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/lit/ - Literature

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11603871 No.11603871[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Look at what "free speech" has wrought. Look at the toleration we have for idiots, swayed by a political fear-mongerer to despise black people, women, and any other minority. How can you people talk about the need for conversation when one side wants the death of others. 4chan's conservatism sickens me, and most the authors you people like, here, would, also, be sickened by it.

"DAE like Jordan Peterson!"

>> No.11603886

>/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/.
>If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/

>> No.11603888

Look at what "free speech" has wrought. Look at the toleration we have for idiots, swayed by a political fear-mongerer to despise white people, men and any other minority. How can you people talk about the need for conversation when one side wants the death of others. 4chan's liberalism sickens me, and most the authors you people like, here, would, also, be sickened by it.

"DAE like Chapo Trap House!"

>> No.11603894

JK Rowling's political ideologies are integral to her stories about Harry. You cannot separate the artist's onions from their work, and anyone who says that her work is not literature despite selling more novels than almost any other literati here, is an idiot.

If Nabokov made a joke about Trump, we would discuss it.

>> No.11603896
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"both sides!"

>> No.11603897

>Flag I don't like
>Sperg out about free speech
Come the fuck on, anon. Please grow up, then we can have a discussion at the grown up table.

>> No.11603901

There are so many Nazi apologists on this board. Look at the constant asking for "Mein Kampf" as a recommendation despite it's upmost shittiness.

>> No.11603905

>i take internet nazis seriously
lmaoing at your life

>> No.11603910

The alt-right, a growing ideology among pissed-of white kids, are made up of neo-nazis. These people aren't jokes; they're a real threat.


Wikipedia says that it is made up of neo-nazis. And, you should know, that Poe's law basically make those jokes, look like non-jokes to racists, justifying their shitty beliefs within their minds.

>> No.11603913

Unironic NatSocs are legitimately autistic irl. But to imply any alternative to modern liberalism and progressivism would be immoral is just disingenuous.

>> No.11603917

>JK Rowling's political ideologies are integral to her stories about Harry
What, that Nazis are bad?

Yeah that's a real controversial political ideology right there.

>> No.11603921

What alternative, tell me.

>> No.11603924

She's not relevant anymore. Let her persona die

>> No.11603929

It is controversial among 4channers. Look at /vg/s reaction to Wolfenstein, the constant apologists for Nazism on this board and /pol/, and a myriad of other areas. Trump is supported by these people. Conservatives are the ones in power, not liberals. So yes, my ideas are controversial.

>> No.11603930

thanks for the wikipedia article but the alt-right isn't a threat and neither are nazi larpers. they are just in it for the aesthetics and shitposting. do you actually think a nazi movement with death camps and shit could emerge in the western world? israel has nukes for fucks sake. if america turned into the fourth reich we would enter WW3.

>> No.11603934

Is not accepting people of color better, or are you some disingenuous, above-it-all, "centrist." I bet you love South Park

>> No.11603937
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>> No.11603939

>we are only pretending to be retarded you guys!

>> No.11603940

A Nazi movement is emerging. Look at the recent upswing in "ethno-nationalism." Maybe death camps are out, but pushing out those who are not white seems to be gathering steam.

>> No.11603941

I agree, OP. It's time to #CancelWhitePeople

Because that's certainly not a call for violence or anything.

>> No.11603942

What source would be better? Inform me, oh wise one.

>> No.11603957

Without non-whites in our societies there wouldn't be racism and all that other nasty stuff. It takes two to tango.
The "nazis" are trying to build a better long term future.

>> No.11603966

Are you fucking serious? Why does 4chan take the worst politcial ideologies and run with them? Is it because it is made up of 14-year-olds rebelling against their parents?


>> No.11603967

I don't get your point, that really is the essence of 4chan
Here's what's really gonna happen. The white nationalists are gonna keep on rallying but meanwhile Trump will get another term and then the democrats will win 2024 after getting their shit together. At that point the dominant cultural ideology will be fully right-wing at which point it will no longer be cool to pretend to be a nazi. Then the counter-cultural position will become liberalism again and slowly the cultural shift will swing back towards the left until 2032 when the Republicans win and the process starts over.

