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/lit/ - Literature

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11620232 No.11620232[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>INFP, -A/-T
>Mason & Dixon

>> No.11620259

You're -A and -T at the same time?

>> No.11620265

>Crime & Punishment

>> No.11620279

No, it was a typo. What I meant was:

>> No.11620290
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>The republic

>> No.11620317

> Female
> 30+
> Pole
> Proust "À la recherche du temps perdu" and Cervantes and Cervantes "El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha"

>> No.11620318
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>das kapital

>> No.11620320

>Male (like 99% of those on this board)
>INFP-A (whatever that means)
>Don Quixote

>> No.11620334

>The Death of Ivan Ilyich

>> No.11620346


>> No.11620369

> (ENFP-T)

>> No.11620371

Not sure. Brothers Karamazov or maybe J.R.

>> No.11620374
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>Pic related
>Crime and Punishment

>> No.11620386

> polls on imageboards

Your Facebook accounts need more attention for you to be successful.

>> No.11620406

>Nag Hammadi

>> No.11620416

The Cantos of Ezra Pound

>> No.11620422

>The Dhammapada

>> No.11620435
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>North America
>Anything by Beckett and Blanchot

>> No.11620459
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>Doctor Faustus by Mann

>> No.11620527

The Essential Philosophical Works of Hume

>> No.11620539

>Childhood's End

>> No.11620552

What the fuck is this gay shit

>> No.11620555

>Notes from Underground

>> No.11620622

Not a lot of americans, wasn't expecting that

>> No.11620626

It´s like 6-11 in America right now, they will be here later

>> No.11620700
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>kawaii neko boi
>22 (virgin, dreamy blue eyes, curly black hair, tight ass, uncut)
>american DESU
>qt infp
>ummm...i like pessoa, beckett, bernhard, and proust :3
looking for a neko boi bf ^_^

>> No.11620775


>> No.11620820

>Il fu Mattia Pascal

>> No.11620845


>> No.11620882

>Montage of a Dream Deferred if no poetry then Spring Snow or A Single Man

>> No.11620885


>Ich bin der Geist der stets verneint! Und das mit Recht; denn alles, was entsteht, ist wert, dass es zugrunde geht.

>> No.11620888
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>United Statesian
>Joyce, Melville, Shelley, Whitman, Homer, Beckett, Chaucer, Pound

>> No.11620894

Early 20s
Magic Mountain

>> No.11620908

Are you the same dude that was reading pascal's panseés in a thread yesterday?

>> No.11620911

>The Need For Roots

>> No.11620913

>One Hundred Years of Solitude

>> No.11620914

>War and Peace

>> No.11620918

I would like to have someone to talk about literature and philosohphy with. I am from bogota. This is my number: 3145592704.

>> No.11620924


>> No.11620932

Show vagoo

>> No.11620942

Is this a serious post? I don't mind discussing Joyce through WhatsApp or something. Did a specific story stand out to you?

>> No.11620945

>Cannery Row

>> No.11620959
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Kill him Shinji or I’ll use the dummy plug

>> No.11620960

>T. Mann, Joseph and his brothers

>> No.11620966

>no fukken idea
>Fabian, Erich Kästner

>> No.11620970

Post feet

>> No.11620977 [DELETED] 

Lolita or The Stranger

>> No.11620982

>Fabian, Erich Kästner
I love you :)
<In non-sexual way, I'm female too>

>> No.11620980

Sorry but that's not my fetish desu.

>> No.11620984

Yeah it's serious. Right now i am running late for a french class but add me in whatsapp and we would talk later.

>> No.11620991 [DELETED] 

Nice to see a fellow compatriot here

>> No.11621001

It's nice to see a fellow compatriot here,
also not related to literature: nu mergi la proteste coaie?

>> No.11621009

I'm not the anon you replied to first but would still like to be friends. Good luck in class.

>> No.11621020


>United States
>Blade of Tyshalle

>> No.11621024
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See you in a month young one

>> No.11621029

Forgot type

>> No.11621053
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How do seemingly intelligent people fall for such pseudoscience?

Mayer Briggs was plucked out of some guy's ass and you all swallowed his bullshit because it makes you feel special when you get the label "architect" or "mastermind" or whatever.

At least the Big Five model uses regression analysis and is founded in empirical data. MBTI is pure horseshit.

