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File: 499 KB, 641x634, stalin bong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11645177 No.11645177 [Reply] [Original]

I don't really want to say anything about Stalin's politic or deeds, but how the fuck is this guy's prose so good? Clear, concise, knows exactly when to confrontational and when to be soft and when to dramatic and when to be academic. You can't read anything he wrote without being enchanted and coming away speaking and writing like him unconsciously.

>> No.11645183

first of all, no
second of all everything he wrote is ghostwritten

>> No.11645192

>everything he wrote is ghost written
>no evidence
Absolute horseshit. I mean he was a poet and then an editor of a newspaper for fucking years and his speeches pretty much met his writings in prose.

>> No.11645872

What his best works?

>> No.11645882

that's why stalin was stalin, and trotsky was a butthurt lil bitch

>> No.11645887

You can say the same about Hitler's speech, or any politician ever that was worth their salary.

Stop trying to crypto-advertise your commie bullshit. Eastern Bloc was shit. Go live in a commune far away from the rest of us.

>> No.11645892

What books did he write?

>> No.11645943

Is there a good English translation available?

>> No.11645947

daily reminder holomodor never happened and was a capitalist conspiracy

>> No.11645965

post an excerpt
hitler's speeches are insanely good, i dont even speak german but just the subtitles alone in combination with the video and sound give me chills
look at this shit

>> No.11645981

did gladwell put hitler in that 10,000 hours book? cuz the reason he was so good was cuz he got a gig giving talks to ww1 vets every damn day so he honed his public speaking skills to ultra pro tier

>> No.11646001

it also helped that he was clearly extremely emotionally invested in what he was saying. Maybe that was an act, but if so that is some impressive acting

>> No.11646049

Always thought Stalin was a shit writer desu, he's very clear for sure, but I always thought his stuff was devoid of character. Not a very sharp thinker either. As far as communist figures go Mao was far cleverer and a better writer.

>> No.11646080

sorry, stalin's writing on "the national question" resonated with everyone struggling against colonialism in the third world, if you are fighting to be free from european colonialism how can you really join a movement where u will just merge into one big culture with france or whatever? trotsky's permanent revolution crap was utterly tone deaf

>> No.11646137

> the subtitles alone
are incorrect

>> No.11647043

what else is worth reading by Stalin?

>> No.11647518

nothing by stalin is worth reading. it's mein-kampf tier political shillery. use your time more wisely

>> No.11647551

t. Abraham Cohenbergowitz

>> No.11647560
File: 108 KB, 569x900, 1533079237404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did Stalin stand on the Jewish Question

>> No.11647616
File: 91 KB, 1454x724, Oqlej1R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. Leiba Bronstein

>> No.11647622

Stalin couldn't even speak Russian properly, his prose is absolutely horrible

>> No.11647627


>> No.11647647

So why is communism always called a Jewish plot if Stalin hated the Jews

>> No.11647674

>reading Stalin's prose
>not poetry
that's a stabbing offence.

>> No.11647682

cuz anti-semites are retarded, but communism was actually a jewish plot desu

>> No.11647699

Bolshevik USSR =/= Stalin's USSR

>> No.11647710
File: 1.13 MB, 1070x1069, 1532521222502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did Stalin reconcile his hatred for Jews with the fact that Marx was a Jew, the Bolsheviks were Jews, and communism was largely funded by Jews? Did he ever talk about this or did he just ignore it

>> No.11647718

he tried to create israel. got nominated for the nobel peace prize a few times for it. he maintained that jews needed to be segregated because they couldn't be communized. the autonomous jewish oblast is another example of how he tried to get them all in one place, and out of the way of everyone else who might understand communism.
it's almost like the american evangelical stance on israel. it's not pro-jewish, but very pro sending them back to canaan.

>> No.11647733
File: 859 KB, 1079x1081, 1528199284288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure how familiar you are with American evangelicals. They are very pro Jewish. I grew up in a southern baptist church. They basically worship Jews. It's pretty sickening.

