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/lit/ - Literature

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11645854 No.11645854 [Reply] [Original]

write whats on your mind

>> No.11645862

What a sad photo.

>> No.11645863

I'm too tired to think clearly or to read. Another day wasted. Reading Hume but at a snail's pace. Need to start spending less time on /lit/ and more time reading.

>> No.11645888


Her wretched feetsies leave much to be desired. Too large and ungainly to be considered feminine, too flat and flipper-like to be cute, her often eczema ruddied tootsies look like they are in the throes of dying of asphyxiation in a cheap snuff film. Her phallic toes confound reasonable aesthetic expectations for a supposedly beautiful woman. One feels as if there is an uproarious gender-bent joke being played by her ungainly hooves, what with the penises jutting out like schrapnel.

>> No.11645974

History=Wars. Technology. Politics. Economics. Religion. Facts.
Literature=the rest of history.

>> No.11646077

everything sux! >:(

>> No.11646120

Loneliness wouldn’t be so bad if I didn’t have to deny it to survive

>> No.11646154

Some people record our classes and then they put them in a drive so anyone can listen to them. I was just listening to one of them and the girl I ‘like’ is very close to the mic and very talkative this particular class. Hearing her voice makes me depressed.

>> No.11646164

she's probably out getting fucked right now. Saturday night after all.

>> No.11646165

I held a monkeys hand and gave it a cigarette and never saw him again. he was one of those orange probuscus monkeys with the big noses. I should have held on tighter.

>> No.11646175

kek nah I don’t think so, she is the homely gf type and we have a busy schedule this week. But what do I know

>> No.11646184

i went to the store earlier and i forgot it was saturday and i was looking at all the chaddy dudes with their hookery gfs going to the obnoxious clubs that draw a downscale crowd on the weekends, i was sort of smirking like who dresses their wife up like a prostitute and then takes them to a club? then as a i walked away from the commercial strip towards the luxury condo area some asian kid in a harvard shirt walked by i was like man fuck my life, that kind shit is just withering to a pseud such as myself

>> No.11646214

i was coming home from my work tonight(i finish at like midnight) and was wearing my reflective vest that makes me look like a construction worker, and this extremely hot chick leaned out of a car blaring radio music and woo'd at me for like 5 seconds holding her tits as they were waiting for the light and i remembered when I would be fucking girls like her at this time instead of being a wage slave and it kind of hit home how much of a joke actually contributing to society is

>> No.11646222
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>It’s an anon thought for the nth time that he was over it, but he feels like killing himself again episode

>> No.11646229

whenever i read one of those articles about the opioid epidemic that the nytimes publishes daily i think like "haha good thing i have strong willpower and would never throw away my life on a horrible vice like that" then i go to /lit/ and shitpost the day away

>> No.11646490

I think the weak should fear the strong

>> No.11646509


Sometimes my teammates astound me.

I recently talked to a friend of mine who goes to after work events a lot for his job in new york, and he told me about how much he usually spends every night. He is growing sickly and has spent too much time sitting down. He spends nearly $80-90 on liquor every night, as well as food; usually around 40 - 50 on a reasonal 5 - 6 drinks, and a full meal as well in whatever food the bar is selling. He does this every day.

>> No.11646572
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I'm very tired, anons, but I still have 900 words to write. I'm tired :(

>> No.11646577

Wow, you're a really sissy.

>> No.11646583
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Ok. I made a thread about this, now deleted. I actually wanted to post it in a general thread like this or some sort of stupid questions thread. Is there some formal or more developed way of thinking about pic related?

I realize that in reality they're a spectrum rather than binary.

>> No.11646634


update: finished, and it's one of the most treasured things I've ever written, damn

>> No.11646676

On their blogs, established authors usually write in simple, down to earth manner, whereas on blogs run by amateurs and hobbyists (especially those who are not native english speakers) you see all sorts of verbosities and florid prose. My guess is that the former have nothing to prove, they've already published their books, whereas the latter feel the urge to prove themselves, to showcase that they're more than just their boring daytime jobs. You see this on /lit/ all the time. Many people here speak in a grandiloquent manner as if they were addressing a group of Victorian intellectuals, when they could perfectly express themselves in clear and simple terms. It's a sign of insecurity imo. If you're satisfied with your ideas and unafraid of expressing them, then there's no need to wrap them in flamboyant garnishments.

>> No.11646690


Hm, no, all normies are incapable of speaking grandiloquently, and its only by mastering the art of pleb speak (“concise and unadorned”) aka not being autistic that you get anywhere in the publishing business. People on lit do not have social armament, so their only understanding of the language comes from books, which is florid. But nobody who only understands a language floridly will ever make it in world where people are repulsed by such inclinations

>> No.11646717

>understand a language floridly
Yeah you don't get to talk about prose buddy.

>> No.11646731

God I wish that were me.

>> No.11647577

plz respond. I know there must be some name for this type of thing.

>> No.11647631

americans need to start teaching critical thought in schools so that americans do not grow up to be the complete retards they currently are

>> No.11647637

confidence and competence. confidence means trust in someone's goodness/badness, and, competence means trust in someone's skills. they're related in a lot of psychology/sociology, and usually there's some bias of one on the other.

for instance:
>X is very competent.
>X knows everything about the weapons system
>one day, the weapons system goes off and kills ten puppers and thirteen golden haired children
>is X to blame?
most people say yes. if Y knows less about the weapons system, he's less to blame. it doesn't matter that the reason the system went off is that there was an earthquake or rogue general Z took over the military base, or Y spills his coffee on the main control panel, people are most likely to blame the most competent. X should have stopped the general Z, or not let Y near the panel, or known the earthquake was coming. he's competent and to blame, or we need to rethink his competence is how most people's gut instinct goes on those scenarios.

>Q is very skilled
>R is very dumb
>who is more likely to commit genocide?
>who is more likely to want to cure cancer?
both are generally Q, because R lacks the smarts to be very evil or very good.
R probably made a mistake when he set the weapons system. R not being able to understand how many people's lives would be changed by a cancer cure makes him seem less nice than Q's same want, even though neither of them make an actual cure.

there's many more variations, but those two terms in a search engine will bring you all kinds of starting points. a lot of this accounts for gender bias too: women aren't seen as skilled, so when they are seen as evil, there tends to be emphasis on proving their positive skill level more than their negative trust level. to be evil, you gotta have skillz.

>> No.11647705

The stupid american meme needs to die. I've lived in both europe and america, and both Europeans and americans are equally dumb.

>> No.11647719

hmm. that doesn't seem to be quite what I was trying to get at.

I was more referring to a situation where two people A and B are in a conversation and A is trying to influence or persuade B, classifying the various reactions B might have.

>> No.11647741

it's basically what those variables in your textpic related covers: do they understand is a competence measure, and do they care about me is a confidence measure.

>> No.11647749
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>> No.11647767

I've spent a good chunk of time mulling over these matters. In the end, there is no accounting for taste, and I am indefensibly guilty of simply inserting my own taste
and aesthetic sensibilities into draconic matters, even though these are derived from human origins. However, it would be difficult for things to truly be otherwise.
While it is possible to allow dragon sexuality to emerge organically in ways that are a surprise to all, a cladistic link between dragon and human sexuality strikes me as
very romantic in its own right; after all, lineage is traditionally propogated through sexuality, therefore the familial resemblance of sexuality makes a natural link between
human and post-human races. It is partly for this reason that I believe that the normative genital configurations of the human species should be largely preserved in the construction
of draconic form. My other reasons for wanting this, of course, stem from my own sexuality and thoughts about relationships, particularly dominance and submission,
and the way that human genitals play a natural role in fostering these dynamics. The penis is the ultimate rod of authority, and in its conjunction with fuckable holes serves to
better and more completely assert dominance than any alternative. The vagina, in its substitution for the penis, also represents a permanent deprivation of authority and power.
The asshole, as a distinct organ, represents the usurpation or diminishment of power when fucked.

I have several Key ideas: First, that initial attraction should substitute for consent, after which submissives should be locked in an erotic feedback loop where their own arousal is
consequent to the dominant male's arousal rather than anything intrinsic to the submissive. But meta-level sentiment should be free; that is, it should be possible for the entire sexual
encounter to be non-consensual for the submissive, producing even extreme second-order feelings of duress, but not diminishing in any way the pleasurability of the encounter for them,
which should happen at the narrow level of genitals reflexively, regardless of any higher level struggle, almost as if their genitals in conjunction with their sexuality have a mind
of their own. Naturally, this reflexive submission should prevent any physical harm or serious physical discomfort; perhaps physical discomfort can be permitted to some extent in
cases where it amplifies the overall pleasurability of the experience, per the specific neurological wiring of the submissive, of course, as well as potentially the inclinations of
the dominant. But I think something else should be true; the dominant's attraction and aggression should be an answer to something in the submissive, to the submissive's sexual
"buttons", independently of any consent by the submissive.

>> No.11647772

Reproduction: the big problem with monogamy is that it is necessary for child-rearing purposes, as well as for most serious romantic relationships to function. However, sexual
needs are consistently broader than monogamy. The solution seems to be, to make sex in general inherently non-reproductive (a solution towards which the human race already
organically trends), while making it reproductive in the fixed context of monogamy. Monogamy should also enforce libidinal attraction between the dominant and the submissive.
Reproductive sexuality should occur in a highly ritualized context where the aesthetics of the ritual amplify the quality of the sex to something unique and special, while
simultaneously granting it its reproductive qualities. Non-reproductive sexuality should also be ritualized to a lesser extent, to prevent it from becoming a
disruptive or all consuming pastime. Thus, non-reproductive sex should not threaten monogamy, both because it never reaches the qualitative superiority of monogamous reproductive
sex, because it never reaches the romantic pitch of monogamous non-reproductive sex, and because the non-consensual and common nature of lesser sexual encounters inherently removes
culpability from the female and cheapens these encounters. Engagement in monogamy, as sealed by a ritual, should diminish outside sexual encounters for both females and males.
However, it should be more diminishing for males (with consequent greater pleasure than the female in all remaining sexual encounters, both inside and outside the relationship).

