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File: 20 KB, 400x400, michel-houellebecq_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11581072 No.11581072 [Reply] [Original]

>>It's a fact that in societies like ours sex truly represents a second system of differentiation, completely independent of money; and as a system of differentiation it functions just as mercilessly. The effects of these two systems are, furthermore, strictly equivalent. Just like unrestrained economic liberalism, and for similar reasons, sexual liberalism produces phenomena of absolute pauperization . Some men make love every day; others five or six times in their life, or never. Some make love with dozens of women; others with none. It's what's known as 'the law of the market'...Economic liberalism is an extension of the domain of the struggle, its extension to all ages and all classes of society. Sexual liberalism is likewise an extension of the domain of the struggle, its extension to all ages and all classes of society

>> No.11581083

That's not the law of the market. That's how life works regardless of the economic structure.

>> No.11581086
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Why are you posting Elliot Rodger quotes alongside the face of a balding middle-aged man?

>> No.11581122

Thats not how life used to work until aproxemitly 1960 when they discovered and made legal the pill. People used to get married if they were known to have had sex. The possibility of getting someone pregnant and having to raise a child opposed great obstacles to the sexual market.

>> No.11581135

You are literally retarded

>> No.11581141

Why can't he smoke his cigarettes like a normal person?

>> No.11581145

>Thats not how life used to work
Bullshit. It's how the animal kingdom works today, how evolution works in general, and it's how shit worked pre-civilization for us. It's always been this way. Life is constantly producing "phenomena of absolute pauperization."

>> No.11581163

Is this actually from the supreme gentleman?

>> No.11581198
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>When the two of us got back to James’s house, I was still seething with rage. I didn’t understand why James wasn’t angry like me. The sight that we just witnessed was horrible to watch. To see another male be successful with females is torture for males like us who have no success with females. I was so angry that I told James of all of the acts of revenge I wanted to exact on those popular boys. I told him my desire to flay them alive, to strip the skins off their flesh and make them scream in agony as punishment for living a better life than me. James became deeply disturbed by my anger. I wished that he wasn’t disturbed. I wished he could be a friend that felt the same way about the world that I did. But he wasn’t that kind of person. He was a weakling.
>Once I had calmed down, the two of us had a long conversation in his room, and I ended up crying
in front of him as I explained how hopeless I felt about life.

>> No.11581226

sex is for retards

>> No.11581229
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>It's been hopeless for a long time, from the very beginning. You will never represent, Raphaël, a young girl's erotic dream. You have to resign yourself to the inevitable; such things are not for you. It's already too late, in any case. The sexual failure you've known since your adolescence, Raphaël, the frustration that has followed you since the age of thirteen, will leave their indelible mark. Even supposing that you might have women in the future - which in all frankness I doubt - this will not be enough; nothing will ever be enough. You will always be an orphan to those adolescent loves you never knew. In you the wound is already deep; it will get deeper and deeper. An atrocious, unremitting bitterness will end up gripping your heart. For you there will be neither redemption nor deliverance. That's how it is.

>> No.11581256

i seriously just checked out Whatever from the library
i'm also a 23 year old virgin

what am I in for

>> No.11581260

its good, read atomised after cuz its better.

honestly this.

>> No.11581728

he was too pure for this world

>> No.11581740

All ages?

>> No.11581755

I'd rather read sweet lies than those depressing lines.

>> No.11582097


>> No.11582237

>[T]he metaphysical mutation brought about by modern science leads to individuation, vanity, malice and desire. Any philosopher, not just Buddhist or Christian, but any philosopher worthy of the name, knows that, in itself, desire—unlike pleasure—is a source of suffering, pain and hatred. The utopian solution—from Plato to Huxley by way of Fourier—is to do away with desire and the suffering it causes by satisfying it immediately. The opposite is true of the sex-and-advertising society we live in, where desire is marshaled and blown up out of all proportion, while satisfaction is maintained in the private sphere. For society to function, for competition to continue, people have to want more and more, until desire fills their lives and finally devours them.

>> No.11582240

you are really naive

>> No.11582243

I wanna read his books but I'm worried they're just going to make me even more depressed and hopeless

>> No.11582251

I swear this is CS Lewis.

>> No.11582257

Its a little overrated

>> No.11582342

The obsession with getting sex and not being a virgin is a recent phenomenon. The intensity of the obsession has been rising as well.
This obsession, paired with asocial behavior (eg. binge gaming, being on 4chan all day) leads to males having unreal expectations on how social dynamics work. Namely, you need to be exposed to many females, choose one, court some more then grab your balls and make a move. If rejected, rinse and repeat. This is the same process for gays, which might be surprising for incels.
Unmet expectations, not being used to rejection, the unlikeliness of being exposed to females in day to day life (due to asocial behavior), and the unwillingness to introspect and change their way of life leads to deep resentment.
This resentment is then reinforced in the odd chance that they do encounter a female and they lack the recent experience and drop spaghetti everywhere. Again, instead of introspection, the blame is placed outside oneself.
Incel communities then circlejerk hard and cum on each other, reinforcing the idea that the problem is females, not themselves. They tell stories about the worst women, and about the most successful males in getting sex. There's little talk about how to improve oneself and break the cycle. Easy advice would be to seek a therapist, increase one's exposure to females (going to the mall, taking classes or whatever), force oneself to think positively of women, stop circle jerking on incel forums, /fit/, get more same sexed friends, try to realize that sex doesn't have to be the end all be all of life by observing the daily activities of others.
Most people don't need a shit ton of sex. What most people want is intimacy. Sex maybe once a month would satiate them easily.

>> No.11582392

*tips le cigarette*

Ahh, ce la vie

>> No.11582488

He broke his index finger, that’s why he holds his cigarettes with his third and fourth fingers.

>> No.11582555

can't fix an ugly face

>> No.11582570

Except that the majority of men will die alone while almost all women will have relationships with a minority of men. It's called female hypergamy and it's the reason why the vast majority of your ancestors are female despite it taking a male and a female to make a baby. Taken
to the extreme, historical instances of unrestrained female hypergamy have caused similar social apocalypses to the one we're witnessing now. Harems are what caused the collapse of Arabic civilization during the late Middle Ages. Would you get in a time machine to tell an Ottoman Turk that if he wants a wife he just has to get off of his PlayStation? At least you're right that technology is behind the current problem, but you're wrong about the kind of technology. The death of Western monogamy and its replacement by quasipolygyny (quasi because no formal vows are exchanged and the relationship is sterile) has been caused by the birth control pill, other contraceptives, and abortion. The Arabs' downfall was caused by ideology, their religion promoting polygamy, resulting in large masses of unmarried young men. In contrast, the ideological promotion of promiscuity and sterile sex in the West is merely a contributing factor rather than the root cause. Huge masses of young men are not being rejected by women because they've retreated into electronic fantasy worlds. They've retreated into electronic fantasy worlds because women have rejected them. Most men simply can't compete so they don't bother. If all men started roiding up and dressing in $500 suits, the top 20% would STILL get all the women and the bottom 80% would STILL be left alone, because female hypergamy only desires the top 20% for being the top 20%. All you would have done is moved the goalposts. Large numbers of lonely men are the mathematically inevitable byproduct of a polygamous society given the way female mate selection works genetically. The only solution is the legal reinstitution of monogamy and the abolishment of contraceptives and abortion, but frankly at this point it would be better to just flee and watch the whole civilization collapse into anarchy from afar. I'm not an incel, by the way.

>> No.11582616

Desire can also be a motivating force. You do not wan to satisfy it right away.

>> No.11582629

Ive seen this anecdotally constantly with my gfs roomate and countless girls ive been friends with. It really is a bad trend thats not going to end well unless technology can truly replace intimacy. Which is not a good sign in itself either.

