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File: 647 KB, 1080x1434, 1534791309472[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11654433 No.11654433 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you will see the end of Humanities education in your lifetime

>> No.11654440

Thank God.

>> No.11654441

>it's a twitter screencap thread
fuck off

>> No.11654513

That's actually pretty funny

I think humanities programs will still exist in the future, but only at elite schools as a luxury for upper middle and upper classes

>> No.11654514

Here you go, brainlet.


>> No.11654546

fucking millenials and sjws!!!!! REEEEEEEE

>> No.11654554

hey hey what did history do wrong

>> No.11654556

>and that's a good thing
STEM BTFOs the humanities at every turn. Should have happened a long time ago, could of had Mars colonies long ago.

>> No.11654562

This. FPBP.

>> No.11654563

>U of Akron
Literally who?

>> No.11654568

The first and last history class I took was just about how much grander and more humane China was than Europe. History is nothing more now than an outlet for leftists to vent the hatred they feel for their own society.

>> No.11654569

>could of

>> No.11654597
File: 141 KB, 1200x1200, crowecig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's be real...what's the ROI on a humanities degree this days?

>> No.11654600


>> No.11654667

I majored in creative writing but I'm literally filthy rich (have a trust fund from my dad), so I'm LOLing hard @ middle class retards who think they can afford to take humanities majors

Arrogance writ large.

>> No.11654676

>literal third world city

>> No.11654690



>> No.11654691

write something good faggot.

>> No.11654696

Really? What country are you from?

>> No.11654709

rye's up gamer's

>> No.11654719

the Zips homey

>> No.11654739

Good. Humanities garbage has been holding back STEM for far too long

>> No.11654744

>I'm glad I didn't waste my entire inheritance on my education, otherwise I'd be screwed!

>> No.11654751

It’d be better to see the end of Ohio in my lifetime tbqh

Objectively the most useless “place” in North America, arguably the world.

>> No.11654765

>Mars colonies long ago.
Is this bait? We could barely have a functioning moon colony in at least 100 years.

>> No.11654799

>not archived
absolutely sweetie

>> No.11654801

>Unbridled technological advancement with no moral compass
Humanities have their place

>> No.11654821

Ohio is the Germany of America, a cultural blackhole that should have been destroyed a long time ago

>> No.11654828

Is it really that bad?

>> No.11654834

The only purpose it serves is providing cheap education to young people who, if they aren’t retarded, will inevitably leave.
>t. brain drainer

>> No.11654843
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Reminder that STEMfags are good at building things and crunching numbers but totally lack vision. Every "visionary" scientist or mathematician has had extensive interests outside of STEM. They're all followers, not leaders.

>> No.11654848
File: 45 KB, 632x810, BN-SV904_WOLFE_FR_20170406155050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it needed to happen. the humanities were ruined, and there is no point in studying them at the modern university.

>> No.11654854

Morality is rooted in our evolution and can be derived scientifically

>> No.11654855

On the wiki page it says that it's a "STEM-focused" university, so it probably didn't have much enrolment in arts programs in the first place. These days the pressure to get a degree is so high that unless there's a student loan crash, which currently isn't too likely, the demand for shitty humanities degrees by students who did okay in highschool but feel the "need" to get a degree since everyone has one and no one will hire you if you don't is probably only going to go up.

>> No.11654860
File: 59 KB, 640x360, B863A2D1-E8ED-4327-8560-8FB0321D2614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah man it’s awesome. really beautiful and culturally enriching

>> No.11654866

>stemfags are the real brainlets
at last I truly see

>> No.11654868

Are you being sarcastic coz the skyline is ugly and stale.

>> No.11654879

Why would we even want a Mars Colony? Like, what is even the point? How does it help humanity? Why not spend the money to make things better for us down here?

>> No.11654881

It’s worse

>> No.11654884

How much do you get per quarter/year?

>> No.11654888

I am being extremely, extremely sarcastic.

>> No.11654895

It's unironically true. A great poet is smarter than a great mathematician.

>> No.11654896

>Why would we even want a colony in the New World? Like, what is even the point? How does it help humanity? Why not spend the money to make things better for us over here?

>> No.11654911

greatest decision of my life was to get out of there
frightening to think that i almost went to ohio state

>> No.11654914

Except the New World had untold riches and gold that immediately helped out the Empires. It also cost nowhere near as much to get over to the New World than it costs to get to Mars. How retarded are you?

>> No.11654925

>Colonizing the New World resulted in mass genocide and slavery, several wars, and humanitarian issues that still continue to this day hundreds of years after initial colonization.
>But it's ok 'cuz 'Merica!

>> No.11654931

looks like ya gotta go back to /r/eddit buckoo

>> No.11654945

not committing genocide is holding STEM fields back

>> No.11654947

I think it’s OK to go to school there because it’s cheap and has good unis. But to stay there through adulthood? Now THATS embarrassing.

>> No.11654960

It is not even as easy or even profitable to travel yet alone colonize Mars

>> No.11654964

Eventually, the only thing left will be humanities. STEM jobs are better done by computers, but humanities jobs are not.