In the context of blowjobs, the mouth should count as a sexual organ: that is to say, blowjobs should also happen automatically, perfectly, and indepedently of consent, triggered by the
intent of a given male to receive a blowjob from an attracted submissive (male or female). In effect this should look something like the hypnosis of the submissive giving the
blowjob by the penis of the dominant male. The load should always be swallowed. The process of giving a blowjob should itself generate extreme arousal in the submissive independently
of consent, potentially to the point of orgasm.

>> No.11647777

As for the rituals of non-reproductive, non-monogamous sex, these are all in a sense rape rituals, regardless of whether consent is even implicit or not (that is, the question of sex
for a submissive is always independent of consent, but not always absent consent; consent is, however, very rarely communicated, even in cases where the submissive is propositioned;
that is, the question may be asked, but it is a ceremonial ask in these cases, since its answer is irrelevant). Sex in cases without attraction should not only be verbotten but should
simply never occur in our virtual environment, by way of the inherent neurology of the subjects. Nor should sex be required simply because attraction is present, but the severity of
the attraction should trigger proportionate interest in an "answer" by a dominant male.

These rape rituals should be coded to place and time in a way that they occur semi-publically, but independently of any required work or other socially beneficial activity.
For instance, if musical clubs exist, there should be a pit where sexual encounters are permitted, but it should be possible to be deniably pulled into the pit, or seduced into it
by the reflexive mechanisms of sexuality, instead of having to venture in there volitionally. In work contexts, during work is inappropriate, but during a work party or promotion/raise
meeting perhaps, rape can occur. It seems reasonable to typically characterize extra-monogamal encounters as rape regardless of whether consent is present or not (nor should this be seen
to require consent in cases even of reproductive sex, but in the case of reproductive sex, the trigger theshold should be reproductive attraction rather than merely attraction). In
outdoor contexts, semi-private areas should be deployed in a manner analogous to the rape pits in musical clubs. The automating principle of seduction should perhaps be stronger across
a threshold, to the point that the body begins to behave automatically, rather than just the genitals. This can register subjectively like it is consensual with extreme trepidation,
in cases where consent would normally be absent, but with consent disappearing once the threshold has actually been crossed, and the automism reverting to merely genital automism.

>> No.11647779

As for genitals themselves, the following should be true: penises should be internal, coming out only when erect. Erections, however, should occur not just automatically but also
volitionally, as a signalling mechanism by which a male can trick a submissive into becoming aroused. Both assholes and vaginas should be self-lubricating. There should be no
need for pooping of any kind, and no poop of any kind, nor (naturally) any poop fetishism. Additionally, vaginas should trigger arousal in females when cunnilingus
is non-consensually performed on them, thereby enabling an absolute condition of rape for females that is permissable, but difficult to achieve (since the female must first be restrained
or caught off-guard. This should be culturally normalized as her responsibility and fault for failing to protect herself.) Errogenous breasts should exist in females, and they should
produce milk for baby dragons. The tail should be an errogenous zone.

Some genital special cases: there should be no fixed intersex conditions. However, it should be possible for females to grow penises, lose breasts, and become male, and for males to
experience the shrinking of their penis into a clitoris, the development of their penis hollow into a vagina, and the development of breasts, to become female. Both transformations
should be entirely permanent and unidirectional. Female transformation into male should occur on the completion of certain social achievements of rank, both when the female desires
to be male and in some small percentage of unwanted cases (but with subsequent neurological shifting into a preferance for the male form and all its concomitant sexuality, physicality,
and identity). Male transformation into female should occur on the extreme loss of social rank, and the finalization of this loss of rank should always be established through the
emergence of homosexual submissiveness and the receipt of subsequent mass rape. Males should never desire to be female; the transformation should always be ego-dystonic, even to an
extent after transformation, but with the sexuality and physicality of a female. That is, these males should have a lingering male identity that crops up at least some of the time,
albeit a homosexual male identity. They should never be able to achieve a complete female identity, just a complete female form, physicality, and sexuality.

>> No.11647784

This last part requires a sanity check, and I can't in earnest recommend it, but I must document it: these converted males should be unable to enter into monogamous relationships,
since monogamy is a mark of status. However, in their case it should be possible for a reproductive rape ritual to occur, in which large numbers of males participate in highly ritualized
rape of the former male, and large numbers of eggs are subsequently layed and distributed among other dragons (since they are unfit for actual parenting). In this way, the synthetic
biodiversity of the dragon race can be increased by use of a useless male. After some number of years of this, before these converted males become unattractive from age, they should
be magically converted into publically accessible tri-fuckholes,
with no aspect of their former draconic form existing except their genitals, perhaps located in bathrooms, to allow for sexual catharsis in cases where a submissive cannot immediately
be found. This transformation should be permanent and eternal and result in a permanent state of arousal that automatically results in a low-level orgasmic feedback loop which actual
sexual contact merely tremendously amplifies. Once again, second level feelings of despair, shame, and so forth should not be effected, except to the extent they are incorporated into
the sexual experience in a way that ends up amplifying it, flavoring it, and improving it. Upon this conversion, all images and documentation of the previous existence of these former
males should be destroyed, including all instances of their name. If necessary, omissions in family lineages and so forth can simply be replaced with the draconic symbol for "vagina",
to denote their ultimate fate and nature as fuckholes. The use of these fuckholes should improve virility, libido, and clarity of thought. The sexual feedback loop should be
auto-initiated by the permanent state of attraction of the fuckhole towards all penises, which it should only sense when these penishes are unsheathed in its vicinity. Through magical
means, these fuckholes should experience pheremonal chemical highs as well as the sensation of smell, taste when the mouth is fucked, and phantom sensations of errogenous zone stimulation.

>> No.11647814

my god i hate how sycophantic "trans culture" is. also i just loathe memoirs, those are also sycophantic. i guess i hate sycophancy in general.

>> No.11647819

I guess I'm still not seeing the connection. A competent propagandist, advertiser, or salesman might persuade someone to take a desired action, but clear communication and understanding on the part of the recipient is not always necessary or desired. I guess I found something about what I was looking for here: https://www.britannica.com/science/persuasion-psychology

>> No.11647823

I like these dragon ideas.

>> No.11647874
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It is not by speeches and majority vote that the great questions of our time will be decided — but by iron and blood.

>> No.11647881

oh, you've got it backwards. (does the customer understand, does the customer care)
if you're interested in how to manipulate trust, those two are very useful still.

for instance, if you want to con someone, if they think you are dumb, they will not think you could con them. a lot of products also try to give the purchaser a sense that the product made them better (morally and in terms of skill).
however, you'll notice a lot of these products emphasize it being a small change that makes a big difference, and other ideas of it being a small level up, not a grand world changing idea. that's because most people hear of a grand world changing idea, and they think 99% chance that's as evil as Stalin, 1% chance it's as good as Mother Teresa. most of those companies know that people read a big competence leap as being responsible for all the world's problems. a small skill leap is more likely to be read as intentionally good, or mistakenly bad, while if you're claiming to upskill people rapidly, most people think it's a cult or a con.

you'll see it in companies' apologies too: we did not know is a better excuse than we knew and thought it was okay, because being unskilled, you might not be evil, but if you knew, you should have known better.

>> No.11647886

I kinda want to have sex, not primary to have an orgasm.

>> No.11647893
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>> No.11647911

Feynman though

>> No.11647929

>comparing feynman to newton
cringe reddit

>> No.11648008
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Alright, let me see if I've got this, again see picture. Assuming competence and confidence on the part of the persuader, as there would be more combinations if you consider an incompetent or unconfident persuader.

>> No.11648116

You are a madman and I love you and your rape lizards.

Please tell me, do these dragons exist in a world with humans or other fantasy species exist? Do they engage in sexual activity with them? What are the dynamics?

>> No.11648120

That will require its own treatment, which will naturally take much longer. It is like solving a three body problem.

>> No.11648134

dominition is probably higher confidence, moderate competence, but misaligned interests. they do it because they trust your skills and goodness, but explain the negative outcome with confusion, rather than explain the negative outcome as your fault, or as a mistake rather than misaligned interest. it's the "god works in mysterious ways" reaction from what i think you're saying.

it's probably best to keep mis/aligned interests throughout. unwilling compulsion is probably mis/aligned interests, as is sour disagreement. like, you believe the CIA can wreck you, you don't trust them, but that's just because your interests don't align, so you do what they say. but if you believe the CIA can wreck you, would wreck you, and you have a common enemy and therefore aligned interests, you'd be willingly associating yourself with them and trying to join them in fighting commies or whatever, but not be charmed by them. it's why ISIS and alQaeda will take money off western imperialists to bomb the middle east further closer to the stone age.

>> No.11648396

Very fair, wise anon. Do you plan on doing anything with this? I would love to learn more.

>> No.11648474

I am putting some amount of effort into constructing a draconic multiverse, of which the described dragon sexuality would only be the sexuality of dragons within one virtual environment.

You can read a very short introduction to the general concept here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Od7d-ts2_KcOYWVeSNDoSKp0eZlzfcmIJhFQnWUuSiE/edit?usp=sharing

and here you can discuss these matters and see the various blog posts and such that I've made about the subject.:


It is still very much a work in progress, and I wouldn't turn away good faith efforts to help the project

>> No.11648571

i've just had a wank to some shemale porn
now i'm going to get a pizza and eat it all myself
such is the crazy world of the business traveller

>> No.11648659


they really aren't though and the average american is way more stupid than the average european

>> No.11648677
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>want to read the classics
>always get interested in some niche historical subject which sidetracks me

>> No.11648687

Sounds great man

>> No.11648690

The strong should nurture the weak and protect them or equip them to protect themselves.