>> No.11647765

Marxism and problems of linguistics
Economic problems of socialism in the USSR

>> No.11647852


I've never seen a video of Stalin speaking, any transcripts, or written works by him.

People have a million opinions about him but I have no idea what he actual thought or wanted people to think.

Post links to speeches, or transcripts, or books written by him?

>> No.11647861

Fuck off, commie lover. His prose isn't even good. Stop spreading communist propaganda.

>> No.11647889

Stalin was a brainlet compared to Lenin, but still much smarter than any of our current world leaders. That doesn't make him good, he misunderstood many things about Marx and Lenin's ideas. Anyway, here is a book and a speech.


>> No.11647952

Those subtitles are ass

>> No.11648021

unironically kys

>> No.11648912

especially considering the massive famine happening in the rest of europe at the time that no one talks about

>> No.11648928

the reason for zionism in evangelical and eschatological christianity is that the jews need to die in israel for the second coming. them dying in poland doesn't count.

>> No.11649127


>> No.11649162
File: 5 KB, 268x342, c8e19ef6ecdd03b51955a186d933e6e6c853b848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stalin was a leader, more than he was a theorist and so he didn't write much, in terms of theory atleast. What is absolutely worth reading of his is:
"Marxism & the national and colonial question"
"Anarchism or Socialism?"
"Dialectical and Historical Materialism"
"Economic problems of socialism in the USSR"
and "Foundations of Leninism"

t. révisionniste

>> No.11649227

Don’t call me a revisionist mate. Stalin accused Lenin of “national liberalism” for his policy of autonomy for SSRs. Stalin’s “Socialism in One Country” goes against Engels and Lenin’s words explicitly. He tried to suppress Marx’s earlier works. He misunderstood the dialectic. I could go on and on. It is Stalin who was “revisionist”.

>> No.11649343

> reading Stalin
> not as a historian who knows which undercurrents, hot topics, and personal beefs caused that and that paragraph to appear
> not as an amateur who wants to understand the language and directions of socially or officially sanctioned discussions of the era
> but to study some political theory

Why don't you read some pre-20th century politician? They had also produced lots of bullshit in their days. Wait, let me guess: you need to get to the library and work with lots of old sources for that, and have a decent grasp of certain historical period to learn about those sources beforehand. It's much easier with those hip pop cultural icons like Stalin and Hitler.

>> No.11649369

after economic problems in the ussr read dialogue with stalin

>> No.11649396

>the holocaust and colonial crimes against humanity all totally happen
>the holodomor and commie war crimes are all bourgeois lies

absolute state of commies

>> No.11649403

Stalin and Mao were poorly read in Marxist theory yet arguably the most successful Marxist leaders. Marxists academics and internet LARPers are the most well-read in Marxist theory yet arguably have produced fuck all.

Makes you think.

>> No.11649405

It's almost like dictators tend to be charismatic.

>> No.11649409

Bordiga denied the Holocaust. He was Marxist.

>> No.11649449

Not much to do with these two retards thought process, but it was more of a thought experiment than actual denial. Its incredibly retarded though.

>> No.11649490

he didnt stop, lying about my boi

>> No.11649555

The funny thing is that the whole point of Marxism is the unity of theory and practise.

Loving this fucking meme. I will never understand how looking for economic causes of the Holocaust that tie it to capitalism is supposed to equate to Holocaust denial. Some washed up French alcoholics appropriating his essay on Auschwitz for their negationism doesn't change that fact. I suppose spouting that shit has actually read Bordiga.

>> No.11649558

nobody spouting that shit*

>> No.11649603

Bordiga plays down the uniqueness of the Holocaust.

>> No.11649656

In what universe does that equate to denying that it happened?

