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/lit/ - Literature

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11654617 No.11654617 [Reply] [Original]

1. Music is the superior conduit for creativity, beauty itself in sonic form -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLbR2RxeLyo

>> No.11654626

>le anime girl
no one cares about your opinion, creepy fuck

>> No.11654638

Not even the best poets could beautify the setting of the mass (just as an example; feel free to replace it with other concrete example) to the extent that music does.

>> No.11654648

2. To the extent that literature can be said to approximate the sublime, it is approximating the divine by proxy, through music: in poetry.

>> No.11654650


>> No.11654657

3. Prose is nothing but a degeneration of poetry, a vehicle for the incontinent and the limited, those who can't find the inspiration to express themselves in only as many words as necessary, and not one iota more.

>> No.11654659

But can music relate clear ideas? Or just feelings?

>> No.11654670

4. The written word is in turn a mortification of the spoken word, sound debased and trimmed of its ambient, meaning-enriching qualities, until nothing but a scrawny skeleton remains.

>> No.11654680

Dumb anime poster. You're right though.

Not all prose is maximalist trash.

Ideas themselves are just more precise feelings, so why the fuck not. To a point at least. Arguing against capitalism with sound sounds tricky.

>> No.11654688

How are ideas feelings? A feeling is a subjective experience and an idea is not.

>> No.11654692

5. In fact, literature in its purest form is nothing but the end result of a repeated entombment of meaning, death itself. This is why so many literature producers and aficionados (if one can even be called that) are a bunch of nihilistic drunks.

>> No.11654698

How do you know most literature producers and aficionados are drunks? Is this provable or an absurd claim?

>> No.11654700
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The greatest pieces of literature will forever be from the past because if you wanted to get your opinion heard you had to make/ do something noteworthy. Now you can just post your opinion on twitter without trying to make something worthwhile to deliver it.

>> No.11654711

The proof is left as an exercise for the reader.
Hint: look around you (start by looking in the mirror).

>> No.11654712

Music is largely mere intoxication, and the most accessible of the arts. People listen to music the same way they do drugs, for the same reason and with the same reaction.

It comes as no surprise that music is the medium of choice for the lowest common denominator, alongside movies.

>> No.11654718

t. Johannes

>> No.11654727

I can't look around and take note of most producers of literature. An extensive study would need to be done otherwise it's just anecdotal. And although it would be nice if I could produce literature, I doubt I will become a drunk regardless.

>> No.11654736

You're mistaking the hole you've dug for yourself with the peak of a mountain my dear anonymous interlocutor. Sometimes things are not just a matter of perspective. You really are being buried alive.

All life celebrates music: from plants to the keenest human genius.

>> No.11654748

Those are some very lovely unfounded claims relating to nothing of substance.

>> No.11654762

All experiences are subjective, an idea just expresses the combination of multiple ones.

Bullshit. Just like in the past, you have to sell it if you want it to reach more than a few people. Or if you happen to know a publisher, you can spread generic shit.

>> No.11654763

Yeah, it'd be nice to have some substance otherwise this thread is just more pseud posting on seaboard of pseuds.

>> No.11654771

Ideas in themselves are not subjective. They're a set of propositions, maybe with a conclusion, which is not subjective in itself. People may interpret the idea slightly differently, though for the most part it is relatable and is why we can have conversations.

>> No.11654777
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These "claims" are founded in the very ground of being.

>> No.11654790

>1. Anime is the superior conduit for creativity

Fixed it for you

>> No.11654791
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>All experiences are subjective, an idea just expresses the combination of multiple ones.

>> No.11654797

Literature has been irrelevant since the invention of the movie camera. The century has been the slow, pathetic, decay of an obsolete art form.

By the turn of the next century even High School English classes will be assigning movies and video games to kids instead of books.

>> No.11654806

Poetry and prose are music since they are heard.

>> No.11654814

Listen to the "et incarnatus est" (32m50s in). _That_, right there, is the Word (re-)made Flesh!


>> No.11654826

Poetry and prose use language though and music doesn't. Language relates things in a specific way that music cannot.

>> No.11654835

and yet without letters all that noise remains ironically dumb-
answer in a little musical phrase, if youd like-

>> No.11654839

The literate have always been a minority, so don't worry, even if braindead idiots like you prefer vidyagames, actually intelligent people will continue to read.

>> No.11654841

Language relates nothing but a string of corpses with each other.

>> No.11654846

Nothing of substance said.

>> No.11654857

make up your mind

>> No.11654859

You could at least put an effort into these pitiful attempts at aphorism if they're going to be the only way you communicate in the thread of your own making.

>> No.11654862
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>> No.11654865

if hip hop has both language and music, than does that make it the highest of all arts?

>> No.11654869

>Ideas in themselves are not subjective.
If you want to be overly anal about this, I guess. Though in the end an idea needs to be expressed and the expression interpreted to "exist".