>> No.11582668

>The evolutionary psychological perspective on wars suggests that the ultimate cause of all intergroup conflict is the relative
availability of reproductive women.
>The analysis of the Correlates of War data supports the following: polygyny (which allows some men to monopolize all reproductive
opportunities and exclude others) increases civil wars but not interstate wars.
>The evolutionary psychological perspective implies that women should be far less resistant to alien rule than men, because they have the option of marrying into the conquering group; however, this sex difference should disappear when women are no longer reproductive. The analysis of the Eurobarometer data from 15 European Union nations strongly confirms this prediction.

>> No.11582674

Brainlet argument. It's victim blaming all over again and exonerating any possible external factors.
Do you believe it to be a coincidence that ever since the sexual liberation when men and women became completely free to pursue their natural sexual strategies, single motherhood rose, divorce rose and the nuclear family became more destabilized in the West?

A woman's optimal sexual strategy is to get impregnated by the highest quality mate she can acquire and this good genetic quality translates in good looks and strong masculinity. This makes sense as pregnancy is time consuming and laborous. A male's optimal sexual strategy is to spread his seed far and wide.

With expectations on leading a strictly monogamous life lowered, women and women are more inclined to opt for their natural sexual strategies and this leads to a minority of men fucking a majority of women. I'm not pulling this out of my ass. Statistics from Norway corroborate my point. Ever since the sexual revolution, the gap between biological mothers and biological fathers has been widening. The amount of biological mothers has stayed constant while men's have sharply decreased and. I'm certain these stats are the same for every single western country that has embraced these retarded liberal values.

source on norway: sciencenordic.com/quarter-norwegian-men-never-father-children

>> No.11582686
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Anyone explain why this happens?

>> No.11582735

After the financial crisis a lot of men couldn't afford hookers anymore.

>> No.11582844

He was clearly mentally ill. Envy is natural, but visceral fascinations with torture and conducting a public shooting / suicide is not.

>> No.11583095

Not gonna say you're wrong, but what are you bitching about? In what universe do you think economics precludes reproductive urge?

>> No.11583101



>> No.11583169

Saving this for pasta, thanks sensibleanon.

>> No.11583186

You don't have to. Girls fuck ugly guys. I have ugly friends who pull tail all day, and hot chick friends whose records of uggos mystify me, but are appreciable. Girls genuinely care more about what kind of person you are then how you look. Stop being so ugly on the inside.

>> No.11583207

I have never more clearly witnessed an example of an argument from ignorance. You don't know many women, eh? Like, barely any at all? Sounds like you last knew any in high school? Your argument is absurd. Women are constantly settling for their baby daddy or just someone who is nice to them, ignoring far superior prospects because their reproductive instinct demands stability.

>> No.11583208

I knew this was going to be awful the second you brought up gays having it just as hard. Gays literally have no standards, just be yourself and download grindr. Wtf? You have 100 matches now.

>> No.11583217
File: 32 KB, 1198x681, attractiveness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice anecdote faggot. I have 1 more ugly friends than you and all of them are kissless virgins despite having won multiple best personality of the year and best personal hygene of the year awards

>> No.11583229

>animals and pre civ tribes
Really something to live up to, thanks for sharing

>> No.11583237

You have to be trolling.

>> No.11583246

I can't help but notice that trend starts in 2008, the time men like you starting being open about the way they think.

>> No.11583274

>muh anecdote that proves the statistics wrong
>everything is FINE
>nothing is wrong
>just be yourself
>get out more!
>sex is overrated anyway

>> No.11583281

I mean, like, technically I'm trolling? But I'm legitimately motivated. I don't just want a rise out of you. Your opinions are stupid and wrong, and amusingly so, and I take great pleasure in demonstrating your absolute ignorance on the subject of the female, because it naturally delegitimizes your arguments. Y'all might as well be debating what 0-G feels like for all the nuanced experience you can bring to the table.

>> No.11583294
File: 50 KB, 600x377, Facebook_popularity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic rel

ya blew it

>> No.11583298

>technically I'm trolling
Thank God. You had me worried there for a second.

>> No.11583307

like, this is great example, see? You virgins are all whining about how men never get laid, look at this fuckin chart. 21% of men didn't get laid last year. 21% That's not the upper 20 percent harvesting all the puss, fellas. That's the lowest 20 percent blaming 150 million other peopl who can get laide because they won't take a bath and shave.

>> No.11583324

It's kind of hilarious to read all these lengthy, psuedo-scientific anecdotes objectifying women under the pretense of "biological impetus", and then the same person wondering why they seem to communicate with said women.

It's less hilarious to read anons in their twenties thinking they're somehow less human from not having put their dick in something. That just kinda sucks.

>> No.11583329

>The obsession with getting sex and not being a virgin is a recent phenomenon.
people have been raiding other tribes for bitches for hundreds of thousands of years, and our hominid predecessors probably did the same for millions of years.

>> No.11583345


>> No.11583359

Yeah their self-loathing feeds itself, or I guess I should say their self-loathings feed each other, they live in this wizard circles and they all judge each other by the things they hate most about themselves, they teach each other that they will LITERALLY never get laid, that it is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE, despite that they've never met each other, they still say and hear and believe it because it fits their self-pity agenda, they get to take responsibility off of themselves, its not that they aren't trying hard enough or aren't willing to make the compromises necessary to get somebody to like you, no, its because they're autistic, or ugly, and that means they'll be incels forever, and they get to be the victim instead of the slacker.

>> No.11583365

Everyone who hasn't lost virginity before 18 is a loser, me included.

>> No.11583369

That 80% includes men who: fuck prostitutes, manage to get a pity fuck from a 1/10 landwhale once a year, manage to get a pity fuck from their "I'm not really into sex" wife once a year, are in an """open relationship""", etc.
Besides, 80/20 is about who can attract a woman sexually, not about who can become a provider for a 35-year-old with two kids.
The trend is clear anyway, even though we may never get to a 80/20 in the strawmanned sense of 80% of men never having sex, because that's unsustainable.

>> No.11583377

I think we should teach men that it's fine to not be selected. there's a great honor in manning up and accepting your lot in life. the pain comes from people being hypocritical about the fact that some guys are just genetic detritus

>> No.11583382

Y'all is a perfectly legitimate expression. What do YOU use for your second person plural? Is it the same as your second person singular? Because that's a pretty fuckin stupid way to construct a language, sounds like something a mongrel tongue would come up with.

>> No.11583402

The trend is hardly clear, and again, I can't help but note that it just started in 2008, when racism became popular again and Web 2.0 hit. Maybe the men are getting really shitty, you may have heard Trump supporters don't get laid? Or being really open about how shitty they already were. It seems an explanation that fits the trend a LOT better, because if your explanation as correct, this trend would have been occurring since 1960, or since the dawn of time, when obviously, there have in real truth been multiple cases of the male sex rate rising, even some visible on that chart.

>> No.11583410

That 80% doesn't include anyone married. Almost all married people

>> No.11583411

This isn't redit. You can stop writing like that. No one is going to upvote you here for successfully internalizing and regurgitating your narcissistic single mother's incessant chastising voice that has haunted your skull ever since your abusive childhood when she drove your father away/to suicide. No one here associates Boomer Valley Girl-tinged snark with strength and dominance and you aren't invoking the totem of the woman who destroyed your personality through imitating her like some kind of sissified shaman. There's no gold for you here.

>> No.11583415
File: 141 KB, 1200x1200, crowecig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really believe that?

>> No.11583422

lol u mad bro?

>> No.11583426

The problem comes when people want those "not selected" to still contribute to society like they have full skin in the game.

>> No.11583432

This isn't /pol/ You can stop writing like that.No one is going to fap you here for successfully internalizing and regurgitating your narcissistic abusive father's incessant bullying voice that has haunted your skull ever since your abusive childhood when he drove your mother away/to suicide. No one here associates Boomer Dive Bar-tinged snark with strength and dominance and you aren't invoking the totem of the man who destroyed your personality through imitating him like some kind of masculinized meathead. There's no gold for you here.

