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/lit/ - Literature

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11633583 No.11633583[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is this the worst thing you've ever seen of all time? professional tip: it is.

>> No.11633587

I have never watched a video with her in it and I never will.

>> No.11633594

How can a girl so hot be so cringeworthy?

>> No.11633596

The roastie Poet laureate on the shittiest of the late night show. Poetry.

>> No.11633597

Fuck her and then leave before she wakes up so she writes a poem about you.

>> No.11633599

It’s been a while since we had a good Rupi thread

>> No.11633600
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>> No.11633603

>writes a poem about you.
you mean a sentence but where she just hit enter three times?

>> No.11633610

ever get the feeling that she's only ever read poems written by herself?

>> No.11633611
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>2 days max

Can we just stop speaking about her please? We all agree she sucks. HIHIHAHA LOOK AT THE FUNNY WOMAN :DDDDD

>> No.11633619

I've seen worse shit.
See for example, mid-2000s emo poetry on LJ and Sonic fanart on DeviantArt.
Rupi Kaur's works are actually quite mild. The only reason why some people feel outraged by this kind of stuff is because they're not that used to seeing true bottom of the barrel shit (which doesn't show up in mall bookstores or in top best-selling books of the week lists) every single day, and because they think that all books should ideally aspire to be serious literature.

>> No.11633622
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>I don't capitalize words or use punctuation because that's how it is in Hindi
>literally zero English translators of the great classic Hindi poets preserve this aspect of the poetry

>> No.11633627
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>> No.11633630

Holy shit lmao

>> No.11633633

me hate popular thing

>> No.11633635

Oh no an unnatractive angle

>> No.11633638

i am NOT giving that a view, thank you

>> No.11633642

I don't get it

>> No.11633644
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>> No.11633646

me so unable to accept that there may be legitimate criticisms that exist against something that is largely loved or to accept that something bad can be largely liked that i have to fit all criticism of the subject in question into a category of contrarian jealousy because it's the only thing that protects me from actually having to consider whether or not this things that I really like it actually respected by people with more experience in the field

>> No.11633649
File: 259 KB, 1400x1400, rupi-kaur-year-in-women-mobile-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't poo in toilets because thats how it is in hindi

>> No.11633650

Watch this and see if it starts to make sense

>> No.11633656


>> No.11633657

mid-2000s emo poetry on LJ has never become a bestseller

>> No.11633664

Her poetry doesn't even rhyme. It'ls like she just wrote a sentence and broke it up. Gross

>> No.11633671

So it's literally just trite, emotional feminist platitudes?

>> No.11633674

I find it much worse due in part to the attitude that comes with it. It reminds me of the Learnsturbation segment of College Cunts
>I've been to Italy
>I've been to France
>I speak French
>I've been to Spain
>I've been to South America
>I've been to Kenya
>I've been to China
>I backpacked across Europe
>I prefer tea to coffee
>I've been to Greece
>I love Greek food
>I'm a foodie
>I'm always on the lookout for a great little place to get breakfast
>Sometimes I go to Barnes & Noble and lose track of the time
>And yeah I paint, no big deal
>I think conventional painting rules are... stodgy..... archaic...

>> No.11633675
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how THE FUCK does ANYONE think this is FUCKING POETRY?

>> No.11633681

It's like she was chosen out of a hat of minority women to be the poet to push. And that's a shame, because she is still in her early 20s, and was just handed success - she will never know what it means to truly suffer for her art. They doomed her to artistic mediocrity through her short lived "fame"

>> No.11633689

I misspoke, it's not even artistic mediocrity, it's artistic shit. She hasn't even reached mediocrity yet

>> No.11633691
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>> No.11633696

i love my macbook, but i also love my macbook pro

>> No.11633700

yeah there’s no way I’m watching that whole thing so can you just explain it to me. I seriously can’t believe how cringy this is and that this woman has fans. I don’t know how to describe the annoying way she moves and enunciates her words but it’s painful to watch. What the fuck do you call that? I have never seen another human being act this way before. It’s like watching an alien. This bitch stinks.

