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11640953 No.11640953 [Reply] [Original]

what comes after postmodernism?

>> No.11640954

new sincerity

>> No.11640974

its going to be the bloodiest culling in history

the whole world will just about look like Carthage after Rome got done with if after the dust settles

>> No.11641001

The battle between Catholic Primitivist Social Democracy and Neo-Reactionary Transhumanist Communism

>> No.11641008


>> No.11641014


>> No.11641021
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Get with the times old man it’s called metamodernism and it’s already happening

>> No.11641034

does metamodernism have any meaning beyond "it's not postmodernism, but a reaction to it?"

>> No.11641045


>> No.11641049

Metamodernism is to postmodernism as accelerationism is to capitalism

>> No.11641050

Luuke Skywalker?

>> No.11641052

postmodernism two

>> No.11641054

The end of the Kali Yuga aka the cycle restarts, every generation thinks theres is the last, i think people underestimate how bad things can get, strap in its gonna be a long ride

>> No.11641057

based poop oster

>> No.11641065

This question is post modern af

>> No.11641128

whats going on my friend

>> No.11641129

i love u based poop oyster

>> No.11641152

i love you too my friend

>> No.11641182


>> No.11641203

Please recommend stuff to understand metamodernism

>> No.11641204

what meaning are you looking for in these societal theories?

>> No.11641351


>> No.11641432

I really do hope this will take off in the arts and life in general. 20s could be awesome.

>> No.11641440

You mean, like, anti-postmodernism?

>> No.11642152

it's already happening. tao lin's trip and karl ove knausgaard's my struggle can only be described as new sincerity.

>> No.11642167

new survivalism
post-not being chased by wolves-ism
transcendental inter-celestial hermaphroditism

so many options

>> No.11642174

crypto darkly cynical sincerity

>> No.11642176
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>> No.11642178

>middlebrow trash
honoring dfw's legacy to a t

>> No.11642189

a variety of things, including stuckism. the antistuckists obviously follow on from them.
>mfw you probably won't google that to find out you already know about them
>lack of picrelated

>> No.11642200


>> No.11642204

ironic because dfw predicted that when new sincerity emerged it would be attacked for just that sort of thing

>> No.11642239

The increasing return to a divine outlook on life seen spreading on this board could also support this notion. I´m thinking of the metaphysical, buhuddistic, mystic and traditionalist discussions that´s becoming more widely known around the internet, as well as on the streets.

A lot of people in my range of acquiantances have started to spontaneously read philosophy - including myself.
I think the school systems focus on the engineered side of our societal developements leaves an empty space for a form of coherency to take its place...

>> No.11642248

Uphold Peterson-Roganist Thought!

>> No.11642250


>> No.11642262

>neo reactionary
U don't get it do you?

>> No.11642264

fully automated luxury space communism vs anarcho primitivism

>> No.11642279

postpostmodernsim, duh!

>> No.11642288

It already came and it's called New Sincerity and it's utter shit like Franzen and Safran-Foer.

>> No.11642342

The Caliphate.

>> No.11642359 [DELETED] 
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fascist panpsychism

>> No.11642618

No just you

>> No.11642641

technological neo-modernism. When everyone's fucking robots and you are dealing with androids then we're not in postmodernism any more. Want to know how I know that?
Because software logic and computers are taking over the world, and imposing logic on reality. Logic has triumphed over irrationality. Everything we do is scaffolded by a digital infrastructure that is as crystal clear in its logic as Wittgenstien's Tractatus is in its writing style.

Forces of sincerity and necessity are asserting themselves. Shit is getting real. Politics is leading to bloodshed in the streets. There are no postmodernists in foxholes.

>> No.11642681

Feminism, critical race theory and the Social Justice movement. Have you all been living under a rock?

>> No.11642690

There is nothing else. This is the end of history.

>> No.11642727


>> No.11642737
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>> No.11642758
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Only Halal answer

>> No.11642798

>A lot of people in my range of acquiantances have started to spontaneously read philosophy
I've noticed this too. Specifically a few attractive 'normie' girls I've met recently. And I'm not talking absurdism and existentialism either. Actual philosophy like the Greeks. One even introduced me to a few new ideas. She could even argue for her own interpretation in the form of dialectic. I think perhaps some of these girls don't want to be that typical attractive girl who isn't good for conversation and I suspect some--some--might have an actual interest in it outside vanity.