>> No.11654966

Mississippi is far more useless
It's a third world country at this point

>> No.11654977

I knew a lady who went back to Ohio. I stills don’t know how she justified it.

>> No.11654978
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>what use is there for the endless riches of space

>> No.11654981

Mississippi is a shithole but at least it has character. Ohio is a shithole with no redeeming qualities.

>> No.11654993

Humanities are not the problem. Fucking retards are the problem. Not everyone should go to the uni, but since it is required in order to acquire any kind of white collar job, now fucking everyone and their brother needs to go.

>> No.11654997

some people just have no interest in living a fulfilling life. I get it. Sometimes I think I want to quit everything, drop all my goals, and go live in some disgusting cardboard cutout of a house in rural Ohio.

>> No.11654999

>Colonizing the New World resulted in mass genocide and slavery several wars, and humanitarian issues
all this shit was going on before colonization

>> No.11655002

my entire family went to ohio state and settled down around columbus, that entire state can get fucked

>> No.11655005

The problem are not humanities per se, the problem is education.

>> No.11655006

Uni is not a place for learning, it is where you go to buy proof that you can sit for 8 hours a day and stay somewhat alert.

>> No.11655010

THATS THE WHOLE POINT. Why colonize a new planet when we can't even fix the real problems we face every day?

>> No.11655013

wow so edgy

>> No.11655016

Less History PhDs means a higher chance for me to get to teach in a Uni

>> No.11655020

Shouldn't you be paying attention to your lecture instead of browsing 4chan?

>> No.11655021


>thinking that the actions of for-profit vulgar american corporations will be copied by proud European institutions, some of which will have been active for more than a millennium within this century

This isn't even meant as bait, though it will surely be taken as such by butthurt amerifriends.

>> No.11655023

So we shouldn't do anything until we've fixed everything?

>> No.11655024

How would colonizing a new planet help our situation in any way?

>> No.11655031

No, because i’m an adult. and i’m laughing at how retarded you sound complaining about college being comparable to working a desk job. working a desk job is so uninaginably worse, and the two have nothing in common. In fact, being educated makes being a wagie that much worse.
Stop crying like a bitch. go walk around campus and have lunch with your friends on the quad

>> No.11655038


>> No.11655040

It would be fun.

>> No.11655051
File: 1.28 MB, 1158x1158, 3raoc1m3go811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yes, the fabled morality of leftist college professors and students.

>> No.11655057

That's enough grandpa, you're misunderstanding people again.

>> No.11655062

Makes sense, you guys being a Chinese colony and all.

>> No.11655069

What's been our ROI on space at the moment?

>> No.11655074

what the hell formats filenames like this

>> No.11655076

clever deflection zoomer

>> No.11655078

That is based.

>> No.11655079

Oh I see, you either did not go to uni, or you studied humanities and got a job that had nothing at all to do with your education. If you look at career programs or STEM focused courses you see a HUGE similarity between the courses and what their future work will be like (coders, accountants, even graphic designers, etc.). In fact pretty much everyone who goes down these paths of education end up as "wagies" because that is the only realistic way of applying those talents since the companies that employ them certainly don't find these people off the streetside.

>> No.11655081
File: 934 KB, 1000x1211, 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he tried to save them

>> No.11655084

The sexual tension between you two is off the charts

>> No.11655088

Based and redpilled

>> No.11655096

Oh yes. I worked a desk job. It is really a nightmare. I don't know how people do it. Is the precious money isn't it? Fucking ten hours everyday, as you life drains away, just wasted so the company can reach that goal you really don't give a shit about. University while boring, at least gave me the freedom to engage with some smart people in a context where having nice intelectually stimulating talk was encouraged.

>> No.11655116

Only 27% of people with college degrees are working in the field they studied

You either are not a working adult or you have an IQ below 100 and are working in a field which reflects that like retail or plumbing

>> No.11655123

>citation needed

>> No.11655127

god i hate summer

>> No.11655132

To be honest just make tuition fees for humanities more expensive so fewer people enroll and the courses pay for themselves. That would take care of most of the problems that people have with the humanities.

>> No.11655137

What even is a humanities job? Teacher?

>> No.11655140

Based and redpilled.

>> No.11655141


Once they embraced post modern power politics, they lost all grounds for arguing morals.

>> No.11655142

Movie reviewer

>> No.11655152

This fact would be so overwhelmingly obvious to you if you had ever stepped out of your mom's basement and into a modern workplace that you wouldn't need a fucking citation

Since we both know that will never happen, here's a citation anyways


Please note that this data is now about 5 years old and, if trends have held steady, the 27% figure will be even lower in 2018

>> No.11655153

Buzzfeed journalist, barista, professional activist, unsuccessful writer, and of course: professor or TA so the cycle can continue

>> No.11655158


>> No.11655159

community organizer?

>> No.11655160
File: 21 KB, 450x312, 6a01348793456c970c017d42d83cf8970c-450wi[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11655177

Being your intellectual superior and explaining social behaviors to your low EQ brain is emotionally exhausting and counts as a full-time job

>> No.11655183

(((financial))) return or cultural return

>> No.11655195
File: 95 KB, 800x517, arbeit_macht_frei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Imagine being so sheltered and historically illiterate that you think two people playing dress up proves objective metaphysical evil.

