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11593320 No.11593320[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What writer is he?

>> No.11593345

He can be a 100 years old, bitches will still suck his shriveled cock

>> No.11593350

Lol dried up roasties are so jealous.

>> No.11593353

the comments are ugly middle aged women who's projections tell more about their insecurities than their opinions

>> No.11593358


>> No.11593359

brought to you by the people who want to add a 'P' in LGBT+ for "pedosexuality"

>> No.11593365

So sick of weirdo millenial pop-lefties.
>she's only 21 she's just a kid

>> No.11593367
File: 24 KB, 547x565, 1528230351051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't know who the Mail Online is for

>> No.11593368

>be 43 yo
>still entertain 20 yo sluts

very embarrassing. how come beta men never change.

>> No.11593370
File: 214 KB, 1200x1632, camila-morrone-at-2018-vanity-fair-oscar-party-in-beverly-hills-03-04-2018-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WOW she hit the wall before she even got started. Poor roastie..

>> No.11593371

Fuck leftists

>> No.11593373

>all those butthurt libtards

>> No.11593375

>The Daily Mail

>> No.11593386

The Daily Mail is literally one of the most right-wing national newspaper in the UK

>> No.11593390
File: 471 KB, 500x346, 1528061824324.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not knowing that Daily Mail is used by right wing boomers

>> No.11593396

Roasties btfo

>> No.11593418

What does it matter that she's busty? Poor writing tbqh

>> No.11593421

Right-wing in the UK doesn't really mean much since only bootlickers decided to stick around when freedom lovers were leaving to pioneer a new nation, drastically shifting the overton window.

>> No.11593428
File: 36 KB, 800x792, 1519738271525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to double-down on your cringe
I don't see how that makes those anons that tried to make this article about leftists or liberals any less wrong.

>> No.11593460

>implying butthurt leftists don't go to the site to complain

try harder

>> No.11593464

just admit your mistake man why double down on being incorrect?

>> No.11593466

Obviously the writer is a cuck

>> No.11593469

Everyone knows leftists go onto the site to vent because they hate it. The Right knows well enough not to engage them because it's pointless

>> No.11593472

I’m English and I’m certainly not a bootlicker. But I agree. A lot of retards live in this country.

>> No.11593480
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Or it is just boomers pearl clutching like they always do in the Daily Mail.

>> No.11593510

Gianni Segré.

>> No.11593527
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>acting as though you wouldn't let a 21 y/o suck your dick if you could in your 40's

>> No.11593536

Hahaha what the fuck, this broad is a year younger than me? Bullshit

>> No.11593545

that makeup colour palette does not suit her skintone at all. yikes.

>> No.11593558

I think we were discussing the comment demographics. Those women are all lefties.

>> No.11593584

And as so many anons has already pointed out, Daily Mail is most definitely not used by any lefties. Just admit that you are wrong and move on.

>> No.11593625

exactly, he's just doing what probably a lot of people wish they could do.

>> No.11593629

Just because normies don't go full anarchist doesn't mean they don't adopt whatever is the trendy politic at the moment, and the trendy politics are still left-leaning even if they aren't full-blown left