>> No.11633706

i am rupi
hear me roar
from my pussy
words will pour

>> No.11633717

The joke is that she constantly wiggles around and shifts her weight while she reads in a failed attempt to communicate some kind of flowiness or heartfelt grace
The blue thing in the pic is a thing ADHD/autist kids sit on so they can wiggle around in class without making a bunch of noise
It's not that funny once you explain it, the funny part was recognizing the connection

>> No.11633719

nice try imposter, but this rhymes

>> No.11633720
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>> No.11633722
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She was told that her "art" is beautiful, and she believes it. She doesn't realize that she is being pushed to plebs who don't read poetry as a way to further an agenda. There is a reason so many artists are fucked up people who have had fucked up lives - they are able to articulate and extract human "truths" from their suffering that speak to all of us and the human condition. The worst suffering she has ever had was when some guy dumped her after a few months. It actually makes me angry. I could write a poem that is equal to her bullshit without any thought:
>I walk through the garden
>The flowers rise in the broken afternoon
>the cat stares
>The setting sun burns hot

There, done. Same level as hers, and I just wrote the first shit that came to my mind. Literally makes me angry, and I shouldn't let it, but oh well, there it is

>> No.11633726

Poetry needs to be totally reformed. Everything's gone wrong.

>> No.11633736

just chop your cock off and maybe you'll get famous

>> No.11633740

you put way too much thought into this desu

>> No.11633742

I put that much thought into everything and have no way of turning it off
Having bipolar is exhausting

>> No.11633743

ok thanks I would have never known what the blue thing is
she stinks but there is a reason she’s popular, and it’s the same reason she’s so annoying. she’s expressing all the shit these women think and feel. she’s the voice of a generation, it just so happens that who’s she’s speaking for sucks. success is not about how good your art is, but how many people connect with it

>> No.11633750

Who are the essential contemporary Indian poets? I know of Bei Dao from China and Akiko Yosano from Japan, but I am completely unfamiliar with the development of Indian poetry from the 20th century onwards.

>> No.11633755

young little rupi
had to take a poopy
there was no toilet about
yet her anus was about to be a spout
crouched over some paper
let it rip like in nature
wiped with crumpled words
then through it to the birds

>> No.11633758

I agree, it is about how many people connect with it, and that's what I was trying to express with the "truths about the human condition" part, maybe I didn't explain it well. My main agrument about her is not that she connects with so many people, but that she connects because those people are TOLD to connect with it. They have no idea what good poetry actually is, so they believe whatever they see. She's speaking in feminist college girl platitudes because that's what she is. She has nothing to say about humanity - people aren't truly connecting with her, they are "connecting" because they are told that she is clever and want to seem smart and cultured to other people. Her work is completely bereft of meaning

>> No.11633759

Because it has the word pro on it

>> No.11633761

he's an ultrabasic white girl except for the paint job

>> No.11633762

Her skill is irrelevant. She self published and she happens to be a brown woman in the right place. Go ahead and self publish you fucks. Poetry wont get better by shitposting about it. No publishers? Create a poetry scene and network with people who can and appreciate the dying of art.

>> No.11633763

bet there are bukowski fans in this thread who see no irony in their dislike of kaur

>> No.11633765


>> No.11633766

sorry to hear that, anon. hope you feel better

>> No.11633767

is this poem a metaphor about how her book was produced? 10/10

>> No.11633770

>200+ years of feminism
>100 years of women's suffrage
>everything women do is still embarrassing and revolves entirely around I HAVE A CUNT, I AM A SEXY FEARLESS SEX OBJECT, HEAR ME ROAR

i wish i could bend over and kiss my own dick, i am so grateful to be a man

>> No.11633773

Don't let her year you say that though. As soon as it comes out of your mouth it's actually problematic.

