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/lit/ - Literature

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11586074 No.11586074[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Should I trust him? How well read is he?

>> No.11586078

bumping for JP, the JQ, Christ, etc..

>> No.11586095

Never trust tripfags, namefags, or avatarfags. They're all a bunch of narcissists.

>> No.11586096

He's the kind of trip that makes me reconsider my views when I find myself agreeing with him
Not a good way of forming opinions but I can't help it. Frankly, I need the man gone.
He's right about the people who hold peterson in contempt usually being unable to actually refute him on most points that aren't his stupid definition of postmodernism (which still has some merit because there are tens of thousands of people perfectly described by his definition, as incoherent as it is) though

>> No.11586112

What is there to refute with Peterson outside of his maniacal Jung throating and his pomo McCarthy tier retardation? Cleaning your room? Respecting others?

>> No.11586165
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His definition of postmodernism is an easily defendable one.

The fact of the matter is that postmodernist doctrines are those which hold, as axiomatic presupposition, that objectivity is relative to interpretation and that no empirical, or canonical, interpretation of actuality is possible. The reason there exists so many definitional articulations in the modern philosophical sphere is due to the postmodernist hesitation to clearly define themselves.

Which is, in fact, a strategy to make criticism of the propositions of the ideologies which use it, as a foundation for the substrate of their methodological frameworks, more difficult. Cultural Marxism being a good example.

>> No.11586179


>> No.11586184

>The fact of the matter is that postmodernist doctrines are those which hold, as axiomatic presupposition, that objectivity is relative to interpretation and that no empirical, or canonical, interpretation of actuality is possible.

this is how i know you're a teenager egoblasting on the internet and not somebody who is curious about the world and likes to read about what other people see in the world.

>The reason there exists so many definitional articulations in the modern philosophical sphere is due to the postmodernist hesitation to clearly define themselves

Or maybe some failures of language, the same one we get big narratives and "idea viruses" from. Pomo is in the word: a reaction to modernism, and in ways a rejection to it.

Some anon here also said that Pomo is a logical progression within the grand scheme of Western thought... maybe you don't understand that either mr. juice did it

>> No.11586189

He's a larper and you know it. Your paragraphs are also larping. Clean your room.
Let's not pretend the so called intellectual dark web is about intellectual pursuit rather than damage control and power over the lost idiot children known as the alt right.

>> No.11586196
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Literally, and I do mean literally, because you can check my post history to find 50 examples, anytime the topic of the definition of postmodernism is challenged and I give an articulate definition, you'll have this as a response from the postmodernist-defense-squad.

>this is how i know you're a teenager egoblasting on the internet and not somebody who is curious about the world and likes to read about what other people see in the world.
Which translates to "Please don't make me define X, because I am an intellectually dishonest ideologue who constitutes the personification of the definition of the term "useful idiot".

>> No.11586210

It's so easy to project onto the dickwasher because he's an empty piece of paper who occasionally calls for order and God. Like any star, he's what you want him to be. There is nothing to refute really. If he's your personal daddy or Jesus, cool brah. Happy for you. There's nothing to debate though.

>> No.11586219
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what do i win

also your trip is off

>> No.11586224

I miss bb.

And that lit webcam chat room.

>> No.11586250

What is your definition of Cultural Marxism?

>> No.11586269

good question, I don't have one. I don't think that marxism means binary struggle of good vs. evil I think that comes from people's instincts. Do you mean the culture of empowering the working class to overthrow the bourgeoisie? What do people even mean when they say that? It's just a name you give to sjw's who are poor innocent (but mostly stupid and misguided) souls in this world that also present an existential threat by injecting a little belief that the world is maybe.... a bit more ambiguous and a little less...

>> No.11586270

>/lit/ has another notable tripfag

This is exciting, we haven't had a good one since Buttefly fucked off.

>> No.11586271 [DELETED] 

Post modernism is: Capitalism gives us the most freedom any humans have ever had so far and that freedom is the power to larp as if this were an imaginary magical life on an imaginary magical world, but the larping is real. Pretending is pretending, but it is real, the consequences of pretending are real.

>> No.11586272

notable because i made this thread for people to tear him to shreads because i think he's a retard

now i am realising this board is full of retards

>> No.11586279

>makes him reconsider his views through constant shitposting about the definition of postmodernism
Oh boy. You do realise the whole of Peterson's case rests on his faulty definition of postmodernism, or rather JBP's mislabeling of a *number* of separate social phenomena (that are at best connected or intertwined) under an umbrella term of postmodern neo-Marxism. The refutation of Jordan Peterson is not difficult to do because he's right, but because he talks about a hundred things that should be first viewed and analysed separately in the broader context than the last 50 years in Western academia.

>> No.11586285

Marxism = everyone is equal in that they deserve to live as members of the family that is the state

cultural marxism = every culture is equal and equally deserves to be represented in the public sphere

>> No.11586287


>> No.11586288

it's probably feminister. eventually he/she/it/his imaginary gf/bf will forget to take his trip off on a post about himself/herself/its gf/fiancé and out itself again. it'll be wearing some random girl's skin by next week and replying as anon and hermself to all comers.

it's a loneliness containment thread and a necessary evil of the board to have someone this vapid and attention seeking to troll those not wholly dedicated to a life of art. a bit like having to read nadja even though breton can't write for shit, you know? whether it's the original attention seeker or not doesn't really matter, it'll be the same thing anyways. you can write a novel about it if you think you're better than breton, that can't be hard considering.

>> No.11586295

So, you're uneducated on the topic. I see.

