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/lit/ - Literature

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11635644 No.11635644 [Reply] [Original]

Post your recent purchases /lit/ and rate others

Pic related is mine, how did I do anons?

>> No.11635721

Not bad, how much $?

>> No.11635733
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why does everyone seem to buy their books in gigantic stacks rather than one at a time when you want to read them

>> No.11635738

Shipping costs mostly for me
Probably around 150 Usd, unsure of the exact conversion rate though

>> No.11635753
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Okay here goes.

>> No.11635756

You don't want to have a period where you have nothing to read after finishing a book and waiting for new ones to arrive. That's why I usually order several at once.

>> No.11635758

Good books but I would look into buying second hand more. Some books are quite hard to find for a good price, such as the Fagles translations of Homer and the Pynchon books (I often see that edition of lot 49 for $5,49, no thanks, I'll buy it new then).

Others are dirt cheap. I found that version of Beyond Good and Evil for $1, and there are a zillion copies of Mythology, they are usually $2,49 and available in many formats.

>> No.11635765

Are you going to read Anna Karenina in English and The Brothers Karamazov in Swedish? If so, why?

>> No.11635783

Those are the two languages I use the most, so I want to get better at both. And I've found that, in general, swedish translations of the russians are very good, and it just so happened that my favorite swedish publisher (Modernista) released The Brothers Karamazov recently, so of course I had to buy them.

I also occasionally buy the english version of some books simply because they're cheaper or I can't find that book in swedish.

>> No.11635799

Did you order these online?

>> No.11635820

>how to listen to jazz
Just use your ears nigga

>> No.11635831

Ah ok, that makes sense. There aren't any good versions of the Russian classics in my language (Dutch) so it caught my eye.

>> No.11635851
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>> No.11635859
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>> No.11635866

What country are you from and what site are you using?

>> No.11635895

Thanks man

>> No.11635941

Yeah a collection of abebooks, ebay and book depository (no shipping costs however I hate when they ship them 1 at a time which is why I combine it), Australia.
The title if reflecting the book accurately should be "how to critique jazz music"
Thanks for advice

>> No.11635961

you will always be a pseud

>> No.11635974

You like jazz?

>> No.11635982

You don't like the translations of russian classics published by Van Oorschot (de Russische bibliotheek)?

>> No.11635987

You did badly, I'm sorry that you're like this, also you ought to get the I Ching if you're so interested in chinkshit, the Wilhelm+Baynes translation, specifically.

>> No.11635992

>he doesn't live in a major metropolitan city near the biggest used book stores in the world

>> No.11635999

Cringe and edgepilled. This is just sad. You're only going to read like two of those books in your lifetime, and you'll never be able to hang out with the cool kids on the internet, nerd. I mean come on, you got four pinecones at once because le wacky bigword mememan? Sad, just sad.

>> No.11636009

Nice Digits

>> No.11636150
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>> No.11636324

Op shops, my dude

>> No.11636835
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>> No.11636847

You got memed OP.

>> No.11636896
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>> No.11636905

you read while stoned?

>> No.11636907


>> No.11636913

Not bad stacks itt

>> No.11636937

do you not?

>> No.11636939
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>> No.11636941
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>> No.11637000

redpilled as fuck. keep searching for the truth my based brother

>> No.11637014

Please critique my stack:
The Essential Philosophical Works of David Hume
On Politics by Alan Ryan
The Wealth of Nations
Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics
Critique of Pure Reason
The World as Will and Idea

>> No.11637076
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These haven't all been bought recently but they're what I've got lined up to finish at the minute.

Recently listened to the audiobook of Endurance by Alfred Lansing and am currently finishing off the Blackhawk Down audiobook.

>> No.11637088

The physics book might be interesting

>> No.11637174

Very good literary stack. I look forward to reading Rimbaud as well.

>> No.11637242

Occasionally, if the book lends itself to it. Pedro Paramo was a fun read.

>> No.11637253

highly recommend that edition
very well detailed and laid out, nice illustrations too

>> No.11637261

It's so dense

>> No.11637299
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My gf just received this.