>> No.11603969

You never told me. Why is Wikipedia bad? Oh that's right, you have no rebuttal except for a JLI cutaway gag. Nice.

>> No.11603970

YAAAASS QUEEN SLAY! ding, ding, ding! >:) This! So much this! Wow... just wow. Oh boy. Oof. Yikes. I'm literally shaking rn. Oh sweet summer child.. Who hurt you? Let's unpack this toxic, problematic bigotry. Just shut up and listen sweetie. as a white person, it's (clap emoji) almost (clap emoji) as (clap emoji) if (clap emoji) maybe, just maybe y'all do realize YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE. Oh hey, it's called being a decent human being, friendo. Let that sink in, folks. Wholesome PoCs losing all faith in humanity.

>> No.11603973

>Are you fucking serious?
Yes, I am serious. Point where I'm wrong.
Japan doesn't have a problem with racism. Poland doesn't have a problem with racism. The US didn't have a crazy populist president while it was 90% white.
Multiracial societies are a failure.

>> No.11603974

I'm afraid more and more new alt-right supporters do take them seriously, and they walk out of the Internet

>> No.11603977

Your head has a filter for everything that wont fit your Weltanschauung. You got yourself an plain and easy enemy, now you see his actions everywhere and asks why others do not see tge signs.

In fact your behavior resembles my ex gf, at this i have to ask with all humbleness i can bring up, are you a woman?

>> No.11603979

Noice strawman.

>> No.11603982
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>they walk out of the Internet
>tfw nazis walk out of computer screen and wreak havoc

>> No.11603987

based and yet not redpilled. you are wasting your time here kamerad, there is no arguing with retards such as OP. they do not understand politics nor economics nor the workings of a society. they only understand and care about having black cocks, cheap drugs and shitty "ethnic" food readily available to them. they are but spoiled children, thinking only about what pleasures them and ignorant of the importance of sacrifice duty and higher purpose. for all these reasons they will never understand national socialism nor ethno natiobalism, so you are basically wasting your time

>> No.11603988

>Japan doesn't have a problem with racism.
Yes it does:

>Poland doesn't have a problem with racism
Picture from Trump in Poland: https://hips.hearstapps.com/esq.h-cdn.co/assets/17/27/1600x800/landscape-1499376618-ap-17187394288483mod.jpg?resize=480:*

You, unironically, are jontron in this debate:

>> No.11603990


>> No.11603992

>they do not understand politics nor economics nor the workings of a society
Says the man who cannot capitalize correctly.

>> No.11603996

>>>JK Rowling's political ideologies are integral to her stories about Harry. You cannot separate the artist's onions from their work, and anyone who says that her work is not literature despite selling more novels than almost any other literati here, is an idiot.

If Nabokov made a joke about Trump, we would discuss it.

>> No.11603999

>Is not accepting people of color better
yes desu

>> No.11604001
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>> No.11604002

>you were too lazy to write properly so your argument is incorrect

I was just saying you are retarded, but you didn t have to explicitely prove me right

>> No.11604004

"Nobody wants to become a minority in their own country!" I'm sure that's what the Native Americans felt too...but it didn't matter what they wanted now did it?

>> No.11604007

This. Mods please

>> No.11604010

no it didn t, because might makes right

>> No.11604013
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It's time to ban free speech for goys.

>> No.11604015

His opnion on me was subjective. I, apparently, had no capacity to understand the Nazi ideology. He was correct, and he is, also, a shitty person who could not spell. It was hard for me to understand both literally as well as figuratively.

>> No.11604018

Literally nothing worth mentioning. Fucking flags in Poland, wow, those monsters, such nazism.
Also I'm not watching some youtube gamer or whatever the fuck that thing is.
Go be underage somewhere else. This is an 18+ website anyway. Come back after you've read a few books and make a /lit/ related thread.

