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/lit/ - Literature

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11605996 No.11605996 [Reply] [Original]

how many languages does /lit/ speak?

>> No.11606000


>> No.11606001

collectively? quite a lot i'd figure

>> No.11606012

My native one and English. I know, I'm a pleb.

>> No.11606014

Personally 3. Hopefully I'l be fluent in two more before I die

>> No.11606016


>> No.11606018

3 + a regional dialect that is sufficiently different that it is not quite a language, but more than just accent.

>> No.11606021

If we count dialects it would be 2 more for me

>> No.11606023

English and the language of love baby!

>> No.11606029


>> No.11606037

2 dialects? Usually you only speak the one you grew up with... Where did you learn your 2nd?

>> No.11606050

Just the one that matters or ever will

>> No.11606056

German, Finnish, Hungarian, English, Hebrew and I can read a little Latin because I had it in school.

My mother's native language is Hungarian, my father's is Finnish and I was born and raised and still live in Germany. Hence my German is obviously the best but I also speak the other two languages fluently and feel like their grammar is "embedded" into my brain. I constantly mix up Finnish and Hungarian vocabulary though. My English is pretty good and my Hebrew is shit but I can read and understand it sufficiently.

>> No.11606064

>finnish and hungarian
are your parents pan-turanists?

>> No.11606072

They're both (at least partly) ethnically German actually and met while studying here.

>> No.11606103

Spanish (mother tongue) and English.

Currently learning German, Italian and Russian, and starting Nahuatl and Otomí this semester.

>> No.11606107


>> No.11606113

Italian, English, French, Spanish fairly well (can read most of the respective literature), currently learning German but I'm not really making progress.

>> No.11606116
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mummy thinks i'm very smort for reading books in english

>> No.11606120

three (albeit spanish and italian are almost the same) tried to vary things up with sanskrit but its kicking my ass

>> No.11606123

Dutch, German, French, Spanish (Belgian multilingual education for the win)

>> No.11606134

>Belgian multilangual
Kom op, je bent een vlaam, geen hollander.

>> No.11606147

>Arabic (reading only)

>> No.11606148
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English, French, and Czech. I'm planning on learning German and Russian fully by 25

>> No.11606155

Most of us just speak English.

>> No.11606157

Oooooh so tolerant

>> No.11606172

Arabic, French, and English.

>> No.11606208
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English and Spanish. Working on Japanese. Might pick up a fourth later. Probably Russian, German, French, or Italian.

>> No.11606220

Anglo reporting in. Have public education French (basically nothing) and I've been learning German on my own for nearly a year.

I hope to be fluent in all 3 and then maybe learn Irish for muh heritage

>> No.11606261

teechnology will render knowing multiple languages irrelevant within the next 5 years

>> No.11606289

You shut your WHORE mouth

>> No.11606293

I'd speak fluent cunnilingon for that lady ;) desu

>> No.11606342

French, English, my Hebrew is getting decent and a little bit of Spanish. I'll start learning Latin soon, and I plan on learning German, Greek, Russian, Italian and Spanish before I die (i.e. before i'm 30).

>> No.11606376

Spanish and english. I understand a bit of french and I’m on a german course this semester. Also when I hear italian I pick up a lot of it but I’ve never tried to learn it.

>> No.11606465

I am fluent in Portuguese and English, and can also read fluently in Spanish and Italian, being able to speak those at a more or less advanced level, and nearly fluently in French although I can only speak very little of it. Having accustomed myself to reading with a dictionary at hand, languages like Catalan, Provençal, Middle English or Scots are not really a challenge for me, although with Provençal a translation is still necessary for me to make sure I haven't lost the meaning here and there. I can also read the Vulgate if I read the translation first and then the Latin text, but it becomes much harder as soon as I get to classical authors like Horace and Virgilius, which confines me to reading short poems. As for German, I can make perfect sense of it if I read an English prose translation and use Google Translate first, but still haven't studied much, so that I only really bother learning the verses of Schubert songs and that's it.

At the moment, my focus is on improving my Latin. Later on I will learn German, which is not hard (easier than Latin - the language looks much more foreign to us Romance speakers, but its syntax is in fact more similar, while that of Latin is much more complex, because Latin is so concise it gets very hard to interpret sometimes). I do not know if I will ever learn Greek although my passion for Homer will probably take me there eventually if I live long enough, but after German I might start studying other Germanic languages. Keep in mind that I have no intention of ever speaking German, just of being able to read it, which is why I say it seems comparatively easy if you know English first.

