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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 67 KB, 512x628, H._P._Lovecraft,_June_1934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11643797 No.11643797 [Reply] [Original]

The biggest beta faggot in all of literature. Just one look into his beta face tells you all you need to know about him - and thus his stories, because weirdos with mommy issues will only ever write about himself. The fact that this awkward nerd, who couldn't event have one photograph taken of him without revealing to be on the far end of the spectrum, is famous worldwide is indicative of the current state of societies like little else...

>> No.11643809

Someone's jealous

>> No.11643814

>The biggest beta faggot in all of literature. Just one look into his beta face tells you all you need to know about him - and thus his stories, because weirdos with mommy issues will only ever write about himself.
Does it matter?

>> No.11643815

u mad

>> No.11643822

Is this mark zuckerberg? I didn't know he wrote stuff

>> No.11643833

I really believe he just needed to get dicked by a huge black man.

>> No.11643836

Not everyone has the same urgencies as you.

>> No.11643842

na just pissed to hear about this fag over and over while authors who actually tried to create something get forgotten. Every twelveyearold heard of Lovecuck, who has heard of de L’Isle-Adam who was far more creative in his days?

>> No.11643850

>while authors who actually tried to create something get forgotten.
He created something. Tell me about these forgotten authors.

>> No.11643864

>OMG, the ancient nhaethntavby-potpjzrht the third, such nameless terror, i saw him while my cats were meowing on the moon
wow, much creative, such skillfull writing.

>> No.11643879

You can try to mock the man's work with a few retarded words but it doesn't diminish his work. The fact that you dont like what he wrote doesn't mean he's not good. Also you dodged the other part of my reply.

>> No.11643979

OP also spams nietzche threads

>> No.11643982

I'd like to hear about those forgotten authors too.

>> No.11644009

He looks like Zuckerberg

>> No.11644097

Yeah, he writes lovecraftian stories. Pretty cool

>> No.11644468

So no authors for us then? Figured as much.

>> No.11644882

I like his stories :^)

>> No.11646115

>The biggest beta faggot in all of literature. Just one look into his beta face tells you all you need to know about him - and thus his stories, because weirdos with mommy issues will only ever write about himself. The fact that this awkward nerd, who couldn't event have one photograph taken of him without revealing to be on the far end of the spectrum, is famous worldwide is indicative of the current state of societies like little else...
Not an argument.

>> No.11646118

He was right about niggers

>> No.11646189

t. negro

>> No.11646284

If you're talking about Villiers, I'm a fan and I also enjoy Lovecraft. Tell me about these other forgotten authors?

I can't tell if this is bait or if you're actually a huge ignorant prick. Being so angry at someone's success is just stupid. Blame the average person supporting the lesser artists if you really want to, but don't attack someone's personal character just because they wrote a story you don't like.

>> No.11646356
File: 12 KB, 219x284, REH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robert Howard was a bigger beta.

>> No.11646563
File: 167 KB, 727x1024, howard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say that to his face, poindexter.

>> No.11646576

did he have long face syndrome?

>> No.11646654

Not to mention that he created Facebook

>> No.11647416

so spooky

>> No.11647477

He'd shoot himself for being so humiliated.

>> No.11647806

Friendly reminder Lovecraft got married, made friends, and his groundbreaking fiction changed horror forever. Who cares that he was awkward and had mommy issues? Your arguments are pure ad hominem.

>> No.11648426
File: 220 KB, 640x640, dfsds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>L. Sprague de Camp estimated that Lovecraft wrote nearly 100,000 letters in his lifetime. S.T. Joshi seconds this estimate in his “A Look at Lovecraft’s Letters"