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/lit/ - Literature

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11652726 No.11652726 [Reply] [Original]

This book has changed my life and worldview irreversibly.

It is by far the most powerful thing I've read. Concepts like master and slave morality, ressentiment, action and reaction etc. have completely changed how I interpret EVERYTHING in society: the government, the economy, the military... What goes on in random peoples' minds as I walk down the streets, I see ressentiment all over the news stories I read and watch, I can't even look at my goddamn friends and FAMILY the same way after the Genealogy. This book... this book is the ultimate enlightenment. Forget scripture, forget redpills and other /pol/ memes. The Genealogy is the most powerful book ever written.

>> No.11652734

Nietzsche will not stop me hating women, Jews, and nonwhites. It's part of the redpilled life style, and it beats being a libcuck!

>> No.11652839

Nietzsche teaches you to read minds?

>> No.11652890

How old are you and what else have you read?
Serious question, I want to know if I should read it.

>> No.11652900

The key concepts to do so... You will learn more about the human condition--human, subhuman and overhuman--in the Genealogy than anywhere else...

>> No.11652905

In short: yes.

>> No.11652918

I like this new pasta. Switch a few lines and this can be paired with any book.

>> No.11652929

Continue reading his bibliography in chronological order. You will continue to be impressed.

>> No.11652934
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Oh cool, an unfalsifiable explanatory framework with the categories that can explain everything, move on over Freudianism and Marxism we have a redpilled genius here thats got it all worked out