>> No.11648692

Good job anon.

>> No.11648696

what a bunch of pathetic losers ITT desu

>> No.11648712

I envy your innocence, please whatever you do log off before it's too late and you learn the truth about the world, it's not worth it.

>> No.11648774
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How come you can see mention of "the normies" on every board including lit. Clearly your not all retarded or are you ? I though it's contained in r9k, and pol stay pol. Is 4chan full of degenerates? It present itself as anonymous and if is people from all walks of life come here but clearly their the same small group of people who lurks and post here constantly isin't it ?
Reddit with quora sucks don't even know why. Looks to conventional and boring. Without insults and battles between anons all other forums seems boring.

I'm kinda missing logical explanation why there are so many degenerates here ? Even if you can do whatever clearly doing and writing something that makes sense still brings more value than shitposting for no reason.I kinda got who r9k'ers is, who are other who are not considered themself normal. Please explain yourself .

>> No.11648838

/r9k/ kicked /lit/ out.

>> No.11649371

How the fuck do people go through life without being constantly mired in existential horror? Any time I allow myself to think about anything at all, one way or another I almost immediately end up staring into the void again and the only thing that helps a little is pouring more booze down my throat

>> No.11650384
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>> No.11650501
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absolutely based

>> No.11650507

I wrote a sonnet in praise of fat girls. It's not my best work, but I never intended it to be.

>> No.11651137

any of u dudes posted on /r/incelselfies? i was browsing r/TheBluePill semi-unironically today and i saw that shit, i was like woah are these the noble white men of virtue i've been hearing so much about? t b h like have of them were pajeets for some reason, must be an aryan thing, also there was a mexican kid who just needs some hardcore gang tats and he will slay

>> No.11651196


>> No.11651253
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This post reminds me that I would love to have a fat girlfriend, as I find fat women attractive. However, I'm really hesitant to use plus-sized dating sites. I don't like dating sites in general, but in this instance especially I'm wary of the kind of woman who would use a site like that. I'd kind of like any girlfriend I have to not be a headcase.

>> No.11651899

I am tired of memes and repeatable bullshit to the point of anger when I see them. Instead of saying something sincere, helpful, or insightful someone will just repeat inane words. "You do you" SAY MORE THAN WHAT AMOUNTS TO A FUCKING SOUNDBITE, YOU CUNTS. THAT ISN'T HELPFUL. IT ISN'T INSIGHTFUL. IT'S REGURGITATED VERBAL GARBAGE.

>> No.11651920

This is very true.
I know that "/lit/ doesn't read" is a bit of a meme, but I honestly think that it's true sometimes.
So many threads "talking" about various authors or their works, but they never actually dive into any details about specific thoughts or ideas.
People just want to shitpost about something they skimmed wikipedia on.

This doesn't apply to genuine /lit/izens who actually read.

>> No.11651931


>> No.11651995

>turn 22 in 2 days
>still a virgin

is there any hope for me?

>> No.11652911
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I wish my therapist was more politicized, so she could investigate my mindset (ideology?) with me.
Being completely honest? I know my beliefs are not defined by "facts", things just fall more or less in line to what I feel to be true and right.
I don't want to read about politics to change my mind, instead I seek ways to sharpen my arguments, to be able to defend my own beliefs and attack other's.
It's ironic because my first argument against political opponents is to call them a "dumb ideologue". I'm no different from them: my own ideology just remains out of my sight.
What ideology would fit me? Something that would feed my notion of being more intelligent than the rest while attacking /pol/ and the "libs".
Right now I'm reading pic related, lmao

>> No.11652988

It's 4:30PM and I haven't done a single productive thing today. I slept at my qt's place, the getting up early and driving home part fills me with determination and energy every time I do it. Much better than walking the few steps from my bed to my PC at home.
I didn't get much sleep though so I took a nap an hour after my return. Got up two hours ago. It drained the extra energy I had. I have a desire to go out but I have no idea where and it's so cloudy that it takes a damper on my excitement.
Oh well. At least I'm meeting some friends tomorrow I haven't met in a while and am very much looking forward to.

>> No.11652992

I lost my (female) virginity at 23, you're never to old to get laid for the first time.

>> No.11652997

And by (female) I mean that I lost it to a female.

>> No.11653046
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Happy birthday my dear Lovecraft.

ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

>> No.11653354

t. the weak

>> No.11653551

im waiting for the second show

>> No.11653741
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>> No.11653747


>> No.11653756

this. fucking christ man i haven't been on a date in almost five years. i need to get myself together. i thought i was mgtow material but after watching a young natasha lyonne and marisa tomei i get the feeling i'm never going to be happy unless i've got some useless annoying broad to bang.

>> No.11653772

kek, same. this is a nice website that lets you scrub out the scrubs.

>> No.11653789
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Thinking of applying to be a librarian at my old school

>> No.11653819


i'm sure that guy is very afraid of your posts on a maori raftbuilding forum

>> No.11654171


It's also a kind of OCD if you will where the person is obsessed with appearing as and becoming a woman. Though not with actually being a woman in the capacity that women do, since that would frustrate the obsession. That's why so many of them look and act uncanny. Actually passing for a woman is the last thing they want. Women don't get told how womanly they look or how justified they are in being women. Their obnoxiousness is also understandable as their condition is so terrible that tormenting others with what torments them is all they have left besides the torment itself.

I think Demonology is the appropriate way to address it.

>> No.11654182


Go to bed, Julia.

>> No.11654230
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I had a dream where I was supposed to go into an apartment late at night to turn a tv off but I wasn't sure if anyone was home so when I opened the door I said "the things that were in here linger still" and proceeded down a hall but I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror that showed me moving as if floating, slightly hunched in the most awful way, my whole body backlit and black, the only distinguishable features being the outline of my face which was contorted with malice, taught.

>> No.11655918


>> No.11655924

Poemme de Terre

Recite poetry to the trees
Teach maths to the rocks
Send children to war
Send children to die

"Everything between death and sex, but including neither, is erotic." I told her
"There is no philosophy is semen" she replied

Mirror, Mirror, On the wall
How was your day?
Her's was a rose but I don't like roses.

wow v successful bump

>> No.11655935

I've become obsessed with the first movement of Brahms' fourth symphony.


>> No.11655962

A dream:
I am Charles II (the Horrible Histories version) seducing a laughing courtesan.
She's sworn to chastity -- but we compromise on going only half way.

I make love to just half her body: kiss but one cheek, caress a single breast, and stroke one side of vulva.

What would Freud have said?

fucking hell exorcise yourself

you're only problem is: there is nothing on this earth less attractive than a man who fails to attract. this is quite a sensible principle from evolutionary terms: it allows women to export the rather costly business of determining your worth to the Wisdom of the Crowd.
above all else. no matter what happens. love yourself, and you will find love

>> No.11655971

i only seem to attract fat girls. very cute fat girls but still fat. if only i could donate them to you anons.

>> No.11655979

hit the gym, find hobbies to distract yourself, and go get drunk with people.

>> No.11655983

Gonna listen to it my dude. Thanks. I really have been enjoying the well tempered caviler.

>> No.11655986


This is great, thanks

>> No.11656003


A girl (bored, charmed and beautiful) sits blondely on the chair and grey upon the canvas. Two pairs of eyes -- one blue, the other flat -- meet mine. She winks at me with both eyes. I leave in a hurry -- to jump over fountain stream and well-bloomed flowers.

On my return; our grey girl had grown a mouth. The blonde? still had just the one. O to be a muse! O to be amused and have your image harvested by men who'd never draw your organs. Is not you spleen as real as those semi-parted lips, my love?
where do you think you are
remember, this is true of only his time. the 20th century is characterised as a global conflict between right-wing hegelians and left-wing hegelians

it takes far more skill to speak concisely than you might initially suspect. eg: https://www2.kenyon.edu/Depts/Math/Milnikel/boolos-godel.pdf
it's might not that amateurs just want to sound smart

>> No.11656014

just accept that you will die alone and a virgin. only then will you be able to lose your guard enough to attract someone

>> No.11656029

I appreciate the sentiment, friend.

>> No.11656131

I wrote a screenplay that I've been told is very good and interesting. However, a director who's critiqued it mentioned that it probably has too much detail and narration to be used as a film script, because it doesn't leave the director, cinematographer, etc. much freedom to work in.

So I've thought about revising it. However, lately I've also been thinking that I could potentially use it as a comic book script. Formatting between screenplays and comic book scripts is not so different; screenplays are used to make comics all the time. The trouble is I can't draw, and I have no idea where to find good artists to whom I can pitch the project.

>> No.11656195

I've had a lot of fucking weird and stupid dreams lately. Recently in my dreams my dad got angry at a dude at the juice bar because he drank his soda, but I was the one who actually drank the soda so I told my dad to stop being an asshole because we always share food and he always makes fun of me if I tell him not to drink my drinks. I don't understand why he was being such a prick about it but after I explained very clearly to him that it was me and not the other guy he just went back to ranting at him. I said (more like shouted authoritatively) "Why the fuck are you doing that?!" and he replied, in his usual asshole angry voice "Because he drank my drink!" and then I said "I ALREADY FUCKING TOLD YOU IT WAS ME!" and then he goddamn ignored me and kept attacking the guy, threatening to hit him, and I kept screaming at him to stop being a fucking dick because I always stand up for other people for some reason, so then my dad told me to shut the fuck up and threw the bottle at my head and it smashed and I flew forward towards him over the juice bar and landed with blood and glass everywhere.
That's the only part of the dream I keep getting reminded of even though I still remember the other parts.
God it was a stupid fucking dream.

>> No.11656199

>it actually exists
I know it's a meme but I hate reddit so fucking much.

