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/lit/ - Literature

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11628311 No.11628311[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what'm I in for?

>> No.11628316
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her sister is superior

>> No.11628318

>Female author.
Unless there's a male ghost writer behind it, expect shit.

>> No.11628324

A book on extremely complicated cultural and geopolitical problems written by a 20 year old girl from YouTube.

>> No.11628335
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>> No.11628340
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>> No.11628348
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>> No.11628353


>> No.11628356

I highly doubt she wrote a book lmao

>> No.11628357

DELETE THIS!!!!!!!!!

>> No.11628383

but he's a half black half irish guy that voted drumpf!!

>> No.11628392

don;t get me wrong I'm not a racist but I strongly believe racemixing is bad for the economy

>> No.11628396

big black dick

>> No.11628400

I'm going to be straight here. I am a cuckold, but I am also a white nationalist. I believe that whites have contributed more to humanity than any other race, space travel, anti—biotics the list goes on. But when it comes down to it, blacks are just better at fucking. Theres no shame in admitting this. There is no shame in admitting that despite the infinite intellectual and moral superiority of the white race, black cock is just better at pleasing women.

The reason white women are turning from the cause and running to niggers is simply because they are not being sexually satisfied. Can you blame them? If you dont get enough to eat at home youre going to go out to eat. The only way to save the white race from miscegenation is cuckolding. My pure white wife is my angel, the apple of my eye. And I want nothing but the best for her. So every friday she gets to have her fill of big black cock. And our relationship goes on like normal. We love each other, and plan on having a child soon. She also shares my red pilled beliefs.

Monogamy is a tool of the jew. Just give it a chance once. Its exhilarating. Theres something deeply majestic about watching a toned muscular black stud going in and out of a beautiful white woman. Try it once.

>> No.11628462

This but unironically. IQ is negatively correlated with testosterone (and, I suspect, dick size), which is why black men are the most masculine, while East Asian and Ashkenazi Jewish men are the least masculine.

>> No.11628470

>extremely complicated
It just seems that way because of all the irrelevant info forced into the conversation.

>> No.11628485
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I wouldn't say so. I started to become interested about this phenomenon and bbc ideology so I did what I did with every idea that I want to understand, imagining myself and practising its ideas as a follower of the church.
I've come to understand many complicated problems and different views this way and can tell you how it is from an objective stand point.
This is something that comes out of our incredibly concrete society which ignores the abstract and the self. The black man does not practise duality during sex and is simply used as a more aesthetic dildo because of its color, some men watch the porn because of masochism while the woman watches it because of a beast like and unintelligent dominance. There's not much more surrounding it.

>> No.11628487
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>what'm I in for?
i mean just look at the cover

>> No.11628499 [DELETED] 

None of those things would be a problem without the jews. They brainwashed the boomers and let in the immigrants and mudslimes.

>> No.11628519

>lol leftists with their literally hitler trademark
>oh by the way Muslims are literally hitler

>> No.11628520


>> No.11628521

Oh it's this guy again


You're not welcome on this board, racist.

>> No.11628522

She literally claims Woodrow Wilson inspired Hitler just as much as German nationalism did.

>> No.11628558

>rides off on unicorn
Grow up and use real words.

>> No.11628561

What are we to value then: masculinity or intelligence?

>> No.11628563
File: 67 KB, 543x349, Cx1oJ9UVQAAE6gP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still here, eh?

since this is going to be one of THOSE threads I thought I might post some advice Sartre gave for dealing with antisemites. it works just as well for the alt right tho

>> No.11628566

cringe and bluepilled
based as FUCK
keep rekting him my redpilled brother

>> No.11628577
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Jews cause antisemitism. Do you think they've been kicked out of 359 places because others hate them for no reason? No, it's because of how they behave.

>> No.11628594

I notice you always post that list of ancient civilizations that kicked out the jews, but the remarkable thing about it is you fail to realize most of those civilizations and regimes long gone and the jews remain even today.

So all this chart proves is that the jews are the most resilient culture in history.

>> No.11628596

DAMN straight! Keep posting, FACTS and LOGIC are their greatest enemy. Based as fuck.
fuck off SJW KIKE

>> No.11628604 [DELETED] 

Are you new here? There are a lot of jew-aware people on /lit/.

>> No.11628605

basedness and redpilledness

>> No.11628609

It's mostly irony, bud. We're making fun of you naive /pol/ types who are susceptible to batty conspiracy theories.

>> No.11628610

are you unable to refute me?
You always give up so soon. I guess that's why your racist brudders ran out of DC last weekend with their tails tucked between their legs.

>> No.11628622
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Never change, /lit/

>> No.11628623

i can't tell whos memeing in this thread its pretty funny

>> No.11628633

/lit/ is a tolerant and non political board. we have no place for you /pol/ scum.

>> No.11628634

>calls people "racist" unironically
>thinks there's one person on /lit/ talking about jews
yeah you need to go back to redd#t. you're clearly new here.

>> No.11628645

this. SJWs don't belong here!!!!

>> No.11628651 [DELETED] 

libkeks just got pwned epik style!!!11
woohoo based!!!!

>> No.11628656

t. came here in 2016 from r/the_Donald

>> No.11628665

If not bait, source on this claim?

>> No.11628690

stale pasta is stale

>> No.11628691
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well, you tried.

>> No.11628695

Hopefully the mother of my future children, but I doubt this is worth reading unless you're a political infant or Lauren is your waifu.

>> No.11628699

>saves the thumbnail
well you tried to try

>> No.11628708

He's JIDF or memeing

No one is saying Jews aren't resilient. The question is whether or not they're good for the rest of us

>> No.11628711

While I;m not an anti-semite, It's kind of silly dogmatically appealing to some French hack. The whole line about not believing in words just reeks of projection.