>> No.11633775

Thanks big guy

>> No.11633778

hmm I don’t know about that. you’re giving these people too much credit, they wouldn’t actually like good poetry because they’re dumb. I don’t buy that they’re only pretending to enjoy it either, I think this banal shit actually speaks to them. you have to remember the women who are reading her poetry are just as vapid as she is.

>> No.11633784

There are some great women out there. I know a few. Modern society simply isn't the place for them

>> No.11633787

I write my poetry
my thoughts, my salvation
on my macbook pro
little fingers glide with my hands as I type
they died that I may write
platitude that means nothing
I pin pinterests pins that say the same
interview me
I am a brown woman
and that is all
that matters

>> No.11633798
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>> No.11633803

Is Rupi Kaur the DFW of poetry? Did she have well-connected parents to prop up her mediocrity too?

>> No.11633804

There are some great women out there, and I am lucky enough to have met a few as well.

Maybe so, maybe so. It's sad that people can go their lives without witnessing true artistic beauty

>> No.11633811
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Really hits me in the feels

>> No.11633817
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>> No.11633820


>> No.11633823

A possible resolution between your two sides:
Her fans are identifying the SOUND of meaning. There are certain lingual and tonal qualities that meaningful sentences often have. Some people are not capable or do not know how to appreciate the meaning of meaningful sentences. They still know which sentences are considered meaningful, however, so their brains adapt by becoming in-tune with those aesthetic qualities and not their substance. Rupi Kaur and her ilk unknowingly capitalize on this adaptation was writing poetry that oozes with this aesthetic of meaning while containing little or no substance. Their audiences do not know the difference, but they do know that her poetry is basically a hot syringe of facile "meaning" right between the toes; it lights their brain up with an overwhelming feeling of "this seems important"

Just as an example, one of those poems in the video ends with
>which seems like a good idea
>until she grows up to
>trust men who hurt her
>cause they look so much
>like you
There's an undeniable aura of potency there even though no interesting thought was actually put in to the work. It takes the form of poetic truth without becoming it

>> No.11633831

i eat dick,
with my gums,
i cannot swallow him whole
- rupi kaur

does she sign every poem she writes?
wouldn't it make 1/4 of her whole bibliography consist of two words

>> No.11633832

interesting post

>> No.11633835

God, it was awful

>> No.11633836
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Do ya think there's anything to it lads?

>> No.11633837

who are you?
the cab driver
i said
i'm rupi kaur
the poet
and he replied
sorry, don't know you
so i tweeted his picture
and bled
from my cunt
on his car

>> No.11633839

do bear in mind that its only one particular genre of meaning that its aping. there is that noticeable aesthetic of meaning in things other than pop songs and viral facebook images its just her audience doesnt know about those.

>> No.11633842

That's such a weird reason to do it. Why not go all-in and write it with devangari script

>> No.11633844

i doubt it. her shit is so simple its like she just writes out whatever pops into her head in the moment and calls it a day. she doesn't even need to plagiarize

>> No.11633847

Almost as if that's a reason she came up with after the fact because the truth is that the all-lowercace, no-punctuation shit is a hot commodity on Instagram and Tumblr and probably the reason she got so big

>> No.11633848

I took a quick look at her twitter, and near the top is this: https://twitter.com/rupikaur_/status/1029776272753389569

I think you are right about her being good at aping things with meaning.. but she doesn't really understand the meaning, just that it is supposed to be meaningful

>> No.11633859

Of course. No part of me thinks that this is a conscious game she's playing. She was raised on social media and is a product of it: her style was sculpted by the dopaminergic loop of publishing, gauging response and praise, optimizing to get even more praise next time
To her, she's just a really really smart poet

>> No.11633863
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look at how she has tabs in her own fucking book like its the fucking bible. seriously, you wrote the fucking thing you dumb bitch, do you not know what order you put the poems in?

