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11625879 No.11625879 [Reply] [Original]

>The orchids decking the bridal car manifested another Rothschild habit: impatience with imperfection, however slight. For the Rothschilds, sticking to the best is an obvious imperative, the equivalent of a shoemaker sticking to his last. More than any other group in the world, they have chutzpah. This is a Yiddish word related phonetically and philosophically to the Greek hubris. The latter term conveys uncompromising and in the end self-destructive pride. Achilles died of hubris, but Rothschilds positively prosper on chutzpah.
>Leo Rosten in The Joys of Yiddish defines chutzpah "that quality enshrined in a man who, having killed his mother and father, throws himself on the mercy of the court because he is an orphan". Chutzpah amounts to a total denial of personal responsibility, which renders others speechless and incredulous ... one cannot quite believe that another person totally lacks common human traits like remorse, regret, guilt, sympathy and insight. The implication is at least some degree of psychopathy in the subject, as well as the awestruck amazement of the observer at the display.

I have mixed feelings of amazement, anger, wonderment and jealousy while reading this book.

Do not get me wrong, I am not anti-semite, but these Jews do not even try to portray themselves as such "Just lucky guys who got into banking"

They make clear that they are really above you and me. That their family, their blood, is the ultimate quintessence: the true royal bloodline.

The whole book reads like a big "Fuck You", you may be succesful, you may even be born a fucking king or prince: but you will never be a Rothschild.

Imagine being so fucking rich, that you are not even listed on the Forbes or any economic list or journal: imagine being so fucking filthy rich that while banks made their fortune by loaning to ordinary people: The Rothschilds made their fortune by loaning money to the banks since last 200-300 years.

>> No.11625930

How do you feel about the Astors?

>> No.11625956
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Now you know who's behind everything. They do it because they can and they will.

Stand up and fight those who would enslave us to them and their god.

>> No.11626155

>Imagine being so fucking rich, that you are not even listed on the Forbes or any economic list or journal
>so fucking rich
You cannot measure infinity, heads of Rotchild family are the sovereign overlords of global monetary system. In the era of FIAT money they have literally infinite wealth, except ofcourse in North Korea, Iran and Cuba... the 3 countries that dont have Rotchild central bank.
Rockefellers combined wealth is also in the several trillions.

But yeah the book isnt bad, its probably interesting if you havent really looked into Rotchilds. But if you have taken the first step by reading that book, you should consider taking a glace at occultism most likely practiced by some very elite groups to this day. This means delving into Rabbinical Phariseism which is essentially Babylonian Talmudism which has roots from far before the age of christ. It gives a new perspective to a lot of events that have happened over the centuries.

Unfortunately there are very few authors who can be held to a high scholarly standard when it comes to this kind of information (which is also automatic career suicide). But Michael A. Hoffman atleast has some well researched high quality books on the subject.

Atleast read his interview here if you have any kind of interest on the subject: https://thesaker.is/the-saker-interviews-michael-a-hoffman-ii/

>> No.11626224
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>I am not anti-semite
How noble of you. But kikes still hate you, think of you as their slave, and want to exterminate you. So grow some fucking balls and hate them back so we can get rid of them.

>> No.11626260

You think Donald Trump is some isolated figure fighting against this "Jew World Order" while most of his cabinet are Jews, his fucking daughter is married to a mega-jew and is probably the best thing that has happened to Israel in the last decade (when contrasted to Obama)?

What about Federal Reserve? Nothing to do with Rothschild right?

How the fuck you could even go "fight these Jews"? What the fuck are you even talking about: they own the very air you breathe

>> No.11626287

>that pic
Hook, line and sinker... divide and rule, the oldest trick in the book. Trump was actually bailed out by Rotchilds in the early 90s, they literally own him and when he became the president, the meaningful parts of his cabinet were naturally picked for him by the banksters.


>> No.11626370

You guys don't get it or are d&cing. Trump is the first step. He has two jobs, both of which he is doing: hampering the progression of jewish globalism and stemming the tide of muds.

You have to think in terms of the long game.

>> No.11626379

Oh I see: it is 5d Chess!

Based Trump is just pretending to be friend of the Jews. How based can one man be? Awoo awoo, #Maga

>> No.11626383

Are you one of those Q -retards?

>> No.11626439

You aren't listening. Neither 5d chess nor that psyop are issues here. This is a long game, of which Trump plays a specific, early role he is succeeding at.

>> No.11626443

>This is a long game, of which Trump plays a specific, early role he is succeeding at.