>> No.11628715

so you admit the jews are superior to you?

>> No.11628719

A lot of borrowed (but not untrue) stats. Watch her SA documentary, or her Replacement video, when she finally started to find her voice.

>> No.11628772 [DELETED] 

Jews can't even survive on their own. Their evolutionary skill is parasitism. That's nothing to be proud of.

>> No.11628778

t. NEET that lives in his mother's basement

>> No.11628813

being a white supremacist is nothing to be proud of either my dude

>> No.11628824

actually it's frkn based and redpilled, libcuck

>> No.11628829

Some idols >>>/vg/224770610

>> No.11628837

beta libs BTFO'd by REASON and LOGIC

>> No.11628848

ummmm don't forget FACTS.... to any libtard snowflakes reading this, FACTS don't care about your feelings

>> No.11628855
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>> No.11628876

Why are you spamming this on every board?

>> No.11628894

T-they don't? How can this be?

>> No.11628895

>she actually wrote the book
there's no way this is ghostwritten lmao

>> No.11628898

A pamphlet

>> No.11628906

you left out the part about her being a college dropout, as well as having no experience, or expertise in the things she claims to be an expert on. Plus the fact that she's a political schill hustling propaganda.

>> No.11628939

Ostatnikova D., Celec P., Putz Z., Hodosy J., Schmidt F., et al. (2007). Intelligence and Salivary Testosterone Levels in Prepubertal Children. Neuropsychologia 45, 1378–1385

Manning, J.T. (2006). The Androgen Receptor Gene: A Major Modifier of Speed of Neuronal Transmission and Intelligence? Medical Hypotheses 68:4, 802-804

It’s pretty obvious that there is a negative correlation between IQ and testosterone. Just think of all those chad jocks you met in high school and ask yourself, how intelligent were they?

>> No.11628945

a lot of them were pretty smart. Look at Charlemagne.

>> No.11628968

>/lit/ used to be filled with a mixture of Marxists and staunch classicists
>then it got filled with Christposters
>now it’s filled with people who unironically shill and cite YouTubers and self help books
What went wrong?

>> No.11628980

He's right about the negative correlation but there is a lot of nuance involved. For instance there are remnants of dominant groups of smart "Chads"who aren't even aware of themselves anymore like the Normans. I think if you looked up many of those people's names you'd find Norman origins, but Germanic/Nordic people generally are often athletic and intelligent, though not necessarily high T. It's more racial than some general thing. I mean, black women have higher T than white men.

>> No.11628984

I blame the 2016 presidential election and the massive immigration from r/the_Donald.

>> No.11628990

Lauren Southern, more like Lauren Suckin big black cock

>> No.11629001
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>> No.11629002

and that's a good thing!

>> No.11629004

Reddit and /pol/. Literally.

>> No.11629014

I like how you can see the curve of her butt.

>> No.11629026

This is fucking leftpol bait dude. He's fishing for critique of the pol-type that would actually read this trash. Blame leftpol.

>> No.11629038

>everytime /pol/ acts retarded it's a falseflag
it seems like everything you people do is /leftypol/ bait

>> No.11629065

I follow Southern on Instagram and out of curiosity peeped out some of the people in her comments section. Her followers are all sub 105 IQ goobers and mystery meats or people new to new right movements. I'd venture that high IQ white men who would be aware of /pol/ are mostly by now learned on the JQ and see Southern as a joke, like Anglin does. He shredded that chick for being fat, then her race-mixing shit came out, she disappeared for a month then came back 20 lbs lighter and is constantly trying to mock how she used to be fat now, though she never really was.

>> No.11629081

i skimmed through her documentary about south africa on youtube, i don't get why she cares about south african whites as a canadian, that was sort of weird, like what's her angle here, but it was ok i guess, more professional than i expected

>> No.11629101

probably because /pol/ has been totally subverted and lobotomized to the greatest extent of any of the boards with the massive influx of users over the past few years./pol/ isn't /pol/ anymore and you look silly for making a boogyman out of it.

>> No.11629109

pol is a classic case of that quote thats like "if a group of people pretends to be retarded in jest they will soon by joined by people who are actually retarded thinking they are in good company"

>> No.11629111

Except /pol/ was always retards.

>> No.11629113

I think you look silly for not realizing boards evolve.

When I first came to /lit/ it was a lot different than it was now. A lot slower and more sophisticated. But it's evolved and no I must accept that people like you and the other idiots in this thread are part of this boards culture. That is MY cross to bear.

>> No.11629117

I don't understand at all why it is weird for her to care about SA whites

>> No.11629131


>> No.11629138

trips of truth

>> No.11629142


Nah, /pol/ used to be libertarian ron paullites, pseudo-nazis, and some obama fans. Truml ruined the fun and now its literally t_d

>> No.11629152

To highlight how if whites in the west allow ourselves to become minorities our fate is the same. Are you retarded?

>> No.11629155

woah isnt that hate speech tho?

>> No.11629156

>our fate is the same

Why do you think so?

>> No.11629162

because he's a retard

>> No.11629165

Because nonwhites/NAMs, and Africans especially, are dysfunctional and destructive. Move a bunch of Mexicans into America and it becomes Mexico, etc.

>> No.11629171

how many non-white people do you know/ interact with on a weekly basis?

>> No.11629187

As few as possible. It's impossible to do so with all the muds that have been let into our countries.

>> No.11629190

gimme a ballpark number of how many you know personally. Like if you saw them on the street you could tell me there names.