>> No.11633894

When all of your poems consist of 20 words in different arrangements, you have to keep track of them somehow.

>> No.11633901

The tabs have the amount of likes and comments each poem got online written on them so she knows which to read first

>> No.11633903

based angryfrog poster

>> No.11633931
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what about this one?

>> No.11633938

I'm not convinced she actually has experienced any of those things.

>> No.11633943
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>so hot

>> No.11633944

So who actually wrote this

>> No.11633946


> first can I tell you why I wrote this?

You can slam the absolute void of talent in her prose, the trite issues she discusses and so on; but this for me is what makes her the biggest hack of all. No self respecting artist or writer makes a point of explaining a piece of work before reading it. The very fact that she does this immediately devalues her work. It is churned out for the very purpose of being interpreted, and in extremely predictable, anodyne ways, by the same demographic again and again. There is nothing to learn here, there is nothing to make us think differently. Ironically, her making a point of explaining it is more telling than the poem itself - she is a narcissist who feeds her ego by appealing to an audience of narcissists. And they in turn get a buzz from some official, celebrity affirmation of their own infantile melodramas.
To think this is the majority of people's idea of art makes me feel ill.

>> No.11633949

fuck I wish I could be platitudinous for a living but I’m a white male so I could never get away with being this lazy and uninsightful. women are privileged, the standards for them are so low, especially those of color.

>> No.11633956

William Carlos Williams

>> No.11633963

Fucken kek

>> No.11633964
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The Red wine bottle
Spilled, empty

I wake

my grief rides outside on the morning dew

-by me

>> No.11633969

this post didn’t get its due

>> No.11633984
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wine aunt?

>> No.11633995
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>> No.11634001

people often ask
cool wine aunt

why are




>> No.11634007

Little brown fuckdoll bulldozing the old white hag industry to splinters. I don't mind it but she is pretty fucking awkward, like you'd expect her to be collared at all times, man's not even hot.

>> No.11634008

Cool Wine Aunt by Anon

>> No.11634022

rupi kaur?? more like POOPIE kaur xdddd

/lit/ posters who mock Rupi Kaur are the literary equivalent of teenagers from 9GAG who think that bashing Justin Bieber makes them les connoisseurs de musique

>> No.11634025


>> No.11634034

so you're a fan?

>> No.11634044

No, but bashing Kaur is just incredibly stale at this point

>> No.11634060

s-shut up, i only read his novels and short stories because they're comfy

>> No.11634070
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>> No.11634076

what the fuck happened to america? They had such great writers in the 20th century

>> No.11634077

well I’ll be damned

>> No.11634081

Alright buddy, let's not get TOO hysterical here

>> No.11634083

haha that’s a funny ms paint image you’ve got, my friend :) where did you find it ??

>> No.11634099

>Poem was actually written by a white male
Lots Of Laughs

>> No.11634102

I unironically admired the 20th century american spirit.

>> No.11634112

I am thoroughly white and embarrassed right now, believe me.

>> No.11634123


if you see a male writing shit poetry, you go "he can't write poetry"

if you see a woman writing shit poetry, you go "women can't write poetry"

consciously (eg >>) or subconsciously

>> No.11634124
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>> No.11634125

Me too actually
I just don't think the number of great american authors at the time was worth an overall positive evaluation

>> No.11634133

Even though I don't read poetry at all I immediately knew that this poem wasn't written by Rupi Kaur >>11633931 and my intuition was correct
In those 16 words he demonstrated more thought and talent than Rupi puts into an entire book
How do you explain that

>> No.11634138

dont worry chum

random question just out of curiousity:
had I presented that poem as William Carlos Williams (a white man) would you have disliked it quite so much?
(be honest pls. just interested)

>> No.11634140

pretty much but difference is rupi is one of the most highly praised whereas williams seems to be pretty much unheard of and presumably shat on whenever discussed.