You´re delusional

>> No.11626471

If you want to know about the Ashkenazi bloodlines, then you need to know about this event, the population bottleneck:

>> No.11626483

It's very straightforward. Perhaps you're just dumb or a nonwhite being intentionally antagonistic because it's against your interests?

>> No.11626528

It's the same thing with royalty, nobility, high castes, etc. They live their whole lives in a world too distant from 99% of the population and start to believe their shit doesn't stink, everything ends when the day comes and people just burn them alive or send them to the guillotines.
In my country, the imperial family had a colossal party in the night before the coup that kicked them out. Keep in mind this party happened while the whole country had local revolts against high taxes and ridiculous laws.

>Leo Rosten in The Joys of Yiddish defines chutzpah "that quality enshrined in a man who, having killed his mother and father, throws himself on the mercy of the court because he is an orphan".
That is a funny one.

>> No.11626665
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It's quite different though; very different actually. Many in the former European aristocracy had a sense of stewardship towards the masses, whereas this current class of desert semites not only has none, but something beyond hostility towards them, which is why jews are at the forefront of the most socially destructive aspects of western society now, be it the Sacklers and the opioid epidemic, the twisted jews running the pornography industry, or the jews constantly pushing white countries to send our people to the middle east to destroy Israel's enemies.

Jews are nothing short of a plague upon our society. The resentment they have towards non-jews and whites especially is on a level whites can't really understand, which is why we have to kick the jews out of the west.

They don't belong in our countries and have caused an unforgivable amount of damage because they are sociopaths.

>> No.11627402

>[Trump is] hampering the progression of jewish globalism

lmao trumplets turned their brains off because they like memes


>> No.11627443

If you want to LARP go find the fantasy thread

>> No.11627948
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I always kinda assumed they rule the world but never bothered to research, do you have any other redpilled books?

>> No.11627989
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>they rule the world
That's a jewish diversion meme. Nobody "rules the world," but jews are a gypsy clan that behaves with extreme malice toward its host nations and peoples, and is pushy, corrupt, deceptive, and immoral so they often get their way among nice, high-trust people like Europeans.

But the internet is making their biological strategy much less effective and we're likely headed toward a modern Babylonian Captivity as the world realizes the nature of these rootless inbred bandits.

To understand that biological strategy pic related is a good start.

>> No.11628667


Not this guy, but remember that 'strategy' in this context is not a forethought plan or a conspiracy

>> No.11629593
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>It's the same thing with royalty, nobility, high castes, etc. They live their whole lives in a world too distant from 99% of the population and start to believe their shit doesn't stink, everything ends when the day comes and people just burn them alive or send them to the guillotines.

The thing is: they really are on a different level after doing some research on this.

Even when it comes to style: or lavishing their homes with furniture or that "I am mega-rich" type of acquiring wealth to show off: they have it on a totally different level

Even pic related, one of the thousands of properties owned by them all over the world: walls filled with paintings from renaissance masters: the furniture is reminiscent of European royalties on purpose which have been dethroned.

Properties like this are not even listed as some "They own this", because they are so full of historical furniture/paintings/art that they are considered some national museums or protected cultural heritage

The thing is: Rothschilds do not mingle with other Jews even for that matter.

It is like Jewish clan adopted elite attitude of European royalty and interbreeding: it is a guarded bloodline taken to a different level.

Jewish Royalty. Now imagine that. They are the real life example of "Solomon The King" if he even was a real person.

Just look casually through some of the properties they own through the world: it is not some crude Golden-Statues to show-off like Arab oil princes who lack the style: these are fucking masterpieces of history acquired through extreme selective collector process.
They probably own the Holy Grail itself

>> No.11629606

The king of swindlers is still just a thief. They have this power because white men allowed them to have. Now it's up to white men to take it away from them like we have many times before.

>> No.11629628

Do you even know how absurd that sounds?

What the fuck are you going to do? Stop using money?

The only solution would be like using some cryptocurrency

>> No.11629640

>but muh Bill Gates worlds richest man

Here is some real data how much money these motherfuckers really have

>> No.11629782

stop using THEIR money. Do you know about the Greenback?

>> No.11630747

Isbn? That's a nice cover.

>> No.11631717

type 'Crest' when you search for it

>> No.11631735

someone give me a rundown on these guys without unnecessary hyperbole and conspiracy theory bs

>> No.11631940

While banks give out loans with interest to citizens thus making it profitable in the long run: Rothschilds made their fortune by loaning money, loans and bonds to the national banks and governments of various countries across the Europe.