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/lit/ - Literature

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11633030 No.11633030 [Reply] [Original]

How are e-readers not superior to traditional books?

>Transportable (by that I mean you can take a whole library with you anywhere you want)
>Can take notes/highlight easier, you're able to erase if you make a mistake
>One-touch access to Wikipedia/dictionary/philosophy dictionary to define words/concepts you're unfamiliar with
>Can read at night with the lights off

>> No.11633287

no sentimental value

>> No.11633295

Call me a retro, but I really prefer printed books. It's a thing. It's real. It has its own mass, magic, imperfections. It has my sweat on the pages. I can make notes with a pencil and my son will read that notes in 15 years or later.

Call it a sort of believe system, but I think the knowledge absorbs better with a real book. At least it works for me.

>> No.11633307

Convenience and free books is all they have over traditional books (although that's still pretty significant if you read a lot)

>> No.11633424

Utility alone is worthless. A beautiful e reader would be good, but for now books are superior.

>> No.11633428
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>How are e-readers not superior to traditional books?

I already have a phone, computer, and many books. Why would I need another thing to read on?

>> No.11633442
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what do you guys recommend? Should I get the basic kindle or the paperwhite? is the backlight worth the extra money?

>> No.11633453

Convenience, free books and improved readability is all they have over real books, which leaves...? An object to take up space on your shelf to signal your intelligence/ideology?

>> No.11633455

Nothing beats holding a book or owning an old edition.
Also digital items have no value and I could sell my books.

>> No.11633464

yes, you'll always need a light on otherwise

>> No.11633483

>improved readability

In some ways, it depends on the text. Hyperlinked footnotes, ability to change font ect is good for ebooks, but it's harder to flick through and quickly reference pages. Plus the format for ebooks can be absolutely shit, even retail versions although it seems to have got a lot better compared to what it was. If the text is image heavy it's not something ebooks do well.

>> No.11633488

They are ugly desu.

>> No.11633506

They are. Without my e-reader I would've never started reading seriously.

>> No.11633512

Because a high dpi phone works just as well

>> No.11633521

>but it's harder to flick through and quickly reference pages
for textbooks and references that's a definite problem, but for most people reading novels its a complete non-issue. For my old parents it's a life saver being able to read size 24 text.

>> No.11633529

You don't get a nice stack. I liked my games better in boxes too. Fight me.

>> No.11633715

This is the main thing I miss from reading paper books. I also don't like being able to hand people a copy of whatever i'm reading to flick through.

The Paperwhite is worth it.

Downloading books for free off p2p is insane. Suddenly being able to read whatever you want with zero monetary commitment instantly definitely makes you read more.

I like the experience of reading off an e-reader a lot. Long novels are really cumbersome to carry around, etc.

>> No.11633741

I live in a country where the internet is closely monitored by the government and digital piracy is actively investigated by the police as a criminal offense not a civil manner and carries hefty prison terms as punishment. So if I want an ebook, I have to pay for the file. I might as well buy real books and actually have something real to show for the expense. Still, I want to buy Kobo Aura One just to try it.

>> No.11633801
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They ARE superior. What other way could I read DFW while drowning myself?

>> No.11633860

Physical books are scientifically proven to aid memorization of the content, since they involve you more through their various physical stimuli. Ebooks are completely abstract and are all presented in the same way. Thus, the brain doesn't have additional data to build connections with the text.
Their design encourages piracy, which is immoral if the creator is alive, and hoarding, collecting countless ebooks that you think you should read but never actually do. Same shit happens to me with music - mostly I pirate it and don't listen to a good chunk of it at all, while I listen with total attention the CDs that I've bought and concerts I'm at. Such behavior isn't a rule but it's certainly a noticeable tendency.
Also, there are no ebooks of 50% of the stuff I read because I'm not *nglo. Luckily, libraries here are well stocked and cheap.
And, finally, I don't need even more gay ass tech in my life. I'll stick to physical books, which I don't feel the need to make threads about every week. For someone who allegedly cares so much about the text itself rather than its physical manifestation and form, ebookfags sure do love informing everyone of their choice of the medium. (Ignoring the possibility of these threads being made by paid Amazon shills...)

>> No.11633878

>if you like a book buy a physical version
now you have physical version of a book that you can give someone as a present or hold for yourself in case you want to reread it after your reader breaks
amazing, isn't it?

