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11609542 No.11609542 [Reply] [Original]

any other good books out there? I'm really picky when it comes to books and a poorfag (still a college student) but I still haven't found a go-to place to look for new books. Specifically looking for fantasy stuff like Patrick Rothfus' or Rick Riordan's works, actually those are the only one's I've read since it's that hard for me to find good fantasy stuff

>> No.11609547

Also read some Artemis Fowl, found it decent and finished a few, but eventually dropped it at some point in the series

>> No.11609557

Have you read Hunger Games and Maze Runner?

>> No.11609599

Sadly the mainstream fandom kind of ruined it for me, hell also the spoilers of the movie. I know books and their movie adaptations are never the same but Hunger Games seems too meh for me, I don't know I'll check maybe the way it was written is whats hooking. For Maze Runner, I don't really find their spin on the whole dystopian future thing interesting, but I can appreciate some of the characters, didn't pick it up either way but I'll try to continue.

Basically The Percy Jackson series is the only thing that has touched mainstream media hands that I liked, LOTR has good world building but unfortunately I saw the movie before the book so it's kinda hard to tolerate the shifting of character perspectives cause not all of them are that interesting to follow. J.K.R. has pretty much oversaturated the minds of people when it come's to the words "books" and "magic", eventually becoming the despacito of the genre (at least it was still original as far as I know though).

>> No.11609602


>> No.11609603

>really picky

>> No.11609609
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Based on your tastes and what you say you might like pic related. It's on Amazon and the ebook's pretty cheap.

>> No.11609621

thanks, even if it's expensive I'll just remember the name

fuck mate I know what it sounds like don't remind me

>> No.11609624

what's wrong about Rothfuss?

>> No.11609630

I found that the first book was all right, if a bit boring and with uninteresting worldbuilding, so long as I thought that it was just about some faded washed-out rockstar-type telling these overblown and ridiculous stories about his youth. But then I got to the second book and found that I was mistaken, and that they were meant to be taken completely seriously, and that the hero really was the straight-up Mary Sue he tried to make himself sound like - and also that second book was just plain awful with a whole bunch of really cringeworthy morals and messages.

Basically, if you like Kingkiller Chronicle, then you're nowhere near picky as you claim to be.

>> No.11609634

actually if it's genre I'm pretty much open to all as long as it's not executed badly so bring out whatever you got anon

I also liked the book By Brian Haig "Mortal Allies". I can tolerate mid-tier as long as it ain't utter badly written trash

>> No.11609645

Whoops should've typed "kinda", l'll tolerate all-right level books as long as it's not complete trash and has at least two well done things.
Also I never said it was my bible, like I said I haven't found any other books much in the fantasy genre

>> No.11609650

Fair enough. It's still pretty bad imo, though, and this is coming from someone that kinda sorta liked Harry Potter.

>> No.11609998

I've never read these books, but aren't they narrated as the main character's memories? Why can't he just be an unreliable narrator who exaggerates his accomplishments?

>> No.11610009

>Why can't he just be an unreliable narrator who exaggerates his accomplishments?
That's what the author says, and the excuse many fans give whenever this piece of criticism is brought up. And it could indeed make for a pretty good bit of narrative if done well. Problem is, absolutely nothing in text itself hints this way: it's all presented straight. If he really were an unreliable narrator, it should come clear in the book.

>> No.11610020
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>> No.11610050

wait which part of the game is this (never played 1 or 2)

>> No.11610092

If you like it humorous, check the Discworld series by Pratchett

>> No.11610353

Obvious troll thread no one is this much of a pleb

>> No.11610378

>good books
>The Name of the Wind


>> No.11610380

Devi best girl

>> No.11610484

Is this a bait thread?
I hope this is a bait thread

>> No.11610527

True that bro

>> No.11610599


>> No.11610600

Denna's just a thot

>> No.11610613
File: 25 KB, 320x450, AVT_Andrzej-Sapkowski_9955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK, it's book

>> No.11611298

You mean like how he says he can use magic and when he gets attacked at the bar he doesn't use it?
He could be lying about even being able to use it in the first place.
I enjoyed the books because at least it's a fantasy where the main character it not the chosen one/has powers nobody else has.
I get the impression he is just some dude in the world who lived an exciting life, but he's not a total gary stu.
Like he gets into school by cheating (when he watches all the other exams beforehand so he knows the questions)
He's not really that great at magic he ends up being a magic mechanic mainly other than using two books to figure out how to control the wind.
He also fails at fighting against the real fighters and even gets shit on by a small girl.

>> No.11611342

Have you read Scott Lynch's Gentleman Bastards series? Personally I think Rothfuss is garbage but don't let h8ers talk you down from your high, like what you like bby.