>> No.11586303

>Marxism = everyone is equal in that they deserve to live as members of the family that is the state
p. reductionist, Marxism is a reaction to industrialization as marx saw it, and it has A LOT of different strains and schools of thinking. I'll let you get away with this if you can agree to it: "Marxism supposes that society should function more like a family" sloppy but it'll do for this post.

cultural marxism = cultures should interact like families.

Or we could go on about ethnocentrism and then you'll tell anthropology is hack work and I'd for the most part agree with you... what's interesting here as that SJWing and "cultural marxism" IS western culture and it IS a product of western thinking.

>> No.11586305

educate me then if you are

>> No.11586308
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>made a thread so that others can do what I can not
>wow they're not doing it, those retards

>> No.11586313

maybe not reductionist so much as straw manish sorry about that

hi december
also i value my enjoyment over my ego thank you very much

>> No.11586314


I used a simple essency definition of marxim to set up the real bit that was being sought after: what cultural marxism means

>> No.11586318

So, it is very simple; you take Marxism and replace class with culture.

>> No.11586319

>sloppy but it'll do for this post.
you dummy I just gave you a grand insight and you are attempting to belittle me because you are to ashamed to act like I did

>> No.11586330

>SJWing and "cultural marxism" IS western culture and it IS a product of western thinking.
Thats a cultural marxist thought: No thought of percentages, quantities, ratios:

20 people did this thing in idaho, thats a product of western thought!

Yeah, but in most context when people say western thought they are talking about big things:

the situation is, every group of 20 people here and there, it is wanted to make their 'products of western thought' into 'big things', equal footing as, plato, and the steam engine and baseball etc.

>> No.11586331

When you ask people to define Canada, they will tell you it is a country in north america.
When you ask people to define Post-modernism, they will tell you it is a reaction to and suspicion of modernism.

You aren't asking for a definition, you are asking for a paragraph-sized manifesto. That's as ridiculous as expecting the definition of Canada contained the (definite) all-encompassing beliefs and cultures that every Canadian shared.

>False equivalency!!
What makes people Canadians? They live in Canada. What makes people post-modernists? They are suspicious of and a reaction to modernism.

My point is you expect an incredibly detailed set of rules of what it means to be a post-modernist. Have you ever thought maybe it's just as simple as it appears, and that's what makes it such a loose collective of philosophies?

>> No.11586338

What cultures are in battle?

>> No.11586341 [DELETED] 

what classes are in battle?

Are there different cultures? Do they have equal power? Is there infinite power to be had? Do any want more?

>> No.11586342


Someone post the intellectually dishonest meme please.

>> No.11586345

you faggots need to dig through the deep and edgy archives. those were some tripfags

>> No.11586347

>hi december
december is jordan peterson

>> No.11586349

can you copy paste some of their good pots?

>> No.11586350

december is jp's tranny ego

>> No.11586352
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>> No.11586355

So you are a cultural Darwinist? Assuming people are that different anyway

>> No.11586356

Not Bill Murray

>> No.11586359

Btw your arguments about power are pretty post modern

>> No.11586361

dont be lazy anon. dig through warosu. deep and edgy’s older ubermensch rants are golden, he was pretty deep in the typical undergrad lit. theory/history of phil. course (though he actually read and critically engaged with the material unlike 98% of humanities majors here). There was some faggot he used to argue with who was pursuing a grad degree in phil. or physics (brownbear, maybe?). Caracella was whatever. Sunhawk. Fuck it’s been forever. There’s a few others.

>> No.11586365

NBM wasnt a tripfag, per se. He assumed the NBM and Prince Lucio moniker a long time after lurking/postinf as ghost if mary mccarthy, some wayward grad student, etc.

>> No.11586366
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*breathes in*
Imagine thinking using symbolism is Marxist.

>> No.11586369

What about GirardFag?

>> No.11586370

I just considered him a notable personality of lit

>> No.11586376

shit, named after a meme

>> No.11586378

girard fag doesnt have even a bachelors, hes just some christfag who latched on to the one christian philosopher of the last 100 years for dear life, overrated

>> No.11586385

I thought the $stacks" thread was the homosexuallest thread 2k18 on this board, but now this is.

>> No.11586387

I am hardly anything, I am only, trying to explain what I think is meant by the term cultural marxism.

There are different cultures:

A. B. C. D. E. F.

They have different ways of viewing and interacting with the world and each other.

Some of these have more say and pull and numbers of members and power.

So they are competing with each other always on recruiting people, the youth, the grown, the aged.

A culture with a particular amount of power, is scared of the possibility of a large amount of the population to no longer ascribe to the beliefs and values and visions and manners and demeanors it does, so it is attempting to attack the other cultures which it does not agree with.

Culture A is saying: lesser (in power, in member size) cultures (B C D E F G) are trying to form an alliance, and tell the youth that everything they are and believe is equally as valid, as A, or even better.

A is scared of how the future might end up if non A cultures surpass A in numbers and power.

>> No.11586389

Our resident Wittgenstein and Heidegger scholars are immensley preferable. Idk if they even post anymore desu

>> No.11586391
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>> No.11586390

Who is bb? Is that blob from the chatroom? I miss blob.

>> No.11586392

>Btw your arguments about power are pretty post modern
Got anything to back up that statement? You making a declaration without any explanation or evidence is pretty post modern

>> No.11586404

>Try to make the board better by engaging in conversation tactically, specifically regarding my areas of expertise.
>Explicitly make the board worse.
I tried.

>> No.11586405

Brown bear.