>> No.11656206

Rewrite a stripped down version, but keep the detailed version as well.

>> No.11656220


>> No.11656225

I said I would finish the 500 last pages of don quixote in 7 days and so far I have only read 100. What the fuck, thanks /biz/.

>> No.11656268

this is the most freudian thing ive read well done

>> No.11656641

I thought someone might say something like that.

>> No.11656677
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I wrote a sci fi romance novella and a fantasy romance novella. I'm thinking about writing one more in the same theme, combining the three and self publishing o nbn Amazon or something as a complete set. I'm not delusional about my extremely low chance of success, but several reputable people have enjoyed my writing and I've gotten positive feedback online.

>> No.11656728

dammit i just cannot have the self discipline to sit down and write code lately, i havent written a line of code in like a week, what the fuck is my problem

>> No.11656763

oh fuck i was just in bed with my laptop when i realized i was sitting so my screen was facing the window and some nosy ass neighbor could have peeped me shitposting on /lit/ its only a matter of time before it ends up on social media and a twitter mob gets me fired, thrown in jail, and evicted. i hate this world, damn, fuck fuck fuck!

>> No.11656857

what kind of things do you usually write for?

>> No.11656867

Early 2000s were completely different. Unironically less GMOs and less shitty food in general meant that girls didn't mature so fast looks wise. No Instagram, Snapchat, or Facebook. Myspace didn't have a literal LITERAL whore (as in get paid to have sex) culture like Instagram. No Tinder. This is one of the biggest differences, as Tinder has completely destroyed and permanently damaged the relationship between men and women. Seriously, imagine the time when a girl had to either meet someone in her social circle or had to go to a local bar/club to meet guys or had to meet guys (in person) at college or highschool or whatever. Only Instagram comes close to causing as much damage as Tinder. Rock at the time was somewhat degenerate with some songs about drugs, but it was not even close to the pure degeneracy of hip hop (I say this as a huge trap hip hop fan). All of this has led to nasty women who age like shit.

>> No.11656941

Literature is not an academic discipline. It is not a symbol of intelligence and it is not a symbol of culture. Literature is simply a hobby of entertainment consumption. It is no different than watching anime, pornography, or TV. Since it is man-made and there are no inherent truths to it, and since it has no applications in real life, it is useless. Anyone who thinks that their enjoyment of literature makes them a cultured and intelligent person is a foppish, materialistic fool. For this reason English teachers should be fired immediately as they are useless people who only exist to bring up the next generation of English teachers.

>> No.11656984

Putin is a complete and utter fucking cunt. Russia is a terrible country. The police (gangs) are worse than the Mexican police and annexing crimea was retarded as hell. Ukraine for Ukrainians. I hope Trump nukes this useless and pathetic turd of a country I really do.

>> No.11657018

Nice man, I havent listened to many recordings, but of them, this has been my favorite:

Also all of Brahms Symphonys are tremendously specially great.

>> No.11657058
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>>remember, this is true of only his time. the 20th century is characterised as a global conflict between right-wing hegelians and left-wing hegelians
>he thinks liberal democracy and """world peace""" will last forever

>> No.11657076

I wonder (((who))) is behind this post.

>> No.11657099
File: 51 KB, 1023x575, serveimage (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know we slavs get a lot of flak for not being the sharpest knives in the drawer but you non-slavs who think Putin is some kind of savior to your /pol/tard fantasies and that Russia is or has ever been since the fall of the kievan rus some kind of bastion of morality are abysmally fucking retarded

>> No.11657101

>and annexing crimea was retarded as hell
>Ukraine for Ukrainians
If you believe that Ukraine should be for Ukrainians, then surely you would admit the majority Russian enclave of Crimea should be for Russians?

The cognitive dissonance top kek.

>> No.11657111

I was really bad for you, and you were really bad for me. But I loved you, and I'm afraid I'll never have sex that good again.

>> No.11657117

Nah I don't think Putin is any sort of saviour. I just don't understand the russophobia in anglo countries. We have no reason to fear a country that has the GDP of Italy and that is surrounded on all sides by NATO bases pretty much. Besides, the Ukrainian ""revolution"" was practically a violent mob putsch encouraged by the EU after they realized your democratically elected president was going to sign Putin's economic deals instead of ours. I don't support this. You can hardly be surprised when they annexed Crimea in lieu of this.

>> No.11657131
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Why yes, and therefore the same should be done to Belarus, Siberia, etc. Because borders should be determined by demographic and not by nationality.

The entire Southern United States should be Mexican territory because there's a large enclave of Mexicans. Ireland should be british territory because why the fuck not, they speak English don't they? Plebbit tier. Lots of Russian speakers in Belarus, let's make Belarus Russia?! Fuck off

>> No.11657148
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>russophobia in anglo countries
Then you definitely wouldn't understand russophobia in slavic countries, that fucking kike is Stalin lite

>> No.11657158
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>believing Russian propaganda
This is why the world can't be a nice place

>> No.11657166

>Stalin lite
>comparing a mass murderer of millions to Putin
This is the equivalent of calling world leaders "literally hitler". Putin didn't purge millions and cause mass famines. If anything, he's vastly improved Russia from the absolute shitshow it was in the '90s. Could somebody have done it better? Maybe, but there's hardly much of a reason to demonize him when western countries make deals with China (a far more terrible and oppressive regime) or Saudi Arabia. We have no moral right to do so. We in the west just desperately need an "enemy" and for now it's Putin.

>> No.11657176

t. has no understanding how how the world works

>> No.11657182

You're buying into Putin's false equivalence ideology. Putin has killed tens of thousands.

>> No.11657184

>John Mccain in Ukraine on the streets during the "revolution", literally provoking people to come outside
>assistant secretary of state was there at the time as well
>including multiple high level EU representatives
How is this propaganda? They literally ousted a democratically elected president because he didn't align with our interests. Do you know how many times we've done this throughout history?
Perhaps it wasn't totally orchestrated by the EU, but it was certainly encouraged. They lost the years long bidding war which most people don't know about. Ukraine is a massively important strategic asset. To have it join the EU would have tipped the balance of power massively to our side.
not an argument

>> No.11657187

>Putin has killed tens of thousands.
Literally where? Some chechens and a bunch of sand niggers in syria?

>> No.11657194

tommorow i plan on doing a tiny bit of lsd and writing a decent amount of the book im writing

>> No.11657195

how old are you?

>> No.11657196

? Can you refute my points or not?

>> No.11657204

I will just tell me how old you are.

>> No.11657205

27. I can't see how is this of any importance. You've yet to refute anything I've said.

>> No.11657216

>gambling, prostitution, and drugs are literal government venues at this point in Russia
>Police are entirely cooperative with gangs
>People are getting jailed for whims of police officers, really activates those almonds and brings you back to those gulag days
>basically no exports aside from oil
>70% of Russian economy relies on America and Chinese capital
>vastly improved Russia

Sure, idiot westerners are idiotic, not a surprise there. Unlike Hitler who is respectable and unlike Trump who hasn't done anything outrageous, I'd be jailed for writing this if I was in Russia and I was caught.

>moral right to criticize the EUSSR
Uh huh. The Jews are always the enemy, I don't care what kind of westerner thinks he needs an enemy. Following them, Putin and Winnie the Pooh are obvious cretins. Korea as a whole is just vermin. The U.S. isn't perfect either

>> No.11657227

jelly.. I am,and you will be

>> No.11657230

first let me summarize your assertions so I can more accurately surmise and refute your position.
You have said over the course of several posts that
1.) Russia can do no damage to westerners because of NATO and a low GDP
2.) In recent history the west has always been the aggressor and Russia has behaved reasonably in response to this western aggression.
3.) Russia was justified in annexing Ukraine

are those accurate representations of your beliefs? If so can I move on to posit my disagreements?

>> No.11657233 [DELETED] 

>I can't see how is this of any importance.
because most people who post around here are dumb 19 year olds, just making sure you werent a 20 year old sounding that smart

>> No.11657239

>1.) Russia can do no damage to westerners because of NATO and a low GDP
Yes, pretty much. Besides nukes they have no ability to project force against NATO. It's laughable to suggest otherwise.

2.) In recent history the west has always been the aggressor and Russia has behaved reasonably in response to this western aggression.
Pretty much so.

3.) Russia was justified in annexing Ukraine
I don't know if justified is the word, but yeah, you could hardly be surprised when they annexed Crimea. It was a shrewd move.

>> No.11657251

>>gambling, prostitution, and drugs are literal government venues at this point in Russia
Practically the same in the west. Our govt makes money off at least 2 of those.

>Police are entirely cooperative with gangs
Arguable, but not as bad as it was in the 90s. Crime has gone down, especially in Western Russia.

>>People are getting jailed for whims of police officers, really activates those almonds and brings you back to those gulag days
How can you compare gulags where millions were worked to their deaths to a few anecdotes? Besides we jail niggers off a whim half the time.

>basically no exports aside from oil
>70% of Russian economy relies on America and Chinese capital
Arguable but we in the west don't make much anymore either. Also doubt 70% is foreign capital. Otherwise their GDP would be much higher.

>vastly improved Russia
Average person is better off since the 90s. You have to remember the sanctions have done a good deal to impede further economic progress.

>> No.11657267

damn right lol why dont you get yourself a tab or two and cut it into smaller pieces my man?

>> No.11657283

I'm cringing more at you than op.

>> No.11657312

I can go through point by point and give you a reason why I think you're wrong but I doubt you'll agree with me, or you will inevitably say "whatabout The when the US killed such and such or the US influenced so and so." And to a degree you would be right. Successful nations invariably do not always act according to the morals they espouse. Most of the time throughout history they have opportunistically seized any advantage they could or exploited any weakness in their rival nations. The difference is in the US and Western Europe there is a potential, there is a faction of the population that truly believes in ideals like truth and justice and equality and diplomacy. While they have frequently fallen short of these ideals they have created some truly great things; National Parks, law and order, free and independent press, on a local level you even have a somewhat representative democracy.

