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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 62 KB, 250x333, gravsasha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11634844 No.11634844 [Reply] [Original]

it's so... dense

>> No.11634850

>Gave up getting fucked in the ass for money in order to read Gravity's Rainbow

She's going to wish she had kept being a pornstar. At least then when she was getting fucked in the ass she was getting paid for it

>> No.11634859
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Gravity's Rainbow is easy just take some shrooms

>> No.11634862

it’s a photoshop she’s actually holding a quivering erect penis in that pic

>> No.11634875
File: 36 KB, 800x533, sasha-grey-the-juliette-society.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh she's a published author. She's got a contract for a trilogy.

She's also done voiceacting for Saints Row, a voice sample for an Infected Mushroom song, co-starred in an Eminem music video, and landed roles in ten non-porn movies.

In fact, she published her first book, Neü Sex, during the same year she won awards for:
>Best Anal Sex Scene
>Best Oral Sex Scene
>Favorite Oral Starlet
>Mainstream Adult Media Favorite
>Crossover Star of the Year

All one year before she participated in the Guest Reading Program at Emerson Elementary School.

>> No.11634878

Is she the biggest pseud to ever exist?

>> No.11634880

Wonder if she would appreciate the coprophilia section.

>> No.11634886

>this fucking whore has a contract and I don't

>> No.11634891

What fucking timeline are we in.

>> No.11634908
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> A. O. Scott of The New York Times described her pornographic career as "distinguished both by the extremity of what she is willing to do and an unusual degree of intellectual seriousness about doing it."

Her favorite movies are Stroszek and Pierrot le Fou.

Her measured IQ is 140

She is the /lit/fu you've been waiting for. Accept this.

>> No.11634909
File: 34 KB, 600x524, 230114_908223010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a voice sample for an Infected Mushroom song

>> No.11634916

She has good taste but something seems very fake

>> No.11634927

No, I'm not a whore. I read books. I am a feminist. I was using the power of my sexuality for money. I read Nietzche. I have more to say than just FUCK YES HARDER HARDER HARDER. I'm an author. My book is about a cult. No, I wasn't inspired by my life. Becoming a porn star at a young age isn't like joining a cult. Yes, it's true, I tried suing my boyfriend for forcing me to do porn at a young age, but that's irrelevant. I can think for myself. I'm a thinker. Have you read Kierkegard? Hmm. Oh, that's too bad. Well I have. Oh no, my mascara is running again.

>> No.11634942

i'd fuck her

>> No.11634943
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sucking dick for money really is the high IQ move if you have the balls to pull it off

I'm proud of her

>> No.11634959

She is a degenerative slut that deserves the cross. She has sold her soul to Satan and does not deserve admiration, or forgiveness.

>> No.11634970

OK grandma

>> No.11634972
File: 88 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like to guess what he's had for breakfast, lunch, dinner and in-between from the way it tastes and the way it smells. Salty, bitter, sweet, sour and smoky. Beer, coffee, asparagus, banana, pineapple, chocolate. From the texture and consistency. Sometimes it's runny like half-cooked egg whites, sometimes thick and lumpy like semolina, sometimes both of those at the same time. And sometimes it's smooth like cough syrup, which is how I like it best, because it goes down so easy.

Is she a latter-day Faulkner?

>> No.11634973

she’s overcompensating. im not saying she’s not smart but she’s definitely insecure, as evidenced by her taking selfies with books she’s reading. has it ever occurred to you to stop what you’re reading and take out your phone to take a picture of yourself holding that very book? it’s a depraved impulse. she’s truly sick, twisted in the head. Jews blacks hispanics

>> No.11634975


>> No.11634980

IQ measurements are essentially fraud, Stroszek and Pierrot le Fou are objectively irrelevant in any intellectual measure. and I don't like women who are pseudo intellectuals and attempt to fake a personality for their self-image.

>> No.11634991

this sounds like a strange pun

>> No.11634993

Please do not fall for this messenger of sin. She is a blatant agent of satan, he uses her beauty as a means to sway young individuals such as yourself to hedonism.

>> No.11634994

Girls tend not to have balls, so...

>> No.11634995

if you think anyone deserves crucifixion you're probably not really a Christian

unless you're making a pun about the sanctity that Jesus proclaimed for the poor and the prostitutes

>> No.11635000


>> No.11635006

lol I literally just named three races of people how is that politically incorrect

>> No.11635021
File: 51 KB, 657x527, 1500082261563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you seem mistaken, fren, pol is for containing idiocy.

>> No.11635028

A "true christian" would gladly send this slut to the cross. You clearly have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.11635029

name ONE idiotic in this post

>> No.11635035 [DELETED] 

Holy fuck do you have to shit up every thread? If you are this legitimately mentally ill, please know, I will be performing a satanic ritual specifically to kill you. Child sacrifice and everything and rebukes of Christ, the whole deal.

>> No.11635040
File: 25 KB, 669x514, 1500082900410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh boy...

