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11614751 No.11614751 [Reply] [Original]

who did what? Hegel talked about the eleusian mysteries, which are said to have consisted of drinking a kykeon, a sacred drink, which could have had ingredients similar to LSD.

>> No.11615091
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Really interested in this thread. Whenever I do psychodelics, philosophy looks more "real" for me. Like I can understand them better.
Anyone else got this feeling?

>> No.11615104
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Foucault said that his use of LSD and shrooms when he went to the USA was the most important experience in his life.

>> No.11615108
File: 1.63 MB, 1556x2400, Trip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out Tao Lin's Trip. He gets very philosophical in it and will grant you with all the secrets surrounding psychedelics.

>> No.11615219

wow all of them?

>> No.11615296

yes psychedelics is absolutely something which helps in relating to the epistemological and ontological questions. its clearer to me now, why we actually criticise what we perceive and sense.

>> No.11616504


>> No.11616781

what is a drug?

>> No.11616799
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>> No.11616839
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>> No.11616844

>what is a drug?

Substances that incite a radical shift in brain function obviously you fried out fucking mong. What is it about drugs that burn out a persons logic ability

>> No.11616933

is mcdonalds a drug?

>> No.11616944

uhh pretty sure they sell tylenol at the drug store and it doesn't do that to you

>> No.11616966

Sartre did mescaline and thought he was being followed around by crabs for months, he even went and had sessions with Lacan over it

>> No.11617008

not a question of logic, just asking what you think a drug is. you sound unhappy though. you on cold turkey my friend?
maybe also reconsider your use of language. 'drugs' is so being politically abused, i don't think you have a clue of what a drug is or was. original meaning is dutch, meaning droogen:trocken:'dry' used for tea and all kind of stuff they imported from the orient. maybe consider how the media shapes your language and why

>> No.11617068

Check a brain activity graph before and after eating a hamburger and find out you shit eating fucking retard fuck

>> No.11617074
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>this post

There's a place exactly where you belong

>> No.11617079
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>maybe consider how the media shapes your language and why

>> No.11617088

>merely pretending

>> No.11617121

Yes, but to the heart, not the brain

>> No.11617208

what is your problem now? i belong right here, because i am here. but maybe its a waste trying to educate some stupid jew-infected minds. you are beyond hope. suck a dick fat white cock.

>> No.11617248

Lmao I keep imagining some white skinnyfat shut in dude with no friends typing this

>> No.11617255
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What belongs to the element of LSD-spirit-thinking, viz. that absolute Spirit qua individual, or rather qua particular, Spirit, LSD presents the nature of Spirit in its [natural] existence, is here shifted into self-consciousness itself, into knowledge that preserves itself in its otherness. This LSD influenced self-consciousness ego death therefore does not actually die, as the particular self-consciousness is pictured as being actually dead, but its particularity dies away in its universality, i.e. in its knowledge, which is essential Being reconciling itself with itself. The immediately preceding element of LSD-thinking is, therefore, here explicitly set aside, or it has returned into the Self, into its Notion; what was in the former merely in the element of being has become a Subject.
By this very fact, the first element too, pure LSD thought and the eternal Spirit therein, is no longer beyond the picturing consciousness or beyond the Self; on the contrary, the return into itself of the whole is just this, to contain within itself all the moments. The death of the Mediator brought on by drugs as grasped by the Self is the supersession of his objective existence or his particular being-for-self: this particular being-for-self has become a universal self-consciousness. On the other side, the universal has become self-consciousness, just because of this, and the pure or non-actual Spirit of mere thinking has become actual. The death of the Mediator is the death not only of his natural aspect or of his particular being-for-self, not only of the already dead husk stripped of its essential Being, but also of the abstraction of the divine Being. For the Mediator, in so far as his death has not yet completed the reconciliation, is the one-sidedness which takes as essential Being the simple element of thought in contrast to actuality: this one-sided extreme of the Self does not as yet have equal worth with essential Being; this it first has as Spirit. The death of this picture-thought contains, therefore, at the same time the death of the abstraction of the divine Being which is not posited as Self. That death is the painful feeling of the Unhappy Consciousness that God Himself is dead. This hard saying is the expression of innermost simple self-knowledge, the return of consciousness into the depths of the night in which ‘I’=‘I’, a night which no longer distinguishes or knows anything outside of it. This feeling is, in fact, the loss of substance and of its appearance over against consciousness; but it is at the same time the pure subjectivity of substance (LSD), or the pure certainty of itself which it lacked when it was object, or the immediate, or pure essence. This Knowing is the inbreathing of the Spirit, whereby Substance becomes Subject, by which its abstraction and lifelessness have died, and Substance therefore has become actual and simple and universal Self-consciousness