>> No.11629191


The face of retarded tripe.

>> No.11629197

>Move a bunch of Mexicans into America and it becomes Mexico, etc.
No it remains America (with a better labor/service industry). If your rhetorical bullshit was true then we'd be living in New Ireland. New Italy. etc

>> No.11629206

Buddy, I've lived in several foreign countries. My interactions with muds has been anything but scarce.

No, it becomes a shithole like Mexico.

>> No.11629209
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what kind of genre is this? It reads like a roastie's facebook wall.

>> No.11629228

So let me get this straight, people call tumblr retarded because they are. /pol/ then shows up and is also retarded. /pol/ calls Tumblr retarded and up its own ass despite being retarded and up its own ass. If I treat them both like the retards they are am I not being a hypocrite?

>> No.11629230

>No, it becomes a shithole like Mexico.
But it doesn't/isn't. Already nearly 1 in 5 people you'd encounter in the US are latinx.

>> No.11629233

that doesn't answer the question dipshit. How many would you say you've grown to know personally?

>> No.11629235
File: 490 KB, 449x401, Girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ is a tolerant and non-political board.
This is not true, but even if it were...
>We have no place for YOU!
Your "tolerance" is showing anon.

>> No.11629239

has the left forwarded any arguments yet or are they still in histrionics obviously false flagging and managing to come off dumber than this bimbo?

>> No.11629242

>muh website wars
you seem like a gamergate kinda guy.

>> No.11629245

>tolerating intolerance
cmon now anon this is such a tired argument

>> No.11629252

have the right shown themselves to have ideas worth arguing?

>> No.11629255

Yes, it does/is. What do you think the white countries have magic dirt?

A lot. But I want to live in an all white country, and that desire is natural and not something I need to apologize for.

>> No.11629258

We are gonna make it brahs

>> No.11629265

>But I want to live in an all white country, and that desire is natural and not something I need to apologize for.
That's where we'll have to agree to disagree friendo

>> No.11629267

>no u
>doublethink is fatiguing
i'm sure it is.

>> No.11629278

>A lot
name a couple of them and describe their character to me.

>> No.11629281

Which is a bad thing sweetie.

>> No.11629283

You have to go back, Juan.

>> No.11629286

as soon as you give your land back to the native americans your ancestors stole it from cletus

>> No.11629288

Go to bed Karl Popper, it is getting late.

>> No.11629291

No. White countries are not everyone's countries and the nonwhites who were let in after the 1965 jewish Immigration act have to go home.

>> No.11629292

>Yes, it does/is. What do you think the white countries have magic dirt?
what are you even on about. Additionally the US could be considered a shithole due to policies implemented by white people, crazed churches ran by white people, and drug addicts (mostly white, again). Not that I'm making an anti-white post; it's just that whites still make up the supermajority of the pop and are the ones historically in power.

But see why should /pol/tards be enabled. They can be obnoxious as they'd like to be and the second they come under attack they spam
etc. It's skewed bullshit that ruins discourse

>> No.11629294

Oh the irony!

>> No.11629296

We fought and they lost, but we gave them their own land because white people are fair.

>> No.11629302

have you ever met any of these millenial hispanic american kids? i had to do some work in a working class high school in a suburb that was majority hispanic, and it was exactly like a stereotypical white high school you'd see in a hollywood movie, the emo kid, the badass "trouble" kid, the geek, the perv creepin on chicks, etc. all the standard high school archetypes on full display

>> No.11629307

>Oh the irony!
Oh the irony.

>> No.11629309
File: 439 KB, 680x798, 1297199080171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so I'm going to assume you're either a retard who can't comprehend my request to elaborate on his many friendships with people of color or you are in fact lying and have never really interacted with someone who is not white. You hate people you know nothing about except what the internet tells you. Sad!

>> No.11629312

Jews have overtaken the white elite in the post WWII era and the downhill trajectory you're describing is attributable to that. Whites build good countries. I'm not surprised everyone wants to come to them. But that's not how it works and white countries become shitty the more nonwhites there are.

>> No.11629315
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>fucking seven kilobytes
>you absolute waste of oxygen

>> No.11629318

>she's older than Lauren
fear and loathing ages you

>> No.11629328

Minus 15-20 IQ points and a 30% cut in graduation rates.

I am not obligated to interact with nonwhites, nor are my personal experiences with them relevant to the long-term sociopolitical future I desire, and that is best for my group.

>> No.11629329

what a cartoonishly simplistic view of the world you have.

>> No.11629333

That is a factual account of the situation.

>> No.11629336

it is with mirth and spite that I look forward to the inevitable latinx becoming 1/3rd of the US population, and there's nothing you pasty sheltered nobodies can do about it

>> No.11629337

what if I told you the majority of whites despise you and don't want any part of your "group"?

>> No.11629344

7 kb is all you need grandpa I'm sorry your old man eyes cant see good enough to get your wrinkled old dick hard anymore.

>> No.11629350

>arguing for censorship
it's not because you're interested in the flow of enlightened discourse, you just need the overton window where it was because it's trivial to reveal your astonishing hypocrisy and you can't stand it.

>> No.11629357

Spics are lazy and ineffectual, they will not be taking over anything and will with time be pushed back down to their gutter nations.

But they don't. Were you following the election? Middle-upper class whites would shift in a second if it was morally acceptable to do so, which is becoming.

>> No.11629360

Have you seen the course of this thread? Discussion with hardline white nationalists is a joke. When confronted they stop listening and when cornered they bust out the Jew theories

>> No.11629365

Who are you to call others names, when did you arrive in the white country you're currently squatting in, and why you pretending to have an interest in white literary culture?

