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File: 94 KB, 830x589, dos_passos_john_WD[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11595576 No.11595576[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Start voting for Republicans

>> No.11595586

I'm not even american.

>> No.11595604

warm and bad thread, /pol/ tier, polite sage.

but i'll bite. republicans and democrats in my state are so fuckin cucked to the coal jew that it's not funny and voting is basically pointless desu

>> No.11595624


>> No.11595638

Can we ban all Americans and all people who post on boards like /pol/, /b/, /tv/ etc from stepping foot in /lit/?
You're all worthless.

>> No.11595656

bourgeois democracy is for gays and losers

>> No.11595658

Start burning shit down then pussy

>> No.11595659

Last election I knew Trump was going to be an embarrassment and disaster for this country but I just couldn’t bring myself to vote for a woman.
Plus Hillary is well under 6 feet tall. That’s just not presidential material.

>> No.11595667

America is a republic and not a democracy. And that's a good thing.

>> No.11595677
File: 24 KB, 170x226, 170px-Unabomber-sketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Either go full Unabomber or quite your bitching.

>> No.11595681

>republicans are american exclusive

>> No.11595690

>having someone represent you instead of representing yourself


>> No.11595699

Some lead, some follow, goy.

>> No.11595700

Being American is a sickness unto death

>> No.11595736

My condolences

>> No.11595748

>thinking that the next movement is going to come from either the democratic or Republican Party

>> No.11595760

west virginia

>> No.11595790

How would you infer that?

>> No.11595799

Not since senators started being directly elected, we're a representative democracy completely at this point.

Speaking of, direct election of senators was an enormous mistake.

>> No.11595800

>Can we ban all Americans from this American language American website that uses the American-made internet to access an American literary forum made for the purpose of discussing American literatures
uh... that's gonna be a no, daddy-o

>> No.11595810
File: 27 KB, 500x375, 500px-Electricity_in_France.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can blame the new left of the 70s and the moderate right for the rise of coal. We would have had nuclear power spanning across the entire nation, powering 80%+ of the power grid by the 21st century had the 70s not occurred.
First Nixon tightened the regulations and oversight and approval process for nuclear plants. Then Three Mile Island accident happened.
After that, pretty much no nuclear power plants have been approved and the operating costs of existing ones have sky rocketed.

It's remarkable how brainlets have decided our energy policy. Like 70% of Americans are opposed to nuclear power.
Retards. All of them.
"Grug no understand! Grug want kill, detroy!"

>> No.11595831
File: 121 KB, 1143x682, Washington.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11595864

I don't think the current approval ratings mean much because nobody is actively campaigning to deregulate nuclear power. Somebody like Trump could easily sell nuclear energy to people just by making it a public issue and getting people to talk about it again. I think it would be a winning move because anti-nuclear side are incredibly irrational and have no real arguments.

>> No.11595871

Nuclear power is fantastic, until it's not

There are costs and benefits. Everybody always says it's clean and safe until there's an accident and whoops we accidentally gave everybody cancer and contaminated the environment forever

>> No.11595881

>Retards. All of them.
Because when shit go south, it goes reallyyyyyyyy south

>> No.11596213

Only relevant post ITT coming up...Dos Passos shilled certain Republican candidates who were basically paleo conservative. It's not really fair to describe him as pro-Republican, at least not today's Republicans.

>> No.11596216

Why would I do that when the Republican party in the US is retarded

>> No.11596387

Reddit-tier opinion. What do you propose we do with all the radioactive waste? Just keep letting it pile up more and more until disaster strikes?