>> No.11637442


Yea I'm hoping so

I was a bit insulted when I was given it at first, but my ego's relented a bit

>> No.11637465

Hi swedish anon. May I ask for some excepts of swedish The Brothers Karamazov? Some interesting snippets you like would be great. I'm really curious how it reads!

Also, if you find the time, I'd be interested in hearing some Swedish translations you recommend.

What will you start with first? Lots of variety going on. I'm secretly hoping you'll tackle Cicero early so I can prod you on it.

How are you liking Philip k Dick? Is it your first time reading him?

That's going to be an interesting read. こんばんは! Are you from Japan too?

>> No.11637473

why would anyone need to be told how to listen to music?

>> No.11637488

>Are you from Japan too?
No, I live in Buenos Aires and my japanese girlfriend lives in Tokyo. I buy things online (Mercari, Yahoo Auctions, Amazon.jp) and she receive them in her house. Next time I see her I have to pay her back. Books in english are insanely cheap in Japan.

>> No.11637490

>Anna Karenina på engelska
>förkortad version av Augustinus Bekännelser på engelska
>Lolita på svenska

>> No.11637506
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Just got pic related in the mail. Im excited. Hope I didn't waste my money

>> No.11637577

Oh that's lovely, I'm curious how you guys met. Do you guys do a book exchange or anything like that?

I know what you mean, y!j is a dangerous place for my wallet too. On the bright side our second hand book market is super affordable. It's great!

>> No.11637594

>How are you liking Philip k Dick? Is it your first time reading him?

Yea it's my first time with any of his stuff, had seen Bladerunner beforehand though. I'm enjoying it so far, reads well.

>> No.11637598

She doesn't read a lot, althought she was able to read some books thanks to me: The Hobbit, The Inheritance Cycle, ICO, etc.
I met her on Craiglist Tokyo 3 years ago, before my first trip to Japan. I was looking for someone to go to a concert and she texted me because she wanted to talk about an argentine band (Sentencia Previa).
I'm moving out to Tokyo in december and we will get married, if everything goes smoothly I should have my spouse visa before march.

>> No.11637599
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my purchases in current year. half of it is new, half used.

>> No.11637657


>> No.11637673

if you smoke daily it's not any more difficult to read/remember things. if you smoke and find yourself having memory issues take a single aspirin every day or two. idk the mechanism but it eliminates any memory issues due to cannabis use. look it up for yourself if you'd like

>> No.11637676

checked and confirmed. OP bought a bunch of memes.

>> No.11637678

That's not bad at all, does she read them in Japanese? Now I'm curious if she knows what kind of book you bought? Most girls I know are pretty conservative about those topics.

Ahh that's really cute though. I wish both of you great things in your future! Tokyo /lit/ book club one day.

Savor the moment, he's one of those great reads you want to enjoy forever. Should you find the opportunity "A Scanner Darkly" is also good, think pulpy dystopian sci fi.

Keep us updated with your progress. Have you read much science fiction prior to this?

A pile after my own heart. What's your progress on these?

Have you made your way through Ibsen yet? I hope your copy has Peer gynt, it's probably my personal favorite of his works.

>> No.11637719
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>does she read them in Japanese?
She can read in english, but most of the books I've bought for her were in japanese. Of course she has all my books available in her house and most of them are in english.
>Now I'm curious if she knows what kind of book you bought?
Everything is in her house, so she knows what I have and I'm always sperging out about what I'd like to buy next.

>> No.11637771

Living the beta dream, anon

>> No.11637834

>Savor the moment, he's one of those great reads you want to enjoy forever. Should you find the opportunity "A Scanner Darkly" is also good, think pulpy dystopian sci fi.
>Keep us updated with your progress. Have you read much science fiction prior to this?

Haven't read much sci-fi at all really. I've read I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream and about half of Ender's Game – that's it really.

I mostly read non-fiction. Historical stuff mostly.

>> No.11637929

Living the dream fellow boludo
Is your waifu qt?

>> No.11637957




don't write posts when distracted and stoned

>> No.11638476

Newfag here, what are some good books I have to read?
I had read A clockwork Orange and Asoiaf.