>> No.11629367

I'm not who your arguing with, but frankly I find this whole "racist people are racist because they've never met minorities" angle completely retarded and frankly a bit backwards. I grew up in New Jersey and I've had way more interactions with people of all backgrounds than I can count through business, school, social stuff, etc. I hold the (racist) views I hold because of these interactions. When I meet other people that believe similar things to me, it's often for the same reason. Yet whenever I've been to areas of the country where there really aren't nonwhite people, like central PA or New Hampshire, they always seem to have this sheltered notion that we're all the same.

>tries to argue that absolutely nothing is going to change if latinos continue to gain demographic ground
Something here just doesn't add up. Hmmm...

>> No.11629372

>delicious spite
see, you're ultimately just as vile and twisted deep down as the neocons. nothing to do with your fake morals.
beyond cringe.

>> No.11629382

yeah stoking race aligned civil war is a great idea

>> No.11629383

>lazy and ineffectual
They do all the hardest jobs and get paid the least.

>> No.11629386

>you're ultimately just as vile and twisted deep down as the neocons.
Neocons are jews and no one is more twisted than jews, so ... just sayin'.

>> No.11629387

but that's wrong because Trump didn't even win the votes of a majority of white people.

>> No.11629391

>Who are you to call others names
I, like you, am unconcerned with calling these kids what they are: white nat'lists
>when did you arrive in the white country you're currently squatting in
roughly 400 years ago, historically
>white literary culture
surely you don't think this is some racial identity shit

>> No.11629396

He wont the votes of a majority of white voters, and nonvoters don't matter in a democracy. If they're not even willing to fill out a 1 page form than how could they possible be willing to do anything effective at all?

>> No.11629397

Beaners are lazy. Everyone knows that so you're not fooling anyone pretending otherwise.

>> No.11629401

you're getting baited into wasting time arguing with a nazi troll on 4chan, just drop this corny thread

>> No.11629404

>implying the guy using the word "latinx" isn't the real bait in this thread

>> No.11629405

just a term dude. Nothing behind it

>> No.11629411

So you're an African who was brought over on a jewish slave ship and are taking their bait and blaming whitey for everything even though your community has been progressively fucked in the post-civil rights jewish era. Get some hotep in you, nog. And yes this board revolves around white culture so you shouldn't be here.

>> No.11629413
File: 189 KB, 500x668, Claude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone I disagree with is a Nazi!!!

>> No.11629414 [DELETED] 

there aren't that many mexicans in nj dude, in the north east most hispanics are puerto rican and domincan, and now some people from ecuador and el salvador, and brazilians in some areas, face it man you don't know shit

>> No.11629415

>I grew up in New Jersey
That doesn't mean much. The entire nortwestern part of the state is almost exclusively white. From what I understand Oxford is run by the Klan.

>> No.11629417

Then why is it always them who fix my house after a storm? That's hard work.

>> No.11629420

>a nazi troll
how completely unaware of everything do you have to be to think of people posting verifiably true facts in this meme manner

>> No.11629421

>it's a term
No shit. It's the biggest bait in this thread though lmao. I can understand if you're a white nationalist or a holocaust denier or if you want more immigration or a browner America, but unironically using the word "Latinx"? Now that right there is some nonsense

>> No.11629431

yeah but you're obviously just fucking stupid (no offense) so I don't really count people like you.

>> No.11629432

The northwest is basically Appalachia and Southern Jersey has the largest KKK branch north of the Mason-Dixon, from what I've heard. That said, I grew up to nonreligious parents in Central Jersey surrounded by Jews, Blacks, and Hispanics a few miles from one of the largest gay communities in the state. And it all wore me down into a white nationalist.

>> No.11629440

What the fuck made you assume I was talking about New Jersey or even the east coast?

>> No.11629447

>I can't call you a sheltered white boi or a redneck or white trash so your stupid
I couldn't tell you how many times I've had someone like you resort to this shit. It's like the idea that someone grew up in a multicultural paradise and didn't like it is so god damn antithetical to the narrative you're trying to create here that all you can fucking come up with is some Kindergarten-tier insult.

>> No.11629454

white nationalism is such a meme response to the realities of racial differences and the conflict that comes with diversity.

White people are clearly not homogenous enough to make a stable group, they have been killing each other forever. National Socialism at least sort of makes sense, but it also seems rather unlikely to ever occur again.

I've read the literature on race and it is obvious to anyone who isn't extremely committed ideologically to antiracism that racism is probably true, but what do we do with this fact, given the reality we live in today? The answer is not White nationalism, which encompasses dozens of languages and cultures, who might be slightly better at getting along, but still break down into violent conflict regularly.

>> No.11629455

you wanna move the goalposts some more? why are you guys outnumbered at every rally you stage? it can't all be black people and jews

>> No.11629456

i can see where there was a generation of racist whites in the suburbs who fled the riots in newark, but it's time to get over it dude, that was boomer era shit ok

>> No.11629459

Yep, I literally lived in Mexico then came back to my country and realized it had become Mexico too. Googled who's promoting this and calling me names if I don't like it and voila.

>> No.11629461

this is sooooo true and also how Leffen talks about Marth

>> No.11629464

Hey I said no offense, there is no reason for you to be mad, just the quality of your posts and the ideology you're putting out there is fucking stupid. Maybe you're a secret genius. Maybe me and the rest of civilized society is wrong and dumb. But there is no need for you to be upset you little retard (again, no offense)

>> No.11629467

he has to protect his understanding of racism, he can't entertain the thought that racists might be racist for rational reasons

To understand this you have to understand that leftists(not socialists, leftists in general) have come to place a metaphysical importance on not being racist. It is about actually thinking the thoughts, it's not even the actions, just thinking the thoughts is the ultimate moral evil to them. It is the cardinal sin of leftist religion. You don't think rationally about whether racism is factually wrong, that would be like a Christian thinking about whether maybe the Devil is actually right, and God is worthless.