Sei italiano? Perchè non cominci a leggere la letteratura portoghese? È così buona come la spagnola e certamente non avrai molte difficoltà nel capirla, dato che le lingue sono veramente molto simili. Ti raccomando sopratutto Camções, Fernando Pessoa, Eça de Queiroz (Borges lo considerava meglio di Flaubert), Antônio Lobo Antunes, José Saramago, e anche autori brasiliani come Machado de Assis, Euclides da Cunha, Carlos Drummond, João Cabral de Melo Neto e Manuel Bandeira.

>> No.11606534

Which one?

>> No.11606536

>È così buona come la spagnola
Sorry joao, but no, really not.

>> No.11606556

>implying im swedish

>> No.11606582

Not that anon, but I really didn't like Saramago (though I read him in Spanish). Planning on reading Pessoa, though

>> No.11606596

I am learning German, but I really want to learn Russian because of the literature.

>> No.11606623

- French, spoken fluently, native tongue
- English, spoken fluently
- Modern Standard Arabic, spoken fluently
- Maghrebi Arabic (yes, it's a completely different language than MSA), also spoken fluently.
- Malay/Indonesian, fluently
A bit of spanish and japanese.
I'd like to learn a germanic language, german or dutch. That'd be a nice challenge. But I also want to perfect spanish and jap before learning another.

>> No.11606662

French, English and Spanish.

>> No.11606673

Well, if you account for the fact that the Portuguese population in much smaller... Then yes, it probably is. Or maybe not, but it's extremely high-quality still.

Saramago is sort of a love-it-or-leave author, mainly because of his still and his communist ideals, but you should try Lobo Antunes. Everyone in Portugal and France recognizes Antunes is much superior to Saramago in pretty much every sense. He's quite hard to read, though, so you might try a Spanish translation first. I recommend Exortação aos Crocodilos.

Anyway, if you don't like experimental and unconventional writing, there's always Eça de Queiroz, who in my view remains the best Portuguese novelist, and Brazilian authors like Machado de Assis (although a bit unconventional in the Laurence Sterne manner), Cyro dos Anjos and Jorge Amado.

And then there's the majestic prose of father Antônio Vieira, a man called 'o imperador da língua portuguesa' by Fernando Pessoa, and who still beats all the rest of our prose-writers.

>> No.11606683

I grew up between two regions of the same country.

>> No.11606685

Go for Italian, Portuguese and Latin, as it will give you almost immediate access to new and widely different literary traditions, enabling you to read Medieval short-story writers, classical authors from Ancient Rome as well as contemporary novelists from Angola and Mozambique.

>> No.11606715


>> No.11606770

>native Finnish
>English is at the level where I can read Ulysses fine but Finnegans Wake is too much
>French is quite fluent in writing but hard as fuck en orale
>basic Swedish, can read nonfiction and simple fiction with ease
>some German, can read the newspapers all right
>basics of Latin, only able to read the most simple of texts without a dictionary

>no Hebrew or classical Greek
>tfw I realise I'm the king of plebs

>> No.11606809
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Now I only need Mandarin and Russian and I can die in peace.

>> No.11606815


>> No.11606825

danish, english, spanish, moon
end my life

>> No.11606902

Hello, KC brother.

>> No.11606908

2, and one of them is english

>> No.11606958

>fuckers saying 9 languages
>But without their corresponding CEFR
I'm a native spanish speaker, C2 english and B1 french.

>> No.11606968

I speak English and can read latin at an intermediate level

>> No.11606978
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KC is shit and you should be ashamed of yourself for bringing it up as an off topic subject.
But it's pretty good to practice some German.
Germans slang always makes my sides hurt.

>> No.11607053
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english, spanish and some french (2 years of actual learning)
I'm learning german now. It's incredibly rewarding. I wish I wouldn't have wasted so much time learning french.

>> No.11607108

spanish 1st and english 2nd, understand portuguse 100% but not ve able to write in it, italian kinda ok, something of latin and nothing of german or french or slavs

>> No.11607114

based latin nlike fr*nch or *nglish

>> No.11607219

ihr alle seid eh deutsch.

>> No.11607227

Only English fluently. Ich lerne aber Deutsch.

>> No.11607228

Sure, but why on earth would you count literature per capita

>> No.11607236

>en orale
mon ami...

>> No.11607294

> Anglo
> learning Irish for muh heritage
Something does not add up here, anon.

>> No.11607316

Latin, Ancient Greek (both pretty fluent), Sanskrit (non-Classical), Qu'ranic Arabic (somewhat forgotten), French, German (school-level), and a little Old English for traipsing through old poems and such like.