>> No.11634144

I really like another anon's explanation that she grew up with social media and has unconsciously kept track of all the tidbits that get more likes, until she "figured out" the formula. It's like she min/maxed on the social media tier poetry angle

>> No.11634149

i thought the poem was shit no matter who it was written by. it still doesn't even fucking rhyme

>> No.11634150

Except when her target audience read her work, they say "see, women ARE good poets" and Rupi actively encourages such things

>> No.11634151

no desu

>> No.11634155

Great post

>> No.11634157
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She is not hot anon

For fuck sakes

>> No.11634159
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This is why I come to /lit/

>> No.11634164

wdum how do i explain that

i think williams is a FAR superior poet than rupi kaur. i wouldnt really call her a poet (and maybe she scans better that way)

what im saying is: she's shit not because "haha its just a sentence with line breaks and doesnt EVEN R H YHMME!!!"

it's shit because it's really vapid content

those who criticise it along the first lines probably dont know owt about poetry

>highly praised
are we in the same thread??

>> No.11634177

>>highly praised
>are we in the same thread??
Since when is /lit/ the best population sample for determining what is generally liked?
Check the like/dislike ratio on literally anything she does. She's adored

>> No.11634179
File: 55 KB, 730x604, 37823721_1335106909961816_6023692921130188800_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with it? Are there any serious critiques here, or just "i don't like the theme xd"?

>> No.11634180

This perfectly describes something I tried and failed to explain a few threads ago
Thanks anon

>> No.11634185

the only reason I hated it because I imagined rupi kaur reading it and swaying pretentiously desu

>> No.11634187

>no one has a sample size greater than 1

>> No.11634191

see this is different though. this actually has atleast partly something thats being expressed, actual themes. i dont dislike this at all. the problem with kaur isnt the "pretentious line breaks" or some other dumb bs its that theres just no content to the "poems". its all masturbatory pseudo artsy language and not even good at that.

>> No.11634193

>highly praised
the vexing part about rupi is not that she is shit, its that she is shit and also loved (by normies not /lit/ of course)

>> No.11634198

I mean how can you critique nothing of note?

Go read some of her "poem". Its like critising an abstract piece as if it were a romantic panting.

>> No.11634201

yeah tb(completely)h with you -- that's not a bad thing

i can name dozens of poets that i adore who are women.

if a woman thinks "wow that's good i'll write poetry" then who does that hurt? there's more poems around. who knows, she might (despite the fact that women are just walking brainless whores with no artistic merit) write something worth reading

or if she thinks "jheeze that's awful! I could write better!" and then does -- who loses?

>> No.11634204

This is a great term
Phallogocentrism is characterized by cruel over-generalizations for the benefit of the thinker
Gynologocentrism is the complete refusal to generalize at all, even flying in the face of blatant statistics, for the benefit of the thinker

>> No.11634210
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>deckle edge pages

I want to scream

>> No.11634211
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Thanks anon, glad you liked my poem

>> No.11634213

who does you sample include?
i want an explicit list please

female poets you have read.

>> No.11634216

Why does she talk like that? Is she trying to suggest some type of rhythm or purposeful affect of her writing?

>> No.11634224

The issue is that she's praised BECAUSE she's a woman
You think any male publishing the same kind of poetry would find any praise at all? He'd be rightfully laughed out of the building. Everyone would see through just how easy and talentless it is
With Rupi, standards are lowered in order to build up a repertoire of women who "really are good poets, see??" and the repertoire is largely created by people with no poetic knowledge

There are great women poets, that is true. But when standards need to be drastically lowered in order to make a point that two sides are equal, something's amiss

Her womanhood IS her quality

>> No.11634226
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>guy writes a poem
>its about the sadness of life, his miniscule place in it, the inevitable circle towards death, isolation, alienation
>girl writes a poem