>> No.11629468

>White people are clearly not homogenous enough to make a stable group
This is the jewish meme of jewish memes. White people are extremely homogenous and are in fact the only group on the planet with non-shit-colored features.

Never listen to this jewish demoralization nonsense. It's pure judaism.

>> No.11629469

>Because radical leftist counter-protesters represent the views of numerous white Americans.

>> No.11629472

>I can't call you a sheltered white boi or a redneck or white trash
I can still call you white trash. In fact I will. Almost every white person who chooses to live in Jersey is white trash. Even the ones who aren't racist fuckbois

>> No.11629479

jew jew jew jew
Look i get it, Jews are dicks, and they fuck us over, boo hoo. Stop attributing to them the mythological importance they believe they have.

White europeans have literally been massacring each other since they first evolved

>> No.11629480

Holy shit watch this poster devolve right before your eyes chat!

>> No.11629484

they clearly represent a bigger and younger demographic than (You)

>> No.11629488

to make this even clearer the concept 'racism is a scientific question which can be proven true or false, given evidence for each position' strikes the leftist as deeply wrong. For them there is no debate, they grew up knowing and being told it is the ultimate evil, they cannot ever suspend that judgment to look at the evidence for and against. The thought is so alien to them it causes a massive blank out on any information that could promote racism, and panic whenever they stray too closely to related ideas.

>> No.11629491

That's literally a jewish meme. You are some low IQ anti-white mud person repeating it because you heard it from jews. I know you're playing from behind being a shitskin but it's not complicated.

>> No.11629492

I'm not devolving. I never argue with you guys because frankly you don't deserve it. It frames your assertions and axioms as more legitimate and less self-contradictory than they are in reality. I tell it like it is.

>> No.11629495

>For them there is no debate,
non-racist leftcuck here. I agree with this. But for different reasons than you may think.

>> No.11629496

Are you being serious right now? Do you know literally nothing about European history? It was a bloodbath, before Europe was even really a thing, white tribes were slaughering each other, just like every other region on earth.

And i am blond, blue eyed, purely descended from people from the British Isles, and have a good deal of innate tribal preference for people like me. So much so that I am not even really a fan of the French, but I do like them in their way.

>> No.11629498

My main problem with national socialism is exactly the fact that it's unrealistic. When I say white nationalism, I don't refer to Europe. You're right, go to Europe and there's a lot pushing them apart. They don't really buy into the concept of "white" because "white" isn't really a pan-European concept, it never was. White really doesn't exist as a major category outside of colonial nations like the US, Canada, South Africa, Australia, etc. And that's really what I refer to as a white nationalist. I'm fine having solidarity with French nationalists and Italian nationalists, but I'm under no illusion that France and Italy should be united by virtue of "whiteness". White nationalism in the US is a strictly American ideology based (traditionally) around Anglo cultural norms.

I'm not affiliated with any organizations that stage rallies. If you're referring to Unite the Right 2, I can actually chime in on that. A lot of the bigger nationwide organizations purposefully avoided that one. RAM, Patriot Front, Vanguard, Identity Evropa, TWP, etc all purposefully avoided it.

Apathy towards the browning of America is boomer shit. Hippy pro-gay free love nonsense is boomer shit. Voting for neocons because "at least they're not democrats" is boomer shit.

>you called me out on my bullshit so here, have more bullshit!

I didn't choose to live in Jersey, I said I grew up there. Tbh though NJ is more than likely wealthier per capita than wherever you're from.

>> No.11629500

Would you mind listing your reasons, because I grew up like you. There was no debate for me either my entire life, until I had a shift in how I thought about these questions, and read a few books on the topic.

>> No.11629505

wealth doesn't mean you're not white trash. And I'm from New York

>> No.11629507

You should be smarter then. I wasn't arguing that whites aren't warlike, I was arguing with your repeating of a jewish anti-white meme, i.e., your own enemy's propaganda. Wise up.

>> No.11629508
File: 231 KB, 2020x1480, 1526590338174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.11629509

The US is not even mostly Anglo in the white population, the German and Irish populations are actually larger, and you also have Meds and Eastern Euros.

>> No.11629512

why did they avoid it? and why do the same 15 proudboys like coming to portland every other weekend to get mobbed by like 300 antifa?

>> No.11629515

>I'm not affiliated with any organizations that stage rallies. If you're referring to Unite the Right 2, I can actually chime in on that. A lot of the bigger nationwide organizations purposefully avoided that one. RAM, Patriot Front, Vanguard, Identity Evropa, TWP, etc all purposefully avoided it.

not a nazi, but good call on their part, that kessler fuck is an agent provocateur, he was at occupy wall street pretending to be an anarchist and trying to talk people into tearing up bricks from the park and attack the cops and shit, i guess his handlers thought they could reassign him to the alit-right and no one from the left would notice

>> No.11629519

how do you not see that 'white nationalism' as a concept makes no sense. How do you make a nation out of that vast a number of people with different languages and cultures? That is an empire, not a nation, and one ethnicity would have to rule it. You'd also need a lingua franca.