In Russia no one aspires to these things,the people have never lived under any degree of freedom neither expect it nor want it. There exists only a cynical narrative of the west and how even though it tries to be better and espouse liberal ideas it is in fact as bad as Russia. This is how Putin and the Russian government justify the horrible things they do, like blowing up apartment buildings full of Russians to start a war or stifling any and all free press or murdering foreign citizens on foreign soil with complete the customary apathy for human life.

Maybe you disagree with me but I think that while flawed the US is morally better than an autocratic kleptocracy.

>> No.11657342
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To a certain extent I do agree with you, I'm not a fan of Putin or anything, merely I just don't see that much of a reason to hate him.

People in the west seriously don't understand Russia. It was always disposed to be quite different from any other nation even due to inherent geography. This is a country without any natural, defensible borders. With steppeniggers on one side and essentially Germany on the other, China to the south in the far east. Much of its history was either being invaded or being on the brink of invasion. It's amazing that it survived as long as it did and even managed to carve out an Empire at one point. No doubt, the 20th century brought great horrors, both economic and social which to be fair, is part of the reason for Russia's current state. Not to mention the absolute disaster that was immediate post-soviet Russia.

I don't necessarily like Putin but it is stupid to say that he has not improved life for many Russians. Could someone have done it better? Possibly, but Russia was in a quite terrible state after the fall of the ussr. True political freedom and more liberty will come over time. Shoving democracy down people's throats doesn't work, nor does it guarantee liberty.
To add on, it was also a country without a relevant navy pretty much ever, the mark of most great empires/civilizations.

Now compare that to the US, a country with the Pacific on one side and the Atlantic on the other. A country with only 2 neighbours, both of which have no ability to invade them and for most of recent history have been allies. A country which much of the land is arable and actually livable. It's seriously foolish to compare Russia to the West when it is quite unique in its disposition.

>US is morally better
Literally no. The USA falsifies things and starts unjust wars just like the Gulf War and later on Iraq. Sure, there is more individual liberty, but the federal government and the agencies (cia etc) are even worse.

>> No.11657348

she hot though, aye, boyo? could be worse

>> No.11657367

She def got me considering race mixing

>> No.11657430

man, everybody is just caught up in something. and there's just too much to be caught up in these days. you hear 20 different stories on the news to be concerned about. that's 19 more than anybody can truly be bothered to give a fuck about. you gotta pick your battles, i guess. that, or you gotta just not give a fuck about any of it. cause it's just too much to give a fuck about. too much going on, how are you supposed to give a fuck about any of it? kids in Flint, kids from Mexico separated from their parents, refugee kids from Syria, kids molested by priests... you're bound to forget about the kids after hearing so much about the kids

>> No.11657519

Dont miss the exciting ending starting around 45:45

>> No.11657587

Da Vinci was not celibate lmao

>> No.11657588

Why is it considered creepy to get intelligence on people you know that they post publicly or can be found through public information? I genuinely don't understand.

>> No.11657594

Prostitute, you will no longer care afterwards. And then the girls will come.

>> No.11657647

because of the effort involved, however minor. you phrasing it as "get intelligence on" says a lot

>> No.11657661

behold! a look into the mind of an incel!

>> No.11657679

there's a faint weed smell wafting through my room, either that or a skunk got hit by a car

>> No.11657710

i'm definitely getting more stupid ever day. i am becoming fucking retarded. some of it definitely is due to this site, but there's more too it than that, i just can't do anything, i just want to lay in bed listening to audiobooks, i dont even mind being retarded if i get could get one of those sweet boomer gigs where u get 70k to sit at a desk and do nothing, but i have to survive in the 21st century

>> No.11657803


Why so? It's also effortless if you have any knowledge at all on research techniques.


What do you mean? I'm not involuntarily celibate.

>> No.11657804

I went from being a neet with no friends, to a neet with some very close friends. My closest friends are girls, I don’t get along with guys very well.
I recently started a job with my closest friend and feel as empty and hopeless as ever.
I have very little free time, and the job does little to make me feel any purpose in my life, and I’m exhausted all the time.
If I went back in time and told miserable neet me that I would get my life mostly together and still feel like garbage most of the time, he would probably kill himself.
Maybe things will get better, right anons?

>> No.11657826

I feel like the important people in my life will never consider me as important as I consider them.
I can’t see a future where I am not left behind by the people I love.
How can I never be enough for someone who is enough for me?
There’s something wrong with me.

>> No.11657835
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>> No.11658304

Should I finally just kill myself or wait another year?

>> No.11658319

Last night was weird. I kissed this guy's little sister (passionately), who's 16 (I'm 24), and thought I could get some action but ended up incredibly drunk and the big brother came to my bed trying to play with my dick for a while. I was embarrassed so I pretended to be asleep but who goes in people's bed to masturbate them when they're asleep? Srsly

>> No.11658467

a rapist
that's who

>> No.11658493

My shitty job. I hate it. The only reason I haven't left is because I spend all the money I get there on books. I've bought around 30 so far. So it's kind of shitty but good at the same time.

>> No.11658495

>who goes in people's bed to masturbate them when they're asleep
Truly a gentleman.

>> No.11658571

Where do you work anon?
You could just get books of the internet free if you don't care about muh book smell.

>> No.11658594

I work in a "big" supermarket chain store. The payment is minimal (but enough for books and that's all I need right now) and the employees are treated like shit.
I don't care how they smell as long as it's not piss or shit, honestly.

>> No.11658941

ok so i want to do some kotlin dev using dl4j what openjdk version should i install they say kotlin only needs jdk6 but is more optimized on jdk8 but we already up to fucking jdk10 n shit, but im not planning on using any java and it might be unstable, recommend me what do

>> No.11660025

I've never been raped before, it's a strange feeling

>> No.11660086

my best friend did this to me last year lmao.
we're still best friends -- he's just a fucking retard sometimes. it's not brought up

>> No.11660103

something happened to my brain where i became too retarded to write code in a one week span of time idk what happened but i just cant do it anymore

>> No.11660229

eat healthy food, drink lots of fresh water, take some shower, get some sun, get some good sleep, think about what the goals and accomplishes you want to be of your code, see the final big picture, and then little by little, work on the little pieces that work together to achieve your goal

>> No.11660235

Did you pretended to be asleep as well? I don't know why I did this

>> No.11660274

go outside and eat some healthy food while looking at 3d females/males if that's your thing.

>> No.11660278

lol someone else is counselling our speed epidemic.

>> No.11660295

i woke up during. waited maybe 10 seconds to make sure i wasn't dreaming or something. then violently threw him off and onto the ground -- punching him a few times in the face. i didnt find it traumatic but that's because im rather stoic.

we all have very different responses. some get very deer-in-headlights. sometimes it's dissociation, or panic, or fear, or confusing.

you are in no way to blame -- and don't analyse the situation in terms of what you *could* have done

soz if i sound like a rape therapist or smth lmao

>> No.11660310


The juice was semen.

>> No.11660320

>punching him a few times in the face.
>but that's because im rather stoic.
not him m8, but that's not very stoic.

>> No.11660364

naah i remember thinking how odd it was that i was so "unpassionate". just kind of cold and pragmatic:
i wanted to stay friends with him afterwards so wanted him to be afraid to do something like that to me again (or anyone else, really)

it messed me up a bit because i thought i was an emotionless psychopath. but i know now am neither emotionless or psychopathic.

i've become far less stoic now

>> No.11660374

basically, i acted as angry as i ought to be, not as angry as i was

>> No.11660378

try hedonism, it's pretty great

>> No.11660386

i get you. it's the old men aren't shot because they stole horses, they're shot so nobody else steals horses.

>> No.11660402

yeah im not that stoic now

oddly enough, i started reading poetry and doing a few drugs and now im far more quick to show emotion.

it wasn't that i felt no strong emotions before -- but only now do i trust them to guide my actions (a tenuous trust -- like how a father might allow her child to run before her in a field, keeping a steady eye on him)

>> No.11660616
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A dream about persons you knew years ago who have since become criminals. A kind of squalid that is equally sinister and tragic. The panic and sorrow balance each other out and I stay for a while. Color palettes evocative of excrement. Through holes in the walls I see parts of comatose bodies rape. Elongated and tilted rooms. Trash strewn as if brought by a river. Despair at the thought of what was done in there. They appear, yellow, smiling. They barely see me, or anything else. I run down the apartment building stairs covered in decomposing mattresses.

>> No.11660654

you're covered in decomposing mattresses or the stairs are?

>> No.11660663
File: 13 KB, 333x499, 31oyDInWloL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this book worth reading if I don't support aristocracy and if I'm not racist?
Maybe I'm just feeling nostalgic about times that I didn't experience, but I think it's sad how languages and cultures are disappearing around the world, religion is losing it's importance, human interactions are getting worse, how we just work and work and work and how we are ruining the enviroment.

>> No.11660678


The stairs.

>> No.11660696

playing dead is an instinctive strategy

>> No.11660703

Wars. Technology. Politics. Economics. Religion. Facts. = 2/3 History

Literature= 1/3 history

is what you are saying so both of the make the totality of history, by this point you have realised what you said is not special at all

>> No.11660759
File: 314 KB, 1100x773, Reykjavik-food-walk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Reykjavik /lit/? I was there a few days ago during an extended layover, seemed pretty comfy desu. Lots of street art, lots of interesting shops, lots of old(er) buildings, not too many tourists outside the meme attractions. Must fucking suck during the winter though.

>> No.11661267

Never in my life has it felt so fresh, so energizing, so natural to crush on someone.