>> No.11583435

No, just pitying and slightly disgusted.

>> No.11583443

Weakest possible response.

>> No.11583446

So where do I start with this frog? I'm a big fan of H. P. Lovecraft so should I start with H. P. Lovecraft: Against the World, Against Life?

>> No.11583447

Fun fact: my parents have been married for 30 years, and my dad, who talks and acts like me, ie liberally, gets laid more than any of his friends, who talk and act like you, ie, conservatively, in fact they're mostly divorced. The ones who are still married brag about their weekly sessions and he comes home and snickers about it with his wife.

>> No.11583458

yes, you can.

>> No.11583459

Well then, stick to disgust. I don't need pity from you, I get laid. You are pitiful.
Then we are agreed, that argument was facile and stupid, and you did waste your time, I'm glad seeing it form my perspective has enlightened you.

>> No.11583473

Haha, this is me, I just have to step in here and say, I hadn't realized it before, but you all better shut the fuck up and do what I say. I fuck. I have fucked, and I will fuck in the future. I am not in a relationship. BY YOUR OWN ADMISSION that makes me genetically and biologically superior to you. I am the elite, I am the 20% of men who are most superior for reproductive purposes, if your argument is correct, you might want to take what I say with some weight.

>> No.11583482

Anybody ever notice, lot of incels on /tv/, /lit/, /v/, no incels on /fit/. Why do you suppose that is?

>> No.11583488

>not the law of the market
knock knock

>> No.11583492

That isn't a fact. That's a claim. I wouldn't even believe you if you said it's raining where you are, because of the kind of person you are. Anyway, you talk and act like a weak woman, and it's no news to me that your father does too. Bad fathers create bad children, sons and daughters alike. I'm sorry that you were raised so poorly.

>> No.11583498

>he fell for the incel meme

>> No.11583508

How do you pronounce his name?

>> No.11583509

Well, they do. They're still on the field, the game still matters. This is the hypocrisy anon was tlaking about. Not reproducing doesn't mean you aren't playing. Be a fuckin man. Step up anyway, regardless of whether you're getting laid or not. That's what makes a person worth the air they breathe. If you're not reproducing, work HARDER, you don't get to ride on the potential future achievements of your geneline.

>> No.11583514

Wait, so do you believe me, or don't you? Because you said you didn't, but then accepted the premise and engaged it fully.

>> No.11583516


>> No.11583520


>> No.11583521

"You talk like a weak women" says anon, immediately following "Why won't anybody fuck me I deserve to be fucked even though I'm mean and ugly because only fuckable people are worth living waaaahhhhh"

>> No.11583523

No, I do feel pity for you. To be so toxic, condescending, and hostile to a perfect stranger over a mere difference of opinion, you must be a miserable, bitter, angry person, and you can't even hide it for a second.

I said in my first post that I'm not an incel. I just recognize the social repercussions that the majority of men being excluded from marriage is going to have for society.

>> No.11583542

I don't believe you about anything, not a single word. Your true father is the devil, the father of lies. If you'd said that then you have spoken the truth, which is impossible for you unless it's in service of a larger lie. People like you are dishonest to the core of your beings.

>> No.11583551

I never said any of that.

>> No.11583559

>be a fuckin man
boomer-tier advice

>> No.11583581


its not that original, years and years ago i read a joke online about marxism applied to hot ladies. i forgot the details but i sure would like to live in a more relaxed times when it comes at sex and people would be into freeuse without stigma.

>> No.11583590

Houellebecq has been talking about this kinda shit for many years, anon.

>> No.11583591

>I just recognize the social repercussions that the majority of men being excluded from marriage
But all evidence suggest a majority of men aren't being excluded from mariagge, you've presented absolutely no evidence to back anything like that suggestions. Which is why I'm not inclined to find it easy to believe you're not an incel. Your emotional investment is clearly higher than your rational one, your rational one can't even be found. You have no evidence.

>> No.11583597

nope. people were freaky in the middle ages , fuck around all the time, then there was an artificial effort for sexual containment in the victorian era but idk its possible that was not applying too much to poor people. i forgot the details but i saw a good thread about this over at /r/askhistorians once

>> No.11583600

>Christian imagery

Wow now I'm really impressed by how smart you, is my mom Queen titania? Then I'd be really scary.

>> No.11583610

>To be so toxic, condescending, and hostile to a perfect stranger over a mere difference of opinion, you must be a miserable, bitter, angry person, and you can't even hide it for a second.
Bro. We're on 4chan. You're not exactly Fox News Investigative Reporting, over there.

>> No.11583611

Not him but kill yourself.

>> No.11583621

Could you make that post again but in BPD Valley Girl so I know I'm talking to the same person, or are you just going to discard your persona now that it's been penetrated?

>> No.11583626

You're fighting trillions of years' worth of ingrained genetic data. Good luck with that.

>> No.11583646

Its just, so super easy. Do you not use a fuckin fork, or what?

>> No.11583652

Why would I? I have sex when I want to. Life is great when you're nice to girls.

>> No.11583661

What does BPD stand for? Can I just tell you I'm the same person? I've got a (You) and everything. So: your evidence to support your claim?

>> No.11583670

Did we not use dining etiquette to further separate ourselves from the lower classes at one time, thus perpetuating our ingrained cruelty in some form? Do we not still do these things with other class privileges?

>> No.11583674

Also, I LOOOOVE you guys incredible degree of victim-seeking, as soon as you're wrong you're all kinds of clutching your pearls and AGHAST at how ANONYMOUS could possibly be so /condescending/ *gasp* and RUDE *horror, awe*. Super masc, bros. Really impressing everybody, I bet. You'd totally look like the ole wide-eyed innocent, I'm sure. Welcome to 4chan.

>> No.11583675

The gay thing is sorta wrong. Grindr works much better than Tinder for getting sex. It's generally very easy to get sex as a gay provided you live in a medium+ sized city. Of course finding intimacy, not just sex, is about as hard for gays.

>> No.11583682

>One chance at life
>Born ugly and uncharismatic

Wew would shoot myself tbqh

>> No.11583685

This is really well worded
Who is this man and where can I read more about this

>> No.11583692

Eh? We don't really have ingrained "cruelty", I'd say cruelty is another learned behavior from society, teaches you how to manipulate fear emotions. We have savagery, I guess I'd say, and then we learned the former form the latter, but cruelty doesn't serve an evolutionary purpose, only a social one. And Class and long-term goals are CERTAINLY above the workings of animal instinct. Society runs everything, instinct is just sort of the foundation.

>> No.11583697

Your personal character is nothing I'm not already familiar with, and nothing I'm not prepared for.

You can tell more from a person's words than what they mean to give away, especially here where the filter is off. You tipped your hand.

While I don't recommend that you kill yourself, if the only reason you can think of to live is sex, then you're as bad off as a incel.

>> No.11583706

Are you celibate? Is is voluntary? Over on fit, they fuck, they don't complain. Call them whatever they like to be called, there are a whole lot of fellas in this thread real grumpy about not being invited to fuckery.

>> No.11583713

So, definitely no evidence, is what I'm seeing, then? Leaned in on the triple ad hom, nothing to support your case? Just making sure.

>> No.11583725

>cruelty is another learned behavior from society
The problem is that we created society. It didn't create us, it didn't exist before we did. It is the way it is because we are the way we are. And we also exhibit a capacity for cruelty at a very young age, before we can be said to really be socially integrated.

>> No.11583738
File: 31 KB, 590x350, Danny-Welbeck-930074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you may have heard Trump supporters don't get laid?
Source? Republican voters are more physically attractive according to research. 10.1017/pls.2017.18

We just don't know.