>> No.11642807


>> No.11642836

nothing, history is over we will just relive the second half of the 20th century forever

>> No.11642844

The whole is so much more than the sum of its parts, in fact the whole is infinitely more than the sum of its parts

>> No.11642857

until inevitable ecocide? "the end of history" is a meme, even moreso when used in a non-marxian sense.
>hurr the end of history is a perpetual morass of mediocrity
sounds like the default state of history rather than its end

>> No.11642869

December's screeching posts

>> No.11642876

Who is this cartoonist?

>> No.11642902


>> No.11643361


>> No.11643407


>> No.11643421

how do you introduce new overarching narratives when postmodernism killed the whole notion of such things

>> No.11643459
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Post-modernism being considered a literary genre with clearly defined characteristics and with precise expectations from the readership, and not simply a period of reaction to modernism, shows us how much post-modernism is over.

>> No.11643478
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>> No.11643507


>> No.11643580

The greek again

>> No.11643627


Bokuno Pico, he's from Zimbabwe.

>> No.11643652
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Machinic Capital becomes self aware and decides to gamify the humanist remnant with asinine catchphrases and repetitious imagery.

>> No.11643832


>> No.11643870

Isn't or wasn't this already a thing? I consider it a failure and just a sub-sphere of the postpostwhateverism we're living in.

>> No.11643876

read mcluhan baka

>> No.11644541


>> No.11644592

What did he say?

>> No.11644612

media environments > literary periods

>> No.11644635
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based and redpilled

>> No.11644768

Wipe your ass and get a good whiff. We're going to be too hungry to care after the war.

>> No.11644772


You get to decide for yourself, anon. Why do you have to follow literary/cultural trends? Find what's true for you logically and emotionally.

>> No.11644776

Why is something middlebrow inherently trash?

>> No.11644784


>> No.11644828


>> No.11644858

Race war.

>> No.11644887
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>he doesn’t study Westian thought

>> No.11644924

Following this we move into a place lacking societal thought and "zeitgeist" becomes an obsolete idea.

>> No.11644932

what a ginius tbdesu.

>> No.11644938

Reactionaries of any form can be transhumanist lol

>> No.11645023

beta uprising

>> No.11645175

>not Gamers uprising

>> No.11645197
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Yes, it was. Judeo-postmodernism was the result of a cultural stratification that zombie boomers under the spell of jewish-run television programming inter alia were the useful idiots for. They did the bidding of the jews now running our institutions by tearing down their own society and allowing themselves to be browbeaten with words like "racism." This has led to the cultural degeneration of the west present everywhere, and the current invasions occurring in white countries due to our internal weakness and having allowed ourselves to be ruled by a foreign tribe that hates us.

Gen x folks like Wallace and Franzen knew something was wrong, but since they developed their worldview pre-internet and weren't aware of the problem as we are now, they could only advance a half-measured rebuttal in attempt to make the culture a little less depressing, nihilistic, and self-destructive, which resulted in New Sincerity.

Both were right in their critiques of postmodernism but their response was ineffective because they didn't understand that postmodernism was the result of jews poisoning western culture. We know that now, it's simple fact, so what comes after, next, now, is the movement that puts that together, reconnects whites with the heritage the boomers were disconnected from, and helps bring forth the coming imperium along with the physical removal of jews that must come part and parcel with that cultural and racial revitalization. This is all already happening as well.

>> No.11645200

Based Kelly

>> No.11645207

Late Modernity
we are currently in late High Modernity

>> No.11645215

I dunno man, I'm pretty blackpilled. Something will have to change for people to actually give a fuck the future.

>> No.11645465
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Pragmatic bureaucratic consequentialist centrism.

>> No.11645473


fuck duckery

>> No.11645504

You're probably 19, have minimal experience, and not nearly fully developed intellectually so that is normal.

>> No.11645530

>Catholic Primitivist Social Democracy
Sounds nice desu

>> No.11645571


All knowledge of reading and writing will be forgotten as our consciousnesses are uploaded and we share our thoughts directly with one another without the need for primitive symbols.

>> No.11646498

collapse cult

>> No.11646519

The same. Don Quixote was basically a "post-modernist" work. In terms of its irony and structure. The best novels will continue to be similarly creative and compelling.

>> No.11647004

>ppl still posting this neonazi trash

>> No.11647010
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If you want to watch a postmodernist go absolutely fucking mental just ask them to define what it is. Lmao.