>> No.11655204

If you had said objective standards of beauty that maybe you would be right

>> No.11655212

considering we all need money to live...financial.

>> No.11655217
File: 856 KB, 937x912, 1480735075421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any advice on being a renaissance man in 21st century? ive tried quite hard tb(completely)h
but i get the sense that so much has been done that you need to specialise far more and far younger, if you hope to achieve anything today

>> No.11655219

>Imagine being so sheltered and historically illiterate that you think sexually abusing children in public to satisfy your bizarre and disgusting fetishes with wider society's tacit approval proves objective metaphysical evil

>> No.11655220

I would say the big issue is WHICH exact degrees/majors these people studied and what they instead went to work for, something that cannot be so easily expressed when just looking at bare data. Understand?

>> No.11655235

money is necessary to life, pal
but boy oh boy -- it is NOT sufficient

it's like: air is necessary to live. but once I have sufficient air to live, I do not go about maximising the amount of air i can breathe. treat money the same and youll be happier

>> No.11655246

>bizarre and disgusting fetishes

that's really not what drag queens are. there's nothing sexual about what either of those people are wearing.

are you sexually aroused by? hmmm

>> No.11655249

>getting rid of Labor Economics to replace it with more students studying video games
The irony is real and it’s here to stay

>> No.11655254
File: 122 KB, 960x960, satanic tranny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just good and normal things happening here

>> No.11655256

go to a good college and realize that your library card is the most valuable thing you own

>> No.11655257

>muh closet homo

this meme needs to die. gays have been disliked throughout history and im sure not every medieval peasant was waiting to get diddled in the ass on a fishing trip.

>> No.11655258

Read Plato.

>> No.11655265

>are you sexually aroused by? hmmm
>If you hate fags you must be a fag
this lazy pseudo-freudian shit needs to die

>> No.11655266

what about one-on-one contact with world experts? interacting with like-minded people in your field?

and yes -- also the library card. but that's a university resource

>> No.11655279

Plato’s Laws says faggotry is immoral. That’s a God word

>> No.11655284

>It's normal to have a violent pathological reaction to things that I have no control over and do not affect me in any way.

>> No.11655289
File: 19 KB, 222x293, 36CA27C9-935B-44D4-B2A0-DAB204655BB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being gay

>> No.11655293

>The gamers are rising up


>> No.11655317

i've read plato

no, there's no logical implication to hating fags and being a fag. but if you view say, this image: >>11655254, as a form of sexual fetishisation then id assume that was your own projection. because she's showing less flesh than most people would normally -- and is intentionally almost de-personified.
like, literally wearing a bunch of cones on her head lmao

i'd say it's not because youre a latent homosexual. but rather you see feminine as synonymous with a desire to be sexually attractive.

if you saw a young girl dress stereotypically masculine -- you would not see that as a sexual fetishisation, because you see masculine as non-sexual.

so well done. you're probably just a hetrosexual man with a very boring worldview

>> No.11655319


But it's not a meme. Scientists put sensors on the dicks of homophobes and non-homophobes and showed fags railing each other to them.

Guess which one of the groups got hard from watching it.


>> No.11655325

>not being gay
this is /lit/
you are never gonna make it

>> No.11655334

You've got it all wrong. The humanities aren't going to go away, but they're going to evolve in all the wrong ways. The more traditional disciplines are going to be gradually eroded away and replaced with Cultural Studies in all of various iterations. It's just gonna get worse.

>> No.11655343

No one respects overly feminine or masculine men these days. This isn’t the 00s

>> No.11655350

>We missed our chance of becoming great like the Ancient Greeks

>> No.11655380

fucking hell i want hedonistic dionysionism back!


>> No.11655387

>could of

>> No.11655400

lmao he got it correct just before that. allow it

>> No.11655416

I know this is bait but I'll post this anyway


>> No.11655433

didnt become marketable enough

>> No.11655458

>there's nothing sexual about men who enjoy being fucked by other men mimicking the behavior and appearance of women and encouraging children to join in

>> No.11655492

since the 1700's, gay men have dressed more flamboyantly than heterosexuals.
heterosexual men have purposely dressed less "feminine" to demarcate themselves against that.

if you look at the way men dressed before 1700's, heterosexual dressed about as "feminine" as gay men - fine silks, dresses, gowns, floral patterns etc

basically, it's more accurate to say that straight men have tried to look not-gay, than to say gay men have tried to look feminine

>> No.11655497


>the behavior and appearance of women

You think women look like this >>11655051

>> No.11655620

>U of Akron

Why even go to university at this point?

>> No.11655711

Unless you want to work in some STEM based field where a degree is a requirement, or do scientific research, there is literally no reason whatsoever to go to university. You can find all of the material online and teach yourself at this point, for free.

>> No.11655721

Here's hoping the humanities becomes better for it. It's been a fucking joke for decades and everyone knows it.

>> No.11655732

How does someone get money with history or sociology???
You can make more money by develop games

>> No.11655736
File: 955 KB, 1066x781, 1467703425252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all those humanities profesors will have to work at burger king now. and the sad thing is, that would be more productive than what they currently do.