>> No.11635248

girls won't be impressed by it and won't think I have a personality

>> No.11635260


>> No.11635267

E-readers are conveniente, although I don't have one I've read some books on my cellphone, but I'm very attached to my books so I wouldn't be able to read more than a couple of random books on an electronic device.

>> No.11635325

Physical books are classy and nice, but honestly I'd rather save money and just use my mom's old Kindle. Can carry all my books around with me if I go /out/, and my apartment is already tight for space without another shelf.

>> No.11635348

I agree wholeheartedly.
Getting an eReader really kickstarted me into a reading binge. Hitting up libgen to grab a new title is pretty damn based.

The main problem for me was getting the proper lighting in my room at night time. Bedside lamp casting too many awkward shadows over the book. The backlight of the e-reader is perfect, but I do wish mine was a warmer color.

Though now I bought some super gay clip on lamp for my books, so that problem is somewhat solved. Still I find it more comfortable to hold the e-reader. I read from paper once in a while though just to mix things up (provided I actually own the book that is).

>> No.11635558

I've got a master's in lit. I've read my entire life. I've had two full walls filled with books. This year I started selling/donating all and going digital.

The only advantages physical books have are annotating in the margins by hand, easily finding a spot in a reference book, and color. There are some ereaders that can let you write, but those are $500 and up.

Ereaders are the future, yahoos.

>> No.11635562

i read online archive pdfs of books on my shit tier samsung cellphone. that is literally how i read almost everything

i buy books i really love though, provided i can afford them, or if i see like a 2 dollar Shelley compilation at an antique shop i will buy that even though Shelley is a bit ridiculous. There is more than enough worth to justify 2 dollars

>> No.11635564


Also, cost and shit. They may be expensive, but if you pirate/buy cheap/borrow from the library the device pays off quickly.

People may not be as impressed if they see your house, but if they're not already impressed by you you need better guests.

I still buy nice editions of books every so often.

>> No.11635576

How do you guys manage your notes on your ereader?

I have 4 devices, two of them on the higher end which support detailed writing. Generally I feel like they're best for articles and sheet music, I can't get into organizing my notes for a long novel on one of these.

>> No.11635655

Jeff Bezos, pls go

>> No.11635672


You need a Boox Max, my friend.

>> No.11635679

100% based. thank you sci-anon.

>> No.11635703

Thanks for the recommendation- I don't know how this flew under my radar! Do you have one? Any personal insights?

Overall the boox max looks great, updated android and seems to work well with core 3rd party apps to make synchronization seamless. Only disappointed it doesn't have a backlight, as that's my biggest gripe with my dpt-rp1. Either way I think I'll get one.

>> No.11635711

t. someone who never used a Kindle

>> No.11635776

I prefer physical books and I avoid buying them online, unless I have to shop from abroad. Reading from an electronic device is not very convenient for me. I also don't feel engaged when reading an ebook.

>> No.11635794

Cant you use VPN? Or do you live in 1 of the 10 countries where they are illegal/monitored aswell?

>> No.11635817
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Aren't there studies that have shown that retention is higher when reading physical vs ebooks?
I'm about to go to sleep so I can't be fucked to find a source rn, but i also remember something about how are brains are wired to read differently when looking at a screen as well. Something about how we skim thru texts and look for keywords rather than reading a whole sentence.

>> No.11635846


>> No.11635890

honestly, too laggy. i hate that 4 second pause. Also formatting. pdfs are GARBAGE on them. i still prefer a back lit kobo to angling a lamp in that special spot for reading. e readers are superior to tablets for a portable reading solution, or to be more accurate, e ink. if they fixed pdf and speed e readers would be king. physical books are so easy to jump around in and re read past parts. there's no fucking around

>> No.11635944

I don't own an e-reader, but I'd imagine information retention to be higher with whatever method you're more comfortable with- I've been reading on shitty phones and on a pc for most of my life because I really don't have access to physical copies of what I want. I don't prefer it- but I find I'm more used to it and can read quicker.

>> No.11635960

May I ask what p2p sites do you download books from Anon?

>> No.11635979

Is there any meaningful reason to upgrade from my Kindle 3 that I bought 8 years ago?

>> No.11636257
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>pdfs are GARBAGE
Reminder to use k2pdfopt to create beautiful PDFs

>> No.11636947

>It has my sweat on the pages. I can make notes with a pencil and my son will read that notes in 15 years or later.
As soon as you're dead he will put on some rubbber gloves and throw those dirty grubby sweaty scribbled on old paper rags into the trash.