>> No.11638532

Start with the greeks

>> No.11638743

The 12 rules

>> No.11638751

The Chronicles of Narnia

>> No.11638763
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these, minus one that was missing
got all 15 for 8€
made me very happy

>> No.11638820
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All of these last week from a goodwill. Will return in a couple days for more and go to a few book stores but they are kinda far form me sadly.

>> No.11638898

god you're so lame

>> No.11638926
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It’s a big stack

>> No.11638936

So this is the shelf of a cuckold. Sperg-tastic.

>> No.11638961

The what?

>> No.11638996

My first book in english. I read it without any previous knowledge about Murakami, the ending and the plot twist was so disappointing.

>> No.11639019

Nice one.

>> No.11639052

Really? I’m 1/3 of the way through. :/

>> No.11639219

Great Aeschylus and Aristophanes. The Aristophanes one you got takes considerable liberties with the text, but they are hands down, bar none, the funniest translations of the plays I've ever read.

>> No.11639227

1Q84 seems to disappoint a lot of American readers in my experience. Wind-Up Bird Chronicle/Norwegian Wood/Wild Sheep Chase

>> No.11639238


>> No.11639279
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2 for $10 at B&N so I thought I might as well. I can only really do casual reading during the semester since there is so much required reading. I was reading in the lounge while waiting for class last semester and some gunner had the nerve to ask me why I'm not reading case briefs or a hornebook. Hope he enjoyed his unpaid job doing menial tasks for an associate. I'll ask him about it tonight.

>> No.11639287

Are those Illiad/Odyssey books, deckled-edge?

>> No.11639293

I thought Rulfo's El llano en llamas was called The Burning Plain, "The Plain in Flames" is too literally, although I'm not complaining.

>> No.11639297

pour vous

>> No.11639305

Our Band Could Be Your Life is good but a lot of it is misleading. Read what Steve Albini said about Michael Azerrad. That being said the Butthole Surfers section is legendary. Stoner is 10/10.

>> No.11639308

Haven't read TBK yet. Haven't read Captain Pantoja, Three Trapped Tigers or Confessions yet either, so can't comment on those.

I think Aris Fioretos translation of Lolita is really good.

Hjärnkulting lol.

>> No.11639311

Went hard for that Pinecone ddn't'cha?

>> No.11639341

Yes they are

>> No.11639509

I HATE this shit

>> No.11639512

>the directionless but eager newfriend
>the distinguished patrician (poorfag)
7/10 but only for the based weed so i know you're cool
>the redpilled one
>german sancho panza
a man who knows what he wants for sure
this one probably has a nice feminine penis
"Weiner" lol. boring stack
>the mad scientist conman
>the poorfag classicist
>the lazy meme reposter
strives hard to clean his room someday
the based /k/omrade
>the masketta man

>> No.11639533
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Am I gonna make it?

>> No.11639747

>this one probably has a nice feminine penis
It's my gf's hand.

>> No.11639817

For you

>> No.11639849
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What do you think

>> No.11640127


>> No.11640156
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>> No.11640170

Goodwill here. There's also a store here that sells new books much cheaper than places like BAM or B&N. Pretty nice desu

>> No.11640195

Rich parents bud

>> No.11640208

Oy vey that's a good copy of Catch 22 you got there.

>> No.11640227
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thrift stores bucko

>> No.11640256


>> No.11640260

I just got the same edition of Anna karenina for 4 big ones :)

>> No.11640282
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Where do you live? Books are expensive in Argentina (where I'm currently living), so I buy all I can when I'm in Tokyo. Bookoff has books for 108 yens, sometimes even less.

>> No.11640292
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I-i’m not a tradfag, I swear!

>> No.11640302

How do you afford to go to Japan often?

>> No.11640307

I have a job

>> No.11640311

What job in Argentina

>> No.11640336

On my first trip I realized how cheap video games were, and the high demand in Argentina.
My second, third and forth trips were business trips, I started selling japanese games online and I made so much money that I had 3 trips for free and I have more than 10.000 dollars (thanks to this small business). I'm making a living off of my vacations.

>> No.11640366

How do you bring them back to your country?