>> No.11629525

now we're getting somewhere, america is a capitalist empire, where christian, jew, and mohamedan can live side by side and reserve the term 'infidel' for he who goes bankrupt

>> No.11629533

It was literally the default for American society until recently. There's nothing abnormal about it whatsoever and it has taken decades of anti-white brainwashing to make whites think otherwise, conditioning that was boomer-centric and is now wearing off.

>> No.11629535

america is not a capitalist empire in the slightest, they were one briefly, maybe 1650-1850ish, but centralized government consumed them rapidly after that, and before the revolution they had the British fucking with them as well.

America has marginally lower taxes than some social democratic white countries but it is still a totalitarian regulation-ridden tax-afflicted thing that would horrify a classical liberal who sees capitalism as some ultimate good(i am not a libertarian, but this is how they'd see it)

>> No.11629537

>i'm scrupulously logical and consistent
no you're not. that's not the way ideology functions. you're merely a conformist who shirks dissonance and insists the platitudes of "civilized society" are beyond reproach yet the whole point is about moving on from that same civil society's past gross mistakes through uncompromising intellectual scrutiny of its assumptions. instead of doing so you can only volunteer sneering excuses.

>> No.11629544

The Irish and Italians and Eastern Euros were quite literally not accepted when they came, even Catholic Anglos had problems in New England

I question your knowledge of American history if you think it ends and begins with jews.

I will agree with you on one thing though- antiwhite sentiment in the media would never have reached its current fever pitch without Jews, that was actually in large part their doing. The thing is it's sort of irrelevant, the problems were going to happen regardless, and the answer- bloodshed- was also going to, and will, happen regardless.

>> No.11629545

Generational wealth certainly is, white trash doesn't grow up upper middle class.

And yet most of those groups you listed have almost entirely assimilated into Anglo-American culture.

Because they don't want to get arrested and they don't want to kill anyone, they're more concerned with consolidating and growing their numbers than putting on flashy shows that end in street brawls against uppity squatters and police. Nobody sees "alt-right hate march in DC" in the news and thinks "boy I want to join them". Proudboys exist pretty much exclusively to participate in rallies and fight people. Stuff like Patriot Front and Identity Evropa have bigger ideas about where they want to go.

Yeah Berkley was a good show of force but I know some of these orgs like RAM lost some members to arrests. And after Charlottesville they're paranoid about destroying their optics again. Frankly I think leftists should be kind of afraid in terms of the future of organizations like these. Antifa might have some institutional money behind them, but they're disorganized and they really have no long-term goals. The far right is trying to act a lot more strategically and I think they'll be in a very good position to usurp the mantle of "we have an answer to your problems" from Occupy when the next economic downturn hits.

>> No.11629549

>I'm not devolving. I never argue with you guys because frankly you don't deserve it. It frames your assertions and axioms as more legitimate and less self-contradictory than they are in reality. I tell it like it is.
This is an incredibly cowardly approach to discourse. you think merely dressing an argument legitimizes it. If you are capable of breaking it down, then addressing it should do the opposite- make it seem less legitimate by pinting out it's flaws.

You tell nothing at all, you just imply you have the answers, but you won't state them.

>> No.11629555

Why do you feel entitled to a dialogue from me? What makes you think I consider you my equal? the same disdain you hold for the jew and the negro I hold for you!

>> No.11629562

it is cute that you hold this affectation of intellectual superiority to the degree that you don't even need to state your positions and defend them, but to everyone reading this you just look incapable of making a point, and afraid to engage

If you truly didn't care, guess what dude, you wouldn't be here posting, you'd be off posting with people who deserve your apparently superior mind

>> No.11629563

>This is an incredibly cowardly approach to discourse
I don't enter into discourse with racists on anonymous anime forums. I don't think it's worth my time and I would rather insult them and treat them with ridicule I believe they deserve. Frankly if I had my way I would have you all purged.

>> No.11629567

I would have no qualms about running over every single poster itt with a tractor

>> No.11629571
File: 47 KB, 636x373, TrumpLaughGang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Frankly if I had my way I would have you all purged
Ahh, I see, this is the true power of /leftypol/!

>> No.11629572

you don't enter into dicsourse because you know you can't win the argument. if it were a matter of effort and not affording us the respect of your time you would not have posted in the thread at all

All you have done is serve as another example for all the eyes out there reading the internet of one side of the debate bringing arguments and reason, and the other blithely asserting their supriority and then fleeing when they are questioned

guess what the compounded effect of this is on all the people reading this stuff? that's how I turned from you into me, exactly this dynamic

>> No.11629573

>The Irish and Italians and Eastern Euros were quite literally not accepted when they came,

Are you the white guy who repeated the anti-white jewish propaganda before? You just did it again, but are trying to code it because you it's false. If they weren't considered white they wouldn't have been allowed in.

>that was actually in large part their doing
No, it was entirely their doing. Jews hate you and are attacking you. Get that through your head, take the last few steps, and for godsake stop repeating their tired memes and opposing other white people on these issues. We don't have a choice here, and at present, with your display itt, you're doing more harm than good.

>> No.11629574

>wealth doesn't mean you're not white trash
True. Look at Trump.

>> No.11629580

Yet clearly my method brings the desired result of upsetting you. Otherwise you wouldn't reply to me, you'd be off debating the merits of national socialism on anonymous platforms with other intellectual neophytes. You want me to come down to your level and argue with you as though you were a human being with subtleties and thoughts and dreams. But I don't consider you that. I think you are a cockroach. And I don't care what the "people reading this" think. You'll never be worthy of my honesty or sincerity you cockroach! Never!

>> No.11629581

>Jews hate you and are attacking you.
i know that, i just don't think theyre as powerful as you think they are.