Though I have recently fallen out with Sanskrit again, as it's unnecessarily difficult. A complete shitshow.

>> No.11607377


Yarrrrrrrrr me hearties, to the plank with yer!

>> No.11607455
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Spanish and English. Learning Tamazight.

>> No.11607464

English and I'm learning Chinese. I've done two years at university level but I've made my way through another 2 years worth of textbooks. One more semester and I'll graduate to reading modern lit...

>> No.11607469

>>English is at the level where I can read Ulysses fine but Finnegans Wake is too much
You know it's unreadable, right?

>> No.11607474

English and Japanese

>> No.11607599

Oh what region?

>> No.11607628

Polish, german, english and latin

Also, since nobody said anything about the OP image, I´ll just say it: I want to smell her sweaty armpits!

>> No.11607634

besides english i speak only half of one and half of other language

>> No.11607834

somali language is ancient

>> No.11607841

English and horrible Spanish

>> No.11607844
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Native in Icelandic, very good English, good Swedish, Mediocre Danish, Bad German,

>> No.11607928

took the same path but just starting german
any advice? books? webs?

>> No.11607967

Duolingo + michel thomas to get you started. Both are fast-paced and fun.
Once you finish those, go to b-ok and download german for reading by karl c. sandberg.
Immerse yourself in german media.

>> No.11607977

alright anon thx. how long have you been studying? + how are you in the four skills?

>> No.11607987

Only four fluently, but that number should be six in a few years.

>> No.11608030

Native French
Fluent in English
Learning Japanese

Will start learning Italian in about 2 weeks when my next semester begins.

>> No.11608050

English (natively), Spanish (tolerably), and Japanese (badly).

>> No.11608067

1. I learned Spanish as a child to speak with my great grandfather, but I haven't used it in years because both of my parents speak English as their first language and I don't really like speaking Spanish with the Mexicans and Guatemalans that live near me. I don't like speaking to them at all to be honest. I am interested in learning Japanese though, for exclusively weeb reasons.

>> No.11608074

English (native)
Spanish (fluent)
Turkish (near-intermediate)
Portuguese (basically spanish w/ brazilian accent)
Arabic (just started learning)

>> No.11608097

English, German, Dutch and Japanese fluently. Learnt Russian a few years back but it's very rusty. Can read some Latin and am currently studying French.

>> No.11608100

English and Afrikaans. I can understand Dutch, but on a very crude level.

>> No.11608114

>I'd like to learn a germanic language
You speak English

>> No.11608142


>> No.11608154

I speak English, Irish and French. Currently working on Welsh. German and Italian afterwards I hope.

>> No.11608443

if you speak less than 3 languages you are a pleb and need to get off my board

>> No.11608460

English, French, and really bad Russian. About a year ago I was studying Greek and Latin every day for a couple hours and making real progress but my life really flew off the handle so i haven't been able to make it back to them. It really bothers me, i feel i will never have a grasp on Western(in the usual sense, not a Spengler sense) literature if i dont learn those two

>> No.11608952

Spanish and Catalan as native language, and speak English fluidly. Trying to learn Italian
Saludos, hermanos. No sabía que hubiera tanto Español en /lit/. Para los que se están enseñando Español: un idioa loable, lo hable quien lo hable.

>> No.11608982

Dutch, English, French (pretty decent), basic German

>> No.11608989

Chinga tu Madre Puerto Rican mayete

>> No.11608995

English, Spanish, a bit of German, absolute basic French, a smidgen of Japanese.
I'm currently working on stepping my German and Japanese up. Unfortunately, there's not a lot of people or books for me to practice with around here.

>> No.11609013

Ich komme aus Australien aber meine Deutsch ist wirklich ganz gut geworden. :^)

>> No.11609033

Learn grammatical genders harder

>> No.11609038

Sure, but I just wanted to take the opportunity for the meme

>> No.11609042

tswizzlemahnizzle on rebbit

>> No.11609046

Germany has a very rich documentary scene. You can pick almost any subject you are interested in and they will have a fully german narrated documentary on the topic. Mainly useful for listening comprehension, of course, but also vocabulary and propper grammar.

>> No.11609049

i don't get it

>> No.11609050

English, German and Greek. Currently working on Russian.

