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File: 15 KB, 190x295, protocolz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11594321 No.11594321 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone seems to agree this is a forgery

>> No.11594356

are there any other examples of forgerys, similar to this but not necessarily related to jews, in ligature; or is this the only one?

>> No.11594367

It’s pretty brilliant even if a forgery. Sometimes a lie can have a lot of truth in it.

>> No.11594371

even fucking horoscopes have a lot of truth in them

>> No.11594376

That’s an irrelevant addition to my claim, if you think about it logically.

>> No.11594377

Observe action; does it mirror the work?

>> No.11594381

Every jew seems to agree this is a forgery

>> No.11594398

To elaborate, I’m not an anti-Semite or Jewish conspiracy theorist (I’m prepared for all the based and redpilled responses to this); but some of the stuff is pretty prescient and a good guess at how a sinister cabal would indeed try to weaken, confuse, and control the populace.

>> No.11594421

Well they would, wouldn't they

>> No.11594473

even if a fake, someone is using it as a playbook.

>> No.11594792

Actually at first the official response (of Jews) was that Jews have nothing to do with it. That it is antisemitic propaganda like the well poisonings or blood libels. They did not say anything about the contents of the book: just that Jews have nothing to do with. Look up, this was the first official response to the book.

Few years later they would attack the whole book in general: saying that no such conspiracy exists. That there has never existed such conspiracy, never will, and never will be. This is where the forgery, hoax, allegations stem from.

Of course any neutral observer and friend of history would agree that such organizations have existed: for the Protocols are almost identical to Adam Weishaupt´s Order of Illuminati that was made public by the Bavarian government upon seizing their documents: they talk of the very same thing: destabilizing governments, wars, revolutions and political and financial control. No one of course calls these documents "forgery" or "fantasy" since Bavarian government freely displayed them to the public and those who were interested

What I do not understand is that if such organization was capable to exist in the 1700s, why it was not able to exist in 1900s (when Protocols were published)

>> No.11594834

That's because it was distributed by capitalists like Henry Ford and Pavel Krushevan, who are (ironically) very good at controlling populaces through anti-semitism and nationalism/capitalism.

>> No.11594918
File: 118 KB, 569x1024, 4c52fca232c9d07913c6a7c5b84c880378beb1e21a7fb0213a3ae5bbba5be517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when they say that blood libel is just anti semitic lies but it's actually true. It makes me think both the protocols and well poisonings are true
>attached image

>> No.11594940

Here's a hot take: It was originally a forgery, but it triggered Jews so much that they decided to literally adopt it as a blueprint for world domination after the fact.

>> No.11594942 [DELETED] 

There's never been proof that it was beyond a bunch of jews screeching.

>> No.11594961 [DELETED] 
File: 300 KB, 824x856, duke-interviews-andrew-joyce-2208-kalergi-young-poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m not an anti-Semite or Jewish conspiracy theorist

These are jewish terms. Jews are inbred and tribal, they *shock* conspire. But they also don't have to, they just act in their group interests and against those of whites.

Jews are responsible for the current destruction in the west though, and this is a long-known fact, just look up the Kalergi Plan and the history of the European union. Why are there 12 stars on the flag again? Hm? Look it up.

>> No.11594970

The idea of Claude calling anyone inbred is laughable

>> No.11594974 [DELETED] 
File: 188 KB, 1024x887, 1511693265284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11594984

Not same guy but you're wrong. I began being a racist and an antisemite since late elementary school. /pol/ is fucking autistic and no actual traditionalist or ethnonationalist is even going to associate with it.

>> No.11594988

That's because the point of this document, just as surely as it is to disseminate anti-Semitism, is also to discredit materialist critique of capitalism by associating all of its results with anti-Semitism. This is basically how the Nazis took power in the Labor Movement through the DAP

>> No.11594998 [DELETED] 

>I began being a racist and an antisemite since late elementary school.
Too bad you never learned how to not discredit yourself by applying their fake labels to your normal beliefs.

>> No.11595007

Well when you get to middle school maybe you’ll grow out of it

>> No.11595012

I'm 24 now

>> No.11595018

my diary desu

>> No.11595021

Can we please not have this thread every day? There are boards dedicated to this crap.

>> No.11595022
File: 471 KB, 500x346, 1529261641189.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if I believed the same shit today that I did in elementary school I would be far too embarrassed to admit it, even on a mongolian basket weaving forum...

>> No.11595048 [DELETED] 

It's a book and the JQ is an important subject. If you can't handle that go to one of the many forums where talk about books that deal with the JQ are suppressed. This is not one of those places so the problem lies with you.

>> No.11595062

>possessing an ideological trend throughout life is the exact same as never changing any of your beliefs

>> No.11595071

The fact that this thread will be deleted says otherwise, Claude my old retarded friend

>> No.11595147 [DELETED] 

Gonna need to get a few more of your JIDF report-button-hitting buddies on the case.

>> No.11595321
File: 1.12 MB, 1096x1600, Scan-New-York-Times-Six-Million-Since-1869-Composite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So now calling out a group of people for controlling thought is controlling thought yourself

Link to Bavarian Illuminati documents? I can't google

>everyone pointing out facts I don't like is a nazi

>> No.11595615

The good parts of Protocols are just plagiarism:
Elements of the Protocols were plagiarized from Joly's fictional Dialogue in Hell, a thinly veiled attack on the political ambitions of Napoleon III, who, represented by the non-Jewish character Machiavelli,[16] plots to rule the world. Joly, a monarchist and legitimist, was imprisoned in France for 15 months as a direct result of his book's publication. Scholars have noted the irony that Dialogue in Hell was itself a plagiarism, at least in part, of a novel by Eugène Sue, Les Mystères du Peuple (1849–56).[17]

Identifiable phrases from Joly constitute 4% of the first half of the first edition, and 12% of the second half; later editions, including most translations, have longer quotes from Joly.[18]

The Protocols 1–19 closely follow the order of Maurice Joly's Dialogues 1–17. For example:...