>> No.11617269

>calling others Jew-infested

lol wtf is this?

>> No.11617274
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>These posters haven't tried acid

>> No.11617287

Acid isn't something to fuck with. It can really mess up your psyche.

>> No.11617291

No but I've known enough utterly unremarkable people who have that its clearly not worth frying your brain just to see LE COLORS MAAAAAAAAN

>> No.11617292

Horrible, reminds me of my hallucinations on shrooms. Don't do shrooms kids, do acid. Acid was much nicer and cleaner, shrooms felt like a satanic reality deforming abomination

>> No.11617302

someone hurt you buddy?

>> No.11617314

See >>11617074

>> No.11617336

It's just a big fat magnifying glass. unfortunately its usually a suicidal "who cares?" mentality that gets people to try it

>> No.11617346


>> No.11617384

see >>11617008

not even wrong... but then again, this is /lit

>> No.11617445

>When some Media says its bad you're being controlled MAAAAAAAAN but when other media says its good then its DUDE LMAO

Its not the fucking 40s anymore. The MSM is pushing drugs now

>> No.11617453

stop shilling your shitty books tao

>> No.11617535


of course they push drugs. what they don't do is propagating a responsible, sacrificial use of certain substances.
there is drugs aka "drugs LOL" and drugs aka some substance.
they push drugs which float the market with money and which splits society
what they don't do is pushing the use of substances which would let you question this very civilization and may would bring people closer to each other

>> No.11617540

At my knowledge there is no testimony from Foucault himself, maybe something remains unpublished, IDK.

He also did lsd sessions with his gay friends in Paris, some became heroin addicts too. If you read french you can find a few vague references about it in these 2 autofictional books by said friends
Mathieu Lindon - Ce qu'aimer veut dire
Hervé Guibert - A l'ami qui ne m'a pas sauvé la vie

The whole Sartre-crabs looks like a joke for me. It was from a quote by de Beauvoir, thus the bad mescaline experiment was real.
But being followed by ghost crabs for month, seriously WTF.

From Deleuze and Guattari IDK about direct experiences, they were accused of being too liberal with radical experiences amongst the 60's youth. They quote Castaneda a few times in 1000 plateus, some other hints but I found no evidence.

Sloterdijk wrote an "essay of volontary intoxication"

Marcus Aurelius + opium is still debated

Nietsche used chloral hydrate and others medications as slepping aid

Now somme less known fact :
Claude Levi-Strauss passed a very important oral test in french university under the influence of some drug given by a doctor, not knowing if this was cocaine or morphine (which were remedies at the time), and "improvised on Spinoza" and with great results, according to his recent biography by Emmanuelle Loyer. p.86

>> No.11617549

>what they don't do is propagating a responsible, sacrificial use of certain substances


>> No.11617560

you had any experience with psychedelics?

>> No.11617596
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psychedelics are satanic. the machine elves are just demons and your body is a good thing.

>> No.11617610

Yeah man, take them every day

>> No.11617630
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See you in 2-3 years friendo, once you get the message, HANG UP THE PHONE!

>> No.11617631

so why you talk as if you did?

strange. i thought the body was the demon and the machine elves were the good thing.