>> No.11634228

re: that first paragraph. There's definitely something to that. Using Rupi as an example of the tonal/rhetorical style of profundity in women, I think you can find the counterpoint for men in the popularity of certain videoessay channels on youtube. Nerdwriter, and most channels that model themselves as being entry-level or encouraging philosophy. Alan Watts clips and inspirational pep-talk style videos, for example, have the same rhetorical elements and tones. That's the boon of the video essay. It's a loose, conversational and lenient style of argument/rhetoric that does well because it's presented in a way that makes real scrutiny of its points inherently jarring and unpleasant. Explicit clarity of argument and in it's presentation is antithetical to the aesthetic of its format. You come out, if you're actually paying attention, with some topics and points that might allow you to make conversation on the topic, but otherwise it's more like programming, or maybe even--in particularly bad cases--brainwashing.

>> No.11634248

You're describing what happens when women do anything

>> No.11634258

Why do you use DFW as a example of nepotism? And not the numerous far more popular authors who are known due to nepotism?

>> No.11634263


are red violets
are blue
smell like
a cod
and look like

-rupi kaur (me)

>> No.11634271

Couldn't agree more. Although if you really wanted to find a good male counterpart (although I wouldn't say Kaur's flaws are uniquely female) I'd nominate Steven Crowder. It's a boisterous, dismissive attitude that automatically marks opposition as something beyond reason. If you aren't paying attention, it's easy to feel like you're being fed The Real Facts by a smart guy with an attitude. The tone covers the gaps in the reasoning or in the quality

Nerdwriter's a great example though. Fuck that guy.

>> No.11634280

made by GANG WEED

>> No.11634283
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>> No.11634285

>if I just use meme formatting that will make my shit prose amazing poetry

>> No.11634292

I can't even click on it

>> No.11634326

Gangweed memes unironically match her poetry, probably beat it in some instances

>> No.11634330

>implying woman logic isn't the real poetry
post the top 10 u got and i'll read 'em

>> No.11634331

>my favorite author of all time is Rupi Kaur
What type of person do you imagine?

>> No.11634355

a blonde girl who goes to UC Santa Cruz, but is home for winter break in Pasadena. She is trying to sound smart. We fuck in the garage she lives in on her parents' property. She doesn't make me wear a condom. Her name is Scandenavian

>> No.11634357

it's threads like these anons where we can all come together and collectively shit on something we agree is utter garbage :')

>> No.11634363
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reminder that rupi literally got famous by uploading a photo of herself menstruating to insta then using the subsequent publicity to promote her poems

>> No.11634366

What does it mean to be of note? You could criticise her themes, rather than just the silly way she reads the words and her personal desire for fame. Talking about whether she is praised or not or for whatever reasons seems totally beside the point of her poetry. I get the idea that a lot of the hate here comes from the fact that she's someone writing about woman's issues, something which is talked about a lot in liberal politics, talked so much to the fact that people become averse to the very idea of addressing them - but it's just that, all talk. Liberals like Rupi so much because she's just repeating the same lines everyone's been hearing over and over. This is the essence of popular (liberal) feminist projects, I feel.

>There's an undeniable aura of potency there even though no interesting thought was actually put in to the work. It takes the form of poetic truth without becoming it
I'm curious as to what qualifies at 'interesting thought' and how this relates to the idea that a lot of poetry is effectively thoughtless expression of one's feelings. What does it take to achieve poetic truth?

The rhetorical style has its uses, and I think one of those uses is in poetry, where you're not looking to make [solid] arguments in the first place, you're looking to express what you mean. That's the difference in a significant amount of "assertive" work that's most obvious outside of poetry. People like Marcuse tended to assert and I think get the idea across rather than prove the point, for instance:

>By virtue of the way it has organized its technological base, contemporary industrial society tends to be totalitarian. For "totalitarian" is not only a terroristic political coordination of society, but also a non-terroristic economic-technical coordination which operates through the manipulation of needs by vested interests.