>> No.11640377
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In my luggage. Pic related: All the stuff I brought with me in may.

>> No.11640416

How much do PS4 games go for in Japan? Do they even sell other console games in NTSC regions? Actually I am not sure what region South America is, I just assume Japan is all JP region. So Saga Frontier and Vagrant Story are english or what? How much did those run you? I got mine at a garage sale for cheap but some PSX and PS2 games run for a ton in the USA.

>> No.11640456

>How much do PS4 games go for in Japan?
Japanese PS4 games are expensive. I got some cheap PAL and NTSC-U/C games in Trader, a stores in Akihabara that sells used games from other regions. It's very difficult to sell a game without japanese audio/subtitles to a japanese.
>Do they even sell other console games in NTSC regions?
Only in Trader, they have some 3DS, DS, PS Vita, PS3, Xbox 360 games.
>Actually I am not sure what region South America is
We are NTSC-U/C.
>Saga Frontier and Vagrant Story are english or what?
Japanase, but 100% of the PS1 and PS2 in the country are chipped. PSP, PS Vita, PS3 and PS4 are region free.
>How much did those run you?
The average game in Bookoff (Japan's biggest second-hand shop) costs 108 yens.

I make a lot of money because I buy cheap, I sell cheap and I sell fast.

>> No.11640601

not bad, keep it up

>> No.11640888
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Picked these up for $37 at The Iliad Bookshop in LA.

>> No.11640895

Bookdeposity, Worldofbooks, op-shops

>> No.11640938

Incredibly expensive

>> No.11640961


>> No.11641024

How poor are you?

>> No.11641072

The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross looks great

>> No.11641095

I got Anna Karenina, Catcher in the Rye and The Tin Drum from an opshop today for a total of $7. Just get a library card, breh

>> No.11641298
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>Books in english are insanely cheap in Japan.

>> No.11641312

I've read it. He basically argues that the original bible is a collection of mushroom puns. Unless you've got advanced degrees/experience in reading and translating ancient languages there's really no way to verify for yourself if it's true. (i'm skeptical)

>> No.11641321
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>> No.11641322

not either of those guys but i figured it would be about patmos and its hallucinogenic mushrooms. i've run into a lot more people with the theory john is a jewish scholar on drugs whose native tongue is greek/was scribed in greek.

>> No.11641373

you sure?

>> No.11641408

I've heard of that place, doesn't it have cats roaming the store?
I was supposed to go there with a friend but they ditched me and went with one of their friends even though I was the one who told them about it RRRREEEEEE

>> No.11641465
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>> No.11641503

1/3. Confessions of a Mask is the only one which I enjoyed reading (both because of its appealing theme and fluid prose).

>> No.11641522

Maybe in comparison to how much they might cost in Argentina. If you live in America or the UK, you most certainly will find a much larger variety of affordable books at your local bookstores than you would in Japan. Most of the kind of stuff I've seen at second-hand bookstores over there are genre fiction and specialty books, not a lot which might be of interest to casual readers who are mostly interested in classics or history.

>> No.11641527

Those LoA copies are pretty neat

>> No.11641601

Literally how to cope with buying used books? I am not so anal about things that need to be clean. But some people are just really filthy. Who knows what all kinds of human liquids there could be potentionally be found in them. But on the other hand the a money bill is probably more dirty...

>> No.11641625

that's just not true imo, most of the newer translations are pretty good

>> No.11641635

>a money bill is probably more dirty
so get rid of the money and buy new books
two birds with one stone

>> No.11641657

based acid free paper

>> No.11641661

Library of America has acid-free paper?

>> No.11641666

I don't know, but Everyman sure is

>> No.11641709


>> No.11641712

gonna have to start buying them

>> No.11641722

Book depository or from bookshops.

I only buy from bookshops now because I want to support my own economy but books still end up being about $10 or $30 - $40 for more popular books
I live in Australia btw

>> No.11641761

Vars köper du dina böcker anon?

>> No.11641775

I don't know how interested you are in Lovecraft, but if you want to read all of his stories I'd suggest canceling the LoA edition since it is only a selection, and instead buying the hardcovers from Arkham House.