>> No.11655739

It's for esports apparently, not developing games. But I'm assuming they'll be doing research too, I hope.

>> No.11655740
File: 2.64 MB, 1920x1080, cool-hanesh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will live to see the collapse of bloated, corrupt higher institution learnings

>> No.11655749

Absolutely not. Science has made little to no strides recently either. The entirety of academia is increasingly departmentalized and shitty as we continue onward.

>> No.11655753

Yeah, but the ascendancy of our corporate overlords to world domination is nothing to worry about, right?

>> No.11655759
File: 81 KB, 666x734, 1534406413373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you wish to write philosophy but are unsure of what the future holds
>tfw this is the path currently left for you, and all others are out of reach

>> No.11655760

>Science has made little to no strides recently
Aren't we 3D printing houses and building medical nanobots now?

>> No.11655769

[Spoiler]both are negative[/spoiler]

>> No.11655780

based white people

>> No.11655791

If you don't understand that giving humanity clear but open-ended goals results in huge advancement, then you have no idea how anything in stem operates.

>> No.11655796

>gay men have dressed more flamboyantly than heterosexuals
>basically, it's more accurate to say that straight men have tried to look not-gay, than to say gay men have tried to look feminine
Lol a real genius right here

>> No.11655806

Which is nothing but decadent convenience. It can be said that GMOs are the same kind of convenience that promotes the sin of extravagant gluttony at the price of keeping the foods cancer free.

The amount of scientific indoctrination in public schooling systems is absolutely ridiculous. You are literally looking at a population which is being fascistly controlled by a combination of the public schooling and the media.

>> No.11655812

>science solves world hunger
>a marxist complains

>> No.11655814

Which explains a few different things why

A) people only chaotically care about what the majority thinks (this is tyranny by the majority in the worst form)
B) it allows agendas to be pushed through 1) the public schooling or 2) he media

>> No.11655816

As it should be

>> No.11655819

Marxism is a solution never. State controlling anything is not going to do anything

>> No.11655830

Exactly what do you consider to be "real scientific achievements" then if 3D printing a house and creating a nanobot to fight viruses are merely decadent convenience?

>> No.11655832

>gays have dressed more flamboyantly SINCE 1700
you'd think people could read on a literature forum, wouldn't you?

>> No.11655833

>gommunism = wen gubment dus tings

>> No.11655835

doesn't make $$$$$

>> No.11655844

>science solves artificial scarcity

>> No.11655849

If the free market decides to put full control of world resources in the hands of a small elite, then that'd simply be the most natural state of affairs.

>> No.11655854

this is one of the most brainlet threads ive seen ever

>> No.11655859

Without capitalism you would not have enough of food in the first place to make it artificially scarce

>> No.11655858

Define "natural."

>> No.11655866

STFU bookcuck

>> No.11655873

>Science has made little to no strides recently either.
as you post from your smartphone

>> No.11655875

>goes onto a book board
>calls others bookcucks

The actions of a true dumbass

>> No.11655878

Making an invention which is only beneficial to glassing more of Earths landscape and deforestation and making humans hypersensitive to bacteria is fucking asanine.

I’ll be honest, I don’t think you have any grasp on reality, these inventions are beneficial for nothing. You have no grasp on what’s happening. The world is dying and you are causing it to die.

The dumbass Kaczinsky fags are just as dumb as you though, technology, much like government, is a necessary evil. But we should solve the societal problems of lust and capricious tempermentality that can only be checked by/leads to Malthusian checks on population growth.

Read a little more, maybe you’ll learn something. Trust me when I say no one is impressed by technology on this board, especially when it comes to medicine because we and Rousseau saw through the scheme: they just want to make money.

I am literally making the argument that saving everyone’s lives is not necessary. Death is a natural pet of life, the less money we spend in that area the better l. Read the Republic

>> No.11655881

What do you think? Is this better than speaking face to face?

Didn’t think so

>> No.11655888

Are smartphones the meaning of life?

>> No.11655891

... yes?

I mean Communism is more than that but.... isn’t that essentially what Communism entails? The government hierarchically controlling more things?

>> No.11655897

communism is any societal trend that decreases shareholder values

>> No.11655900

As the Military expands, the people involved in the military constitute a quasi-communist state as well. Hayek understood this well. War and communism go hand in hand.

We can see this starting to happen with the aforementioned influences of A) public schooling and B) the media and C) the actual military themselves

This all happening while we aren’t looking. Time to start paying attention to a slow process that’s taking over

>> No.11655904

These responses are both me, just so we’re clear

>> No.11655909

You were asked to provide examples of authentic scientific achievements since you dismissed two already provided in the thread as not being real achievements, and you go on this autistic, pointless rant that ultimately says fuck all. Wow.