>> No.11621084

>Heart of Darkness

>> No.11621121

Earlier this year I remember speaking to someone with a similar mindset, maybe it was you. Are you the marines guy?

Anyways, these are guidelines and are not to be taken seriously. Self assessment is unreliable too, half of the results are based on how people want to perceive their own actions. In the end it's just for fun so let people have their fun.

>> No.11621149

Male, 19, American, Enfj, Jurassic Park

>> No.11621160

>Moby Dick

>> No.11621181

Nah it wasn't me. I've only recently been reading about the history of psychology - it's a field which changes so fast we can never be sure what's accurate and was is plain speculation. It is clear that we should approach with caution any idea formulated before 1970, and even afterwards things are blurry and unstable.

But the most important thing is, what's the purpose of these personality theories to us as individuals? I can understand demographic analysis to infer things about human nature, but telling me I'm 90% introverted sounds like horoscopes.

>> No.11621182

Drawing advanced conclusions from the test is certainly a mistake but it's pretty clear that the types are far from arbitrary- otherwise, we would probably see a greater diversity of types in threads like these. Instead, we see lots of INTPs, INTJs, and INFPs, types that aren't nearly this common in regional samples of people

>> No.11621192

Post muffintop

>> No.11621195

I don't know what that is.

>> No.11621201

>Gödel, Escher, Bach

>> No.11621230
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>northern G*rmany
>Glass Bees


Pan-g*rmanist future when?

>> No.11621242

Post your favorite skirt

>> No.11621276

>The Picture of Dorian Gray

>> No.11621291

Faggots circle jerking are a real spectacle

>> No.11621340

Where in Austria?

>> No.11621373

He fell for it

>> No.11621376


>> No.11621391

>Mexicano, ese
>Stoner (as of now)

>> No.11621392
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We /r9gay/ now fellas
Rip /lit/

>> No.11621398

>Book of Disquiet, but not in a whiny, self-indulgent way.

>> No.11621403

Buenos dobles, compadre.

>> No.11621419

>what's the purpose of these personality theories to us as individuals
Psychology in this context exists largely as a vague guide toward understanding our actions and how we interact with our environment. Stuff like MBTI/OCEAN/etc are just attempts to measure how we interpret certain types of data and experiences and they're not at all assessments of intelligence or skill as some people want to believe.

I raised the point on self-perception because it noticeably skews the results and discredits the merits of these systems, hence the extraordinary number of logical thinkers on 4chan vs real world sample data.

Personally while I do not believe in psychology as a science, I do find these tests helpful in collaborative environments like the workplace. When accessed by an unbiased 3rd party across multiple tests (not just MBTI) it gives you a fair sense of how people prefer to operate in the given space so you can make better pairings and assignments. It's akin to team bonding activities but with better actionable items instead of awkward socialization.

On a side note, I personally popped into this thread to see if there's a correlation between personality type and type of books enjoyed on /lit/. If you've taken the test before, I'd be interested to hear your results and preferences too.

>> No.11621428

It's interesting to consider how peoples experiences and personality traits influence their reading habits, as in their favorite book.

>> No.11621500

>I raised the point on self-perception because it noticeably skews the results and discredits the merits of these systems, hence the extraordinary number of logical thinkers on 4chan vs real world sample data.
Partly it's a self-assessment skew, partly also people on 4chan are more... let's say - autistic, than rest of the population.

>Personally while I do not believe in psychology as a science
From what I understand, historically, there were a lot of theories built around poor data, personal observations, and generally a lot of guessing. Phrenology (1800s) is completely obsolete today, but that's all there was before fmri scanners, so it's understandable. Behaviourism (1900s) is also pretty much discarded as an over-simplistic theory of human behaviour, but at least it was based on some kind of scientific methodology. Modern psychology (post-1990) is, however, a science (or at least a social science) - proposing theories requires much more rigorous testing and proof.

> I do find these tests helpful in collaborative environments like the workplace
Yes we used them at my workplace too. They can work to group people together, so yes you are right, there is some utility in them, but Big Five is still more accurate for that. Whatever works for management though...

