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/lit/ - Literature

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11641087 No.11641087 [Reply] [Original]

Yo. whats the deal with you fools who hate postmodernism? im not saying its not bad but the easiest explamation for this is, we have to harshly accept the truth of postmodernism (as the theory not the art form), because of course discussing postmodernism is not “postmodernism”. This seems obvious to me but not to the people who say postmodernism sucks

>> No.11641102
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>im not saying you need to like postmodernism but we should discuss it
>stop discussing it in a way i dont like

>> No.11641106

i didnt say you are discussing it wrong, youre not discussing it at all

>> No.11641115

i hope you didnt just try to post modernism me

>> No.11641124

that observation is very post-modern

i love all the greats like liotard and bawdreeard and dereda and fucult

>> No.11641133

bitch dont accuse me of postmodernism for calling someone out on postmodernism against my solution to post mosernism

>> No.11641146

also stop accusing people of being pseudo intellectuals its very trivial

>> No.11641856

i don't hate postmodernism. i hate some of the things that have been done in the name of postmodernism.

> take someone else's book
> publish the whole thing under your name
> claim "appropriation"

>> No.11641912

Post-modernism's focus on "experimentation" over everything results in most works in the genre being shit for pretentious dickbags to circle jerk over, it's the Trout Mask Replica of literary genres. There's a few good works but most of it is not worth the time.

>> No.11641985
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>also stop accusing people of being pseudo intellectuals its very trivial

>> No.11642234
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to be honest i ignore postmodern theory and postmodern philosophy because frankly i don't care what they have to say. they don't increase my enjoyment of the work, so they aren't useful as critics.

as for postmodern literature itself, its fun for a while but gets tedious. i binged out on authors like pynchon and brautigan in my mid-twenties and enjoyed them for a while. now that i'm in my thirties i prefer books with stories and characters where everything isn't all wacky and zany. it's like eating too much sugar - eventually you want something heartier and healthier.

>> No.11642241

people who hate postmodernismare just brainlets that dont really even know what it is or who need a strong figure (obviously a MAN) to tell them what to do and how to live because they dont have the capacity to formulate one for themselves

>> No.11642254
File: 32 KB, 474x568, c25e659f37090007cb5826efde253d1d--fallout-game-pnp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty much this.

in a historical context, where you can understand it as a cultural and social development of earlier ideas, there's no doubt that some aspects of postmodernism are pretty cool. even inarguable.

for me at least the interest in looking in other directions just come out of what i perceive to be the dead ends (or black holes) where that kind of thinking ultimately leads.

>> No.11642296
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if postmodernity resembled something like this it would be the greatest thing ever. and yet that does not seem to be the case.

>> No.11642350

Starts with "Yo."

Kill yourself

>> No.11642358

You guys are missing out big time by avoiding postmodern poetics.

>> No.11642363

lead the way senpai. where to begin?