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/lit/ - Literature

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11624363 No.11624363 [Reply] [Original]

Not sure if this is an /adv/ post but I figured since everyone here is into reading I can find some help. Anyway, I’m a pretty fast reader when I’m reading something that is interesting. I can flip through pages playing a scene in my head like a movie, however there is some important literature to read (or certain parts of books) that if I find boring or distasteful, I can’t seem to focus on it. For instance, my eyes move across the page, the words are entering my head one at a time but without realizing it I’m thinking about something else and I didn’t even actually read anything. So then I have to end up going back and it’s frustrating. I am only able to read one page of my current book before I set it down and do something else. Any ideas for staying focused? I have no outside distractions like t.v or music so I’m not sure what to do, thanks

>> No.11624371

You have read only fiction all your life which is what you were drawn to because of your average IQ. Getting into philosophy will require a lot of unlearning practices

>> No.11624374

just start with the greeks

>> No.11624385

Not gonna change books suddenly and the current book I am reading is a biography on someone I want to know more about. Besides that I’m always reading up on history I’m interested in and never have problems

>> No.11624449

>Read out loud
>Play the audiobook in the background

I used to read out loud when I wasn't focusing enough on the book
I'm going to sort of hijack this thread. How do you read when there are two faggots in front of you yapping away on the bus, I can't concentrate.

>> No.11624453

Put earbuds in

>> No.11624457

I was thinking that, I'm going have to buy noise cancelling ones. It happens too often

>> No.11624712
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i just keep reading. if it couldn't hold my attention it must not have been important

>> No.11624725

are you me?
what I do is just chunk the book up. When I realize I am not focusing anymore, I take a break and reread the chapter or part again afterwards

>> No.11625343

Modern stimuli are rotting your brain. The Internet has turned it into the brain of a 9 year old ADD case.