>> No.11617638

>so why you talk

Holy ESL, we got a third worlder over here. No wonder you take drugs

>> No.11617644
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>> No.11617656

>i thought the body was the demon and the machine elves were the good thing.
this is what satan wants you to think

>> No.11617688
File: 318 KB, 496x559, 1501458889751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine never having any interesting unique thoughts
>imagine being depressed and bored that you are a mediocre mind
>imagine resorting to drugs because you have nothing else to lose
>imagine believing you have any unique experiences as a result
>imagine believing these trivial and documented phenomena make you an interesting person
>imagine associating banal observations with intense feeling
>imagine being deluded that this association indicates profundity
>imagine being stuck in this laughable behavioral sink for the rest of your life
>you are now imagining the mind of a druggie

Sad! Many such cases

>> No.11617707

everybody agrees that a shroom trip is meaningful, even lobster dad

>> No.11617710

I don't like drugs either and usually don't like people who take them heavily but you're being a huge faggot. A lot of people talk about having a rewarding experience from drugs so obviously it can help some people grasp higher level concepts.

>> No.11617711

>imagine a repressed 1st world natural attitude improvising material reductionist armchair narratives is enough to encapsulate phenomena
holy moly you're a retard

>> No.11617718

The amount of bait in this thread is funny, no actual arguments against psychedelics other than it frying your brain (with no evidence) or DUDE DRUGS. What's even more funny is the people taking them seriously and responding. Abandon this shit thread.

>> No.11617738

>even lobster dad
Woah, what an authority. Wrong, its all bullshit, talk to anyone who had one.

>> No.11617754


>> No.11617785

Absolutely my dude. During one acid trip my friend got a weird feeling that we didn't like him so he just ran out into the night (we were on a farm property but it was still pretty dangerous). I kinda freaked out and almost called the police in case he got hit by a car or some shit but the spookiest part was that after a little bit I became convinced that he was dead. Not only dead but that he had been dead for months and my girlfriend had brought me out there to help me come to terms with his death. I couldn't accept it and kept going to where his bed was and hallucinating him lying in the bed as a corpse. I got so deep into the delusion that when he eventually came back it actually took me a while to adjust and I thought maybe he was a ghost/hallucination. I had to go up to him and like stare him in the eyes and grab his arm.

Also feel like I experienced "ego death" but it wasn't what I was expecting. I got a really strong sense of my mind existing separately to my body. I also have memories of experiences outside of my body which are a bit hard to understand retroactively.

So yeah that gave me a lot of first hand experience about the nature of subjective/objective reality, the influence of my psyche and the ability of my mind to filter reality to fit a narrative.

>> No.11617793

>unironically linking Peterson
>people claim their brain being fried was meaningful so it must be true
No that's what you call brain damage

>> No.11617803

>So yeah that gave me a lot of first hand experience about the nature of subjective/objective reality

No it didn't you fucking retard. Whatever you have memories of being the case in an inherently hallucinary state bears no inherent correlation to the truth of things you absolute fucking dingus

>> No.11617836

hey why dont you watch the video lol

>> No.11617837

It's one thing to read about idealism but it's another to experience it at its limits. I'm not trying to say it's this only way of understanding it just that it personally gave me a new perspective on the matter.

>> No.11617847

>but it's another to experience it at its limits

****To have spurious memories of what you think to have been experiencing it at its limits
You're an intellectual joke and a class A example about how drug use is a philosophic disability. You have nothing, less than nothing

>> No.11617893


>****To have spurious memories of what you think to have been experiencing it at its limits

Well that was kind of my point.

All memories are spurious. They can change not only in emotional response but also in the literal events, yet they still feel real all the same. You can't just write off all experiences as having no value just because they happened to a previous incarnation of yourself. I definitely take my state of mind into account when remembering those moments.

>> No.11617931

>Well that was kind of my point

No it was not. You're done already and back in the world of mediocre ad-hoc philosophizing where you started.
Utterly pathetic

>> No.11617952

And yet you haven't even started an argument yet. You've added literally nothing to this discourse other than "I disagree". Noted. Let me know when you actually have something to say.

>> No.11617971

Pricking the air out of the spectacular imaginary bubbles created by idiots is the most valuable thing I can do in this thread. If you want to talk about real philosophy then make a thread about real philosophy and take this /x/ tier mystic bullshit off this board

>> No.11618627

wow you really hate psychedelics lol