>> No.11635041

Brainlet detected

>> No.11635044

name O N e

>> No.11635047

AMSG anom

>> No.11635048
File: 15 KB, 384x384, 1500082618014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already did, kiddo

>> No.11635051
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I welcome your attempts, maybe then will you truly see gods protective powers. I fear no one but god himself, all you are doing is securing your place in hell along with this she-devil.

>> No.11635054
File: 78 KB, 405x727, 1437695918055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11635060

alas, hoisted with my own petard!

>> No.11635063

I have news for you bub

God is dead

>> No.11635066

that’s a misprint, what this anon actually meant to write is god is dad

>> No.11635070 [DELETED] 

Nah, I'm gonna sell my soul to Satan just you curse you and your loved ones. I'll kill myself and occupy Hell with a smile on my face knowing that you will suffer. I'd kill my own family if it meant yours would die too. Your God is weak. Hail Satan.

>> No.11635072

So long as faith exists, god will continue to live and protect those that do not fall victim to satan.

>> No.11635078
File: 289 KB, 432x598, Shrier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit

that makes a lot more sense

>> No.11635085

I pity you, heretic. I see you are already much too far gone. Hold dear this temporary joy you have, you will miss and desire it during your eternity of pain that is soon to come.

>> No.11635087
File: 59 KB, 800x646, thoughtful-sad-man-thinking-very-intensely-concentrating-young-96487023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hell with sasha grey
>Heaven with virgin christ knights
Well thats a tough one

>> No.11635089

but didn’t Christ himself speak of redemption? to say this man is too far gone is to say yadda yadda yadda put a cork in it, churchy

>> No.11635092 [DELETED] 

Just wait a second, I'm going to suck a few dudes off and put my son in drag so grown men can ogle him. I'll be right back to continue this. Satan is my god, I want him to fuck me in the ass, btw.

>> No.11635107


>> No.11635109

Christ himself? Ha! Merely a ploy used by early christians used to sway non believers in an attempt to grow their religion. Only a select few that truly love god will be selected into heaven, I live in constant euphoria knowing I am one of these individuals. God himself has come to me personally and told me my position in his kingdom is a certainty.
I wish you luck

>> No.11635134
File: 12 KB, 231x346, 418YlQmHxjL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ was a mushroom!

>> No.11635206

>Only a select few that truly love god will be selected into heaven, I live in constant euphoria knowing I am one of these individuals. God himself has come to me personally and told me my position in his kingdom is a certainty.
Top kek. I love you, schizoanon. How I envy the moronic euphoria of your low IQ delusions

>> No.11635218

>be me
>enter thread hoping to discouss some GR
>actually discussing Sasha Grey career


>> No.11635227 [DELETED] 

Woah, most of my friends actually call me mom. Strange. All the more I must worship Satan. Sometimes he comes to me in my dreams in the form of a cat.

>> No.11635233

You must kiss its anus

>> No.11635234
File: 2.98 MB, 1125x1501, iyhdjy9v8eiy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay bitter, I'll try resist spitting on your glum ass down in spurgatory from my comfy cloud.

>> No.11635236

The percentage of folk on /lit/ who have read GR is pitiful, don't expect discussion.

>> No.11635241

Pride is a deadly sin
Maybe you are the antichrist?

>> No.11635276

Yes, schizoanon. Rest assured in the fantasy of a next life, knowing you are incapable of achieving greatness in this life. How jealous am I that you were born with the inability to reason and can live comfortably in a life lived idiotically larping.

>> No.11635286

That idol worshipper is not me, "schizoanon".
You are mistaken, I live happily in this life, and will continue to be happy after death. You may have a similar feeling of happiness currently but know that it will not last after death.

>> No.11635288

No, he's just a simple, useful idiot. Have pity on his low IQ schizophrenia, and envy the fact he will never know the pain of reason, only the pain of failure, but since his self-awareness is so muted by delusion, so muted will be the pain of his constant failure as a larping pariah. God loves him, he even told him, the sweet baby

>> No.11635292

Aww, of course you do, pal. You are barely conscious, an animal with their simple head in the clouds, so of course you're happy. I've told you, I envy you. Now schizoanon, what "idol worshipper" are you referring to? Let's see if you can stay on track here

>> No.11635301
File: 661 KB, 1080x2145, 20180816_214256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11635305


Imagine feeling this threatened by women expressing their sexuality.

/lit/ is not an incel safe space.

>> No.11635311

Continue you to trick yourself into believing in your own intelligence. A true intellectual understands and accepts god into his life. You attempt to belittle me, but I know what awaits me and I suspect you do to, only you refuse to accept the inevitable and as a consequence will experience the worse outcome.

>> No.11635313


>> No.11635320

Hey hey hey, be nice to schizoanon. How would you feel if you had to resign to a life of mediocrity with your only comfort being the irrational belief that there's something better waiting for you after you die a forgotten simpleton? We should all be jealous he'll never know the pain of the rationality and self-awareness it takes to achieve greatness in life rather than living a fantasy in constant fear and trembling, the thought of death never leaving your simple mind

>> No.11635327

Is he serious? I'm new here. Is this guy a regular?