>> No.11661283

I feel like I should be more interested in girls. I lost my virginity within the year and it wasn't as great as I thought it would be.
I like getting admired from girls, I like working out, even flirting isn't bad but setting up to meet up doesn't seem worth it. I'm not sure if it's just anxiety but casual sex does not seem that appealing to me. I'm worried I might get them pregnant or get into a relationship with them and I don't think I want or am ready for either.

I want something more for my life and I'm unsure what that is but I do know what I don't want and I'm going off that. Any advice is appreciated anons. 20 y/o male btw

>> No.11661297

You're doing it wrong, sipping coffee together on a brisk autumn morning is the best part of any relationship, not having sex or being 'mired.

>> No.11661352

The question isn't "Why suicide?"

Suicide is not a sign of mental illness, it is a sign of a functioning brain. The cost-benefit superiority of nonexistence (no cost, heavy benefit) over existence (heavy cost, extremely few and always fleeting benefits) is so patently obvious and intuitively understood by billions of people around the globe that there is no serious way to cope with life without somehow tricking yourself into embracing pain and meaninglessness and abstract and deliberately convoluted metaphysical systems that have little observable relation to reality

The question is, "How do I convince myself to commit suicide?"

How do I overcome the life instinct, the survival instinct, my fear of death, the urge to satisfy my disgusting biological desires, the need to ejaculate and stuff my face with oxygen and food?

Anybody who has figured out likely isn't around anymore to tell us how they did it

>> No.11661365

How do you know the cost benefit of suicide would be great?

You don't know anything about the other side of death and the only thing you do know it how it would negatively effect everyone around you currently.
What makes you think death would be so great?

>> No.11661390

There is no evidence whatsoever to indicate that any dead person has ever experienced suffering in any capacity whatsoever

Life is a disease. To live is to suffer. To not live is to not suffer

>> No.11661397

It's innately in every animals nature to avoid death. Wouldn't you say there is biological evidence showing that death is something we want to avoid?

>> No.11661435

I don't understand how that's relevant to this discussion, especially since I explicitly acknowledged the survival instinct in my first post

The existence of a survival instinct is not proof that death is something that should be avoided, only that death is something that is avoided.

>> No.11661454

>The existence of a survival instinct is not proof that death is something that should be avoided, only that death is something that is avoided.

Why would that not be proof anon?

Also anon I'm sure you'll say this isn't relevant but do you not have a single thing you want to pursue in this life? Sex, love, travel?

>> No.11661518

I just murked a mosquito by throwing a pack of tissues at it across the room and feel like a ninja now.

>> No.11661521

The need to avoid death and self-propagate is how life sustains itself. That which doesn't avoid death and doesn't self-propagate doesn't live, that which does avoid life and does self-propagate not only lives but it also passes down its hunger for life and self-propagation to its descendants and those that are derived from itself--namely, us

It's circular logic, an eternal feedback loop, and it says nothing about death, it only speaks about life--biological existence (life) must be programmed to its core with the constant pain and the constant threat of more severe pain just to keep the organics participating

>do you not have a single thing you want to pursue in this life?
This is relevant, but it is relevant because those abstract things to pursue like sex and novel experiences are ultimately fleeting and meaningless and fail to outweigh the tremendous suffering that must be endured simply for the rare and unlikely chance of their achievement, both before and after

>> No.11661549

I wish I could hug you anon.

I've had times in my life where I thought where I might kill myself. After those times passed or I trudged through them by working through it, I was elated I never did kill myself.
Finding meaning when you are feeling low is extremely hard.
You need to make sure you are in a good place and then reassess. Those feelings of sex and "novel" experiences aren't fleeting. Just because the visceral sensation is gone does not mean those feelings or how it effects your ego is also gone.
Your calling it quits too early, better your life in the process (I know this is some Jordan Peterson advice but exercise, get blood work done, make sure you are fully healthy and maintain that for awhile) and keep trying to pursue your answer.

Start lifting, start doing things you don't want to do and than keep trying to find you answer. You don't like your in a very pleasant place and normally you din't find great answers there. I believe in you anon, I genuinely believe in you

>> No.11661584

Then let’s teach critical thinking to both

>> No.11661592

My brother thinks his dreams are not dreams, but memories of things that happened to him in his previous life. He said he was Jack the Ripper in a previous life. Obviously, he just wants to feel more important than he is, but he also went on to explain that this is why he has so much 'bad luck', it was just the universe catching up with him, don't you see? Except his bad luck consists of being fired for not working a single hour in two weeks, and not having any money because he spends it all on weed.


>> No.11661617

>because he spends it all on weed.
Recent studies show that smoking weed can lead to various mental illnesses, even the development of schizophrenia; in youth especially. It could explain his "dreams". I'd be rather worried if he has been smoking a lot.

>> No.11661626

Don’t the studies just show it can cause underlying schizo to come out? Not cause it

>> No.11661636

Yes, I'm aware of this. He has smoked it daily since he was 10 or 11 years old, and he definitely has some underlying mental issues that reveal themselves during times of intense stress. His last dream was about him in 'the olden days' going round London killing and dismembering women. This is why he thinks he was Jack the Ripper. Worrying.

>> No.11661646

The only thing "worrying" about it is the fact that your brother seems much more creative and capable than you. You should get him to write.

>> No.11661660

why do you suspect he's not Jack the Ripper?

>> No.11661663

He watches flat-earth and Illuminati videos on youtube, often proclaiming anyone who disagrees with him to be a 'sheep' and calling himself unironically 'woke'.

Also, he thinks books are a waste of time, so....

>> No.11661672

Just a hunch

>> No.11661808

the question is, would you feel this way if you were healthy, beautiful, and talented

>> No.11661816

>the urge to satisfy my disgusting biological desires, the need to ejaculate and stuff my face with oxygen and food?
biological desires are not disgusting, they are beautiful and hilarious and imaginative

>> No.11661829

lots of healthy people commit suicide
unless you define health to exclude depression, and define depression to include suicidal tendencies --- in which case youve just defined yourself into some bullshit


also quite common

>> No.11662032

touchee. but I did say, and, the triple threat, one would think, multiple dimensions and vectors of receiving love and happiness and value, may more easily fight off negative perceptions, and thoughts of the illworthiness of life

>> No.11662044

I dont know if you are the original writer of that post, but, can you imagine circumstances in which you wouldnt feel that way? In a different environment, surrounded by different people, a certain job?

>> No.11662045

I spend so much time in my head looking for justifications for why I should keep on living, attempt to finish my degree, and start a career, but I just can't do it. I'll be direct: The problem is mental illness. I can't feel pleasure or any emotions. That sense of being entertained that makes time pass faster (like watching TV) still works, but otherwise the stimulus from the outside world is extremely mild so that it is impossible for me to escape a state of neutrality until this is cured (which is extremely difficult). I have no friends because talking isn't enjoyable (and I never feel lonely). I have no desires. I have no firm beliefs. If I won the lottery, the only thing I'd look forward to is getting some specific top-of-the-line surgeries to fix myself.

I don't know anymore, guys. The only thing that helps is just trying forcefully to not think about it and rely on some obscure personal beliefs like "It's the right thing to do" or "You could find fulfillment within the hardship". I know that my life is deeply fucked and it'll take potentially years to see any improvement. I do that. I try. But every time I'm at the dining hall, sitting alone, not enjoying the food, watching people have the time of their lives while I sit there like an empty spot of the universe, I just question why I'm here. Why I keep doing it. It has stolen the past four years of my life and may swallow up the entirety of my college years. There's no telling.

I just, jesus fucking christ, I don't know anymore. This is a nightmare.

>> No.11662071

unfortunately im not suicidal, no
different poster

>> No.11662082

I'm actually very happy with the progress I'm making on what is my second novel, but distressed that if a few things don't fall into place in the next month, my only way out will be suicide.

>> No.11662086

My password will kick the ass of every real and fake god you've never heard of.

>> No.11662157

Is it normal to become a completely socially awkward mess after dating someone for a long period of time? I feel like I can't talk or act like a normal person at my job, not like how I used to be.

>> No.11662298
File: 155 KB, 500x311, taxi-driver-quotes-3 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have my dad around to ask for guidance, so you will help me, /lit/
There's this fucking cat that belongs to my neighbour, and he comes here to take a shit on my flowerpot every single day.
My other neighbours already talked to this guy and he won't keep the little fucker inside the house.
I could either man up and go talk to him (ultimately unfruitful) and put a target on my back, or I could just poison the beast, wich would be nasty, but effective.
I guess the real question here is how I think I should behave. Be a man and amount for nothing or be an effective coward.
I could also wait till this guy leaves (he is not the owner of the house), but that would be the cuck option.

>> No.11662324
File: 22 KB, 252x400, 9780333969267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you excited to live in your Kshatriya society, anon?

>> No.11662430

cheer up bro, I know its not easy, but there is much brightness and happiness in your future, you are just lonely, there are many people in the world that will love to be your friend, we know its hard to find them, but you will

>> No.11662436

You got a throwaway email, if you wanna chat and be friends?

>> No.11662444

call some type of authority, the landlord or something, and make them clean it out of your flowerpot, call animal protection services and ask them what you should do

>> No.11662450

fuck the jews

>> No.11662454

i'll take what time i have left

>> No.11662650

Don't poison the cat you dumb faggot

>> No.11663444

My heart and soul are buried by my sick mind. Tortured by my fears and self doubts. They scratch and claw but can't seem to break through the surface. I wonder what is the purpose. I've been on this earth for 19 years and I feel that everything I've done is worhtless. Tell me what happiness is. I'm not sure I know. I used to put on a smile and laugh but I'm tired of that dumb ass show. Sometimes I'm not alright but no one cares. Or maybe they can't tell because it's covered by so many layers. Layers of lies. Lies like "I'm just shy." and "I'll be alright." Truth is. My anxiety has me in the lowest of lows. In a room crammed full of people I'm still alone. I try to talk but my mind is stone. I'm on my own. I long for affection that I can't find. I'm trying to fix it but it'll take time, but for now I'll just sit here, tortured by my mind. It's weeks later. I'm still looking for a sign that I'm even still there. Maybe this is me. Maybe I'm so focused on finding this person that I thought was me that I can't see that he doesnt exist.

