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/lit/ - Literature

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11593829 No.11593829 [Reply] [Original]

>american authors

>> No.11593836

Melville too much for you, buckolet?

>> No.11593855
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>stoner is masterpiece

>> No.11593903

European authors:
>I wandered lonely as a cloud
>That floats on high o’er vales and hills,
>When all at once I saw a crowd,
>A host, of golden daffodils;
>Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
>Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

American authors:
>I sucked that motherfucker's cock for another hit of smack. By now I had grown used to the taste of cum; just a part of getting another fix. He started to undress on the bed next to me. I was pretty strung out but I knew what was going on. His whore of a girlfriend left her dildo on the mantle. Jack-rabbit is what she named it. I was beginning to wonder how long this was going to take. He approached me, half-erect, and asked if I had brushed my teeth. I said yes, but the truth was I lost my toothbrush last week.

>> No.11593934

burger/lit/ is literally the worst

>> No.11593979

Cant decide which one is gayer

>> No.11593999

the virgin daffodil vs the chad dildo

>> No.11594035

The Odyssey, the Aeneid and the Lusíadas are the three great epics of the sea.

Moby-Dick is a great book, but it's a little below those. It is, however, the greatest American book. I love it very much, and the excellently-written whaling descriptions which many ignorant people criticize are actually a part of the epic tradition, in my view (see the shield of Achilles in the Iliad or the military history in Os Lusíadas).

Works like 'The Old Man and the Sea' and 'Huckleberry Finn', which Americans think are great, are in fact mediocre. They only seem great to Americans because their knowledge is very limited (they usually can't read other languages). In my country (Brazil), we have many books which are quite obviously superior to Huck Finn (by authors like Machado de Assis, Euclides da Cunha and Guimarães Rosa), but they are little-known outside of this country.

>> No.11594040

That's British, not European. Here's European:

Silvia, rimembri ancora
Quel tempo della tua vita mortale,
Quando beltà splendea
Negli occhi tuoi ridenti e fuggitivi,
E tu, lieta e pensosa, il limitare
Di gioventù salivi?
Sonavan le quiete
Stanze, e le vie dintorno,
Al tuo perpetuo canto,
Allor che all'opre femminili intenta
Sedevi, assai contenta
Di quel vago avvenir che in mente avevi.
Era il maggio odoroso: e tu solevi
Così menare il giorno.
Io gli studi leggiadri
Talor lasciando e le sudate carte,
Ove il tempo mio primo
E di me si spendea la miglior parte,
D'in su i veroni del paterno ostello
Porgea gli orecchi al suon della tua voce,
Ed alla man veloce
Che percorrea la faticosa tela.

>> No.11594065
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>thats british
>not european
Is this the power of burgerposting?

>> No.11594085

>knowing a foreign language other than Spanish and cartoon-level Japanese

Pick one. Also, stop hiding behind memes and post the actual pictures of both teams.