>> No.11604026

if you had any trouble understanding what I wrote you might have c9gnitive deficiencies. but considering you are also a leftie you definitely have a pretty severe case

>> No.11604035

I gave you an article and an exemplification of the racism in Poland. What more do you want?

More evidence:



>> No.11604040

>c9gnitive difficulties


>> No.11604044

you guys dont understand. ethnocentrism, being a naturally occurring cultural trait that the vast majority of humanity have held, even praised throughout history is an absolute unquestionable evil and therefore the opposite of ethnocentrism is the thing that is the absolute good. if we systematically ethnically replace first worlders with third worlders then humanity will be far better of, and more diverse, for it. because thats what morality means right? anyone who even makes the case for an alternate point of view is an evil bigot neo-nazi who should have their opinions censored since they are currently outside of acceptable thought and make me personally uncomfortable. remember that you are the bigots and im the open minded one.

>> No.11604046

>Poland doesn't have a problem with racism
Well, maybe, I don't often hear about racial violence, and never seen it personally, oh, but a nationalist politician was recently complaining about seeing an Indian UberEats delivery man. This was in bad taste. But all those fringe right-wing groups pushing anti-muslim, anti-European and anti-Ukrainian agenda with a silent governmental approval. Maybe Poland doesn't have a problem with racism, but it has a problem with xenophobia.
Oh, but you know, on the bright side, Poland definitely doesn't have a problem with gun violence! All thanks to strict gun control laws, yay!

>> No.11604049

Sources? Pls.

>> No.11604050

>read deficiencies as difficulties
my friend I hope you can at least poo in the loo

>> No.11604051

it's baffling how 4chan is blamed as a whole when no other user-created content site is

>> No.11604053

Don't sweat it, it doesn't reflect the public opinion and 4chan (especially pol) is flooded with bots because of the lack of moderation. The 4chan that I know wouldn't in a million years let some senile, fake-tan addicted pedophile tell them how to think. The problem starts when kids and impressionable people come in, see these number of comments in favour of this bullshit and think, "maybe there's some truth to this" or "it'll be hilarious to support this". Nobody genuinely takes this shit seriously, and if they do they must be as dumb as a rock.

>> No.11604056

Based. Don’t forget the yummy in my tummy food we get from importing third worlders! Mmm so many tasty treats and fusion restaurants. Did I mention the food by the way haha

>> No.11604057

Tell me why almost all boards on this site are far-right leaning, then? It's almost like this site artificially funnels off the worst of the worst to it, and more moderate or left-leaning people are left out.

>> No.11604063

Natural response to immigrants and their barbaric ways. Unless you keep to delusions of diversity, you can clearly see what it does to EU. Lives on welfare, violent, unable/unwilling to learn native language.

>> No.11604066

You can find "racism" anywhere you look for it, but it doesn't make it a significant problem.
It's only a significant problem in multi-racial societies, that's my point.
Want to avoid racism? The easiest way is to stop destroying the racial homogeneity of a country.

The reason Poland is generally safer than the US is not so much because of less guns, but primarily because there are less blacks.

>> No.11604072

>pretending poland isn't a shithole

o i am laffin

>> No.11604074

Are there any better boards on the internet that go deeper than the stuff normally discussed here? Reddit does't seem to have much deep subreddits for literature, either.

>> No.11604082

Poland sucks testicles. It has a lower per capita than Mexico. You retard.

>> No.11604084


>> No.11604089

Nobody said it's not a shithole. But it does have less violence than the US or Mexico. And less "racism", however you define it.
Now if your only metric of a good life is how many Nintendo Switch units you can buy, then Poland is indeed a worse place than the US.

>> No.11604095

but mixing everyone together until there are no cultural or racial variations at all means diversity.my television told me immigration = diversity. its true because anything other than that could be called racist, and therefore is false.

>> No.11604096

>Poland HDI 0.855
>Mexico HDI 0.762

>> No.11604097

Canada is one of the most multi-cultural nations in the West, and it has no, real, problems with violence. Mexico and teh US's problem is guns.