>> No.11655916

the modern state's origin was to be a enforce the concept of private property
marxists want to abolish private property
i'll let you put two and two together

>> No.11655921

It actually says a lot more than any sort of specific details or physical traits that define anything at all. As a matter of fact, I don’t think those types of things speak about anything at all. They’re just terms to memorize and lines to speak. Your science is nothing but a dying machine. Death becomes you and you embrace it

>> No.11655930


>> No.11655931

You understand that Nazism is the end state of Communism right? That Nazism is Communism taken to its logical conclusion

>> No.11655947

shut the fuck up libtard

>> No.11655951

Communism is about abolishing private poverty and ending class distinctions.

Nazism is about genociding Jews and spreading the German race as far as possible.

The two are worlds apart.

>> No.11655956

If I were a liberal I wouldn’t be shit talking communism

>> No.11655958

ah yes, abolishment of the means of production being in private hands would conclude in privatizing almost every state company and creating a retarded war economy so that that small can make money

>> No.11655960

Shut up conservative

>> No.11655966

If I was conservative I wouldn’t be shit talking Nazism

>> No.11655967

is sociology a good major ?

>> No.11655969

*small group of people

>> No.11655970

That post literally doesn’t make any sense at all

>> No.11655975

not an argument

>> No.11655976

>liberalism is communism
americans never cease to amaze me with their retardation

>> No.11655984

Well if you’re talking about the post that said a heavily militarized State is privatized, I’m sorry. The truth is, I do understand it, but everyone is laughing at how retarded he is. Trust me

>> No.11655985

ofcourse it doesn't make any sense dumbass, i'm pointing out how ridiculous your communism = nazism comment is

>> No.11655989

read A Confederacy of Dunces and do everything Ignatius does.

>> No.11655991

Well I’ll stop you and say you’re right. I was simply trying to appeal to his lowbrow rhetoric, by attacking my political stance and making it seem like I lean left or right (which no forward thinking individual should)

>> No.11655992

All it says is that you're clearly afraid of what science has in store for you, which is most likely obsoletion.

>> No.11655993

So you agree that anything Militarized is not privatized? That the Military is inherently collective and communistic by its very design?

>> No.11655995

U mad

>> No.11655997

hayek is a nigger faggot

>> No.11656013

What's there to be mad about?

>> No.11656015

You not having an ability

>> No.11656016

That’s in store for all of us bucko.

>> No.11656021

But I have all of the abilities.

>> No.11656022
File: 42 KB, 650x650, worg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually happening; paraphrasing, misquoting and forgoing the English language in favor of pure sensationalism

>> No.11656023


>> No.11656024

the military wasn't the only player during wartime
the profit weapon and munition manufacturers made from the wars were a great part of the economy of nazi germany, which is one of the main reasons for the german warmachine

>> No.11656025


>> No.11656032

War is a profit machine. You saying the government profited from War does not affect the statement that Nazi Germany is inherently Communist.

>> No.11656041

what kind of false-flag even is this holy fu*k man

>> No.11656058

This is a bigger threat to western culture than amount amount of demographic change or black versions of things.

>> No.11656068

>before 1700, men wore dresses
how about we take a trip to >>>/his/, because john green doesn't seem to be cutting it in this particular area.

>> No.11656079

The point of all this is simple: you shouldn’t align yourself with political leanings otherwise you ascribe to a predetermined ideology. I have successfully fucked your mind by being radically centrist and that is just sad.

Modern politics is another way the public is indoctrinated into a struggle and you’re proof. The only righteous struggle is good vs. evil

>> No.11656105

>radically centrist
>all militaries are communist
sure . . . . .

>> No.11656118

I mean that’s not really a side. You can’t say I’m picking a side there. Go ahead and explain what side I’m picking and why. I’m waiting

>> No.11656134
File: 90 KB, 645x729, brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having a military means you're communist!

>> No.11656157

That’s not an argument

>> No.11656167

what's the point of archiving something like this? It's not gonna change in the duration of the thread, and who the fuck cares about giving clicks to some tiny niche website?

>> No.11656186

Are you legitimately arguing that polities like the Roman Empire, British Empire, Mongol Empire, Han Empire, or French Empire were communistic in outlook?

>> No.11656223

Are you saying that those societies did not have a government, who did things?

>> No.11656234

Governments that allowed slave ownership, enforced class hierarchies, waged wars of imperial conquest and violently put down commoner uprisings? Sure.

>> No.11656239

Columbus is nice

>> No.11656251

Are both of them Human or are they both dolls of some kind?

>> No.11656279

This is mostly true.

I'd say also reach out to faculty engaged in research you're interested in.

I'm really not surprised so many people here are cheering this on since 4chan is a white nationalist outpost, and white nationalists hate history, art, and philosophy since they can't meaningfully engage with any one of them, it's still quite sad.

One day only trust-fund kiddies will be able to get an intellectually enriching education, the poors will get to be glorified plumbers.

>> No.11656290


>> No.11656291

Most intelligent people don't study the humanities now anyway. Every person I know who studies English at university are above average, but not particularly smart. I went to one of the top boys' schools where I live and not a single person who was allowed to study English Literature went on to study the humanities. Everyone is studying law, engineering, commerce, medicine or physiotherapy.

I know that's just my personal experience, but I'd be surprised if it was different elsewhere in the West.

>> No.11656295

Class hierarchies are inherently communistic.

