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11625679 No.11625679 [Reply] [Original]

This nigga has too many books.
Has anyone here read them all ?
If I'm going to read one or two which ones should I go with ?

>> No.11625690

If you don't want to read his books at least research the concepts. He has given talks which will teach you a thing or two. The idea of anti-fragility is very powerful.

>> No.11625703
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there's only one book my friend

>> No.11625704

Start with some of his podcast appearances on EconTalk - they'll give you a decent background to his ideas

After that you're probably good to dive into Antifragile and if you like it work backward to TBS and FBR

>> No.11625743

fuck I guess I'm going to start with the first one.

>> No.11625751

I hope nobody here actually pays attention to EconLog because it's full of economic pseuds especially that faggot Caplan who keeps getting absolutely destroyed even by people who like him.

>> No.11625786


People often recommend starting with Black Swan. It's a bit more interesting than his first book Fooled by Randomness.

The Bed of Procrustes is very short since it is a collection of short aphorisms. I'd save it for later though. It reads better once you are more familiar with the Nassim mindset.

Antifragile is perhaps his best book, but it's also his most intense one. It'd be a good place to start if you don't mind a challenge.

Skin in the Game is his most recent work. Consider reading this one first if you care about being current. It might not be in paperback yet. I'm not sure.

>> No.11625802

I started with Antifragile and it's great. Also read his twitter to get a taste of his rhetorical style. It puts his project in context.

>> No.11625815

Thing is, how much does he repeat himself in these books.
For example if I read Antifragile and then go for Black Swan will I go: "Ohh I already read this but in a shorter form this doesn't seem that interesting now"

>> No.11625824
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There's some overlap, but each book is distinct.
If you like the ideas and the way he expresses them, you'll like every book--except maybe Bed of Procrustes.

>> No.11625831

ok, got it senpai

>> No.11625904

>Economic pseuds
aka some of the most highly reputable thinkers at some of the best econ institutions in the country

>Faggot Caplan
aka based econ man who btfo'd public subsidies of the higher education racket

Spotted the marxist academia fag guys

>> No.11625947
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>some of the most highly reputable thinkers at some of the best econ institutions in the country

>> No.11625992
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nice bait, next time be more subtle

>> No.11626048

did he ever retract the free disposal argument ? I see it's still on his blog.
That shit alone will tell you about his value as a thinker.

>> No.11626106

Yeah the free disposal argument was stupid but using that to invalidate his findings on education is like saying Timaeus undermines The Republic

I'm more surprised he bothered to counter such stupidity as anti-natalism to begin with desu, even more that that's the best he could do

>> No.11626118

they're literally all the same

>> No.11626209

>Yeah the free disposal argument was stupid but using that to invalidate his findings on education.

Absolutely zero findings. All that shit be circulating on the internet in form of blog posts on lesswrong cuck pages or nrx caves. If that was your first exposure to those arguments I'm glad you received the polished turd.

>I'm more surprised he bothered to counter such stupidity as anti-natalism to begin with desu, even more that that's the best he could do
What's your excuse. You're not an economist right ?