>> No.11641800

Can you share what you thought of it after you read it?

I am interested in it, but don't know if it's worth it.

>> No.11641822

I've read the B&N hardcover which is pretty complete, but also very tacky.
I am interested in the "Selected Letters" volumes from Arkham House but most of them seem to be OOP.

>> No.11641836

The AH editions of his stories are the "standard" editions. I don't like the new dust jacket art they're using but they're not some tacky B&N books or anything.

>> No.11641975

Bokus/Adlibris eller bokborsen.se, för det mesta. Händer att man ibland köper från någon fysisk butik som Akademibokhandeln eller så, men det är mer sällan nuförtiden. Utbudet är inte så bra här i Sverige, samt att allt är så jävla dyrt.

>> No.11641989

I clean mine with rubbing alcohol.

>> No.11642049

svedish metball

>> No.11642062


Solid collection with Norwegian Wood randomly thrown in, but I'm biased because I don't like that book much.

That indie music looks interesting. I might pick it up too.

Have fun :-)

>> No.11642146

>donald duck

>> No.11642164

Carl Barks and Don Rosa Donald Duck/Uncle Scrooge comics are legit great

>> No.11642307

un negro emprendedor!

>> No.11642329

>Faulkner and Melville
My nigga

>> No.11642414

I like to read multiple things at once (you know what I mean)

>> No.11642696
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never posted in /lit/ before

>> No.11642702

fuck off back to the mirror universe

>> No.11642705
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>> No.11642709
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After years I have finally found the complette gold pleated 1916 set within my budget. Can't wait till it arrives.

Sitten der Völker - Buschan
>Customs of the Peoples - Buschan

They are THE most important volumes on Ethnographie/ Anthropologie. Great stuff.

>> No.11642718
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>> No.11642756

Alot of this is for University.
Been reading enchiridion with Gregory B. Sadler's course on ReasonIO.

>> No.11642771
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What is it about, anon? I just got pic related for 15€ Euroshekels (Durant - Kulturgeschichte der Menschheit; engl.: cultural history of humanity in 24 volumes). It's insane what people trash away.

Last year I got ALL (around 25 volumes) of Karl May in leathrbound from 1908 - FOR FREE. The guy literally just throwed them into a bag and let them sit on his yard for me Picking them up.

>> No.11642796


>> No.11642800

Based and robust , also redpilled as fuck

>> No.11642811
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Sorry, I'm retarded. Couldn't read the title and ignored the author. Don't blame me, I'm on my second helping of pic related (and recommended).

>> No.11642827
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At $7AUD each (a closing down sale). Going to go back and plunder their shelves again. The Kraus Project and the Nabokov are hardbacks.

>> No.11642829

Triftstores as well as online antiquarian booksellers (booklooker, ZVAB, …), sometimes good deals on Amazon or eBay, german equivalent of craigslist, junk market, … It takes time but if you want older books you'll get them real cheap, as there aren't as many People Looking for them, and sadly they get fewer each year.

>> No.11642938

man that ernst junger looks sweet

>> No.11642962

Sorry to tell you, but all translations and all modern publications use the post 1925 Edition. This means they use Jungers later Editions where he distanced himself from nationalism and softend half of his views as to not be seen as a Nazi, although his riginal views represent it. So he Pretty much cucked himself, which got only worse in each later Edition. I'm personally still watching out for a got german pre 1925 Edition.

>> No.11643137

Nazism is the ideology of the cucked lol

>> No.11643199

>calling the fact that one wants to read the original script muh ideology
Never gonna make it.

>> No.11643207

That edition of V is known to have typographical errors that were corrected in certain other editions.

>> No.11643245

Star with the /lit/ charts

>> No.11643257

That's not what I said

>> No.11643275

You obviously implied the only reason I would feel it to be important is because I support their ideology, don't try to save your ass now, Pleb.

>> No.11643288

What no I didn't. You implied he got cucked by distancing from his Nazism, but really if anything that was an uncucking

>> No.11643346

whats the one on the bottom

>> No.11643380

>bending your views because you're to much of a sissi too stand by your true opinion
Mind you, we are Talking About nationalism, not national-socialism. He watered down his loyality to his home Nation just to not be seen as supportive to a Party. Even in later interviews Junger tried to water it down while getting called nazi by retarded Hippies.

