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File: 7 KB, 298x169, Malthuse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11638995 No.11638995 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Malthusian thinking still so widespread? Easy fiction to justify illusory scarcity?

>> No.11639002

how is scarcity illusory?

>> No.11639038

World economies produce more than enough to support current population forecasts. Yet arguments exist that people should have less kids, even though national economies actually require steady supplies of labour. At least until capital figures out how to make human's obsolete. Governments project generally mixed messages on this issue and many plebs on't really understand demographic theory. So they might actually think Thanos is right,say.

>> No.11639055

Any number of factors, probably. I think one that might be important to note is the distance (both physically and sociologically) between the average person and their food supply. Declining farm populations over the past century, increased consolidation in the industry, super markets, sliced bread, etc. all contribute to a general populace that's pretty far removed from any sort of understanding of the actual processes of agricultural production.

>> No.11639097

>World economies produce more than enough to support current population forecasts
That doesn't make scarcity illusory, regardless of how overabundant food production is, food is still scarce.

>Yet arguments exist that people should have less kids
I've never heard a self-described Malthusian make that argument and the people who do say such things rarely uses Malthusian arguments.

>> No.11640007

You big dummy

>> No.11640064

*global warmings your path*

>> No.11640070

inb4 fracking cope

>> No.11640165
File: 154 KB, 650x434, AFFF7CB9-D211-4AFE-9F76-2A4814FE3FD8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah yes, yes, look at this beautiful all-needs-provided city

>> No.11640207

The core idea is correct. His timeline was wrong. Entropy guarantees this ultimately.

>> No.11640219

omg did we switchhhh timeline again??

>> No.11640281

Gotta keep the useless eaters to manageable numbers.

>> No.11640294

>dude limits aren't real

>> No.11640303

If it's so popular why haven't I heard of it

>> No.11640304

wog shibbolethed

>> No.11640317

steady =/= ever increasing

>> No.11640374
File: 45 KB, 570x487, 1516156956288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a brainlet

basically, nonwhites need to stop having kids (either by disease or genocide, etc)

whites need to have more kids

stop mass immigration

problem fucking solved

>> No.11640385

this'ing this

>> No.11640386

based frogposter

>> No.11640396

Where can I vote for you anon?

>> No.11640403
File: 73 KB, 640x492, macron-africa-civilizational-problems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11640414

fuck that neolib eu shill, a fifth of his country is african

although i will admit he does make for some spicy memes

>> No.11640519
File: 365 KB, 2000x1000, really makes you think.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yet arguments exist that people should have less kids, even though national economies actually require steady supplies of labour

the internet has opened the floodgates of information. for the first time in history, people are truly exposed to the diverse constituents of reality. all empirical, all backed by consensus. data, graphs, charts, 'expert opinion' - information taught to be axiomatic, despite often being contradictory (pic related). consume, digest exponential complexification; produce confusion. the populace is left in a perpetual state of aporia.

>> No.11640539

Always makes me chuckle when I see low fertility rates as an argument for immigration. The reason (white) people aren't having children is because most middle class families simply can't afford more than 1 or 2 without persisting in their desired lifestyle. The only people who can afford to have many children are the rich or the extremely poor (on benefits). Perhaps instead of wasting hundreds of millions of dollars on bringing immigrants to a country (and all the extra housing, infrastructure, schooling, etc that is needed) you give larger monetary incentives to the native population (the middle class) to reproduce? These people often seem to forget that migrants age just like everyone else.

>> No.11640958

Oh come on anon