It's even better when you're a psychopath https://scottbarrykaufman.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/The-Dark-Triad-Personality.pdf

>> No.11583745

It's just, maybe you really are new here? See, this website is anonymous. No names, see? Look up at the top of your post. Remember not signing up for it? So like, the concept of making a determined argument against my self, as a person, it absurd. I literally don't exist. You can't tell if I'm male or female, you can't tell if I'm old or young, and that is clearly evident in your writing, so anything you try to make a case of ad hominem is entirely useless. Facile, even. Nobody has any idea who you or I are. But I have submitted that most men are still getting married, and by the evidence in this very thread, far and away most men are getting laid, and you've posited nothing, and defended it with nothing, and somehow still managed to do so very poorly. A change in tack may be required, friendo.

>> No.11583753

The financial crisis was clearly a lot more psychologically damaging than what most people thought.

>> No.11583754

>It's even better when you're a psychopath
Well, it would be, if psychopaths could possibly expereince the degree of psychological thrills highs that even daily life as a a non-psychopath does, which they can't of course.

>> No.11583759

Borderline personality disorder. It's a mental disorder typified by extreme hostility and vindictiveness and the assumption of a domineering attitude by casting shame and dispersion on others in response to perceived slights and rejections stemming from feelings of personal worthlessness and fear of abandonment.

This kind of shit is textbook:

Anyway, it's late here and I have some errands to run tomorrow. If this thread is still up tomorrow afternoon I'll respond with some links to surveys and studies proving the general decline of male sexual market value following the collapse of monogamy, but if not please take my silence as confirmation that you are a rhetorical genius who has vanquished all comers and are worthy of love.

>> No.11583765

I mean, yes, that is true. But we are rational beings, sentient ones. With self-awareness came reediting of psychology. It was a very slow process, but it takes strong precedence over our innate instincts, as conscious does over unconscious. Like, understanding of instincts is always going to fundamental to understanding of rationality, but the rational/social structures have long ago and vastly overridden our native preferences.

>> No.11583766

Your entire presence in this thread has been nothing but calling other people virgins. Please just shut the fuck up about ad homs.

>> No.11583771

How should I be reading this chart? Share "with no sex," as in the dotted lines have a higher share aka aren't getting sex?

>> No.11583772

Borderline personality disorder. It's a mental disorder typified by extreme hostility and vindictiveness and the assumption of a domineering attitude by casting shame and dispersion on others in response to perceived slights and rejections stemming from feelings of personal worthlessness and fear of abandonment.

This kind of shit is textbook: >>11583759


>> No.11583778

I only called one person a virgin, one time, presumably you. I talked about incels but only accused one person of incelitude.

>> No.11583793

Kill yourself because you're a typical pretentious liberal piece of shit who hasn't got a clue what he's talking about and can only rely on regurgitated feely good platitudes you've never critically evaluated.

>> No.11583796

>But we are rational beings, sentient ones. With self-awareness came reediting of psychology.
There's no evidence that that is the case though, because we still create class differentiation, we still compete and create competitive environments, we still construct "rational" models with inclusive and exclusive properties, we still live in a non-communistic world, etc.

>> No.11583797


And your entire presence in this thread has been nothing but trying to discredit me, personally, with absolutely no evidence to defends your one limited, easily testable stance., so please shut the fuck up about everything.

>> No.11583800


It's the financial crisis, it always is.

>> No.11583811

I just have to scroll up to know that's bullshit. Every post of yours has been some variation of the same statement repeated over and over again accusing whoever you're responding to of being sexually undesirable. Now this isnt an ad hom, it's just an insult: you're a faggot.

>> No.11583813

Ew, do you incels talk like this irl? "Well, akzhully, human females' impetus..." No wonder you don't get laid.

>> No.11583815

so enlighten me, oh wise conservative, what clue do I lack? You disagree with the chart? opr what?


>> No.11583821

>An incel post from here gets featured on an incel subreddit
>A bunch of people from another subreddit who follow incels around the internet come here to be newfags and push their bullshit

>> No.11583827
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>> No.11583833

Closer reading of my writing might indicate I am actually arguing that all men ARE sexually desirable, but that attitudes of self-persecution are very much not, and quite counterproductive.

>> No.11583852

My point has consistently been that it is unreasonable to try to view the world from a perspective wherein you are a perosn who falls into an undesirable class from which you are in no way responsible for your own ascension out of, and civilization must be brought to heel to alter your personal circumstances.

>> No.11583858

Sigh. They should add a "Dark, deep, and oh-so-edgy" section to the library with books by Houellebecq, BEE, Chuck Palahniuk and a few others. They could probably put it next to the YA section. Seriously, those guys are sophomoric shit. These books are to literature what Saw and Hostel are to cinema. They are authors for people who don't read a lot and teenagers. All they do is complain about how oh-so bad society is maaaan, without of course, offering a single suggestion as to remedy the hyperbolic situations they describe. They're like teenagers showing up to a party unannounced and sulking in a corner and talking about how stupid the whole things is.

It's dull reading and it can make YOU dull if you're not careful. Read something else, dude.

>> No.11583863

And if you disagree with that, you're a faggot. But as I am beginning to see the newfag vibes, you should probably know, we're all faggots on 4chan. Its our preferred nomenclature. Newfags, oldfags, christfags, athiestfags, libfags, confags, etc.

>> No.11583871

(homosexuals are fagfags, so its not confusing)

>> No.11583874

I'm a leftist. Nevermind, the chart. I'd like to see you dispute how the liberalism of sexual liberation isn't responsible for the higher divorce rates, unstable families, single motherhood and ultimately a hook-up culture where a smaller percentage of men fuck a larger percentage of women.

>> No.11583898

Well the chart decisively proves that point, man, so you can't ignore it. As recently as 2002, a higher percentage of men were fucking a smaller percentage of omwen. Higher divorce rates and single motherhood is obviously because of sexual liberation, but thats, um, super good? Humans arent monogamous, primates aren't, and forcing them to be led to a whole lot of abusive behaviors by both sexes, and violence. Sexual liberation deepened family stabilty because it means adultery can't deprive children of a parent, for example.

>> No.11583906

no money no honey

>> No.11583912

Those percentages, by the way, were 85 and 83%. In 2002. The recent upswing to 22% male unsexuality is exactly correlated to the election of Barack Obama in 2008 and the resurgence of racism and the rise of the alt-right movement. Correlation isn't causation, but I find it very interesting.

>> No.11583923

(22% male unsexuality meaning 78% male sexuality among singles. Still very high.)

>> No.11583930

Jeez, also I didn't read my own chart very well, its obviously as recently as....well, 2008, looks like, is when it hit the equivalence point after 2006's drastic female drop.

>> No.11583940

Do you believe the finanical crisis had anything to do with it? Also, the alt-right was 2014.

>> No.11583945

>Well the chart decisively proves that point, man, so you can't ignore it.

Explain how it comes that the there is an ever increasing gap between biological mothers and fathers in Norway with the number of biological fathers sharply dwindling and biological mothers remaining constant then and it's not because less men want to become fathers, the author of the article has clearly stated that.


> Humans arent monogamous, primates aren't, and forcing them to be led to a whole lot of abusive behaviors by both sexes, and violence.
Naturalistic fallacy. Explain to me then how it
comes that every civilisation ever unearthed was characterized by sexual restrictions?

"The whole of human history does not contain a single instance of a group becoming civilized unless it has been absolutely monogamous, nor is there any example of a group retaining its culture after it has adopted less rigorous customs." - J.D. Unwin, anthropologist and ethnologist

>> No.11583954

(this dudes never met poor women?)


>> No.11583969


That's true, I guess. But they existed earlier, I mean, their station on 4chan has been consistently formed since the early 200s, and the racist elements started boiling at Obama. Their existence in media started in 2014, I suppose, which, hey look at that! On that chart, it correlates to when the two numbers were rising in close proximity and then when male unsexuality takes a STEEP spike. SO interesting. It's like...almost exactly the same curve as BLM, I bet.

>> No.11583975

When did he write that? Or, what is his definition of civilized? South Asian Oceanic cultures had that all day. And...uh...fuckin, you know, the whole of Islamic Earth? Where monogamy is not the rule?