Stop commenting on stuff you know nothing about just because your pavlovian instincts got triggered by the word nationalism, Kevin-Sören.

>> No.11643391

Murakami and Mary Oliver. I applaud you, anon. Very good, indeed.

>> No.11644018
File: 976 KB, 2752x698, 20180818_155532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think that Nixon's memoirs are interesting, you might like Very Strange Bedfellows by Jules Witcover. It's about the relationships between Nixon, his staff, VP Agnew, and the rest of DC. Pretty interesting stuff.

Pic semi-related, it's from Witcover's older book about Agnew, White Knight.

>> No.11644034
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Iliada, crappy printing edition.

>> No.11644106
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>> No.11644126
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>> No.11644557

Mirn breh

>> No.11644743
File: 2.53 MB, 3456x4608, IMG_20180818_165744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arrived today. The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoyevsky will arrive in ~a week. Never read anything by Dosto so I hope I didn't fuck up by not ordering Crime and Punishment, The Idiot or Demons. The overall story and concept of TBK just felt the most interesting to me. I'm also quite new to reading, and I wanted a challenging book which will challenge me and take me a while to read and think about.

>> No.11645028
File: 459 KB, 1920x961, book haul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine, today for $8

plz no bully ;_;

>> No.11645037

TBK is generally recommended to read last of all but you'll still get a lot out of it if you read carefully

>> No.11645072
File: 3.00 MB, 2257x1413, bookstack818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These book just came in a few days ago

>> No.11645088
File: 737 KB, 2592x1936, FB6F5483-EC58-4408-8F38-D41A94DA2AD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought five old reference books. There are by my count around 1500 fiction summaries, 500 commentaries on a poet’s works, histories, and essays, and 200 summaries of philosophy.

I will post 2 examples.

>> No.11645094
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>> No.11645121
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>> No.11645148

Looks interesting, where'd you get them from?

>> No.11645151

>needs to read books on music
just listen to music faggot

>> No.11645167

The first two literature ones are on archive.org. I liked them and bought ‘em all on amazon and abebooks.

>> No.11645178

>needs to read an imageboard on literature
just read the books faggot

>> No.11645186
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>> No.11645232

Like humans do

>> No.11645294

Second hands books: 108 yens.
Brand new books: between 1 and 3 dollars more expensive than in the US. I bought some brand new books in a bookstore in Shinjuku. There's one close to Tokyo station but it's expensive.
Let me check.

>> No.11645340

catch-22 is so good, i'll excuse popper. ur gonna be alright

>> No.11645389
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>> No.11645400

I have that Shakespeare.

>> No.11645402

nice Ishiguro.

>> No.11645409

It's great. I just read Othello the other night.

>> No.11645418

Yes they have 2-4 cats in there not sure exactly how many. They're very docile and friendly. The store has a great literature selection and really good prices. You can find almost new hardcovers for $5 to $10. They put brodart covers on everything too. Definitely my favorite used book store in the LA area of the 5 stores that i've been to.

>> No.11645506

can't see shit

>> No.11645580

Where cunt?

>> No.11645599

Imagine needing a book's help to listen to Jazz

>> No.11645927

>not stealing 2 volumes every time you go to a borders and acquiring the entire series like I did

>> No.11645992

How do you steal from borders?

>> No.11646014

By going to one run by junkies and lazy teenagers

>> No.11646034

doesnt exist

>> No.11646045

Why would you steal something you can read online for free?

>> No.11646064

>the guy who replies to everyone

>> No.11646151

Meditations is comfy, nice bed time reading

Except the bits about the vastness of time on either side of your existence, putting into perspective just how insignificant everything you do and experience is. That might not help with falling asleep.

>> No.11646698

>Foundations at the top
Pure semiotics

>> No.11646729

Yeah, I'm planning on finishing TBK and then reading the other 3 just to reread TBK again. I wouldn't be able to grasp everything in 1 read anyway.