>> No.11609059

Oh and I forgot to say, they're pretty much all on youtube

>> No.11609064

>> No.11609087

My native language: Ukrainian, Russian and Polish.
I can speak: English, Spañol, Portugues, Français, Italian, Turkce(now i dont have turkish keyboard(portugues as well)), Persian, Slovak, Catalan, Galician.
Nowadays I learn: Pashto and Dari

>> No.11609089
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>Náhuatl (my matern lenguage, i'm a full blooded native american from México)

My country national lenguage

I learned it because it's very similar to spanish and i wanted to real classic authors book without shitty translations

I learned this matematical nigger lenguage for bussiness propuse, what a shitty and basic lenguage is this

I want to learn french but i don't have the time or the money right now

>> No.11609097
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>learned English

I'm not sure if you're just taking the piss

>> No.11609138

Sorry anon, i have to manage too many lenguages, i can't be a masters on all of them

>> No.11609267
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>Para los que se están enseñando
¿Qué clase de constructo gramatical es ese, compadre?

>> No.11609275


>> No.11609300

>the amount of non-IE language speakers
absolutely based, I'm surprised

French native, English C2, Russian B1-B2, Czech B1, German B1
I'll learn Cree one day and transcend my cuck indo-european status

can you vocaroo some Nahuatl?

>> No.11609506

You don't study a language just to transfer information into your native one, as though it were merely a difference in encoding. What makes natural language processing a discipline is also what makes languages interesting and rewarding.

>> No.11609521

English, Romanian, Russian and some Spanish

>> No.11609525

English, and Japanese. I can read French. I hope to learn German later, eventually Russian.

>> No.11609597
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Would've loved to learn a fourth language at school but racist, white swedes forced me to read swedish instead of spanish/german/italian.

>> No.11609921


>> No.11609933

three in total but thats pleb tier nowadays

>> No.11609947

Spanish (native) and English (fluent with a very mild accent). i understand some Italian but i dont read in it.

>> No.11609956

It seems /lit quite multilingual. Was the time spent learning several other languages to fluency worth the opportunity cost?

>> No.11609965

you can learn a language by doing like 2 hours of studying a day. Once you have basic ability you can just read in it which you can do hours of every day with little effort.

Unless you're one of these very intense people, which maybe you are because you conceptualize your time in terms of opportunity cost lol, then you definitely have a couple hours a day to spare for it. And yeah it's genuinely very rewarding, even if it has no tangible benefits

>> No.11609999

native language broski/liturgic

>> No.11610019

It is definitely worth it and I rarely find studying languages tiresome or "like work". If you're a good independent learner and willing to dedicate an hour or two a day, then it shouldn't cause you much trouble.
Is there a particular language that you would like to learn?

>> No.11610023

Just English and Lalipadian.

>> No.11610025

I've been working at ancient Greek for the past month, about an hour almost every day, but it's going pretty slow. I wonder how much longer it will take before I can read Plato with relative ease.

>> No.11610053

Damn, well any language is going to take at least a year or two to be able to read with ease, i imagine ancient greek will take many many years.

>> No.11610081

German and English. One day I'll finally learn Swedish, Polish, Czech, Romanian and Russian.

>> No.11610084 [DELETED] 

Me speak English, born into it.

>> No.11610102

>Polish, Czech, Romanian

>> No.11610128


I know English (first level), German really high level, French high reading shit everything else, I struggle through Latin but I love reading it

Should I learn Portuguese anons? I read a text from Pessoa and was blown away, is Portugal that /lit/?

>> No.11610134


>> No.11610144

sure you do

>> No.11610167

Five, Czech, Slovak, English, Russian, Turkish.

>> No.11610169

I have a bit of a fetish for these countries. I find Polish to be very beautiful too.

>> No.11610212

>I find Polish to be very beautiful too.
That's nice, I don't think I've ever heard anyone say that. I always wondered what it sounds like to foreigners, what in particular do you like about how it sounds?
Good luck trying to learn it if you do, it can't be easy with all the billion trillion inflections and exceptions and shit we have

>> No.11610239

wtf is Lalipadian

>> No.11610268


that's about 4 languages that I am well versed in

>> No.11610286

this. also some things cant be accurately translated between languages

>> No.11611018

English, Turkish, Dutch fluent
German, French basic

>> No.11611181

English,swedish learning italian.

>> No.11611211


>> No.11611282

Icelandic, English and Blandinavian
also took Spanish in high school but hardly speak the language to any real extent

>> No.11611480

Spanish (native), english, french, and portuguese. I'm learning italian now, and after that i'll start with german. I don't know if i'll go with another one after german.
I study languages so i have to be fluent in english, french and portuguese.
I could learn Quechua but it's useless and my ancestors probably didn't speak it.

>> No.11611521

English (american)
English (british)
English (aussie)

>> No.11612139

>Learning Tamazight.
it's that even a thing?