>I'd be interested to hear your results and preferences too.
Result: INTJ (but moderately so - around 60% on some of the dimensions)
Preferences: my tastes are pretty varied, I'm not sure how to summarise. I read a lot of non-fiction (physics, biology, and philosophy) and in terms of literature I read mostly classics, although recently I did enjoy The Pale King.


>> No.11621517

>Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.11621636

>nowegian wood

>> No.11621673

>All these introverts who's favorite book is a /lit/ meme

>On Marble Cliffs

>> No.11621801

Fuck off >>>/r9k/

>> No.11621882
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>Not using a fun version

>> No.11621897

The dichotomies can be used to describe personalities. I don't know why nerds get so fucking triggered by this.

>> No.11621925

The Alchemist

>> No.11622192

>Partly it's a self-assessment skew, partly also people on 4chan are more...
That's a fair point, I didn't factor in the potential impact of those circumstances. But I still think self assessment is too skewed to be reliable.

>at least a social science
My primary issue with considering psychology as a true science stems from anxiety over the fact that psychology just does not have the same hold on secular truth as hard sciences. From my limited experience, I have not seen Psychology as a discipline produce something with a clear conceptual core that's accepted by most of the major experts in the field.

So at best, it's a very young social science with a lot growing to do. It's actually a great time to get involved in the field considering that. What drew your interest to the topic? Would it be odd to inquire on the nature of your work (in the context of using MBTI)?

Go figure we're well aligned. I'm >>11620885 with 51% on introversion. I'm not sure if I can reach productive conclusions based on this thread though.

My tastes are equally as erratic with some bias towards late german romanticism and classic horror. If you have a goodreads I'd be delighted to see where your mind has wandered as we seem to share a mutual interest in Physics. Is there a branch you're partial to?

I thoroughly enjoyed The Pale King as well. What were your initial impressions?
>How odd I can have all this inside me and to you it’s just words.

>> No.11622208
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>Materialist reading of Grace & Gravity

>> No.11622278

>East of Eden
Reading Snow Country right now, and it will probably be my new favorite if it stays as good as it is now.

>> No.11622302

current based powerlist

>> No.11622329

ENTP (master race)
gravity's rainbow

>> No.11622344


>> No.11622805

Foucault's Pendulum

>> No.11622827

Cool dud

What did you like in Eco's work?

>> No.11622847

>New Zealand
>idk. any book by jung

>> No.11622862


>> No.11622929

>Rosshalde by Hermann Hesse

>> No.11622953

>Canada, the french part
>The Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.11622954

>Milk and honey by Rupi Kaur

>> No.11622968

So many 18-20 years old.
These are the people you're discussing literature with, /lit/. College kids, actual teenagers.

>> No.11622970

>The more similar is INTJ
>Unirocinally Michael Ende

>> No.11623060


pls be joking

>> No.11623083


>> No.11623101

Don't remind me me please.
I spend too much time on this mongolian basket weaving website, I don't want to know that the average poster age is 15 years younger than I am.

>> No.11623191


>> No.11623195

>Tailchaser's Song Tad Williams

>> No.11623226


>> No.11623298

Man (male)

>> No.11623311

wtf is this

>> No.11623317
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>Jane Eyre

>> No.11623345
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>((Pacific Columbian))
>American Gods

>> No.11623373


>> No.11623383

>because seemingly intelligent =/= knowledgeable about all things.
I had a person on this website tell me that intelligence testing didn't exist or was otherwise a hoax perpetuated by fools.

I still don't know if they were trolling, they seemed very impassioned. If so 10/10 troll.

>> No.11623388

Jung was a schizophrenic cuck.
Go read James or Freud.

>> No.11623426

Actually makes sense.

>> No.11623457

>The Overcoat and Other Tales of Good and Evil by Nikolai Gogol

>> No.11623498
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based. idgaf about this data mining thread I'm just here for the MBTI memes

>> No.11623516


>> No.11623532

count of monte cristo
hey bro
>man (male)
is there a difference?

>> No.11623534

One is gender, one is sex

>> No.11623538

This is great. do you have more?

>> No.11623549

so your gender is a man and you have sex with males?

>> No.11623551

>no longer human

>> No.11623560
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i forgot
pic related

>> No.11623564

> Male
> 22
> American
> Serge Lang Algebra

>> No.11623573

>United States

>> No.11623578

Why anon?

