

>> No.11667282

men have a higher rate of genius and retardation so this is only half true
women are dumber as individuals, as a group they’re quite clever, inverse for males.

>> No.11667294

I'd disagree. Women tend to be more mediocre whereas men have both the retards and the geniuses.

>women in groups
Is there anything worse? A group of men will get infinitely much more done

>> No.11667306

You’re being too coarse; first to rebut you, no i meant like there is technically i higher chance the average woman has a slightly higher iq than the average man as there are more women than men and they have less of their numbers concentrated at the tails; next, women are capable of coercing men into stopping wars or cucking themselves when they organize, they control sexuality, breeding and in many ways culture (fags too). Yes, men are more effective killers, thinkers, builders, poets, artists, lovers and champions of the whole of creation; but they have only boy pussy, nothing will ever hold sway over a people like the nectar of good gash. Sorry! Helen, sure, but there are instances of whole city-states’ of women withholding sex and stopping conflicts.

>> No.11667307


>> No.11667310

Any man who is not retarded does not put pussy on a pedestal. Womens hold power of retards at best, and accomplish nothing worthwhile in a group.

>> No.11667322

typically guys who are into literature are pseuds who use their hobby as an attempt to feel intellectually superior over others
ignoring the fact that old women and young kids read daily...
op is probably a bait post but you are better off not interacting with those types of people at all. dismissal like that could also be a sign that they are actually dumb as fuck, they know they are dumb as fuck, but don't want to reveal to strangers that they are dumb as fuck

>> No.11667329



>> No.11667335

Oof ooooh oooo owe ooooh no god no anon, ohhhh mmmm im sorry, ahh im going to the store now and closing 4chan for like 2-3 weeks. god bless your sweet soul (and god bless you in general, thank god for this earth and its fruits)

>> No.11667349
File: 390 KB, 441x636, 1508248088330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11668591

based and redpilled

>> No.11668629

>"Uh, we sell LITERATURE here."
the clerk wanted to save young girls for falling into a bottomless pit of mediocre literature which sounds about based to me

>> No.11668634

Áldott és vöröspirulázott.

>> No.11668638

tucking your dick doesn't make you a girl, sweetie.

>> No.11668640

Nessa Devil. Her brother is the guy from czechcasting.

>> No.11668642
File: 167 KB, 745x1130, 1529063133088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B & R

>> No.11668648

Given that disgusting stack of new-ish books they could probably smell the plebian on you a mile away and tried to keep you away from Harry Potter for your own good.

>> No.11668665