>> No.11635328

>evil doesnt real haha, anyway did i mention i just happen to be the type to get off on tormenting the mentally ill? :3

>> No.11635330

Yes, you're right schizoanon. A true "intellectual" admits he's an idiot and gives his life to a nonexistent dadfu in the sky instead of actually putting in the intellectual effort to achieve something of his own. You are god's good little bitch and you should be proud. Daddy loves every little mediocre part of you, just as long as you give him what he wants.

>> No.11635344

It saddens me you are so sure of your percieved safety. When the afterlife inevitably comes to you will regret your foolish actions in this life

>> No.11635347

damn, you fembrained dudes really are just the worst of both worlds...

>> No.11635356

As it saddens me that you are so sure in an afterlife with no evidence to its existence

>> No.11635365

Evidence is plentiful, you need only to open your eyes

>> No.11635366

Here anon, this will make you feel better

>> No.11635374

They're open but I'm not seeing it. You see, I don't have the schizo powers you do. Can you help a poor anon like me out see what you see?

>> No.11635379

>Ohhh, I'm not that bad once you get to know me!
disagree. do poppers cause pineal calcification or something?

>> No.11635388

I'm having trouble understanding this schizography. It's not my natural language. Can anyone translate for me?

>> No.11635390

No, I have no desire to help you though. I see it as pointless to make heathens and heretics see the light. It's too late for your kind anyway.

>> No.11635407

Lol thank you for adding the benevolent light of your kind christian values to this world. I love you schizoanon.

>> No.11635429

The kingdom of heaven is only open for the true believers I'm afraid

>> No.11635441

Yes, I know anon. You're very, very special. You're god's special little boy. The next life will work, we promise. I love you and your kind, pure, understanding, and christly forgiving soul.

>> No.11635444

>disgusting hedonist too aggressively ignorant to even know the lifestyle
okay so you're not a dude, must be a trollop of some variety, and now i'm guessing... rotund
am i getting warmer?

>> No.11635447

If you believe I am special I wish you could see the wonder and power of the lord.

>> No.11635456

I'm really struggling with this schizoanon here. I'm usually decent at conversational Spanish and schizophrenia, but this particular dialect is too turgid for me. Can I get a translatoranon here please?

>> No.11635462

>i already knew the word turgid
thesaurus is cheating, anon.

>> No.11635466

No, that's okay. You're plenty "wonder" and "power" enough for poor old rational me. I don't want to actually swim in the fantasy pool, but I find its inhabitants endlessly fascinating. I mean, I could poke at the scabs of your rodentially fearful, delusion-ridden mind for hours and hours and you won't stop responding. I tell you I think you're special, even after having insulted your intelligence, and you somehow buy it, so desperate you are for validation in your incessant mediocrity. It is a fascinating phenomenon, truly, truly, verily and beyond

>> No.11635467

it's a pretty commonly used word in literary english. Idk if ive ever heard somebody say it though

>> No.11635474

Yes, you are special too, little buddy. You're the only person who knows that word without a thesaurus. Here's a gold star, anon!

>> No.11635486

>deep fishing expedition on imageboards for bonafide schizos for the purposes of loquaciously arguing into the void about how comparatively reasonable you are

>> No.11635487

Ha! Continue to feed your own ego Intelligent Being

>> No.11635494

Sasha is so fucking hot, my god

>> No.11635495

Yes, it's a fun sport

>> No.11635498

Lol I will, gladly and satisfactorily, as I will also feed your starved and neglected one, schizoanon. I love you. You are a special little boy.

>> No.11635501

I used to fap to Sasha Grey all the time in my teen years, she's nostalgic to me.

>> No.11635518

Soz bruv
I gotta go, I'll miss ya lover boy

>> No.11635529

Enjoy your indefatigable delusions and your relentless mediocrity in this life as much as you possibly can, schizoanon, for it is without doubt that your next one could only be better. Godspeed, schizoanon.

>> No.11636025

Pierrot le Fou is my favorite movie so Idk how to feel about this need to reevaluate

>> No.11636027

You almost had me for a second.

>> No.11636056 [DELETED] 

Does anyone else ever feel fucked up and unable to concentrate after jacking off? Seriously, I wonder how much brain damage I've already inflicted upon myself just looking at that simulated rape shit charlotte is obsessed with

>> No.11636334

Sasha has cute feet too bad she didn't specialise in feet fetish.

>> No.11636375


>implying your own life isnt one of mediocrity
>implying you have achieved “greatness”
>implying your mind isnt simple

Who are you fooling? Your blathering about muh greatness is extremely delusional

>> No.11636380
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>> No.11636385

christians never sent anyone to the cross.
christians would forgive and move on.
you need to pray about your attitude, you pharisee.

>> No.11636468

How much dick would you suck to get published?

>> No.11636485
File: 62 KB, 504x657, 1530478925149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IQ measuresments are fraud