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/lit/ - Literature

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11616900 No.11616900 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think that Nobel prize for Literature is legit ???

>> No.11616903


>> No.11616906

it has been awarded to sweden like gazillion times, so no

>> No.11617437

Even the Swedish Academy doesn't think so
>Swedes prefer Swedish literature
wow that's so strange

>> No.11617660

It has a long ways to go to recover from being awarded to Dylan. Ishiguro was a good start at rehabilitation, but no prize in 2018 is not helpful.

>> No.11618634

Ishiguro is literally the worst choice of the last 30 years. He's garbage.

>> No.11618653

he's literaly the new shakespeare

>> No.11618669

Not even close.

>> No.11618681

I hope they give it to Randy Newman next year

>> No.11619980

Bob Dylan won, so obviously not.

>> No.11619982

Meme award

>> No.11619991

ishiguro is complete trash

>> No.11620002

>>Swedes prefer Swedish literature
>wow that's so strange
Well yes. This is the problem when the supposed 'greatest' literature award is given by a country of one of the most boring, artistically destitute races of Europe. Like how about Italy? France? No, Sweden. The country that gave us great works of art like ... and ... not to mention the excellent .... I really love that ....

>> No.11620269

Get a load of the edge on these posts.

>> No.11621389

fuck off pseud

>> No.11621399

"complete trash" would surprise me. I've only read one of his short stories, "A Village After Dark". It was great.

What have you read by him that is trash?

>> No.11621410

Long before Dylan, the Nobel prize for literature was already pathetic

>> No.11621450

Not until Pynchon gets it

>> No.11621452

I'm sure lots of things would surprise you sweetheart.

let me give you some advice; stop trying so hard.

>> No.11621469

They snubbed my country of it's one chance ,so it's trash.

>> No.11621475
File: 491 KB, 255x235, 1446766077123.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11622301

The Unconsoled is one of the greatest novels of the last 30 years. I guess it was 2deep4u though.

>> No.11622338

>The Unconsoled
>one of the greatest novels of the last 30 years
>potentially 2deep4u
lel, the absolute state of this board

>> No.11622346

As a matter of fact, it should have been Stoppard.

>> No.11622508

absolute womanbrain post

>> No.11623731

stay mad ishitguro

>> No.11624116


I cannot intelligently comment on the prize, except to say that it is certainly "more legitimate" in the sense of being less stupid, than the nakedly sham Peace Prize, which has been awarded to Arafat, Kissinger, and various heads of state who through the very facts of their offices are required to facilitate murder on a constant basis, and this goes for all states themselves, and their representatives.. The more I learn of the prize, the more I know that it is a hypocritical sham (Obama! Carter!)

also I read The Dwarf once in high school and found it boring.

>> No.11624138

Nah, that's Joss Whedon.