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/lit/ - Literature

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11611320 No.11611320 [Reply] [Original]

Gonna be hard to top pic related

>> No.11611324

Most Jews, blacks, and women
the list goes on

>> No.11611337

You forgot most boomers, zoomers and millenials. You also forgot anyone who is not a Baptist.

>> No.11611340

Patrick Rothfuss

>> No.11611366


>> No.11611584

pynchon, gaddis, all burger shit

>> No.11611595
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>> No.11611615

Jack Kerouac

>> No.11611618

He's the King amirite

>> No.11611619

Robert Jordan

>> No.11611635

dude wrote so much he had to use a pen name once he had made it as an author *just so he didn't oversaturate the market*! And I have to disagree. A lot of his stuff may not be your cup of tea, but "The Shining" and a lot of his other works were masterpieces of horror.

>> No.11611652

>dude wrote so much he had to use a pen name once he had made it as an author *just so he didn't oversaturate the market*

Was that really the reason, though?

>> No.11611654

Ezra Pound
John Steinbeck
"The Beats"
D.H. Lawrence
Joseph Heller
William Faulkner
Aldous Huxley
Louis-Ferdinand Céline
Joseph Conrad
E.M. Forster
Robert Graves
Sylvia Plath
Kurt Vonnegut
William Golding
James Baldwin
Henry Miller
Norman Mailer
Ernest Hemingway

All of these writers are shit, but boomers and Gen-Xers swear by them.

get out bugman

>> No.11611704

Adding John Updike to this list

>> No.11611722

Why do you think Poumd and Fsulkner are hacks?

>> No.11611729

I agree with everyone but Faulkner

>> No.11612433



Cease existing.

>> No.11612441



>> No.11612445

William Carlos Williams

>> No.11612459

Faulker is a true artist, though.

>> No.11612468

Ray Bradbury

>> No.11612569

Nabokov, Gass, Vollman, McElroy.

The latter three are fairly self-explicanatory. Nabokov is a second-rate Flaubert with nothing to say.

>> No.11612573

Surprised no one has said DFW yet

>> No.11612574

So trendy to not like Hemingway and I don't understand it.

>> No.11612587

Well the only trully great thing hes written is just one chapter

>> No.11612817

take out faulkner and hemingway and we're good

>> No.11612861

he goes without saying, because he's the biggest hack of all.

>> No.11612883

just so we're clear... what makes a writer a hack?

>> No.11613253
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>> No.11613261

all writers are hacks except my diary

>> No.11613276

lol noice bro

Ellison and Kafka? Man, tough crowd here.

You aint wrong kiddo

lol u mad


fair game

guaranteed you've never read a single novel he's written

>> No.11614125

Where does this Nabokov is like Flaubert repeat track come from? I don't see it.

>> No.11614176

Here's the rule: if anti-Semites like an author, that author is a hack.

>> No.11614184

Every author I don’t like

>> No.11614187

What do you think the cause of "anti-semitism" is? You are aware that there are and have been for centuries perfectly reasonable reasons for disliking jews and wanting them to stop squatting in your land and bribing your leaders and creating social problems, right? Whoever denies such basic logic is the one whose reading tips others should avoid.

>> No.11614219


>> No.11614257

>muh logic
The aztecs had logic reasons to sacrifice humans.

>> No.11614266

Trying way too hard buddy. Bit embarrassing.

>> No.11614268

Jews are the main group promoting mass immigration into our countries, and they have the nerve to call us names like "anti-semite"? I don't fucking think so. It's getting time for them to go.

>> No.11614270

>le aztecs
logic BTFO

>> No.11614387

>immediately turn to extreme comparisons
okay, brainlet

>> No.11614893

Have you read Flaubert?

>> No.11615269

if I don't like them... there bad!

>> No.11615274

How is nabo a hack? You might not like his writing but he was genuinely smart and talented. A hack would be someone who postures and poses to gain notoriety

>> No.11615504

Any individual poster not liking them based on anything, their writing or a thousand other things not related to their writing.

>> No.11615893

Yes, seems a lot more plain and modern-seeming than the prose in say Lolita.

>> No.11616204

i dislike a lot of burger works but if u be talkin shit about my friend pynchon we gon have a problem

>> No.11616213

How does this mindless bickering manage to worm it's way into every thread?

>> No.11616224

How are supposedly big brained whites on /lit/ still ignorant about the JQ?

>> No.11616225

DFW, Pynchon and Phillip Roth.

>> No.11616230

Jq aint literature mang, unless you're talking about CoC, which you could make your own thread for instead of shitting up this one

>> No.11616333
File: 2.57 MB, 3952x5048, jewishpublishingproblem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literature is a part of culture and all of our literary institutions are controlled by jews. It's more than relevant.

>> No.11616373

>Hemingway is a hack
>Conrad is a hack
>Faulkner is a hack
Show me a writer with the same syntax prior to ___
Pro-tip: You're a pleb.

>> No.11616506

please grow up. school can help.

>> No.11616760

Don't recognise OP pic, who even is it, no file name

>> No.11616764

Yes, he said how his publisher would only release/market 1 book a year which meant he ended up writing more than could be published in a year, they would publish it and rather than wait he took up his pen name.

>> No.11616769

And why is that a problem?

>> No.11616770

Heidegger. german philosopher. died in 1976.

>> No.11616782

The irony is you'd be screaming like an autist if they were actually diverse too

>> No.11616821

Why is it a problem that the institutions that inform the white populace have undergone a nepotistic takeover by an alien race with a track record of hostility toward and genocide of their host populations? Really?

>> No.11616822


>> No.11616833

He's having you on. Why not just reverse image search it?

>> No.11616857

>alien race
America is not a racially homogeneous nation, so the notion that Jews are an alien race is outright preposterous. And they're the victims of genocide, not the perpetrators.

>> No.11616883

America was an unequivocally white nation until the 1965 jewish Immigration Act, and jews committed the biggest genocide of the 20th century in Russia. They are not victims, they are murderers.

>> No.11617131

>A hack would be someone who postures and poses to gain notoriety

That's exactly what he did with Lolita and then with his strong opinions.

>> No.11617624

>a second-rate Flaubert
utterly pointless attempt at an opinion. try again, sugar.

>> No.11617735

Fuck you. Pound, Hemingway, and Steinbeck are great.

>> No.11617758

>Ezra Pound
>Aldous Huxley
You shut your whore mouth boy I tell you what

>> No.11618656

Why E M Forester though? I really like his short fiction.

>> No.11618971

Me desu

>> No.11619106

Bukowski is the biggest for me desu

>> No.11619844

t. triggered anglo nabokovian

>> No.11620604

lol ok, strong opinions came out way after he was already a highly regarded author. i don't see how lolita is posturing

>> No.11621299

>Jews are holocaust victims! Jews = holocaust! I learned that in middle school gaise its so basic omg!

>> No.11622489

he claimed he got the idea by reading about a monkey in a cage in the newspaper...yeah right nabokov

>> No.11622724

What makes a pseud a pseud?
What makes a hack a hack?
It's self-evident, just like it's self-evident that you're a double-digit IQ moron by your inability to make use of the shift key and mass reply.

>> No.11622759

His stories are the basis of many kinos tho