>> No.11629585

>I don't engage racists in discourse
>trump is white trash

>> No.11629587

If you seriously think this, then you're just as stupid as the 4d chess magapede-types.

>> No.11629588

I made no statement on such a topic. Jews can be and will be removed once the will to remove them is there. You need to pick a side, become better informed, and stop getting in the way from now on.

>> No.11629589

i'm not even really a rightist i just enjoy bringing the smug psuedoleft down a few pegs to the level of their worst enemy. it's alarmingly easy.

>> No.11629592

I am not a national socialist, you have no idea who i am. Anyway i reply because I want to offer the service to people reading this that i was afforded by other people posting similar things. I consider it something i have to do to free people of the awful religion of leftism.

So you are essentially here to mock people you think are below you, that is your purpose in this thread, you spend your nights finding people you think are worse than you and mindlessly insulting them without even being brave enough to argue the points.

I guess this makes you some combination of coward and sadist, and pretty thing of a human anon. I hope you can become better, spend your time constructively, and maybe think about what you actually believe instead of just listening to what's around you in panic and hoping you think the right thing.

You don't have to hate yourself, and you are not evil just for thinking things.

>> No.11629600

you are not going to win this one with me so there is no point in us continuing this conversation, we are not going to see eye to eye. Look i wish you luck in your endeavours but I am not with you.

and i will 'get in the way' all i want, this is an anonymous forum where anyone can post for any reason they like, and I post for my reasons, just as you do yours.

you wouldn't be able to post were that not the case, this is not White nationalism, the forum.

>> No.11629603


>> No.11629605

1st off if I knew I couldn't win an argument with you then I would probably just convert and become a racist. It would be nonsensical for me to do what I'm doing if I believed myself to be wrong. So I'm either right or stupid.

Secondly you keep framing this as though you and the imagined readers of our dialogue will see our positions as a dialectic. If they view it that way then they are truly brainlets and I hope they flock to your cause. I wouldn't want them to agree with me anyway. I don't come to these threads to spread ideology. I came here to laugh at you. When you cease to amuse me I'll leave and you'll chalk up another victory for yourself in these internet arguments you care so much about.

As to wasting my time, 4chan is for blowing off steam and taunting people who hold genuine beliefs. If this forum were designed for intellectual honesty it wouldn't be anonymous and you people wouldn't have flocked to it like when you were chased off of other platforms.

>> No.11629610

I can see decent arguments for the first two factors but not the third.

>> No.11629617

You are not some unique, independent mind. You are in a transitional larval stage the people you're talking to have already passed through. You will be repeating what I've told you in a year.

>> No.11629618

wow thinks for the heart to heart anon. I think you're right I hate Irony now and I hate niggers and jews too. I think instead of spending my nights attacking people on the internet I will spend them instead spread these new beliefs you taught me educating the denizens of this literature board the evils of nonwhites!

Thank you for converting me You have changed my life forever my white brother!

>> No.11629619

>islamic terrorists attack the wtc and give bush the excuse he needs to go into iraq

for millenials there whole life has been "the war on terror" how long have we been in afghanistan now? like 15 years? the taliban just pulled a major offensive this week killed like 200 ops and only got pushed back when american gunships started lighting them up

>> No.11629626

Well that's the dichotomy between leftists and people like me

I see the good in 4chan and i come here to try to do good, you criticize everything and look for bad, and you come here to hate things, and hate the people here.

This is what leftism does to people and it is why i want to dissuade people from it. That perfect thing you want to exist in reality, it does exist man, it just won't come to be the way you want it to, you have to look for it in other places.

And as for our argument, i kind of doubt you have ever even read a paper on evolution or psychology that related to race, so i understand the ideas might be weird to you, but if you look into it, it is pretty clear cut. There are guys getting booted from academia all the time for realizing the truth, even Nobel laureates.

Anyway man i wish you the best i really do, and please try to understand that you grew up being indoctrinated into a relgiion that deeply hurts you, it makes you hate yourself and people outside you, it's a bad fucking thing, and you will feel so much better if you can see what it is.

>> No.11629631

i don't hate anybody at all man, not even slightly, like i said you don't know who i am at all. I have dated both black and jewish girls, I see individuals as individuals, i am not a white nationalist.

It is about truth and people knowing truth instead of lies, the fact you don't get this makes me sad

>> No.11629638

I would have passed through that stage in 2014 were it going to happen, i have different ideas about reality.

I sincerely don't believe in anything like white nationalism, and you are not going to make me, so we may as well finish our conversation.

Accept that people have different views than you, even people who have read things you've read. My mind is differently oriented than yours, surely not unique, but different than yours.

What i care about is harmony between people, and while knowing about race and jewish influence has to factor into that, because all truth has to, what I want is not violent conflict but harmony. And i know there will always be violence, but let us make as little of it as possible.

>> No.11629641

why are you sad whitebrother? You've converted me and Now I can be like you and instead of coming here for my own recreational shitposting I can spend my time here as a slave to the opinion of others!

>> No.11629650

We were wasting money and lives in the middle east well before September eleventh, hell, that's probably why it happened. Blaming a single terrorist attack for decades of insane middle eastern policy is ironically the justification used to continue middle eastern intervention even against targets that have not a single damned thing to do with it. It would make more sense to blame boomers, oil, or Israeli involvement in US politics than to blame Islam. Islam doesn't control the policy you are complaining about.