Communism is just another way to have an Aristocracy governing society. That’s all it is. Karl Marx misunderstood reality and how power functions in the real world. He just needed a reality check to get his head straightened out.

So history villifies and corroborates my arguments.

>> No.11656299

I don't think there's natives on Mars mate

>> No.11656301

Are you even North European? We go to Mars to transcend limits, every Faustian Soul instinctively understands the value of this.

>> No.11656307

.. What do you define as "communism?"

>> No.11656308

It's ridiculous how things have changed in the last few years. My uncle drove across Australia at 17, showed up at the Tax Office and got a job the next day. That same job is now being filled by university graduates.

>> No.11656326

This isn’t your standard 4chan debate kid. There shouldn’t even be ‘standard debates’ in the first place. If I am ever in a discussion and I hear a line I’ve heard before in an attempt to appear intelligent and refined I know that I’m in a bad discussion. Quit it with those platitudes.

What I mean by Communism is the Communism Marx defines in the Communist Manifesto. There. Respond to that.

>> No.11656348

>law, engineering, commerce
brainlet tier wagecuck slave jobs

>> No.11656351

>Communism Marx defines in the Communist Manifesto
So a social system that explicitly rejects class hierarchies and private property is synonymous with other systems that affirm class hierarchies and private property, because both have the commonality of possessing a military? I'm not even talking about communism-in-practice here, I'm talking about the pure sociological underpinnings of communism.

>> No.11656355

That's very far from my own experience. People involved in engineering may be math whizzes, but lack the creative spark to usually be inventive in any capacity. Most of them are good at juggling math equations, not conceptually understanding mathematics.

Law, medicine, and physiotherapy were the preferred areas of study for the children of rich parents: they had typically learned how to grind out good work (especially in an environment of grade inflation) but they were absolute brainlets.

Commerce was either studied by absolute brainlets with the only redeeming members being people who were conceptually good at math.

Best majors were in biological, chemical, or physical sciences (on the off chance that they weren't yet another pre-med drone) and maths if we're talking STEM or philosophy and history in the humanities.

>> No.11656365

Read this post

I have read The Communist Manifesto. I was in college too.

It doesn’t make any sense. That’s the problem. He was unacquainted with reality and the nature of resources and work. Marx’s Time Units cannot be accurately defined due to the socio-psychological implications of wage negotiations.

>> No.11656403

I literally don't know how you got from "communism doesn't work because it ignores social realities" to "militaries are communistic."

>> No.11656408

>socio-psychological implications of wage negotiations

You’re gonna have to explain that.

>> No.11656475

It’s simple to explain but difficult. You know the incomparibility of utility values for an indifference curve as defined by the Lausanne school of economics? Well these utility values approach a slope of zero as you reach combinations, which expressed as a partial derivative of a function of all economic utilities derived from a good added to all others equals zero.

As such, in the hyperspace of a utility function, unlike Von Neumann, Pareto could express producers willingness to change and pet with economic gains for advantages in the sphere of other gains.

Simply put, this is how negotiations work: if the parties consolidating control of the determination of wages for the individuals have more power than the individuals, then the individuals don’t excercise the same level of input, or slope change, in their axis of the hyperspace of utility for the utility function concerning wage changes, and their partial differential of the function is much less represented in the functions of all other utilities, as a result, their benefits are small, and their costs great, due to the line which is tangent to the quasi- symmetrical utility/cost of production 4-d (or higher) forms.

Their interests are maximized by acting in unions or together in socialism.

Ultimately people misunderestimate what socialism really is. It’s simply a way for the workers to demand and collectivize to garner collective change in their behavior. But the economic scientists like Pareto and the social scientists like Hayek are right: this affects EVERYTHING. Every single other utility variable is weakened by the workers influence strengthening. Usually there is a happy balance. What we would love is a centralized government, but not a centralized administration, to use Tocqueville’s comparison.

Simply put, to raise or lower the ‘time-wage-unit’ or the ‘wage unit’ (in Keynes’ General Theory) is fucking impossible because the individual has a utility which is entirely his own, subjectively, in the hyperspace of cost/benefit utility maximization.

>> No.11656896

Imagine doing one single (presumably undergrad intro) subpar history unit and making assumptions about the entire study of history.

>> No.11656908
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>could of

>> No.11657225

>You can find all of the material online and teach yourself at this point, for free.
I'm sure employers will be so impressed that you read some PDFs, anon

>> No.11657231

>Best majors were in biological, chemical, or physical sciences
degrees in these fields are near worthless at the bachelor's level

>> No.11657326

i don't normally bother solving captchas, but you're an idiot. likely ignorant and entitled as well

>> No.11657332


>> No.11657346

i'm a programmer in the video game industry and i feel guilty because of this thread. if it's any consolation, i wish i had majored in english instead of computer science. i guess this is the future i chose...

>> No.11657363

Envious of German cultural supremacy I see. Understandable.
Bonus: enjoying your German rocket technology I hope.

>> No.11657442

That's pretty much the problem, tons of people get degrees for jobs, for which in the army or navy the training would not even last 4 months, which on top is meant to be passable by eight graders.