But popular video essays get criticized; if you try and make one on a political topic and you're fairly popular, jounalists will come out and take snippets and address your points. Crowder's bullshit is frequently called out when it reaches the right people or level of popularity. On the other hand, if you're like John Green and his philosophy channel, you'll only get called out by Reddit users when the video gets posted to r/philosophy. The video essay only makes sure you won't get noticed in critical philosophy, not that nobody will notice you and step by step address your points.

>> No.11634367


>> No.11634368

Yeah but then people start fighting about whether its TOO shit to shit on. Like picking on a retarded kid

>> No.11634375

Everytime I see it I always think she shit herself. It doesn't look red, it looks like actual poo

>> No.11634395

>is this the worst thing you've ever seen of all time?

this sentence is a bigger mess than anything ms. kaur has put to print. shame on both of you

>> No.11634425
File: 125 KB, 378x500, 16B26520-7135-4BE9-A606-6A8F08FBCCD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly, you could do A LOT worse than rupi kaur’s generic bullshit


>> No.11634433

She's not even an attractive brown girl desu

>> No.11634436

Sometimes menstrual blood, if it’s been sloshing around inside for a while, turns a copper colour. fucked my ex-gf on the rag and thought she shat on my dick

>> No.11634443

To be honest, she kinda is. Her nose is kinda weird but she's hot.

>> No.11634452

You left out the part about Sartre and Pynchon

>> No.11634455
File: 8 KB, 241x209, 1504736229323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've fapped to that pic before, never knew it was her

>> No.11634457

I didn't think they were relevant here

>> No.11634459
File: 280 KB, 646x595, 1531346962840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about when her period is kinda strange and also early and she tells you that you might have gotten her pregnant? So you get a test and it is negative. Phew.

Not like that has ever happened to me, though, I'm saving myself for marriage

>> No.11634460

at least this is actually provocative

>> No.11634466

>it's better for me this way

>> No.11634515


okay so i'm gonna just give some extracts of poems. these are pretty random poems from poets i like. i dont want you to think "do i like this woman's poem" just think "do i like this poem"

Because I could not stop for Death –
He kindly stopped for me –
The Carriage held but just Ourselves –
And Immortality.
“Hope” is the thing with feathers -
That perches in the soul -
And sings the tune without the words -
And never stops - at all -

And sweetest - in the Gale - is heard -
And sore must be the storm -
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm -

I’ve heard it in the chillest land -
And on the strangest Sea -
Yet - never - in Extremity,
It asked a crumb - of me.
Do ye hear the children weeping, O my brothers,
Ere the sorrow comes with years ?
They are leaning their young heads against their mothers, —
And that cannot stop their tears.
The young lambs are bleating in the meadows ;
The young birds are chirping in the nest ;
The young fawns are playing with the shadows ;
The young flowers are blowing toward the west—
But the young, young children, O my brothers,
They are weeping bitterly !
They are weeping in the playtime of the others,
In the country of the free.
Remember me when I am gone away,
Gone far away into the silent land;
When you can no more hold me by the hand,
Nor I half turn to go yet turning stay.
Remember me when no more day by day
You tell me of our future that you plann'd:
Only remember me; you understand
It will be late to counsel then or pray.
Yet if you should forget me for a while
And afterwards remember, do not grieve:
For if the darkness and corruption leave
A vestige of the thoughts that once I had,
Better by far you should forget and smile
Than that you should remember and be sad.

Come hither, child--who gifted thee
With power to touch that string so well?
How darest thou rouse up thoughts in me,
Thoughts that I would--but cannot quell?
1. ‘O Day! he cannot die
When thou so fair art shining!
O Sun, in such a glorious sky,
So tranquilly declining;

2. ‘He cannot leave thee now,
While fresh west winds are blowing,
And all around his youthful brow
Thy cheerful light is glowing!
my favourite female poet is gertude stein. but unless you like that kinda poetry you wont appreciate

>> No.11634525
