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1160647 No.1160647 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone here download free or pirated ebooks for the Kindle?

I've been looking at some classic ebooks from project gutenberg and I've noticed that there are no annotations, no footnotes or anything. If you happen to be a genius this won't matter, but without footnotes a lot of books I have read would have many parts in them that I wouldn't be able too fully understand.

If you have a Kindle how do you get around this? If you wanted to download an annotated version of Ulysses or Hamlet for example, wher would you go?

>> No.1160684

Want to know this too before I buy one.

>> No.1160697

I was looking at buying a Nook (personally thought it was superior to the Kindle), but couldn't find enough books to pirate it, and ergo couldn't justify the cost of the device. The stuff I wanted to read simply wasn't available in the format, and stuff that was, I couldn't find to pirate. Be damned if I'm going to actually buy a book, especially since I could just go to the library. And I did.

>> No.1160706


here's a link to 11,000 ebooks

>> No.1160708

Almost all pirated book are pdf, does the nook and or the kindle 2 read unprotected pdf?

>> No.1160712


thanks for the link! Can I ask though, are these ebooks annotated? And are the annotations properly hyperlinked?

>> No.1160713


they certainly do, though not very well i'm afraid, the link i posted contains many .txt, .htm and .lit files for your reading pleasure too

>> No.1160718
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Thank you for this my good sir.

>> No.1160721
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i do not believe they are annotated, but i know you can make your own annotations on ereaders, currently trying to find links to annotated books for you!

also uploading file for a friend

>> No.1160735


Thanks for trying to help, I really appreciate it.

I really need the annotated versions. I wantt to read Ulysses for example, and knowing how many references to Catholicism and other subjects I'm not big on there are in 'a portrait of the artist as a young man', I know that an annotated version of Ulysses is going to be essential for me.

And yes, annotations can be made on Kindles, but the sheer scale of annotating a whole book like Ulysses is terrifying and I'm pretty sure it would take all the joy out of reading it if I have to research every troubling sentence and annotate it myself. I'd rather just find a good edition of an ebook that has nice scholarly annotations to help me out lol it's provoing difficult though!

>> No.1160742

think I found it

>> No.1160761

You know you can send any format to your kindle through e-mail and it converts it, right?

>> No.1160778


i'm sorry i can't seem to find any, for thsoe books a library is probably best, thought you might be able to but the annotations separately? not too sure though as my Kindle is on it's way!

good luck bro

>> No.1160795


I downloaded the file, but unfortunately it was ONLY annotations hahaha I need an annotated version of the ebook. Thanks for trying though!

Also, I'm not sure if a PDF file will be any good. They do work on Kindles, but I don't think a PDF can have hyperlinked annotations. I need a .mobi file, like the ones at project gutenberg. The project gutenberg files are fantastic, but for complex works like Ulysses the lack of endnotes makes it pretty much unreadable for me :(

Has anyone here with a Kindle downloaded an ebook that has hyperlinked footnotes? An ebook edition of Infinte Jest would be a good example. . .

>> No.1160806


Damn, Ithink you may be right. It's a real pain though, I didn't think I'd have any problems like this.

>> No.1161076
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Is there anyone here who has a Kindle and is willing to answer a couple of questions?

Hotties in return. . .

>> No.1161166
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>> No.1161167

1. Buy Nook
2. Download pirated books in whatever format
3.Download Calibre
4.Convert books to Epub
5.Sideload on Nook

>> No.1161208
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OK, but I could get pirate books, convert them with Calibre, upload them to Kindle and still profit. . . I think.

Trouble is, I don't know where to get GOOD ebooks with properly linked annotations and endnotes. I want to read Ulysses for instance, that book will be a goddamn nightmare to read if I can't download a version that has good endnotes that are properly linked to the text

>> No.1161224

Meh, you could, I prefer the Nook myself.

>> No.1161233

I just grab shit from Demonoid. Oh, and the chick is sexy but ummmm... tits? Pussy? Something?????

>> No.1161241

you people are seriously asking how to torrent ebooks?

learn to use a fucking computer, douchebags.

>> No.1161249
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When you grab shit from demonoid, do they have endnotes???? And if so are they properly linked on the Kindle, even if you convert a PDF to mobi files for instance???

Ass for answers

>> No.1161255

Calibre sucks

>> No.1161315



you fucking fools.


>> No.1161389
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I don't want to know if I can pirate books or convert PDF's or whatever to mobi or other Kindle formats. I ALREADY FUCKING KNOW THIS.

I have asked many times now. I WANT TO KNOW ABOUT ENDNOTES.

I've been searching for fucking hours for ONE book in the torrents or free book sites for an ebook that has endnotes that are linked properly and there are none. Yes, some of the ebooks include endnotes, but they are not linked which basically makes them fucking useless.

So, can I get an ebook that has linked endnotes

Surely someone out there with a Kindle that has read something like Infinite Jest, or some Shakespeare, or some of the greek classics will have encountered endnotes???

>> No.1161460

This is bullshit. I planned on being able to read everything I ever wanted on Kindle, but no.

How the fuck am I supposed to read Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chaucer, Chekhov, fuck! ALMOST EVERYTHING! How am I supposed to read almost any fucking books on a Kindle if they don't have linked endnotes???

>> No.1161505

it looks like the quality of ebooks is just horrible. That's it. Unless someone can prove me wrong, fuck all ereaders and ebooks. Can't go wrong with hard copies

>> No.1161593

>annotated version of Ulysses
Here are 600 pages of annotations for Ulysses in ebook form: http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/5488858/Ulysses_Annotated_2nd_Ed._-_James_Joyce

Also http://www.sparknotes.com/shakespeare/hamlet

>> No.1161608

Maybe you're just stupid?

>> No.1161634

Yeah. I read classics without annotations all the time and sure, some of the allusions go over my head but that doesn't break the work as a whole and I do get most of them because I'm not some ignorant pleb.

>> No.1161657

>that doesn't break the work as a whole

Or it does and you don't know because you don't get it. I'm sure there are plenty of people who read and enjoyed Animal Farm as just a rather morbid story about some animals.

>> No.1161695

I already looked at that. I don't want to be flicking between two books, plus the references in that book won't match up to references in a Kindle, there are no page numbers, I guess I could search for the sentence but the whole process becomes so fucking tedious.

And for you other two. . . are you arguing against annotations? Either you are fucking geniuses and know everything or you're two more arrogant fucktards too ready to spout your bullshit whenever possible.

Annotations add an enormous amount to a book. I don't want to be ignorant about any parts of it I don't understand. If you don't get this then, well, I'm just glad I've never actually met you in person.

>> No.1161710

if you want a book with endnotes you have to pay for it. pirated ebooks are shit to begin with.

>> No.1161714

That's because they're operating on your level. I've read the Bible, I've read Vergil (I can recite the Latin from memory), I've read Homer, I've read far more than you ever will because you can't approach anything without your hand being held the whole way through.

>> No.1161733


The only sound advice so far

>> No.1161759

>get e-book reader
>use it to read books that don't need endnotes
>get other books from the library
>thread solved