>> No.11623588

>Im on 4chan
>I took the test when I was younger/less depressed and I got ENTP but took it recently twice and got INFP so I really don't know
>Notes From Underground

>> No.11623606

>>Im on 4chan
So you're a trap?

>> No.11623630

Lolita OR Confederacy of Dunces OR Infinite Jest

>> No.11623642

>Switzerland (homeland) Spain/Ibiza(winter cottage) London (summer business trips)
>How to Win Friends and Influence People

>> No.11623650

I Want to punch you in the face

>> No.11623656
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>this moron put his phone number on 4chan

you best be joking holy shit

>> No.11623659

legit. punch his gay little trust fund fag boy face and watch him cry.

>> No.11623670

>Death Comes for the Archbishop, Will Cather

>> No.11623672

Imagine being anything other than an INTP or ENTP lol.

>> No.11623673

oooh I trolled you guys. zing

>> No.11623683

infp here and I respect your opinion anon but you are silly

>> No.11623684

I used to be ENTP

>> No.11623688

He's fine, retards here don't understand country codes. That poor random stranger in St. Louis MO should be worrying though.

>> No.11623704

>IDK wtf is wrong with that test... I've been an ENTP, INTP, and yesterday I was a fucking INFP. Fuck that useless, inaccurate, piss-poor, oversimplification of humanity. Anyone who says otherwise cannot think for themselves
> The Sun Also Rises and The Stranger.

>> No.11623707

ENTP's have no critical thinking.

>> No.11623709

>The Sailor who fell the grace of the sea

>> No.11623712

Did anyone actually message him? I've added someone's number from 4chan before and it was fine.

>> No.11623714

There's a reason Stephen Colbert is an ENTP.

>> No.11623718

actually yeah, I don't know why I thought that, just an impulse. Logically, unless you're on a board like /b or you say something extremely inflammatory you shouldn't really have to worry about pranks and such.

>> No.11623729

>ENTP (-A/-T)
>The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.11623743

you don't know who you are anon that is the problem
each time you do the test you answer with what you want to, but not what you actually feel

>> No.11623771

No. The conscious is always experiencing new things forcing one to change their views and beliefs.

>> No.11623808

are you underage? serious question

>> No.11623812


>> No.11623822

Friendly reminder that MBTI was made by amateur psychologist and that it's the modern equivalent of zodiac.

>> No.11623827

you're still young (I'm not much older) so that's understandable then

>> No.11623830

Don't take the bait man. Another anon above even mentioned people answer based on what they want to see anyways.


>> No.11623837

What would you recommend I do then?

>> No.11623849

>100 Years of Solitude

>> No.11623872

get some life experiences under your belt
go fight overseas
become a junkie and come back to life after dying from an OD idk bro I'm not your guidance counselor

>> No.11623880

Well you seemed certain, and I think you're just full of shit.

>> No.11623885

I wonder how many people here are repulsed at those who take astrology seriously

>> No.11623889

>Nineteen Eighty-Four

>> No.11623893

everyone is different anon I don't know what to tell you
just go get some life experiences

>> No.11623898
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>À la recherche du temps perdu

Which translation, I read the Mc-cant remember his name translation and couldnt finish it, but everyone has been praising the new one

>> No.11623904

Different anon, I think they're saying you see mixed results because you're still developing and changing. You'll know yourself better after experiencing some unique struggles and stuff like that.

>> No.11623917

Thank's Anon

>> No.11624025
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>> No.11624028

>ENTP but miss me with that pseudoscience bullshit

>> No.11624053
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>Petersburg - Andrei Bely

>> No.11624266


>> No.11624338

Isn't you country burning right now?

>> No.11624400

>Demon's Sword

>> No.11624406

>Hipster INTJ, got into books and reading just recently
>Demon Sword

>> No.11624613

>Gravity's Rainbow

Hey we're nearly the same

>> No.11624615

Recommend some Argentinian writers besides Borges! Is Sabato good?

>> No.11624644

keep crying grandpa

>> No.11624664

>So many 18-20 years old.
>These are the people you're discussing literature with, /lit/. College kids, actual teenagers.
I'm not discussing. How can you seriously discuss literature with people meme-ing Nietzsche and circle-jerking over reading entry-level philosophers? Don't be ridiculous.
I'm trolling and having fun.
Discussions are for grown-ups, kids are only good for banter.