>> No.11629651

You're not an attractive woman

>> No.11629652

i get it dude, you hate me, you think my mind is corrupted with worthless ideology and you think i am hateful and wrong

i am trying to tell you from the depths of my heart that that is not true

you dont have to be anything, you don;t have to be white, or a man, or a rightwing person, just get rid of the leftist thing in you because it poisons you and makes you unhappy and hurtful towards others

the thing that leftism wants, it does exist, it really does, i understand where they come from, i came from the same place, there is just another way to go towards it that isn't infected with wrongness

i know youll just make another mock reply to me, but anon just think about, just give it some tiny space in your brain you can look at and think, 'maybe this is true',

im not looking to convert you, just asking you to look at it with your own faculties of awareness, and judge for yourself, that is all

>> No.11629666

look guy, when you continuously come at me with a passionate sincerity it makes me feel cruel when I continue to mock you so in a way you're ruining this website for me.

To be honest I bet we're not that different. I don't care about races and I think all humans are pretty shitty. But I think in the grand scheme of things it doesn't really matter.

>> No.11629700

That's just full black

>> No.11629704

>I don't care about races and I think all humans are pretty shitty
i feel basically the same way man, i am not racist the way people imagine racists, i try to love everyone around me, and i have friends and girlfriends of every race

i just think it is important to see the actual truth of things is all, and it doesn't even place whites on the top, east asians and jews are actually above us, assuming you're white, and this is just IQ. There is no real 'above', because the worth of something is not down to stupid ideas like that, we are all amazing in a million ways. More than that all the races overlap, so it doesn't even matter which race you are, there will be people of any other race which are smarter or dumber than you, that's how the overlapping curves work.

And no it doesn't matter that much, we are all bascially the same to a very large degree, if people just stopped thinking about it it wouldn't matter that much, but it is such a huge constant discussion that if we don't think about it it will end in conflict and i don't want that.

In the end though i dont get why it matters so much, you know your family is dumber than other families, that is obviously true, and a race is just a bigger family, which is less identifiably you due to smaller proximity, so it should matter way less than if your family is smarter, if your race would be on average less smart. you are always just an individual

I especially think it matters because there are people trying to make disparate outcomes of races a big deal, when they don't have to be. Racism is a real plague in society I know that, but there is also the fact that large populations of humans might not behave the same way on average, so endlessly looking for social reasons for that could lead to bad things.

I do have to disagree that humans are just shitty though, we are, we definitely are, but we are also full of so much light, so much good, i have never met a human who wasn't glowing in some sense with meaning.

because the mere fact we exist at all, us humans, and then all the animals and plants and etc, is a constant wonder to me, and it makes me feel the universe is inhabited by a universal love that inhabits everything and makes it grow and create.It almost makes me cry when i think about how beautiful everything is and how all anything needs is the love of merging with it.

and i am not ruining the website for you we are all just voices in the dark lit up my moments of each other seeing our posts, and it can be good or bad, but i think there is a good thing to be made from conducting conversation without the violence associated with wrong opinions, letting things out

and it ends in hate and mockery a lot
but it can end in a sense of love too, a calm love, that is basically just seeing what is around you and other people, and that is a beautiful thing i think

>> No.11629715

We need more posters like you

>> No.11629723

I'm stupid if I seriously think Trump is white trash? What else do you call a loud, crass, semi-literate white person? His actions and utterances constantly fly in the face of good taste. And just to be clear this has nothing to do with politics. I'm saying he behaves like white trash so why shouldn't we call him that?

>> No.11629725

The feeble rationalizations of a THOT

>> No.11629735

he's just like any other white guy who has 5 kids with 3 wives and paints himself orange and eats mcdonalds every meal except when he has his steaks well done with ketchup.

>> No.11629736

>all small pictures are thumbnails

>> No.11629758 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 576x339, trump-netanyahu-1474849402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just another Jew appropriating right-wing anti-Muslim hysteria to justify the policies of Greater Israel. /pol/ should contemplate how easily they get snookered by these people.

>> No.11629766

But that's just how you would expect poor white trash to live if they were given the means. Look at the way he dresses, his complete indifference to the arts, the garish interiors of his homes, the bimbos he bones, his ill-fitting clothes, his aggressive monosyllables. It's true his stupid simplicity enables him to connect with his constituency, and even leads him to make wise political decisions now and then, but I cannot think of him as anything other than white trash.

>> No.11629767

Israel is based my guy.

>> No.11629779

>[adjective with negative connotations]
>’how the [political enemy] ruins [noun with positive connotations]
>face in front cover
>full name in large fonts for self promotion
Normal people were a mistake

>> No.11629785

Except those are White Christian Europeans who can easily assimilate into the culture. Not non-whites.

>> No.11629793
File: 22 KB, 281x350, 1450392774207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boomers buy shit like this

>> No.11629797

Worthless thread. But I knew that before I clicked on it

>> No.11629803

DESTRUCTIVE: How the low income inner city black population ruins public transport
a book by Thomas Sowell

>> No.11629821

this is a literal child's writing
i am almost the same age as she is, she reminds me of your average basic social media slut

>> No.11629866
File: 55 KB, 750x562, TrumpHomerun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worthless post. But I knew that before I read it.

>> No.11629887

made for bbc

>> No.11629888

Nice projecting there sweetie. ;)

>> No.11629908

yeah i is projecting dis dick in that whight bitch

>> No.11630115
File: 23 KB, 640x480, snob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leftist gets satan trips when admitting to secretly despising humanity

>> No.11630118

This reads like someone has stapled catchy twitter posts together

>> No.11630125


/new/ was retarded too but I doubt many remember it.

>> No.11630137


Can you explain to me how "spics" (which I believe refers to Puerto Ricans, no?) are both lazy/ineffectual yet at the same time taking jobs from honest, hardworking Americans? I'm having a bit of trouble comprehending that.

>> No.11630143
