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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 106 KB, 800x1200, ollyDfWib7yX4AILVZH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11641824 No.11641824 [Reply] [Original]

>only reads contemporary philosophical works

>> No.11641832

nothing wrong with that desu

>> No.11641834

Still better than reading nothing at all.

>> No.11641840

>listens to podcasts for "bundled knowledge"

>> No.11641849

beautiful thread

>> No.11642547

Go to bed SoiOllie

>> No.11642706

Not only that but never reading outside his comfort zone.

>> No.11642750

Of course, why would anyone want to read the oppressive words of old white men? Only /pol/ losers and incels obviously.

>> No.11642760

You're telling me this dork actually reads?

>> No.11642884

Olly's what happens when a bugman's comfort zone is Marxist literature instead of Marvel. Despite all his readings of "philosophy" he still has the wisdom and understanding of the world of a child.
He is well-spoken but his world-view boils down to "fascist are mean and leftist are good :^)". Watch his video on "why leftism will win" and you realize he basically contextualizes his worldview as good-guys vs bad-guys like a fucking Marvel flick. It never occurs to him that political ideologies will "win" because that's not history works and he seems to think that "the world bends towards justice" a belief that is only possible if you never read books written over 100 years ago, which of course he doesn't.
Don't be fooled by this guy, he may be erudite and name-drop impressive thinkers, but he's a sad bugman who consumes philosophy like comic books.

>> No.11642898
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Nice try Ollie, but I'm not watching your video on why the left will win, go beg money from your patreons instead.

>> No.11642913

I was just using that vid as a reference. Obviously I would never advocate watching his content for any reason other than gaining insight as to how so many students can study philosophy for a living and still be borderline retarded.

>> No.11642945

He is handsome

>> No.11643073

I don't think anyone does this. Unless you mean self-help stuff like jordan peterson.

>> No.11643251

Holy shit thank you.

>> No.11643269

Who is this?

>> No.11643289

>would rub pussy on his face/10

>> No.11643325

Memes aside, I like some of his content when he isn't preaching about the left, thats more than I can say for pseudo-philosophy right-wing channels with their Harris and Peterson Rekt compilations
Also what >>11642884 said is spot-on

>> No.11643345

>his source of knowledge about philosophy are School of Life youtube videos

>> No.11643359
File: 510 KB, 700x875, cinematic toronto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the ultimate spineless centrist take.

>be fascist, want to kill all nonwhites
>be marxist, want everyone to live well
>basically the same thing and if you think one's evil you're a moron

The easiest way to spot a fascist? They always say they're not evil.

>> No.11643633

A YouTuber who goes by the name PhilosophyTube

>> No.11643658

>basically the same thing and if you think one's evil you're a moron
Lmao, I never equivocated fascism and communism, But lol at your definitions. I'm sure Franco and Tojo wanted to kill non-whites and Pol Pot wanted people to just get along :^).
But your incredibly naive childish take really solidifies the idea that Ollie and his ilk are children playing dress-up in daddy's Marxist ideology.

>> No.11643687

/lit/ - youtubers and porn

>> No.11643702

Why do marxists always get so flustered over centrism? I'm not going to embrace every part you a single ideology dude

>> No.11643727

Exoteric marxism relies on subterfuge to deliver the payload such as sugar coating it in the jargon of vulgar universalist utilitarianism and perpetual struggle against the hypostatized ur-enemy before moving you onto the hard stuff.

>> No.11643756

This is the kind of thinking that occurs when someone's primary influence is punk records.

>> No.11643861

He really isn't

>> No.11643930

he looks like a young sadler

>> No.11644037


>> No.11644053

>has sex

>> No.11644108


>> No.11644136

I am inherently distrustful of anyone with a goatee.

>> No.11645208

Lol but they are polar opposites

>> No.11645253

>be fascist, want to save your dying people
>be marxist, send millions of people to labour camps, many dying
Centrists take everybody.

>> No.11645275

He looks more like a taller Destiny who has retained some intellectual integrity and is not completely morally bankrupt.

>> No.11645278

>causing wars all over the globe for profit

>> No.11645303
File: 490 KB, 449x401, Girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Intellectual integrity

>> No.11645316

I want that haircut.

>> No.11645322

Dude have you read Game of Thrones and Philosophy?

>> No.11645350
File: 1.15 MB, 1104x1280, when you see facts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only comments on contemporary politics

>> No.11645383

You know this guy's a closet faggot and has a thing for contrapoints right?

>> No.11645408

Who doesn't?

>> No.11645415

The Golden One

>> No.11645451
File: 238 KB, 400x386, 1527868756559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watch his video on "why leftism will win"
He got absolutely BTFO into oblivion by TrueDilTom with this.

>> No.11645470
File: 110 KB, 633x758, 1534295795190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>be fascist, want to kill all nonwhites
I don't even think you're baiting, I think you're serious here.

>> No.11645576

Ollie wants to talk about the mouth feel

>> No.11645937

Natalie is unironically in the top 10% of women in terms of attractiveness.

>> No.11646485
File: 37 KB, 384x384, baz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only reads the football section

>> No.11646762

Spoken like a true brainlet.

>> No.11646776

How can someone be as dumb as you: you read a criticism about a guy who frames everything in terms of good guys vs bad guys and the only way you find to describe the situation is:
>be fascist, want to kill all nonwhites
>be marxist, want everyone to live well

I hope you're a troll, but the fact that you gave that kind of response when the poster you're quoting isn't saying anything centris or stating that fascists and communists are the same, makes me think you're actually just a moron.

>> No.11646799

TrueDiltom is an even bigger pseud. The guy isn't even entry-tier, he's someone entry-tiering, look at some of his year old videos

>> No.11646824

Downed a can of warm Carling in remembrance

>> No.11646825

Go back to streaming on twitch olly.

>> No.11646844
File: 813 KB, 1024x1024, laughing cossacks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(You) can't be serious

>> No.11646870

TrueDiltom's new reactionary style only started THIS year. Imagine being so arrogant and thirsty for e-fame that you speedread books and think yourself an authority after less 12 months of amateurish study. His debate tactic is to talk over others and regurgitate stuff that better read scholars have written on Nietzsche, Hoppe, Rothbard, Mises, Moldbug. Look at how he is constantly name-dropping authors. Perhaps most tellingly, look at how insecure he is, hiding his face behind the microphone, purposely overexposed streams. Look at interviews with him. This is a teenager trying to make a name for himself on the internet.

>> No.11646972

>be fascist, be a big meanie head :(
>be communist, be the good guys :)
Its okay when you kill the bourseoisie though, right?

>> No.11646991

If you actually like reading then it wont take long at all to get through a lot of reactionary literature. And he literally says himself that he is "standing on the shoulders of giants" and likes to platform ideas from people smarter than him, he's a humble boi.

>> No.11647140

I kinda agree with this. He posted his bookshelf a few days ago on the insta and it's embarrassing to say the least. All pop-econ and a few Nietzsche books. I don't doubt he studies, but he's very surface level it's true.

>> No.11647179

t. Olly who's been working on this comeback since the refutation video.