>> No.11663476

cheer up eh

>> No.11663565

I think /lit/ used to have a comfy snailmail thing goin on..
Anyways, I would off myself but I don't want this girl to post about my death on social media and act like I had a significant impact on her life when she really only used me for emotional support but dropped me when she found a steady boyfriend. I also payed a drug debt of hers without telling her I did it so I am *practically* entitled to a checkup text lolz.
Also Ariel Pink's smug L.A jew aura puts me off but maybe he is a good little girl on the inside..

>> No.11663621

Yes. I was in a relationship with someone for 3 years, while dating her I stopped talking to all of my old friends, abandoned my family, and never made any new friends for 3 years.
After I ended things, I realized that I had no idea to talk to anyone that wasn't her, her and I molded our personalities to work with each other. After spending so much time exclusively in one persons company, you forget how to spend time with anyone else.

Also the type of person you become with that other person, you learn to believe that is who you are naturally, and its not, its the you that was changed to fit that person.
Making new friends after spending years exclusively in one persons company was such a wonderful experience.

>> No.11663647

Are you 15 ?

>> No.11663652

>Ariel Pink
I used to listen to that, I used to listen to a lot of things I used to read a lot of things, I used to do a lot of things things were okay back then, everyhting feels so shit now, every conversation is vapid and dull, the shallow distractions now are even hollow and disastifying and not as good as they used to be, food tastes not even fraction of as good as I remember it tasting, once overly sweet and satiating soda is an unsatisfying insertion of swill with a faint flavor, even cigarettes somehow taste worse now, I think the world is going to shit, but when I look back Ive always been shit, I was never particularly a good person, I remembering being an asshole far back, but back then there was always something there to aspire to enough to pretend not be, now theres nothing

>> No.11663896

Here on my laptop and from the comfort of my air conditioned suburban home i declare that the status quo is unsustainable and that we are veering inexorably toward catastrophe. If you disagree then you must be a redditor who reads boomer tier authors like steven pinker and milton friedman. Does it matter that i enjoy higher standards of living than the mightiest medieval kings? Of course not. I'm a wage slave working to maintain a machine that benefits only my boss (whom i'm not envious of btw). Here look at these twitter graphs showing household incomes going down over the last three decades.

>> No.11663921

I feel like getting a cheesesteak and hiding in my room while watching something embarassing yet comforting, like anime.

>> No.11663939

Me duele cantidad los hombros,el cuello y la espalda a causa de mi incansable ansiedad

>> No.11663951

I appreciate your reassurance
You can reach me there if you like

>> No.11664019

Liberalism is the product of an overly affluent society. Egalitarianism, racial harmony, inclusion, hyper sensitivity, all are the products of a leisured class unaccustomed to the taste of poverty and danger. Capitalism brings its own destruction not through esoteric inherent contradictions but by its breeding of sheltered, limp dicked philodoxers.

>> No.11664127

What Belongs to Greatness. Who can attain to anything great if he does not feel in himself the force and will to inflict great pain? The ability to suffer is a small matter: in that line, weak women and even slaves often attain masterliness. But not to perish from internal distress and doubt when one inflicts great suffering and hears the cry of it - that is great, that belongs to greatness.

>> No.11664364

I will decide my first Pynchon by going to the used bookstore and buying whatever they have there.

>> No.11664787


>> No.11665102

>Does it matter that i enjoy higher standards of living than the mightiest medieval kings
so did everyone in the 19th century faggot

>> No.11665143

People who don't take the supernatural seriously are willfully ignorant.

>> No.11665229

Or just have a sense of humor about reality: see Discordianism

>> No.11665458

i thought she was a czech communist no?

>> No.11665587
File: 62 KB, 500x408, 1788485341.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"hey anon just want you to know that we care about you and you can talk to us if anything is bothering you!!!!"
>ok I'm feeling pretty despondent today because of x y and z
>"oh wow sorry to hear that."
Why the fuck did I fall for it again there have been like three people I've ever known who are actually willing to talk to you if you open up to them. Now I need to downplay to save face uggghhhhhh

>> No.11665600
File: 339 KB, 650x662, 1445199256947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had a nice little cozily obscure IRC community to belong to.
I had it once, something born out of unique, unrepeatable circumstances, it was really fun and it was great to have this little corner of reality where you can always retreat from everyday life, in the comfort of your glowing screen at night, among people who are at once strangers and intimately close. It was the cornerstone of my "online experience". Whatever else I was doing, that was always in the background, and always more important. Fun times were had. I don't have it anymore because I stupidly let "real life" pull me away from it and still regret it, years later
I now idle and occasionally spout a line on some IRC channels I really don't care about because there's nothing better. I can't forget that feeling of having that little, uniquely personal space on the web. It really felt great being part of a "secret club" and I wish I could recreate it but it's impossible.

>> No.11665793

I believe they figured out her tripcode

>> No.11665863


Dude, that was basically the entire internet circa 1995-1997. Good times. I used to belong to so many message boards that only had about 10-20 active members in them, if that.

The internet got boring once Google took over and everyone switched to blogs rather then write their own websites.

Admittedly, though, there's far more pr0n then there used to be. So there's that, I guess.

I sometimes wonder what Douglas Adams would think of the internet if he were still alive today. He was very pro-internet back when everyone thought that the internet would solve everything.

>> No.11666396

that doesn't mean i can't correct zeta for being stupid and dead thru them tho.

>> No.11666499
File: 57 KB, 432x768, rLLqpj7fip-pijGhbhI1p1VNV_BHTUQupiXecZ6PIuE[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love subscribing to fuck up subreddits like that. I'm currently subscribed to r/opiates and it's fascinating to see memes from the miserable perspective of abject trainwrecks of human beings. It's really interesting to see how people use memes and irony to normalize the most disgusting and shameful of behaviors. I bet there's a serial rapist meme community somewhere, and I would definitely subscribe if I could find it

>> No.11666511

Speaking of which, does /lit/ have a discord server?

>> No.11666529

>'m currently subscribed to r/opiates and it's fascinating to see memes from the miserable perspective of abject trainwrecks of human beings. It's really interesting to see how people use memes and irony to normalize the most disgusting and shameful of behaviors.
>It's really interesting to see how people use memes and irony to normalize the most disgusting and shameful of behaviors.
Not knowing that mainly its the makers of the opiates making those ironic normalizing memes to make the addicts more accepting

>> No.11666568

opiates don't need a sales pitch.

>> No.11666616

Erica, you could fly away with those ears of yours, and truthfully, I wish you would. Your voice squeaks in a way that would make a father gush if vocalized by his three-year-old daughter, but you are an adult, and your father died four years ago. Simply put, I don't care if you find your inner self in a strip club or in a library, as long as it's nowhere near where I choose to make my own residence.

Jessica, you have the gift of athleticism and still can't seem to shape your hips into human proportions. Have you ever watched SpongeBob? Did you ever see the episode where Squidward eats too many Crabby Patties and all the fat accumulates in his thighs? Well, don't worry if you haven't. You have the luxury of experiencing the funniest imagery in the episode every morning when you stretch in front of your dresser mirror. Perhaps a belt sander to your hip bones would help you fit between parked cars? Perhaps knowing that you have a smaller chance of dying during birth will make you feel better about your shape?

>> No.11666623

Ramona, how did your parents know to pre-emptively give you a hipster name? Does pseudo intellectualism and a lack of genuine interests run in your family? You have dyed your hair so many times now that this new black your wearing makes you look like an old homeless witch; not like the gothic Victorian era thing you were going for, but actually like newt boiling hag who is slowly taking on amphibious features herself.

Mary, you're enjoying your time at college, aren't you? You're a successful student, aren't you? You have a cozy GPA and a support system away from home in your sorority, don't you? They cheer on your habit of fucking a new guy ever few weeks, don't they? They laughed when you asked them how to get cum out of your hair, didn't they? And you somehow think that you'll be friends forever, that they won't ever tell anyone else the story of how that hoe they knew during undergrad got cum in her hair all at the expense of yourself. With friends like you, who need to watch a comedy? I guess those hoes in high school were wrong about you, weren't they? You sure showed them.

>> No.11666686

>It's really interesting to see how people use memes and irony to normalize the most disgusting and shameful of behaviors.
>how people use memes and irony to normalize the most disgusting and shameful of behaviors.
is not a sales pitch, its a normalizing pitch

>> No.11666700

damn son, how many other girls rejected you?

>> No.11666744

they don't need that either. all you need is half assed distribution, your customer base will do the rest

>> No.11666792

yea but some of them might question it, and be like, damn is this stuff bad for me, is it ruining my life... oh no wait... there are others here on the internet, and they seem to be making light of it and having fun, so I guess its already and cool and fun for me to continue

>> No.11666816

yeah opiates will protect you from the internets better than seven proxies and a healthy dose of irony m8. it's the kind of product that gets all those worries off your priorities list

>> No.11667095

A - gee boss, what should we do with this extra billion dollars from all our opiate sales?
B - idk, how about use a few thouso for a meme campaign to seep into online communities that may be exposed to recreational opiate use/abuse to try to have a light and happy and fun and innocent and save and ironic and normalize vibe so that people may be attracted to start and so that people involved may be attracted to not stop

>> No.11667104

you’ve ruined the only good board on this site you fucking niggers

>> No.11667125

>i've never felt the sweet warm love of opiates
>i imagine i'd run a billion dollar business well when i haven't even run a 50,000 dollar one
>i'd work in advertising except i seem to be having trouble getting noticed

>> No.11667159

explain how 1/145 threads ruins the board? When this thread is actually about writing, actually about the real live humans that frequent this board having a chance to universally interact with each other, and there are at any given time 50 or so worse threads

*cracks knuckles, sits back in chair, and waits to witness a response*

>> No.11667168

i meant the summer slime not you dear anon, you my beloved glinting pearl in this deep abyss

>> No.11667172

Oh, I guess what I said is absolutely impossible then, you absolutely proved me wrong.