>> No.11646748
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>> No.11646827

I bought that same copy of Lolita the other day.
It was at a used store and they had it on display behind the counter instead of just on the shelves, so I guess copies must go quick.

>> No.11646867

Var fan fick du tag på Stuart Mill på svenska?

>> No.11646869

Nice, I also have that awful edition of Volcano

>> No.11646935

I've heard that too, so I'm guessing this must be a new translation.

Have you read The Golden Cockerel?

>> No.11646939



>> No.11646957

So this is the power of NEET tankies

>> No.11647454
File: 316 KB, 1500x1125, Busch-Harald-und-Lohse-Bernd+Monumente-des-Abendlandes-Baukunst-und-Plastiken-in-Europa-9-Bücher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All 9 volumes on european art and architecture.

>> No.11647559

IDK, it's one of the better paperbacks I bought, at least one class over Penguin or Vintage.

>> No.11647696
File: 166 KB, 1620x1080, lolbooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought these recently. In addition to the CCRU book, they constitute my entire on-hand library at present

>> No.11647704

The image is clear to Patricians only

>> No.11647717

How could you possibly tell which one of those books is Ishiguro?

>> No.11647720

Peregrine is fantastic. Enjoy it, anon.

>> No.11647742

Tales from the arabian nights, Shakespeare, The essence of jargon by alice becker-ho, Faust by goethe, The masks of god by joseph campbell,
Don quixote, Gulliver's travels, Confessions of an english opium eater, On murder, Like death, Kaputt, As a man grows older, Contempt, Chekhov's short stories, Warlock Augustus, JR, Buddenbrooks, The tales of hp lovecraft,
Sigmund freud (?)?, Henry and jane, The tropic of cancer, On war by clausewitz, The tin drum, The baphomet by pierre klossowski, Panegyric by guy debord, The atrocity exhibition by jg ballard, Stories by gogol, Demian by hesse, V by pynchon, The remains of the day by ishiguro, Spinoza: expressionism in philosophy by deleuze, Heart of a dog by bulgakov, Guy debord by anselm jappe, Confessions of felix krull- confidence man,
Capital i, Lenin by lukacs, The decline of the west, The history of civilization vol 2: greece, The plays of aeschylus

>> No.11647754



>> No.11647817

it's the best available one

>> No.11648036

>Book of Dede Korkut
>All Quiet on the Western Front, Erich Maria Remarque
>Eva Luna, Isabel Allende
>Zorro, Isabel Allende
>The Travelling Cat Chronicles, Hiro Arikawa
>a book about an Instagram whore from my country
>The Lion and The Diver (it's an really old Arab book)
>Ficciones, Jorge Luis Borges

>> No.11648223
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Eyewitness are rad.

>> No.11648836
File: 1.57 MB, 2560x1440, 20180819_130821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice stack, very readable

>> No.11648860
File: 55 KB, 1024x768, Leela-futurama-967778_1024_768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh your picture's sideways

>> No.11648872

>reading letters top to bottom
silly ay lmao

>> No.11648923

I thought it was a stack thread

>> No.11648924

Why does the cover have the painting depicting the Hungarian author and poet Babits Mihály on it?

>> No.11649245

Henri Ellenberger book Discovery of the Unconscious is absolutely genius description of the development towards the discovery of the unconscious.

>> No.11649253

Congrats on having the most snobby pretentious and obnoxious post on 4chan.

Do you also go to wine galas and reviews craft beers?

>> No.11649259

do you not?

>> No.11649263
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>> No.11649282

>The Catcher in the Rye


>> No.11650261


>> No.11650295


>> No.11650484

Did you learned about Meditations on /pol/ too, or on /fit/?

>> No.11650611
File: 331 KB, 1280x720, 2018-08-20-123554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Candide and the Monk aren't visible.
Fuck me, that is a really bad picture.

>> No.11650645

I want the nazi book.

>> No.11650657

I read it was super biased. havent bought my own copy but I think my other nazi books are better. They are pretty neutral

>> No.11650663

Too jew-bent. It is well written though. Evans' books on the Third Reich are better in terms of History.

