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/lit/ - Literature

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11660822 No.11660822 [Reply] [Original]

I honestly don't get why some of these people make videos. How are they not embarrassed to show off their collection of contemporary crap with nary a single classic to be seen?

>> No.11660830

why would you be angry at them in the first place

>> No.11660835

Their audience doesn't care. The only ones who disapprove of them are equally pathetic faggots who are emotionally invested in this pointless shit, i.e. you.

>> No.11660839
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Is Cliff the only /fitlit/ ChadTuber?

>> No.11660851

Cliff is a chad by the standards of someone who reads. Which means he fucks 'unconventionally attractive' art students who like Lana Del Rey.

>> No.11660863

I could never waste my time reading all that YA and fantasy garbage, but all those colorful, matching hardbacks actually appeal to me a lot. Reminds me of my school libary as a kid. I'm also jealous of the money these booktubers must have in order to afford shelf after shelf of matching sets.

>> No.11660878

Its better to read something than to not read and shitpost on /lit/

>> No.11661468

I find all these channels fascinating because I've never really been into popular fiction or fantasy or whatever. Their way of reading and choosing books is so alien to me.

It's a pretty good way to encounter popular reading habits, and a nice reminder that being into 'literary fiction' is pretty fringe.

>> No.11661482

He's the same as the rest, just a different make and model. They're all obnoxious attention whores.

>> No.11661767
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incel rage

>> No.11662095

t. Cliff shill

the man is a golden god who'll save us from a cavalcade of pasty white YA "booktubers"

>> No.11662109

i was once trying to talk to a coworker about literary theory hoping to instigate a pseud duel to see who would reign supreme, but she said "lol i dont really read much except maybe some harry potter" that conversation still gives me slightly suicidal feelings, mainly because i think the way i feel about her is how smart people must feel when they run into a pseud like me, it's just pseuds all the way down until u get to the harry potter shitter at the bottom

>> No.11662119

That's the betterthanfood guy right? Gotta say that guy's reviews give off the sense of extreme pretention, so much so that I can't tell if he's sincere or not. With that said he seems like the perfect /lit/ booktuber.

>> No.11662125

Not in Four Dimensions. Situated in time /lit/posting is used to burn pent up pseud energy between reading /lit/ suggested books.
As a series over time: (Read/Charge)->(Post/Discharge)->(Read/Charge)->...

>> No.11662131

>avoiding conflict
Omega instinct

>> No.11662152

>Manic Thots
>Soft-Spoken Roasties
>Fat Girls with Glasses
>Skinny-Fat Faggots
>Foreigners Who Can Hardly Speak English

What's you favorite flavor of booktuber /lit/?

>> No.11662202

>pseud duel

>> No.11662214
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What was her name again?

>> No.11662238
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>> No.11662309

He's getting more and freakier poon than most of /lit/ then?

>> No.11662340

ahh, good old oxford girl

>> No.11662371

Yeah, isn't that so cool? Getting not only, poon, but freaky poon is cool. I'm gonna try to emulate my wardrobe, personality, and even demeanor after him. Maybe then I can get poon (freaky or not) and finally leave all the losers here on /lit/. Off I go. I shall be laughing at the human detritus of posters here in no time as I frolick in my river of poonnanny like based Cliff.

>> No.11662394 [SPOILER] 
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Yeah sure that's gonna happen alright.

>> No.11662398

I still don't get the hate for this guy. Sure he can be a little pretentious, but for the most part his love of literature is wholly infectious, and he actually reviews interesting stuff

>> No.11662461

Woah Nelly,
LGTOW is a thing?

>> No.11662475

Almost like they don't live their lives based on the opinion of some faggot on 4chains. Give it a try!

>> No.11662531
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>> No.11664227
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funny foul-mouthed ozzie

>> No.11664233

Is there really an audience for booktubers? I thought YouTube was better suited for reviews of video games, films and to a lesser extent music.

>> No.11664237

If you're extremely attractive, like me, it is important never to reveal it to anyone. The envy is palpable.

>> No.11664241

> Skinny-fat


>> No.11664273

There's a massive YA reading audience. There are many videos that get 100k views.

Is YA a bigger market than thriller these days? If so, how did this happen?

>> No.11664297

I actually do enjoy watching this girl.

>> No.11664312
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>> No.11664315

I love cute art hoes

>> No.11664334

Don't you have fucking google? It's a person that has a skinny build but a large amount of fat in the stomach area

>> No.11664374

N-nothing wrong with being skinnyfat

>> No.11664390

i love this board

>> No.11664403

I can't hate on booktubers. They're so amicable and skittish compared the toxicity brought by vidyafags, comicfags, moviefags.

>> No.11665135

pseud post

>> No.11665192

you're right OP
sometimes I hope there's some female indvidual in the world that likes to read, that has some good taste, and that would enjoy bearing my child
then I remember that 'reading' does not mean the same thing to female booktubers and male /lit/izens

>> No.11665198
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Imagine if every film you watched was a French foreign film, and this was all you ever talked about.

This is what /lit/ is to normies. People do not read literature. They read books. Fuck, I feel bad for not only reading literature. Sometimes you just want a hamburger. Deigning solely on cuisine makes me feel like an aristocrat. Yet I can't stop myself, I glance at the burger adulterously while I stick my dick in DeLillo.

This is what this place has done to me and soon enough you'll realize -- if you actually read -- to you. Sometimes you don't want exquisite soulful love making. Sometimes you want a cheap whore to get your animal out.

>> No.11665228


uh what

>> No.11665246
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I have a happy life and a happy marriage, anon. I dream of cheating on my wife, picking up a hot little YA novel and sniffing the pages like a wad of your mom's panties. Perfection is a cage; all /lit/ and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Do you know what a McDonald's cheeseburger feels like on your cock? I want to find out, I claw at my skin as the thought runs through my mind.

Help me.

>> No.11665254

you forgot sheltered virgins that /lit/ bullies off the internet

>> No.11665259

Nobody's gonna know or care if you read a little 50 Shades or Infinite Jest on the side

>> No.11665263
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I must keep my soul clean for /lit/-chan.

>> No.11665282

Nah not really I read shit lit would consider fiction garbage on the side just because I'm not always trying to be getting deep into shit before going to bed but I still want to read.