>> No.11636957

>Physical books are scientifically proven to aid memorization of the content
I must admit I have noted that effect. When I am reading on my KIndle it happens way more often that I completely forget who some character was, or I forget some important plot twist that had taken a few chapters before. Or maybe I am just getting old though.

>> No.11636970

memory retention is not better with physical books. think about how much nonsense that is for a second.

>> No.11636972

Not him but I didn't do that to my dad's Catch 22. It's like a piece of history.

>> No.11636980

Not a p2p site, but check out novanon.net. It's an OCH forum with tons of stuff and you'll never need to worry about copyright legal trouble. You'll have to register but it's worth it. I have uploaded a lot off stuff myself. It's the successor of the old bolt.cd forum, which itself was the successor of the original rapidshare.org forum.

>> No.11636994
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correct. nothing about this image will cause "lower memory retention". those fake studies are horse shit.

>> No.11636996

>Their design encourages piracy, which is immoral

intellectual property is immoral. Why someone should have a monopoly of a non-scarce resource? If I download an PDF, what did I subtracted from the author?

>> No.11637004

the vaguely possible potential that you would have bought it

>> No.11637005


For me it's because I'm focusing on the layout over the actual text. Like I'm constantly fidgeting with the settings.

>> No.11637010


Have you never created anything in your life? People don't create things without a reward in mind. Published authors want to make a living.
That's why they want to be published. Otherwise they'd just post their shit on blogs.

>> No.11637011

>Physical books are scientifically proven to aid memorization of the content, since they involve you more through their various physical stimuli.
No, there's been a study that suggested that this was the case with some people but it was in no way conclusive or extrapolatable to the general population. The latter half of this sentence is pure speculation.

>Their design encourages piracy, which is immoral if the creator is alive
You can't lay that at the feet of the e-book, LOL. This is equivalent to saying the design of refrigerator trucks encourages terrorist attacks!

>hoarding, collecting countless ebooks that you think you should read but never actually do.
Are you implying that people don't do that with printed books?

>For someone who allegedly cares so much about the text itself rather than its physical manifestation and form, ebookfags sure do love informing everyone of their choice of the medium.
Do people who read ebooks pride themselves on championing the text rather than its physical manifestation or is that a strawman you've conjured up?

>> No.11637030

I have 10 dollars in my pocket. Instead of buying a book, I download the PDF. Did I subtracted MY 10 dollars from the author's pocket?

Yes, I publish a lot of my projects opensourced at github. Did anyone needed a reward for studying mathemathics? Do we need to license mathemathics?

>> No.11637043

What cuntry is that?

>> No.11637045


Creative fiction is not OSS, dumbass.

>> No.11637052

what's the difference? both are ideas. They are intangible, infinite and a non-scarce resource.

>> No.11637063
File: 410 KB, 789x957, A-edBERNARDO-FRANCA-DANISH-MAGAZINE-EUROMAN-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an used kobo glo, here are my two cents:
>It deletes all my books when the battery runs out.
>The backlight button is fucked, it turns on and off at random.
>Page turning can be laggy and sometimes instead of turning the page it will select a word.
>I feel like the possibility to switch from one book to another quickly, and to download more whenever I want makes it harder for me to finish stuff.

There are some books that I can find anywhere besides the internet, it's also nice to download something and skim to see if I like it or not, but I'm thinking about buying physicial copies of the ones that interest me the most.

>> No.11637093


>> No.11637159

>It deletes all my books when the battery runs out.

>> No.11637167

flash memory

>> No.11637172

>Not going the try than buy route

>> No.11637205

Mine might be broken, but yeah, be aware of this possibility.

>> No.11637215

Why would thinking about it help you determine whether or not it's true? It's an empirical question

>> No.11637262

reminder to install koreader.

>> No.11637379


>> No.11637398


Better PDF management, slightly faster for mangoes and shit. That and KPUB files make Kobo elder god tier ereader, second only to Boox in terms of versatility and power.

>> No.11637459

in theory yes, but in practice i can say that i remember a lot more from physical books that i read, also it's more useful if you ever want to look something up you can just pick the book up from your bookshelf. also searching something is much quicker and much less annoying (searching for something specific is horrendous on my kindle paperwhite). however if all you read is fiction and you do not look up things in your books, kindle might really be the best option.

>> No.11637513

No, I use a Kindle keyboard I found on a garage sale for $3 bucks. Screen was frozen and it "didn't work" it just needed a full charge. Loaded it with the update and lots of hard to find books on my country

>> No.11637540