>> No.11604101

Mexico has higher per capita and some of the coolest places to visit in the world. Poland is a former-USSR nightmare.

>> No.11604108

>oh no, some faggots walking down the street with flags.

>> No.11604111

>some of the coolest places to visit
Are we rating countries by how 'cool' they are now? And have you ever even been to Poland? It's more than just USSR leftovers, you know.

>> No.11604113

Even among the alt right most aren't nazis.
Stop speaking from ignorance.

>> No.11604114
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per capita what you retard?

>> No.11604117

Mexico and the US's population is Mexicans (and niggers)

>> No.11604116

Tell me what makes it worth visiting. Is it the poverty, the grey-leftover architecture of the USSR, the women who will only sleep with you if you have a buck to spare?

At least Mexico has a history of literature.

>> No.11604119

Canada's murder rate is significantly higher than that of Poland. And Canada's demographics are changing rapidly. Nobody can predict what will happen in the future.

>> No.11604126

Wikipedia is more trustworthy than your personal anecdote.

>> No.11604128

you ruined it, you're trying way too hard now

>> No.11604130

>and niggers)
Nice. Good discussion on this board.

>> No.11604136

What makes Poland worth visiting?

>> No.11604137

>4 dead in New Brunswick yesterday
*cough* no problems mate

>> No.11604140

I hate OP just because she's an insufferably stereotypical normalshit.

>> No.11604142

Stay dumb and lazy then.

>> No.11604144

>I hate OP just because she's an insufferably stereotypical normalshit.
I'm a he. Cis-gendered, too. I'm glad we like Nazis here.

>> No.11604145

There isn't a single country/state/city in the WORLD that is majority black and doesn't have problems with violence. Not one.
But go ahead and pretend it's not real.

>> No.11604146


>> No.11604152
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>> No.11604159

epic meme. I screenshotted it. Am posting to reddit rn.

>> No.11604160

Japanese people are as racist as fuck

>> No.11604169

I know this is bait, but why do you think political action will be so fluid in the first place? Do you honestly believe that, in the ages of decentralized hierarchies and geopolitical development, that ethnic politics will heavily overhaul anything remotely diplomatic? If anything, even a large exponential growth of reactionary groups will only be able to effect social policies, which seems to be something you care ""deeply"" about. There will never be a fascist doctrine existing in these times, without a preceding global destabilization, as a consequence to other material issues occurring simultaneously. But yes, the entire infrastructure of complex societies are continually bending to the will of a subgroup of people ranting about the Jews on an anime imageboard.

>> No.11604175

As long as nobody gets hurt it literally doesn't matter.
You're just thought policing, because you can't think with your own head and you bought into this "racism is evil" propaganda.

>> No.11604185




>> No.11604188

And Eastern Yuro countries with no history of immigration have the most vocal anti-migrant politicians, and IME casual racism is much more common and accepted. I don't even think that's particularly bad, I'm against immigration, but it's incorrect to say racism doesn't exist in countries like Poland because they're mostly white.

>> No.11604190
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Why are you here? You post on /pol/ all the time about this shit. Why choose /lit/ to discuss these issues. Is it because you've subconsciously realized that the average /pol/ man can't critically think?

>> No.11604191

give me those yummy (You)'s

>> No.11604196

see >>11604066 and >>11604188
Racism in some abstract form doesn't fucking matter. It's effectively complaining that people have "bad thoughts".
On the other hand, racism is a real and an internal political problem in places like the US and UK...

>> No.11604198
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People have being saying this for 70 years. You've just swallowed to much /pol/ propaganda. 4chan only gives you a view of extremes, mostly far right who get twitter screenshots to show how scary the left is. In reality 99% of people aren't retards who want to gas people or dress heir young boy in a skirt.

The ultimate redpill is you're just bored. So you make these wars in your head. Hell people think they're "meme war veterans" and wear kek shirts at rallies. Young people are just trying to find purpose in an increasingly depressed world.

>> No.11604199