>> No.11657460

You shouldn't feel guilty. /lit/ is full of backwards assholes anyway. Not that I give a shit about esports, but I fully understand why there are colleges which consider them to be culturally relevant and worth supporting just like physical sports. Video games exercise our minds the same way physical sports exercise our muscles.

>> No.11657548

Maybe if you'd been read to more as a child you'd be less emotionally reactive

>> No.11657582

Good. Under capitalism colleges and universities are nothing but trade schools.

>> No.11657606

Because some day the earth will be destroyed or no longer able to support life and our only hope for outliving earth is to get off this rock asap

>> No.11657622

i wish there was a board like /lit/ for programmers too bad /g/ is filled with pc gaming mongs, helpdesk peons, and open source cranks.

>> No.11657628

What you don’t understand is that’s how the school of science developed: as a tool to train new workers.

>> No.11657660

>only at elite schools as a luxury for upper middle and upper classes
But the best schools have the most degenerated humanties programs.

>> No.11657668



You can discredit carcinogenic pesticides used on the crops fed to the lower strata of society without using Communists. All you have to do is explain who is intended to be culled by the pesticides.

>> No.11657677


>> No.11657696
File: 104 KB, 640x775, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I look up those quotes and find they are real

>> No.11657724

He's right you know

>> No.11657744

>to write philosophy
Then write, you don't need a degree to write, just educate yourself

>> No.11657746

>cultural return

You cant think that is actually higher than the financial return

>> No.11657753
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>> No.11657762

This is an unironically good development.

>> No.11657800

>The only reason to learn anything is to wagecuck for $
you can go on libgen and teach yourself to manufacture nitroglycerin right now

>> No.11657820

How far the mighty have fallen.

>> No.11657864
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Hey, hey hey, Art History is a purely aristocratic discipline, leave it alone!
>render the rest down for their nutrients though

>> No.11657905
File: 535 KB, 624x582, mad man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw lebron is playing a bunch of kids to play call of duty

>> No.11657913


does this mean we can get a latina qt3.14 gf?

>> No.11657940

>building medical nanobots now?
It might not even be theoretically possible yet alone physically possible

>> No.11657966


LMAO and they said Gamergate was over. Libshits still getting btfo by gamers.

>> No.11657970


Well the cultural return is negative and corrosive so it better be damn well economically profitable if it wants to stick around (it's not).

>> No.11657985


I wonder if somebody actually thinks Germany is a cultural black hole, completely unironically. I feel this is probably a troll but I'm not sure.

>> No.11657987
File: 2.11 MB, 4032x3024, D13A5FC6-A593-4117-A138-ABD4061DA267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>public schooling
Most public institutions are going to continue the slow decline in the coming decade. There is little refuge from a Democracy of retards. Housing prices will continue to rise as less and less land can be built on thanks to you friendly neighborhood retards trying to “preserve the natural beauty” or whatever meme they use to artificially inflate their home value while freezing the demographics into stagnation. The only solution is to exclusively choose private institutions and execute your neighbors. Good luck.

>> No.11657990
File: 37 KB, 526x468, 1419634502859-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>why not spend the money to feed poor brown people so they can further breed like rabbits and shit up our planet?
>we don't need to colonize space anyways

>> No.11657992
File: 252 KB, 421x460, mosley.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>higher education
>an industry

It's already too late

>> No.11657993


Would save but jpeg compression. :l

>> No.11658205

Mars colony =\= space
Sure space is rich with minerals but mars isn't much use to us

>> No.11658614

The pendulum swing after Trump's failed right wing populism is going to have money pouring into public works programs, anon. Soon all public schools will be Sweden-tier.

>> No.11658619

>he thinks the Faustian Soul is post-ironic

>> No.11658627

Spanish and Portuguese arent North European (had more colonies than Russia, Scandinavia and Germany combined)

>> No.11658804

lmao seething

>> No.11658809

the same thread was opened 20 hours ago, and then deleted.

mods of this board are weird...

>> No.11658814

t. Brainlet mathematician

>> No.11658824

mods probably just went to bed

>> No.11658832

yikes the cope

>> No.11658840

weird how its always the ill-constitutioned soiboiz demanding that we step out of the way and let natural selection take over (see also neetch)

>> No.11658872

Gamers are beginning to rise up...

>> No.11658927

>Getting rid of Phd programs in Sociology and History and Labor economics
This is either the result of neocon or cronyist policies or just another commercial move that will idiotize the plebeian goy masses even further to send collective society crashing and leave such topics for instruction at the schools of the elite's children.
Similar to how much of the media was consolidated into a few corporations and reduced the level of diversity in their discourse.

>> No.11658956
File: 138 KB, 1000x646, 1502670242641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>video games facility
Jesus Christ.

>> No.11658987

The humanities are corrupt garbage though. You could unironically learn sociology better by participating in a sport, physical or electronic.

>> No.11659124

>thinking it's the Christians holding him back
It's only you.

>> No.11659346

>Video games exercise our minds the same way physical sports exercise our muscles


>> No.11659376

You laugh, but that's because video games are still fairly young and not many people grasp their value yet. Well-designed games require discipline just like sports though, and discipline has a nourishing effect.