>> No.11583979


Found the article that goes with the graph.

>> No.11583980

They invented algebra and compasses and shit with their six wives, Mohammed's third wife (the 9-year-old, ugh) is actually an inventor of a bunch of things herself. I imagine you've heard of Islam?

>> No.11583982

Read his book Sex and Culture, he has a whole chapter dedicated to it.

>> No.11583989

I'm too honest to accept this as an answer. I'm 26 and still live with my parents and don't have sex because:

>I have limited travel / world experience and am aware of the number of people who have an immense more amount of that experience than me, which in turn makes me far less confident in my ability to be interesting, creative, and useful
>I'm obsessed with the heroism of our entertainment and consequently refrain from doing anything that is "un-hero like," like lying or manipulating others to get a raise / better job, so I stay at the same pay grade for years
>I spend a lot of time trying to stay "on top" of said entertainment trends, which is time I could be investing in other things, because there's so much ennobling and interesting entertainment being produced today
>I didn't major in a field that my family has experience with because I have an interest in computers and they don't know anything about them, so I've been following a generally unguided career path and (predictably) it has not been too successful
>I'm neurotic, routinely overcomplicate my situation, and resign to procrastination often

But it's nice to think that maybe I'd be having a better time if "the economy was better."

>> No.11583997

RE: Norway. That's uh, Norway? Fertily rates are historically low in the far north. There's an economic crisis on, but its a socialist country, so a man alone will be provided for sufficiently if he can work, but a man with a family will be seriously crunched by the economics. What is your position, exactly? How do you find it supports your claim? Have Norwegian women become looser?

>> No.11584005

Why is everyone arguing ITT so histrionic about one single topic

>> No.11584010

No thanks, I don't want to read a whole book just to find a single criteria for this argument, seems like a waste of time. Could you just explain how he doesn't define the Ottoman Empire as a civilized group?

>> No.11584012

Read the article, you insufferable brainlet.

>> No.11584017

It's nice, isn't it? No deflections. Good stuff.

>> No.11584021

>No thanks, I don't want to read a whole book just to find a single criteria for this argument,

Then fuck off from /lit/

>> No.11584034


Those are ALL economic causes, bro, except the hero thing which is about socioeconomics, high-class powerbrokers distributing worldviews that prevent lower classes from succeeding in their immoral system and threatening their power. But look at that.

>no economic freedom results in lack fo confidence compared to more economically capable IN ECONOMIC COMPETITION
>hero thing
>obsessed with consumption, as impelled upon you by economics of our society
>Lack of economic guidance from social systems(public school, presumably?) results in economic weakness
> economic stress, the central driving force of capitalism

>> No.11584041

If you can't defend the point yourself, I'm not interested in your sources, either.They obviously are inadequate (or your understanding is), or you'd be able to represent yourself.

>> No.11584042

Contemporary sexual activities do not resemble how primates and life at large 'work'.

>> No.11584043

Newfags from Reddit. To be clear, I'm not kidding. It's literally newfags from Reddit.

>> No.11584051

My counterargument isn't complicated. "The Ottoman Empire/Arabian world" The rtefutation doens't have to be complicated either. Does he say they aren't civilized, or are monogamous? Either way, he's wrong. Until modern days, but that's post-decline...and Arabia still doesn't really go hard.

>> No.11584059

You ask plain questions that are literally answered in a simple article. Return to reddit and then jump form a cliff.

>> No.11584060

Those all seem more like socioeconomics to me, but I see your point. Still, would improving the economy or reforming its structure necessarily mean that I'd be getting paid more and I'd undo the personality that's been developing for decades? I think the solution has more variables than economics because so does the problem.

>> No.11584072

Hey, you can't write, so how about you fuck off?

>> No.11584078

All systems in life produce "phenomena of absolute pauperization." That is practically what the purpose of a system is.

>> No.11584086

Oh, that article. I read it. All of it, as soon as you posted it. What's your problem?

>> No.11584099

“Expectations of Norwegian men have rocketed,” explains Jensen.

“On the one hand we have strong demands on fathers to spend time with their children and families.”

“On the other hand, developments in working life force a mounting number of men into project jobs. As a result people are expected to be accessible for work all the time.”

Where did you think think I got my point?

>> No.11584117

>What actually happens often is that men who are already fathers get recycled.
Why did you ignore this?

>> No.11584127

I thought you were bitching about Mr. "Read my book" over there.

>> No.11584131

Because its a perfectly reasonable phenomenon, reproducible everywhere, for obvious biological reasons that have nevertheless often not been major factors throughout human history.

>> No.11584133

>Things always work the way they do now
>That's why the pill and the sexual revolution were good changes which shouldn't be undone

>> No.11584149


Fathers are more desireable for having demonstrated clear reproductive advantage. Their fertility is known, the childrearing skills can be observed. It was true in 2004, it was true in 1004, and its true now, in Norway and in Pakistan.

>> No.11584163

The second point doesn't logically follow from the first. The first is just pointing out that even in societies under a strict monogamous system where marriage is eternally binding and a Church is severely enforcing the system, there will be areas of absolute pauperization. There is no system possible where everybody wins outside of the imagination.

>> No.11584180

Definitely not. But it plus therapy...if you could be guaranteed to profit from it personally. Hah.
Hope for Bernie.

>> No.11584184

Humans are becoming very similar to bonobos, who are more peaceful and restrained yet actually more ruthlessly polygynous and unequal than chimps. Bonobos have a docile mass of betas ceding power to the elite of alphas and their harem women. Meanwhile chimps are patriarchal and allow betas to take mates by force.

>> No.11584192
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Obviously the second point doesn't logically follow from the first.
>There will be areas of absolute pauperization
>There is no system possible where everybody wins
True, but there are systems where you win by playing the game fairly and there are systems that reward playing unfairly. There are systems that have many winners and systems with few winners.

The sexual anarchy released as a consequence of Feminism did not improve the system, on the contrary, it made the system far worse, where living righteously is no guarantee of success and safety nets ensure comparable outcomes for whores spawning bastards and chaste obedient wives.

>> No.11584212

>True, but there are systems where you win by playing the game fairly and there are systems that reward playing unfairly.
There's no "unfair system" in life. If it exists, it was fair game.

>There are systems that have many winners and systems with few winners.
The systems with many winners usually give the rewards to average people, since there's more average people in the world than there are above-average people. As an average person, you might not see a problem with this, but to make the same point you tried to make, how is this really "fair"?

>> No.11584254

can't fix ugly face and turbo manlet tier

>> No.11584260

>There's no "unfair system" in life. If it exists, it was fair game.
This is an absurd premise. How on earth do you defend that?

Fair warning, the rules are, if you answer, you're giving up. its a new game I invented, which is perfectly fair according to your rules, now that it exists. SO no matter how well-worded, your response, IF YOU MAKE ONE, you are incorrect, by forfeit. That's the rules. Fair game.

>> No.11584266


>> No.11584270

Yes, you can! Work out. Girls care so little about faces. Men are never pretty. you're applying YOUR standards to yourself. They don't want pretty, they want hunky.

>> No.11584274

i'm 5'5 you insufferable mong

>> No.11584277

>Fair warning, the rules are, if you answer, you're giving up. its a new game I invented, which is perfectly fair according to your rules, now that it exists.
It doesn't exist. What exists is your imagination, which you are currently exercising. You can use your imagination to believe that you won such a game, and that's fair game, because life has given you an imagination to use. Life extends beyond your imagination, however, so there is a larger game being played here, and you are most definitely losing it.

>> No.11584278

Almost every manlet I know is a virgin, and by manlet I mean sub 5'8.
Face being necessary is a meme, but height is a killer. Move to Southeast Asia.