>> No.11650691

Will say, Judson isn't bad. Good choice on getting a separate book for Galois Theory - that final chapter is shit.
Also, have a look at Garling's book on G.T.

>> No.11650699

evan who

>> No.11650713

Richard J. Evans.

>> No.11650727

Didnt he shit on Irving?

>> No.11650747

Irving made shit up. Evans is just more fair, partly because he isn't a Jew. He seems to respect the fact that Goebbels and Himler weren't just /pol/ incels but were actually intelligent and hard working.

>> No.11650761

Irving was based.

>> No.11650772

What percentage of your library have you read?

>> No.11650997
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>> No.11651094

On /fit/ in one of the /sig/ threads I believe

>> No.11651121
File: 2.34 MB, 3024x4032, books1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm reading Underworld for a class this fall, hope it goes well.

>> No.11651139

>tibetan book of the dead

What is this about

>> No.11651157

it's a spiritual text that is supposed to enlighten you on the different realms of the afterlife... i heard about it from an interview with John Lennon. i think i also heard Grant Morrison refer to it.

>> No.11651177

Sounds cool. Ill look for a copy of it.

>> No.11651601
File: 119 KB, 798x770, 1534290921937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Freud's dream interpretation

>> No.11651609

The unevenness of that stack makes me nervous

>> No.11651611
File: 70 KB, 380x349, 1530749661236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahh, the Tibetan Book of the Dead
now that's a spiritual classic!

>> No.11651862

almost got me... okay you got me.

>> No.11652268


>> No.11652300

Theoretical physicist here, Rovelli's book is great-short, sweet, concise and entertaining. Chances are, you've heard of most of the ideas laid out in the book but the translation I read was beautifully written and there's an interesting take on philosophy in the last chapter. Highly recommend it.

>> No.11652338

all based except murakami

I am a cat is worth it?

>> No.11652343

I want to pick up books in a bundle so I have some choice in what to read when I finished reading my current book, don't wait to wait for delivery, gonna buy books in a bundle, who gonn stop me huh

>> No.11652368

Nigga you don't buy books to learn to appreciate jazz music. You listen to that shit with an open ear!

>> No.11652372


>> No.11652373

>nigga you don't buy books to learn to appreaciate art, you just look at it with open eye!
Pleb go gone.

>> No.11652582

Someone recognized that quickly, huh?

>> No.11653621

Abstract Algebra by Judson and not by Dummit and Foote?

>> No.11653701
File: 148 KB, 521x1072, pendingpurchase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How rich are you?

Pic related is my shopping cart at the moment, I was thinking of getting Wittgenstein's Tractatus as I might have a course at uni next semester on Witty but it might get too expensive taking the additional shipping fee into account. Should I get the Tractatus or will I be alright studying the book from an .epub?

>> No.11653779


>How to listen to nigger doots


>> No.11653853

Btw I don't know if you've ordered already, but buying a complete set of one author is cheaper buying directly from LoA than Amazon.

>> No.11654013

>all those shitty softcovers
>still are more expansive than a used hardcover
No wonder you're poor if you waste your money on stupid copies.

>> No.11654103

Nice stack, props for Gombro.

>> No.11654930

Picked these up at one goodwill store. Green and orange tags were 30% off

>> No.11654943
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>> No.11655050

what are those prices supposed to be?

>> No.11655228
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>> No.11655326

Goodwill tags. Everything is marked 99 cents except the bottom two hardcovers, which are $1.99. Like half of them have green or orange tags though, so I got 30% off those sticker prices. If I were a senior I could have received another 30% on top of that for the Monday discount. I think there's one for teachers too.

>> No.11655341
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>> No.11655358

How much did Seneca's Letters and Schopenhauer's World cost you?

>> No.11655407


>> No.11655641

Ha! Holy shit that's good.

>> No.11655653

cool, but no one's ever going to read them

>> No.11655717

Haven't read it yet, just picked it up at my local library bookstore (which usually has a pitiful selection). I was amazed to see it at all, much less for $2, and Kokoro is a favorite of mine so I grabbed it.

>> No.11655793
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