>> No.11659417
File: 243 KB, 449x471, 1500397012688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not if you save it anon....

>> No.11659427

good luck having anyone take your writing serious without a degree

>> No.11659434

>he thinks popular degrees like law aren't filled with brainlets

Popular for a reason

>> No.11659469

>You could unironically learn sociology better by participating in a sport, physical or electronic.
>stemtards unironically think sociology means how to make friends

>> No.11659473
File: 208 KB, 1600x550, oxford.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bottom tier degree mill

Literally who cares? Come back when actual prestigious institutions are doing it

>> No.11659483


>> No.11659484

We know there's a correlation between playing video games and retaining mental faculties later into life. So it's not that ridiculous to think there may be some cognitive benefit

>> No.11659511

Not him but state colleges are like this all the way through. I finished and I feel no gratitude as to the overall curriculum, only being forced to read and read and being able to find more diverse book selections as a result.
It's all beyond help, I'm convinced.

>> No.11659586
File: 40 KB, 750x733, wonderful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This must be the most commercial age ever seen by multitudes of scores, and it just keeps accelerating. Swarms of Chinese and Indian software engineers devour the markets like rats, the commercial has devoured the cultural. Universities are now trade schools to produce more commerce. Land was right and I fucking hate it

>> No.11659617

It's a mistake to divide the commercial from the cultural.

>> No.11659627

All that's left now is the culture of the commercial. Shit's fucked and you might as well convert to Islam

>> No.11659648

>All that's left now is the culture of the commercial.
That's pretty bullshit and you'd have to be uncultured to think this.

>> No.11659687

What common culture is there left that isn't corrupted? Tech has sapped the soul right out of everything and is in the process of optimising culture for commercial efficiency, I don't even know if this is deniable anymore. Sure you can read a book, escape to some remote community without television which miraculously kept the aural tradition, but what is happening in the cities while you do that? The commercial culture is now the GLOBAL culture. It permeates everything with a supply line and a screen. I'm not uncultured, you're the one who's overcultured in the rotten soil

>> No.11659694

>Anglophone world
The humanities are respected in continental Europe. Studying philosophy there won't make you jobless. Macron studied philosophy for example.

>> No.11659721

good goyim. Work more in STEM so (((we))) can make more money

>> No.11659732

This is good actually. More your class people should do this

>> No.11659740



Like it's not finance.

>> No.11659741
File: 84 KB, 478x350, 172A78C15DA94A8DBB466DBEBC602EB6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why study history when I can study computer science?

>> No.11659742

Being a trustfund baby will teach you nothing interesting about life, you will literally be a kinda grown up child for the rest of your life. Good writing needs suffering and hardship. You are nothing more than a leech of society.

>> No.11659747

finance is now tech and vice versa

>> No.11659757

and soon, God willing, the end of humanity in our lifetime

>> No.11659771


Well yeah I guess it is.

>> No.11659803

Decent bait, I've seen better though.

>> No.11659812

are you starting to see the problem?

>> No.11659820

>Good writing needs suffering and hardship.

Nice meme

>> No.11659825

>Tech has sapped the soul right out of everything
Tech has spawned the majority of today's culture, you pleb.

>> No.11659837

and what great works it has wrought

>> No.11659839

>spawned the majority of today's culture
And that's a good thing?

>> No.11659957

here's the thing. even if you were to somehow teach yourself advanced chemistry from PDFs (lol), you won't have the lab equipment or training necessary to even do that. and don't kind yourself, because without the reinforcement and pressure of a real uni program, you'll never actually get any of that shit done and instead will be here LARPing on a vietnamese shadow puppet board.

>> No.11660011

Maybe not for the old and wretched who no longer have it in them to adapt to or embrace new technology. Why would it be a bad thing for the youth who are fully capable of utilizing new tech for their own goals?

>> No.11660036


>> No.11660050

You don't know anything about the works of today's culture, so keep your sarcastic nonsense to yourself.

>> No.11660051

>prestigious instiution

>> No.11660076

im sure we'd be having more drug-fuelled orgies if it wasnt fucking neo-cromwellians looking down on us
like, it happens now and then but it's certainly infrequent -- even if you do find a local scene of degen pseudobohemian artists.

>> No.11660088

based zoomer
fortnite is the new shakespear

>> No.11660150

Fortnite is crap and only pseuds compare video games to literature because they have very different goals.

>> No.11660199

Are you incapable of differentiating culture from some kind of utility? The closest thing america has to a unifying culture now is shitty memes and netflix binging, and I'm saying this as a 21 year old that's not too old to partake.

>> No.11660211

Why do you attempt talking about things you clearly don't know much about? What do you really know about modern culture? What sites do you frequent for your information?

>> No.11660239

>What do you really know about modern culture?
I'm here, aren't I?
>What sites do you frequent for your information?
I go outside and interact with people.

>> No.11660255

High culture is on the internet now. If you don't even know that much at 21, you're probably beyond saving.

>> No.11660559

Who's Land?

>> No.11660576

st Nicholas "zoom zoom" landlocked

>> No.11661112


>> No.11661268