>> No.11584280

I've been accused of this twice now, and despite being anonymous, I still am going to have to address it, I ltierally have no diea what you'[re talking about, or what reddit-like qualities I may be evincing, because I am from /tg/. I was on GameFAQs until I learned 4chan had a D&D board, I've literally frequented no other forum since then, except Dwarf Fortress and Paradox forums for their specific purposes as a player of those games. I only 4chan. I always 4chan. I don't even have a reddit account. What was reddit-like about fake tears? That was /b/ vernacular.

>> No.11584285

SO GET THICK IDIOT. Girls average 5'6", jesus christ. 45% of women are shorter than you. 90 million or so, in America. Figure it the fuck out. Just, you know, stop hating women first. You can't be big AND hate women, they know better.

>> No.11584289

The biggest player i know is 5'8", and the second biggest, 5'6". Git gud. Work the fuck out. They have six-packs. It makes it so incredibly easy. (Maybe they try harder because of their own insecurity? 5'6" fo sho)

>> No.11584300

Also, big words calling somebody a mong, "manlet"(your words) I'm 6'2" and my eyes are blue, motherfucker. Submit to your Aryan overlord, piece of shit.

>> No.11584314

(or, you know, find some better insults than some primitive racist gibberish invented by fascists. You obviously don't have what it takes to run with that crowd)

>> No.11584318

based and proving my point. working out is a cope for manlets but it works for genetically gifted superhumans like you. it's not your fault. i know you mean well, but you simply can't grasp my situation because it's so foreign. i'm pretty much a different species than you

i'm 5'5 and it's nothing short of torture

manlets actually look worse when they lift, and they either attract the scorn and disgust of people at the gym, or ridicule. i even got made fun of by two 6'0+ guys when I went, to my fucking face. the onlookers just looked away or chuckled

if you're 6'2+ and living in the US, you can fuck almost ANY GIRL, unless you've got a severe facial deformity. expanding on that, it is literally impossible to be a virgin at 6'2 and above, unless you're genuinely retarded. everyone under your height will respect you and see you as a god. if I was hiring someone for say, a SETI position, and I had to pick between a 5'2" subhuman with a 150 IQ, or a 6'3" alpha with a 100 IQ, I would go for the latter, every time, because my monkey brain naturally wants to submit to these shining specimens of humanity. i am naturally inclined to want them to lead me. i want them to cuck me to ensure that I don't pass on these defects. i want to aid them in every way I can, for the good of posterity. from birth, until death, a person who is taller than you, will ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS be superior to you, because in the end, you'll ALWAYS be a little itty bitty manlet who never learned. if you're taller than say, 6'1", and don't live in a tall country like the netherlands, give yourself a pat on the back and rest easy my friend. you fucking won. i want you to know. you may be at a bad point in your life, thinking you're useless or that your life will never get better. it will. you are tall. the moment you enter a room and stand next to that multi-billionaire manlet with a 10/10 face and Von Neumann tier IQ, he will want to neck himself, and his wife (unlikely) will want your babies.

any woman who actually dates a manlet is clearly mentally ill or has low self esteem, because dating a manlet is social suicide to women. if you're a manlet stop lifting. just stop fucking lifting. you're a joke. stop.

>> No.11584319

>If it exists, it was fair game.
So what do you care whether Patriarchy is restored or sexual anarchy?
>The system with many winners usually give the rewards to average people
49.99% of the population is above average. If almost half of the population is a "winner" I'd say that there are many winners.
>As an average person, you might not see a problem with this
I'm far from an average person, and my sense of noblesse oblige inspires me to shitpost on 4chan from time to time.

>> No.11584329
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This is a broken man(let). Please don't end up like him.

>> No.11584334

My sister is dating a guy who is only 1 inch taller than you, probably because he isn't a bitch and he works out.

>> No.11584341
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>> No.11584352

Haha, nice victimhood complex, Mr. "Nobody understand my pain." I'll give you that my whole life has been a wonderful breeze because I've always been the tallest, that is for sure true, nobody ever picked on me and the girls always liked me, you're correct. But I know tiny asian guys who get laid even though they stick exclusively to white chicks (one 5'2", his name is one letter away form mine so we sat next to each other, tiny little kid, liked magic tricks, married to a CRAZY hot wife, hotter than any chick I've ever touched, who is totally obsessed with him because he's nice and he works out like a beast, they just had their second. I know little dumbass white trash who get laid, I know a guy who's 3'5" and his legs have never worked and he has two kids. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and figure out what's actually wrong. Its not because you're ugly and its not because you're short.

>> No.11584355


>> No.11584361

blaming feminism is not productive, it had good effects on dealienating sexuality, making it safer and healthier, making sexual exploration ok to find a suitable partner for an example. that said houellebecq makes a fair point ... so what caused this polarization of extreme sexual haves and have nots... there is something psychological at work, that makes a blockage in men and women paranoid... not everything is nice since feminism happened. people are worried about abuse and rape, of being used and disrespected, thrown away. and many other neuroses like that. yes there is the economical safety that plays a work in there too, that more or less consciously exercise a pressure on people to build a save place to have kids but it's just one factor. i think it's possible it's a cultural problem in a way, there is not enough people strong enough to create meaning , there are less and less spheres of shared meaning/experiences/ambiences culturally, possibly, or they are not recognized as such because too new and we can't accept them, the new feels unsafe, frightening and we have a prejudice against them especially women who must feel extra safe.neoliberalism washed away a lot of culture and meaning, along with the death of god, the hypocrisies of the enlightenment that were deeply analyzed but no collective managed to propose a viable alternative that would bring even more light, happiness, freedom, equality, safety... regression is not an option. we are ripe for a reevaluation of our institutions inspired by nietzsche, that , i think , could be a step in the right direction. a viable anternative to market economy would be another element, compatible with this, an anarchist economy, and the theory is out there but for some reason none of it got any traction in real life, maybe because we are still collectively at the stage where we just need basic stuff like expressing our grief, we still need collective psychotherapy, be heard, complaint existentially... before we can feel ready to actually do the serious work on an every day basis.

>> No.11584363

it MIGHT BE because you're obsessed with the idea that its everyone else's fault and there's nothing you can (or will) do to change it. That would make sense, especially given the parenthetical. But I don't know you.

>> No.11584367
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god I love this pasta

>> No.11584387

Haha, only if you're absolutely obsessed with your own failings. Anybody with half a brain should note thats an inspirational goddamn message. I am not lying about that shorty's shorty. I'm pretty sure coke had to have been involved. She's unbelievable. But they're a fucking family now, she makes those momma goo-goo eyes at him all day. It's one of my favorite life stories.

>> No.11584390

>So what do you care whether Patriarchy is restored or sexual anarchy?
I exist, so I care about what benefits me. What I said before doesn't mean I don't care about that.

>49.99% of the population is above average.
You're confusing the mean with the median here. Differences in power do not increase arithmetically in reality.

>> No.11584404

sex, like the railway network, should be nationalised.

>> No.11584446

@anon who called out the reddit newfags: is that why /lit/ is all like this? or is lit always like this? I am a humble fa/tg/uy, I only wanted to ask questions about Dune, I didn't expect friggin incelivision over here.

(I am glad I got distracted and didn't ask my Dune question, though, it was pretty cock-suckingly obvious, I had forgotten the fuckin robots.)

>> No.11584451

what did he mean by this?

>> No.11584482 [DELETED] 

Sex is an expression of the Demiurge, and it is better to sublimate it for more noble tasks. This is why modern Europe will collapse. Sex should not be promoted for recreational purposes. Transcend the body, transcend the limitations of the flesh.

>> No.11584504


>> No.11584564

>Libs in here giving boomershit tier advice to dudes that by fucking nature will not get fucking laid.

Yowza. Dont really blame you guys for being misogynists, just study or play vidya or whatever to ease the pain. I would in that situation. Some of you could therotically change but im sure the chances are still low.

>> No.11584598

At least someone understands. Thanks.

