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File: 53 KB, 450x450, jupiter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11629506 No.11629506 [Reply] [Original]

What if Zeus and Yahweh are one and the same?

>> No.11629510

if you go back far enough before the flood

>> No.11629518


>> No.11629524


>> No.11629578

Yahweh is Saturn

>> No.11629604

He has more parallels with Zeus. Vengeful, petty, loves adoration etc. Those aren't particularly characteristics of Saturn.

>> No.11629611

That's meaningless. It's like naming any two gods and saying they're the same, because any god can change into a dominant position. You can do it with a thousand different dominant/father gods from across the world and it still doesn't mean anything because rough analogy doesn't cover the specifics of a god, even being near-identical (which none are) doesn't mean they're one in the same.

>> No.11629616


I barely know about this, but:
>Greek equivalent Cronus
>Israelite equivalent Yahweh

I assume it was symbolized as the bull (Taurus) because it's from premoses times. Moses symbolized by the ram (Aries). Jesus by the fish (Pisces). The next , Jesus says will be a man bearing water (Aquarius).

This is the so called 'Procession of he Equinox' which is based on astronomical fact.
It's kind of mind bending to think about.

As for Saturn, it's technically the seventh day on Saturday which is also Shabbos.

>> No.11629620

From what I know, I'd agree with you but I'm not the one coming up with this.

>> No.11629625


>"El" (Father of Heaven / Saturn) and his major son: "Hadad" (Father of Earth / Jupiter),

Cronus is the father of Zeus lol. You can't make this shit up..
Mind bending

>> No.11629630

I could never imagine YHWH keeping secrets from his wife when he makes deals with other women and then her getting pissy with him.

>> No.11629644
File: 559 KB, 632x767, [burning intensifies].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.11629646

>Vengeful, petty, loves adoration etc.
These are characteristics you later project because you can't appreciate the cultures. The basic view is a soft 'might is right' so these gods are gods because they're strong and willful. No one would care about a weak god. Gods do what they will, not what a religion (human) dictates. Sensibilities are generally different now because no one believes in gods, the christian god is not really a true god. It's an atheistic placeholder. Merely a box to shove shallow philosophical generalisations and rules into, not a being of its own mind and will, not a character. Gods are vastly superior to humans and can provide support/favour/power to said humans, yet are not bound either way. That is why they are worshipped, not because they're a good tool of control or because they're so kind and loving. Do you expect a king to care about some nameless peasant of no renown? No, but he might spare the peasant some bad circumstances if the peasant pays tax and works hard. And he might make the peasant a noble if he proves his worth a hero, or he might think him uppity and execute him. He's king, he's not beholden. Actually, a king is more beholden than a god. A god is just limited by power when interacting with other gods, a king is quite severely limited by social and economic factors.

>> No.11629647
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Don't forget about the Tenger.

>> No.11629653


Exactly, Zeus was a chad, Yahweh was a yandere. Zeus would never bother with """immaculate""" conception, or strike down followers who worshipped other than him.

>> No.11629707

OT God is inarguably a much more powerful God.

>"born of a virgin"
>He evidently never read the original Hebrew text of Isaiah, but settled for reading the Greek translation, the Septuagint.
>The word in Isaiah (7:14) translated as "virgin" is alma, which just means young woman, irrespective of her sexual history. The Hebrew word for virgin is betula

I agree. The Christian God is indicative of Pisces traits, which is why there are constant fish references in the NT and why you see the Jesus fish on the bumper of cars.

Check out these posts. I should've just made it one post but I don't want them to go underrated ITT:

>> No.11629724


It's also interesting to note that the Bible seems to be (OT) what the powerful do and (NT) how the masses should behave.
>Then Jesus said to the (gentile) woman, "I was sent only to help God's lost sheep--the people of Israel."

What if I told you that Jesus, the so called bread of life - meant to represent all of his followers, was meant to replace the Tree of Life that was lost so that the chosen can once again feed on it as they did before they were banished from Eden?

>> No.11629761
File: 73 KB, 570x321, G.K.-Chesterton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>citing an Israeli newspaper on matters of the Blessed Virgin

>> No.11629828

Because they can't read with dollar signs in their eyes? I don't get your point.

>> No.11629940

The Jewish author of the Letter of Aristeas says Zeus is the Greek name for God, see Letter of Aristeas 16 (1.26)


>> No.11629968


>> No.11629979

What did he (you) mean by this?

>> No.11630003
File: 608 KB, 900x1200, CuCeqy6UIAAEBpH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11630367

can we submit this as a banner if a next contest comes around? Someone screenshot this.

>> No.11630390

What if Heracles and Jesus are the same person.

>> No.11630581

Zeus became Yahweh after the jews cut off his balls.

>> No.11630601

Screenshot banners are low effort, gay and bluepilled

>> No.11630791

no u