>> No.11667173

>I'm totally over them tho

/lit/ was always shit famalam
>b-b-but back when

>> No.11667769

Pastebin it and gibe

>> No.11667779

I think to myself right now, God, all I want is to see a white ass get creamed by a big thick black cock, I want that ass to sit on my face and I want to eat every piece of thick black cum up from that freshly used white pussy.

>> No.11668110
File: 429 KB, 772x555, 34631636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11668393


>> No.11668417
File: 629 KB, 2500x1870, 1481353178166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel so lonely and empty. I don't believe any diety cares enough about my life to make me so lonely, but you gotta appreciate 21 years of really shitty life dice rolls I guess.

>> No.11668421

It's better to have people like this rather than no one at all. Even if they don't give a detialed response that doesn't mean that they don't care. Plus you don't have to downplay your issues. They are there for you to talk about what you want to talk about.

>> No.11668428

How do you earn a living

>> No.11668429

I forgot to add, their job is to listen to you, not solve your problems. Don't expect anyone to have any answers. You need to deal with your own stuff, but using others to organize your thoughts and project them out of your mouth is helpful in itself.

>> No.11668891

I got things to say but they all amount to nothing. Thus I close my eyes and enjoy my day off. This for me is the biggest gain of not being NEET anymore. Being able again to appreciate doing nothing.

>> No.11668899

I'm considering going to grad school just so I have some kind of social structure with similarly educated people.

I think working part time is ideal (assuming your work is at least somewhat fulfilling). People definitely enjoy laboring, but a 40 hour week is too long and if you're in an office probably only consists of ~20 hours of actual work.

>> No.11668914

I want to lick his fucking armpits. I want him to pull my hair.

>> No.11669311

will one of you dorks just listen to this?

>> No.11669439

What are your thoughts on it anon? I'm not very familiar with Bach and the Baroque composers, is this a particularly good piece?

>> No.11669564
File: 31 KB, 318x318, 1xwaixlq.vichan-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sent some of my works to my old literature teacher in school, I'm excited to see what he thinks about it. Also sent another text to my friend's girl who will proofread it so I can submit it to a literary context.
Doing this stuff I wanted to do for quite a time because I'm actively omitting what I actually have to do which is to get a job and find a new flatmate.
Now my rotten brain is telling me to get drunk on liquor tonight insread of being productive.

>> No.11669847

Agreed. I work 20 hours and finish my masters degree which is a nice deal. But I think I couldn't work more and still enjoy it.
The main reason I hated university was because I had no structure or regular income at all and as I'm not very sociable I became depressed and demotivated. That's when I became NEET for one year not doing anything for studies. Since I started working I actually became more interested in studying again.

>> No.11669871

My thoughts are that it is very special and good. Lots of different lines and harmonies intertwined, high spirits, energetic, happiness, exaltation, triumph, joy, excitation, human relation and celebration and pure and proud interaction. Seeing the video, for me, enhances it, sure there are times when it can be more enjoyable to not see anything, but just hear the pure music to really only sense the purity of its abstract points and motions, but the seeing the dimension of the, instruments, and their passion, and happiness, and the difficulty of their task, and the ease and greatness at which they perform it, and their happy glances at one another, is also a great inspiring and beautiful way to consume the media

>> No.11669876

>is this a particularly good piece?
I should have said, many of his pieces are particular good, this isnt anything super special of his...but it is super special, because his average is super special

>> No.11669909

never mind, its quite, quite, fancy and special

>> No.11669912

watch this to become familiar with Bach

>> No.11669935

I only came to check out this piece of music after reading this:

"But perhaps the best evidence that Mozart had more than just respect for Sebastian’s music can be found in the charming eye-witness account from his 1789 visit to Leipzig, and to St. Thomas’s Church, whose cantor, Johann Doles, studied with Sebastian Bach as a boy:

"At the instigation of Doles, the cantor of the Thomasschule in Leipzig, the choir surprised Mozart by performing the motet for double choir, 'Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied,' by the patriarch of German music, Sebastian Bach. As soon as the choir had sung a few bars, Mozart started; after a few more he exclaimed: 'What is that?' And now his whole soul seemed to be centered in his ears. When the song was ended, he cried out with delight: 'Now, here is something one can learn from!'

"He was informed that this school, where Sebastian Bach had once been cantor, possessed a complete collection of his motets, which were preserved as if they were a saint's relics. 'That is right, that is fine,' he exclaimed. 'Let me see them' There was, however, no complete score of these songs. He therefore took the separate parts, and then, what a pleasure it was for the quiet observer to see how eagerly Mozart sat down, the parts all around him, held in both hands, on his knees, on the nearest chairs. Forgetting everything else, he did not stand up again until he had looked through all the music of Sebastian Bach. He asked for copies...."

>> No.11670053

I ate an expired mars bar. Big mistake.

>> No.11670134

Live blog your suffering

>> No.11670201 [DELETED] 

>which were preserved as if they were a saint's relics
>Mozart sat down, the parts all around him, held in both hands, on his knees, on the nearest chairs.

>> No.11670208


>> No.11670245

this new nytimes redesign that removed the ap newsfeed fucking sucks, now readers will only get to see the stories after they've been carefuly "nytimesified" which is to say ideologically aligned

>> No.11670356

A lot of people in these threads or in life think that they have it hard or that they are depressed when they are sad. Sadness is chump change. True depression is emptyness. When you realize that you have nothing, no desires, no urges, no joy, no ambition, nothing. When you exist for no reason and have no reason to change. That is rock bottom. So every time you cry about Stacy rejecting you. Cling on to the fact that you have sadness, because at least sadness is something.

>> No.11670517

it might be that you feel nothing because you do nothing to make you feel - rather than because nothing can make you feel

get off 4chan, do some mad shit, go out and get rejected by a 100 stacies, and fuck a 100 chads

>> No.11670535

Those things are related though anon, it's the periods of intense sadness that give way to depression when you can't adequately cope and move on. There are very few people who are just depressed in spite of their life being good and whole.

>> No.11670550

>True depression is emptyness. When you realize that you have nothing, no desires, no urges, no joy, no ambition, nothing.

wait but isnt that the actual goal and endgame of buddhism? lmao

>> No.11670567

if sadness is negative, and depression is emptyness, thats kind of neutral. Would you rather feel negative/pain/badness/harm or neutral?

>> No.11670596

Could someone take a few minutes to help me out? English isn't my native language and an autistic lump in my brain causes me to struggle with what should be really simple.
Let say I have this character named Jared. If I were to write about his bike, would I use Jareds or Jared's bike? Same with other words such as Dads vs Dad's. I've googled it but I can't for the life of me find anything because this is some third grade level shit.
I know using 's can be used as a substitute for "is" as in "Name's Roger" or "Who's that?" etc. but writing "Jareds bike" feels so wrong. What do?

>> No.11670617

plural -> +s
possession -> + 's
contraction of is -> + 's

I own five chairs.
Look at the chair's legs
That chair's broken

>> No.11670621

It would be "Jared's bike." 's can show possession or it can be a contraction of is.
Here is a link: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/grammar/british-grammar/determiners/possession-john-s-car-a-friend-of-mine

>> No.11670628 [DELETED] 

this chick wants me to make plans with her this weekend, but i don't really want to, she's hot too, but she was playing hard to get too much (event though we fucked right away) by always claiming to be too busy etc. now i have pretty much lost interest, i don't want to hurt her feelings, i really do like her, but the kind of passion that would get me to commute into the city on the weekend and get a sunburn wandering around all day isn't there anymore, maybe if i make plans she'll flake out and i can stay home, and put on a show pretending to be mad, maybe i should just not do anything at all

>> No.11670631

Perfect. Thank you anons

>> No.11670637

To add on to what the other anons said the apostrophe rule doesn't apply to pronouns, most importantly "it's" is "it is", the proper genitive is just "its".

>> No.11670647

This girl who was stalking me has completely ruined Asian women for me. I see them all as vapid and selfish now.

>> No.11670655


what did they menan by this

>> No.11670662

>tfw knew like two girls with actual personalities when I was 20 and haven't found another one since
I would sincerely appreciate help here, I'm very lonely.

>> No.11670666

i wish i still got lonely

>> No.11670667


>> No.11670690

Ahhh, fuckdick

>> No.11670706

Anyone else here /Switzerland/? I have no friends and will meet up as long as you're not excessively autistic.

>> No.11670794

Companies have ruined language and communication, if im trying to inspire some person out of their depression and I say: youve just gotta find a crest and be proactive

they will be thinking : "?I just have to buy toothpaste and facewash....?"

and in a sense they may be right

>> No.11671196

There's no point in using shampoo the only reason people do is because of a big marketing campaign in the 20th century. Just use water ffs the fact that you have to put conditioner in after using shampoo to replace the shit you just ripped out of your hair should be ringing more alarm bells than it is.

>> No.11671306

How the FUCK do normies like and cope with some wageslave job? Is the idea of the weekend enough for them? How the hell do they do it. I want to fucking shoot myself everyday because of how awful this is.

>> No.11671319

do you wash your scalp with soap?

>> No.11671608

I think they want to have sex with big felines using the cowgirl position

>> No.11671678

he said water and he's right.

i haven't used soap in years and stink less than ever by not upsetting my body with paint stripper every day.

>> No.11671802

but you wash your skin with soap, and see the reasonable need to, and the top of your head has skin, why does the rest of your body need soap and not that?