>> No.11584617
File: 325 KB, 600x649, WtQBf4zhGpvT3Z-a8e7a8iO3IFuYQ-6fK5m04PJTg3Y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Girls care so little about faces

>It takes 13ms for people to differentiate attractive faces from unattractive faces

>Strong Inverse Association Between Height and Suicide

>Love at first sight is real

>Your face heavily affects your entire life

>Halo effect

>How Important is Physical Attractiveness in the Marriage Market? (tl;dr very)

>Study: Unattractive Men Not Viewed As ‘Dating Material,’ No Matter How Great Their Personality

>Height is extremely important

>Bottom 80% of men compete for the bottom 22% of women, top 78% of women compete for the top 20% of men

>Women care about face much more than body

>and here's what's interesting when you do surveys of women-- men and women. Men are right upfront in placing attractiveness in their top three. Women place it lower on their scale-- five, six, seven, eight. But in fact, when you evaluate women's behavior, it's no different than men. So women say attractiveness doesn't matter, but, in fact, when you evaluate their behavior, it does.

>> No.11584619


Why does anyone take this hack seriously?

>> No.11584637
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Is this what it was like living in Roman when it collapsed?

>> No.11584641

Look, if you really need everybody to understand you were born worthless, you do you, ok kid? But don't you dare posit that women had anything to do with it. Everyone is their own fault. Always have been, always will be.

>> No.11584654

Is mean factor like, literal meaness? Maxes hot guys sexier? Because if so, I can't help but notice nice guys are literally always sexy, according to this chart, regardless of their faces.

>> No.11584659

>>Bottom 80% of men compete for the bottom 22% of women, top 78% of women compete for the top 20% of men

...on tinder. So selective, much rigor, wow

>> No.11584660

You are your own fault in front of God.
You owe nothing to a society that pretends you don’t exist.

>> No.11584666
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>..on tinder. So selective, much rigor, wow
>muh rigor, wow

>> No.11584687
File: 77 KB, 380x349, 1526286873541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't use tinder son, just go give a girl a firm handshake!

>> No.11584693

I think it's mean as in average.

>> No.11584699

This made me cry the first time I read it

>> No.11584702

Literally only manlets think that there is anything wrong with being a manlet. Tall people don’t care about height.

t. 6’1

>> No.11584706

Both of these are true.

>> No.11584718
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If you are ugly you are treated like shit because you ARE shit. Anons like to make jokes about calling each other "subhumans", "genetic trash" etc and sort of try to make it into a mere meme ... the true black pill consists in realizing that this is literally true.

You literally are genetic trash. Biological shit. An inferior piece of garbage that deserves the suffering (both mental and physical) that he endures. The reason why society drives you into suicidal depression is because they DO want you to commit suicide and finally rid the human population of your subhuman inferior worthless evolutionarily disadvantaged physical manifestation. Obviously the people around you aren't going to tell you that - they wouldn't be able to tell you that even if they wanted to, because it's not something that they do consciously. They don't even "know" that they want you to commit suicide, it's just a subconscious desire that they are acting to drive you into. The power of evolution and the deep psychology that we act upon lies not in that which we are actively aware of.

>> No.11584751

>The power of evolution and the deep psychology that we act upon lies not in that which we are actively aware of.

You're whole argument is that you know something unknowable.

>> No.11584752

Baby boomer detected. Take your stagnated wages and blow them out your ass

>> No.11584754

>If you are ugly you are treated like shit because you ARE shit.
What's ugly? Is homely also ugly? If so, a large percentage of the work force is ugly then, and some of the best programmers would no doubt fall into that category, and these people aren't worthless.

>> No.11584796

Are you seriously presenting actually walking into the world and talking to actual human beings as if it were an absurdity? And you're unwilling to consider that you're the problem, here?

>> No.11584797
File: 113 KB, 1024x469, 1024px-The_Body_of_the_Dead_Christ_in_the_Tomb,_and_a_detail,_by_Hans_Holbein_the_Younger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little gem in a pile of shit that this thead is.

Also pic related

>> No.11584800

Average of what?

>> No.11584817

Lol, socialist millennial. Dispute the point if you can, don't just whine. I didn't say a goddamn word about wages, I said contribute, work, make a difference. I don't care if you get paid for it or not, I'm saying, iof you want to be part of the party, you have to bring snacks, and if you don't want to be part of the party, too bad, life is the party, you're here, welcome to it, where are the snacks?

>> No.11584827

Times I've gotten laid on tinder: 0
Times I've gotten laid by asking for her number: literally all of them.

>> No.11584832

Is he an incel?

>> No.11584836

Holy fuck.

>> No.11584854

I mean, christ, I'm telling you you've gotta impress a girl with your personality and you tell me tinder is the only way? Even though your face is what you consider your problem? Or, hey, try being buff on tinder, see how that goes for you. Bet it'll work, just a picture of a big bicep.

>> No.11584870

this might be enough to drive me over the edge

i need to castrate myself and lay down and rot

>> No.11584882

>i need to castrate myself and lay down and rot
If you really believe that nonsense, then yes, you probably do need to.

>> No.11584888

as told by a genius writer who has much more experience and wisdom than you

take your genetic gifts and stop rubbing them in my face

>> No.11584889

top tier debut novel

>> No.11584897
File: 30 KB, 633x758, 1430453422386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11584905

>behaviour that isn't allowed in 21st century brave new world bugman society is unnatural


>> No.11584955

just take ssris and chemically castrate yourself, goy

>> No.11584962

Millenials and z generation are having less sex than their parents.

>> No.11585058

Because we are reaping the consequences of all their debauchery.

>> No.11585132
File: 45 KB, 682x682, trap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern degerancy has brought at least some hope for all manlets. Pic related.

>> No.11585148

i can't even transition because i have huge shoulders
5'6 and I have broader shoulders than my 6'1 friend

>> No.11585283

Times I've gotten laid by asking for her number: 0
Times I've gotten laid on tinder: literally all of them.

>> No.11585405

>demonising incels

hit a target you can't see.

>> No.11585455

Big dick energy

>> No.11585467


Happening in Japan too. At 2:51 in this documentary about sex dolls a woman explains that men are under pressure to make a lot of money and if they don't then women don't want to be with them.

And this is without feminism. Women are just naturally this way.

For hundreds of thousands of years women were always in a weaker position. They can't deprogram themselves from wanting high status males as their own status gets higher and higher.

>> No.11585474

I’m not seeing the problem here.

>> No.11585539

Lol what a fucking moron.

>> No.11585573

This is a reddit pasta isn't it?

>> No.11585588

Honestly, gays (read: not lesbians) have it so much fucking easier it's not even funny.
They understand scarcity and direct communication, this drives them to having fun.
Women however put so much stock into themselves that it's almost impossible to ever break down their hypergamous nature and return to a minimally conditional affection-based construct.
Lesbians are largely miserable because of how both parties are full of self-implacated sexual imperialism, it's never ending one-up-manship where a "good man" would have been.
If you ask me, the western world was doomed as fast as people expected women to work, the self-interest within women in the workplace now leads to catty family homes between partners rather than mutual household trades.

>> No.11585595

Lol your gonna die alone.

>> No.11585602

Because they have some of the highest pop of straight edge fags on this site. Plus lotta nerds too.

>> No.11585604


>> No.11585609

Good thing I don't want intimacy.

>> No.11585615

Because they are virgins, ugly ones at that.

>> No.11585632

>wanting to be a hero

>> No.11586755


>> No.11586793

Why do I relate to the orthodox so much? I have had almost that identical thought. I'm not even Russian or Greek, if anything I should identify with Catholic stuff way more (Irish Italian)—yet Catholicism basically leaves me totally cold. Am I a larper? A disaffected rootless cosmopolitan starved for rough-hewn authentic spirituality?

And if so, is that enough to make me a target of the ridicule of the world? Is that justified?