>maybe with a conclusion
Woah, almost as if ...

>though for the most part it is relatable and is why we can have conversations
Based on somewhat common upbringing (aka. values, language, etc) that teaches us to see things in a generally agreed upon way, which leads to us interpreting information in a relatively predictable way. And there are still ridiculous amounts of misunderstandings and contrasting interpretations. The whole fucking board is full of them.

Movies and lit are only remotely similar.
And vidya is multiple decades away from fulfilling its potential.

>> No.11654873

>what is a distinction without a difference
Yet another failure of language!

>> No.11654874

Most songs have language, you utter moron. Did you even think before making this post?

>> No.11654875

It's one of the highest but language and music together hinder each other. It's crude. And so are hip hop beats.

>> No.11654885

No, it makes it a denatured, ailing, diseased form of music.

>> No.11654886

It's your failure, actually.

Has this entire thread perhaps been a sad attempt at redirecting the blame to the tool rather than its incompetent wielder?

>> No.11654889

Therefore, this applies to musical scores as well. The implication is that spontaneity is superior to thoughtfulness in BOTH music and language. This, though I suppose moot, strikes me as all but indefensibly false.

>> No.11654892

You poor fool! You still think you can dig yourself out of a hole...

>> No.11654898

This is gibberish.

>> No.11654902
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Musical scores are not music.

>> No.11654913

>ah yes, music. Beethoven, Bach, Mozart. The list could go on

>> No.11654921

There we go. I'll take your incessant repetition of the same tired, inapplicable, unimaginative metaphors as an admission that you are simply a very poor manipulator of words.

>> No.11654926

6. Any man that reads a play instead of experiencing it on the stage stabs himself with a rusted knife with each turn of page. Theatre is liturgy -- the Word brought back to life.

>> No.11654942

This is actually true

>> No.11654946

They preserve the music of musicians, however. AND are only legible to skillful practitioners. See the second part of Shelley's To Jane, With Guitar..

>> No.11654969
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>terminal brain rot
Come back to life anon!
It shouldn't end like this!

>> No.11654974

Do (you) suggest NOT reading a libretto before experiencing an opera. Human beings are equipped to do both, and all. Ultimately (you) not only counsel ignorance but revel in it.

>> No.11654980

How can you speak of the superiority of music if you proceed to link one of Beethoven masterpiece on fucking youtube. Music is also supposed to be listened, seen, and felt live, you plebian.

>> No.11654987

Was punpun in the wrong here?

>> No.11654992

ITT: animeposter BTFOs the entirety of /lit/

>> No.11655008

All in due time. If you expose the poor anons who have lived in a cave all their life to the clearest light at once they might go blind. You have to ease your subject into it. To heal the blind man, Christ covered his eyes with mud.

>> No.11655015

Short stories are the superior form of literature. Long works are filled with redundant garbage.

>> No.11655026

Wasn't that done in prose? And--
Might it not have been more divinely effected with a violin?

>> No.11655034

Punpun was mediocre sentimentality with no substance, just like your posts.

Am I supposed to be Aiko's corpse there? Her death had more dignity than Punpun's prolonged agony, so it's interesting you put yourself in his shoes as if to insult me.

>> No.11655039

I burn the libretto in a pot and spit in its ashes before going to any opera. The fumes are pleasing to God. The ashes are for the maggots in Hell to feed on. My spit is there to remind them of living bliss and its inaccessibility from beyond the Vale

>> No.11655049

I love you anon. Seeing you lost in that bog fills me with sadness.

>> No.11655055

After reading it? Else.. why in your possession to begin with? Or,
Vale back..

>> No.11655056

Sorry, it isn't mutual. I'm indifferent to you.

>> No.11655072
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I know... ! Such is the tragedy of life.
It spreads love everywhere, only to be met with indifference everywhere.

>> No.11655086

Librettos are not meant to be read.

>> No.11655087

Beware lest becoming cynical, anon. [We] struggle.

>> No.11655111
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The time is nearing to release the seal from the 7th truth.
Sound the trumpets!

>> No.11655117

Theyre helpful. Though I don't speak Italian I hear it fairly well now. So there's that too. Don't require them for the German but sometimes scan through them anyway. This can be no big deal. Or can it!

>> No.11655151
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7. Shove the Word back inside the Womb! Lift your eyes from the page! Turn away from the screen! Hum, whistle, and sing!

>> No.11655202

But how do I then repl

>> No.11655244
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The Read-Evaluate-Print Loop must be terminated.

>> No.11655411

Language is not some kind of enigma. Two peoples who have never met before have come together, learned each others languages and traded, allied, etc. Ideas aren't impeded by language or culture in any unsurpassable way. People from different places and ways have and do cooperate using language to create complex things. Using language.

>> No.11655434

>enframing the living shit out of it
Yikes! And then they cry about capitalism...

>> No.11655611

>On the Prince of Lies

>> No.11655675

Came here to post this.