>> No.11649762

he's literally saying they weren't extermination camps though

>> No.11649771

That's where the Meth comes in

>> No.11650203

he didnt even write that text lmao

>> No.11650220

prove it

>> No.11650227

His speeches were ghost written

>> No.11650226

Hitler was a terrible writer.

>> No.11650231

Hitler's speeches are only said to be good by Anglos. Germans think his accent sounds funny.

>> No.11650234

hitler being austrian probably explains his austrian accent

>> No.11650274

Dafuq are you talking about?
Mein Kampf is nothing but a long, mostly-untrue autobiography, filled with Anti-Semitic rants, and German-Nationalist rhetoric without any actual philosophy behind it.
Stalin's work on the other hand, vonsists of:
The National Question - Single-Handedly resolved the contradiction between the need to confront bourgeois nationalism among the minority nationalities of the Russian Empire, in the interest of defending Socialist-Internationalism, and the need to oppose imperialism, and support National-Liberation struggles against colonial powers, and in so doing, ensured the creation of the USSR
Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR - Makes cogent, well-researched responses to critics of his economic policy, by demonstrating a thorough understanding of both Marxist Economics, and the political situation on the home front, and using both to prove that Commodity-Production is not the antithesis of Socialism.
Foundations of Leninism - Accurately explained the theoretical foundations, and practical applications of Lenin's contributions to Marxisr theory, in a way that the average qorking class Joe can actually understand.

>> No.11650279

Okay trotsky

>> No.11650566

The ÌCP says so, they would know

>> No.11650576

it was also originally written in french

>> No.11650578

Do you own his collected works?

>> No.11650587
File: 85 KB, 1531x246, 27092759-896A-4D9C-BEA2-5D3121B62215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11650621

The Jewish one. Nothing can compare to the Holocaust!

>> No.11650681

>all this apologetics for tyranny and empire
>worth reading

>> No.11650700

Can't believe this guy did this copy-pasta before me.

>> No.11650703

Stalin was an uncultured bumpkin from the Caucus that all his life had nothing but a penchant for violence. Trotsky and Lenin both looked down on him as intellectually unpolished and lacking in sophistication. His grasp of Marxist theory was proficient at best, and he didn't have a mind for abstraction.
His contributions to Marxism were based around his cult of personality and his decision making abilities as administrator and warlord and killer. His writings were all window dressing.

>> No.11650711

>people who commit mass murder can't possibly lie too

Soviets were always the good guys.

>> No.11650724

>His contributions to Marxism were based around his cult of personality and his decision making abilities as administrator and warlord and killer. His writings were all window dressing.
Exactly this.

>> No.11650756

imagine being a whiny jewish intellectual always making snarky remarks and belittling people and then being outsmarted by a turkish redneck and getting icepicked in the head in exile in beanerville

>> No.11650766

His prose is known as boring.

>> No.11650810

>tfw will never single-handedly hijack a system made by and for jewish degenerates
he outjewed the jew and more than 80 years later they're still butthurt.

>> No.11650841

I don't think anyone on /lit/ is fluent in Georgian or Russian.

>> No.11651290

Idiot poster.

>> No.11651313

this site fuckin sucks but content like this is like raw dopamine blast to the brain and torture to the sides that makes it impossible to stay away

>> No.11651485
File: 17 KB, 220x257, stalin 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stalin was the manliest man to ever lived
I'm sorry little bitches but this is what peak performance looks like

>> No.11652424

No, but only because it's all free online.

>Apologetics for tyrrany, and Empire.
Okay, assuming that this is not bait, you clearly have never read anything that Stalin wrote, and know nothing about Soviet history in general.

>> No.11652656

>Anarchism or Socialism
>worth reading

>> No.11653110

>know nothing about Soviet history in general.
Unfortunately for your attempts at revisionism, the cultural memory of policies like Lysenkoism is still alive. You aren't going to gaslight anyone about Stalin.

>> No.11653296

God I wish that was me

>> No.11654346


Did it even write?