>> No.11587038

you made it way too obvious

>> No.11587086

If you said this to me in real life, I would either be so overcome with rage that I lose all impulse control and beat your skull into a pulpy mess, or I would meticulously plan your murder in the most sadistic way conceivable. Either way, I would be killing your for this opinion :)

>> No.11587101

Sex and fetish is symbolic in nature same as all other base desires. We have become obsessed with the shadows on the wall is all.

>> No.11587108

>actually believes /fit/ gets laid
holy shit the newfags on this board actually disgust me

>> No.11587122

>Reddit bugman being Reddit bugman
Oh no civilization is collapsing oh god oh fuck

>> No.11587129

lmao women are a constant source of comedy

>> No.11587137

If you had a brain, you'd see the more probable causal link is the internet itself and the rise of escapsim, not the rise of some underground internet movement that less than 0.01% of the population is a part of. Also the alt-right as a political entity wasn't even relevant on 4chan until late 2013. 4chan was liberal contrarian pre-obama and a little post-obama. The site is contrarian at its core. You'd know this if you weren't such an obvious newfag.

>> No.11587388
File: 58 KB, 396x691, 1533643593745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People love to overexaggerate the amazingness of what they don't have. Frequent meaningless sex gets old really quick. It's also tiring. Doesn't take long to go back to the natural mode of boo-hooing over something else.

>> No.11587417


Of course there is no utopian system. But certainly we can decide if any one is better than any other.

>> No.11587422

Imagine living in constant terror around a woman you're too ashamed to impregnate.

>> No.11587476

t. never asked for her number

>> No.11588099


Your resentment is showing. Until you see that this is the only thing holding you back, the only thing fueling your impotent rage into fantasies of violence, your existence will continue to be nothing but pain. When it smells like dogshit everywhere you go, it’s probably under your own shoe, it’s better to scrape it of than to complain about the smell.

>> No.11588113

>To see another male be successful with females is torture for males like us who have no success with females
Boy oh boy was he one fucked up piece of work.

>> No.11588153


>> No.11588163


>> No.11588254

Go back to r/the_donald grandma

>> No.11588310

>"just ignore the indiscretions bro, it's much better for your mental health if you get shirked without letting it get to you"

>> No.11588345

It's amusing that you didn't say anything about manlet thingy

>> No.11588352

I love this board's bantz

>> No.11588391

Stop samefagging.

>> No.11588394

Your post is driving me to seriously kys. Not even Elliot Rodgers manifesto managed to accomplished such a thing. I just realised that I when I was tall compared to my peers in early teenage, I used to get way more attention and acknowledgement, not only from females but from other men too. I Suddnly stopped growing after 14-15, and life's been neverending failure ever since

>> No.11588440

The flaws of the system the West has running today are being disproportionately overblown because the propaganda machine is the strongest its ever been in history due to technological advances. It's no more flawed than any other system that came prior.

>> No.11588514
File: 656 KB, 1920x1920, 1520497954904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is why traps are the only sane choice left, desu

>> No.11588522

Destitute men who have taken exteme measures to emulate feminimity in order to get laid/attention. I'll pass.

>> No.11588609

based and redpilled

>> No.11588617

>I just recognize the social repercussions that the majority of men being excluded from marriage is going to have for society.
The majority of men aren't being excluded from marriage though. The marriage rate is still around 50% in the US and there's no evidence suggesting that the entire other 50% is being involuntarily forced to not marry.

>> No.11588717
File: 742 KB, 1440x900, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is fucking depressing. I see now why people can't leave /r9k/.
It almost convinced me, even tho my personal experience contradicts it.

>> No.11588738


>> No.11588767

I'm 5'8" and when I moved to Japan it was like everyone started treating me like a human being for the first time in mylife despite the racism. It's really depressing how much physical appearance especially stature predetermines the way people treat you.

>> No.11588768

If you're in the abyss, you're really in it.

>> No.11589016

What do you do in Japan, it seems like you'd have to have connections to get there like Australia.

>> No.11589050
File: 40 KB, 500x500, 43634346346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw fucked enough in my youth to be comfy volcel now without fomo

>> No.11589415

>Whoever does not hate his father and his mother cannot become a disciple to me. And whoever does not hate his brothers and sisters and take up his cross in my way will not be worthy of me

>> No.11589752

You think I'm joking and these are mere fantasies. That's cute.

>> No.11590025

It's a pasta dude
calm down

>> No.11590030

also I'm a turbomanlet who is 5'6" and I'm doing pretty okay. it's true that you're seen as a second-rate citizen by some, but it's largely insignificant to me since i work in an industry with lots of manlets
women are fickle but I managed to get gfs

>> No.11590033

you sound like a dfw character

>> No.11590101
File: 10 KB, 600x315, B1FAA296-9FED-4FF5-817A-CF84C755620D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You killed someone as of yet?

>> No.11590165

big blackpill right here

>> No.11590883

The tl;dr is: you reap what you sow. Anyone getting mad at this post is arrogant and didn't get spanked enough as a kid.

>> No.11591063

I'm a femanon who likes manlets. Don't give up.

>> No.11591072

Fine...but I'm not going to sow my seeds among the thorn bushes. Its a waste of seed.

>> No.11591162

Lmao completely btfo'd.

>> No.11591256

in summary
>wanting to have sex is a recent development in our culture (????)
>incels should stop caring about wanting sex (ignores the problem)
>incels blame others rather than themselves
>brings up faggots for some reason

Social dynamics these days is literally a few dates then Netflix and chill. Sometimes the former steps are skipped. Of course middle class people tend to be more sophisticated in their courtship, but the vast swathes of chavs are living in a mad max sexual hellscape.

>> No.11591264

that's a /fit/ copypasta spammed by the same insane lanklet
nobody gives a shit about your height except some women

>> No.11591413

Brevity is the soul of wit. Paragraph breaks are important as well.

>> No.11591429

And be accused of redit spacing? fuck off

>> No.11591434

To all the people arguing about these stats and shit. Who cares? I’m not even joking. Why should anyone care that most men have trouble getting laid? Is there any reason to care at all?

>> No.11591447

If someone calls “reddit spacing” with no argument besides that you can just call that a win, honestly. This a literature board. The least you could do is put at least the minimum effort into making your shit readable. Do a greentext about your opinion for all anyone cares. Just don’t throw a rambling block of text up with no attempt at formatting.

>> No.11591469

>tfw can’t be comfy volcel because I’m a high test 20 year old

>> No.11591548

who is xhe? I need to do some research.

>> No.11591714
File: 5 KB, 224x224, 34a62a2a-1399-40c7-be11-465b2979d57e..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English nigga.

>> No.11591720

yes, that's when you do all the fucking.

>> No.11591929
File: 136 KB, 500x708, 1522642259433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't end it, Anon. I want to talk to you more on /lit/.

>> No.11592934


Please tell me reddit told him to have an instant divorce

>> No.11592989

Don't tell me what to do. If you're so poorly read that you can't handle long paragraphs what the hell are you doing on a literature board? Once again and more thoroughly, FUCK OFF.

>> No.11593013

>No incels on /fit/
This certainly wasn't the case a few years ago when i visited /fit/ almost daily. There used to be a massive amount of >tfw no gf threads on /fit/. Maybe things have changed.

>> No.11593223

It was perfectly readable, come on anon all the smart popular kids on /lit/ are going to rag on you unless you minmax spec into situational awareness at the cost of modesty and selflessness

>> No.11593973
File: 38 KB, 500x500, d21a3cc4ba51ca6297fd92ed3a1ff1b52efd0187aa240d544edb7b32a033b1e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i will never have sex again

>> No.11594086

>I'm a femanon who likes manlets. BTW my boyfriend is 6'2" but that's just a coincidence.

> And be accused of redit spacing? fuck off

back to redit newfriend

>> No.11594177
File: 883 KB, 672x684, 1528386034512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I though /lit/ was the patrician board.

>> No.11594288

Fucking REKT that faggot holy shit